
main gallery, rich, full-length - ‘.

portraits of society ladies hang M'CHAEL

alongside exquisite nocturnes, FULLERTON: ARE

Harmony in Yellow and Gold: The You HUNG up?

Butterfly Cabinet, is followed by T'a"$”"55'°" Ga"ery'

Blue and Silver Screen with Old GIaSQOW' um" sat 26 JUI . ' . _ 00”.

Battersea Bridge, a painting on

the reverse of panels by Japanese .

artist Osawa Nampo. ;

The displays of Whistler's : ' : ' - - :" personal effects offer an - " '. ' ' . intriguing insight into the life of - : r. ' w the notorious aesthete, including E ' 2' '- his collection of customised . . paintbrushes and varnish brush. ' 2" w , : Whistler’s own cutlery and : ' »- 1 : ,: ~A silverware, and his beloved 18th ' ' - n century blue and white Chinese " ' . :' ' . porcelain. are also on show, :' ‘v :1' , contributing to the portrait of the : :' ‘. ; 2 : artist as nothing if not particular 2' z z :- '. "' . 2' in his quest to dissolve the :1 : ' : ' :" 1"» - boundaries between art and life. ' ' : ' » : n

Scandal voyeurs will also ':',' ' '1 :' : delight in the draft of the polemic ',’ -v -- : w : :l 10 O’Clock Lecture, the snobbish, : '_ . '.. incisive wit in a note to Whistler’s Whistler's work had on Scottish Peacock Room patron Leyland, artists (notably the Glasgow Boys) and the statement of claim in his lifetime, as well as Harmony in Red: Lamplight between Ruskin (defendant) and highlighting his own ancestral 1884—1886 Whistler (plaintiff) in ‘that' court- connections with Scotland. case about ‘flinging a pot of paint Beauty and the Butterfly looks at Copper into Gold, there are yet in the face of the public’. Whistler's varying depictions of more prints by Whistler and his Whistler 2003 is an indulgent, women in pastels, etchings and contemporaries, including the intelligent, hugely enjoyable lithographs, illustrating his fabulous, dandyish portrait of treasure trove of an exhibition that mastery of printmaking as much Whistler by his friend and follower should not be missed. as his love of the female form. In Mortimer Menpes. Back in the (Susannah Thompson)

wmsrLen 2003 Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow. until Sat 4 Oct 0000.

This extravaganza at the Hunterian Art Gallery is the centrepiece of a city-wide festival organised to mark the centenary of Whistler's death.

The Hunterian‘s vast permanent collection, supplemented by works on loan, has been recomposed into several themed exhibitions which consider different aspects of the artist's life and career. Anna Whistler - A Life concentrates on Whistler's relationship with his mother, neatly setting the scene for the piece de resistance and the real crowd-puller Arrangement in Grey 8. Black: Portrait of the Artist’s Mother on loan from Musée D‘Orsay.

Whistler and Scotland demonstrates the hugely significant influence that

“i it i? ,r' mm» W -. l l) rI'. -‘ ; THOMAS DEMAND SCOTLAND’S Dundee Contemporary Arts. Dundee, until Sun 10 Aug DREAM ooooo TEAM

National Portrait l'iznmwDummy:'i‘,w:m:-'é- i~ér"_'i '2 '2 Ganery,

‘mm "i: Li'm ll‘i: ringim vi‘-::i;:. :f"-::". i:"<,‘. ,';'.:: '.' 1" Edinburgh, until 7' ~: 2! w in 'r x .l’ thawiumet,Hanson'leCw: Tux: ';!‘._':';T"": .. ::-' sun 31 Aug ',(:°l ' :' ' furthe' “om 2W,- titd". .... ll. '. : 2 ° ll‘itz Show :>i>i2":; 2:: Hwy» :‘ rhuwgv‘f i' ,' ,w ' ' foliage, i'Hll‘ (lzl‘.'.’ll M, g;"‘.. f" 5;: ' t" l'w- ()vn, ’5‘ i: ' i: i' : ' ..' l>r<>§l'<:s;t;i<>'i (illil t".:; “wits I'm" in" Tl‘é: (:x" (at ea 53 ,:;t..:"v: um. i (:r (1" if: 7‘ H Um: 7.410%: It; fi';>'i‘ SillTil’Ffiifl} '(u t. '.’.L ijlj. run; .a'f‘ " '” ' f"-« ,"Il Chi: mu " 'l f' a’VVf'w' ': Neal E; '(?’.(;ill(}(l. .vi‘ixssriityh ft, :;~»:: 1:; "f(:;l"l:, " :' :z i: i' ' i " '4: ".' i' lluf Yam '5‘ {l lil'ti‘ ""l‘. f" ‘<,-’;t:;ta;:::; 1:" l"»:: a, fix: a, \z'“: '“ Kim: ’12" a”: ‘(lll v' ' 'n: i : l ,. :,' lltit‘»"!r.i'l‘r;vi.v"'fitat'1:lti‘nrir‘txtw‘W-r‘t'tir‘bia '5; " if 'fw: :' .' " r z.’ 2 ai:"‘;:::"<:':xitx,f'wxssfrtrumps ‘1l‘-f"‘f‘~,~ii,l‘.”."e" -’-'-' u {Kt‘fl i. i in." : ' ti"<l.'.'<l"(‘;“1"z‘rudimif , '31- '."v:; ::'<::;5~, (lift-"f (Lynx-.11., gr'i :,r l . l' ' ' ' " loo. varies and. .vf :lu‘im :iia"t‘rtdt<:". 49g). ";: “5115‘ 0:51 i“ THY. ' l' 3 .' ' r ' r . tltifi'tif; ’.'."‘é,‘°,'l'.rl f'Vfih-x (it".,l}{i"!: t5'.é:l?t‘~ lifi'if :"i: .'.'-;l"', 'l “it K win-w,» "‘-,- x’hi’V‘,” .(1' I 5 " ()er Jame (). Na". t)"ta'i‘:;v<:mal“ >" ("O Bzztatw, it“ haw» ' " 2' ". ' "2 Ol'itfl' 3.17m "fen 4.2"?“ i; W, m, ,i 2 ,‘ HM? Pt’x‘lk“. d ‘(it '2- "Sf'mf :‘ 1W? ";)'<2»::_.'\;"v: 5 1'. :,:~,.';"»': Jock Stein, 2003 :,-z-' ’l 4' "vii .’,“’ «w ..‘ §§\l(?512l(3t3i‘f§f"tif girwa" ,:;s,-"i,~;a" tr“.t-,:s;'.":,- ' : :,t : I:“-.'. "f": ' T'Wgso 'li(?;l:l,.":(l a-x: 21'. , ‘1'». 2m»- _:'. ,: ~;_ 'fx A~vi,. .21; :51.” {marga- that M; l<1,f": " ' ' .' f: . ' :w‘ i :>:>~’.<:4i ew'w-“f f "xii-s am: ‘1 '* {)9 r: ‘-§x"‘:,;:"'. ' iv ."- .I(,'f,r. Min-x" '. ,”l [2' :1, T"(‘: SUM.” ::»;>' 212:» l"‘«-:;-- :lfz"‘:;tL '. " ' F3--"4:; « a s; Mark l'Anssu" was; sear‘rg'tc': IN: ’to’ar: " ~': 2 ,: ».- t-‘ ' " r: '4 ,r Bung/:0 Bus". 5:" " Md 'l'wzi A "g; :w ' 4' ‘fi ff :9: Mutual Ix create 21 flf€;éi'l‘ 1mm 9" ‘2 2" ;,' :1 . Cums \ll'i‘vezt: 8e} ti" l'."t"t'3 zine"? tuft" " 1 x : / 3mm (:l‘fl {mi ’l(;':ga’:(-;<; 0‘ :;l<;v':')m ’lr;f<;exf (lit-a ' 2'10 i>"<‘r‘t>:\ c: :‘9 83.3.1 'g; : A: . 7'»: -\-::~:;;Z.<)i‘. r,‘ l, 4,4,4» \ 4m" If, ',',".J<;AI;.,’<; (Ht .‘:"",' l ' ' "' D-e"::".:'r- at a : “.th ‘f’: |'A":x,"'<; 5k” H ,":£lT|l"il l/fl'T'ii‘lx z,' a ,. WV.” ': v" i ".~,::41_;;:'. ' t";:t ’_: w- f" “(181(17] Hostziltiigx l?~S;Il1(:ait(:'ztio'.to ' " 911:" ' "g an: MC", ," a i " My: :f’w- xt.:;tl~:; use a? (ll)? en": ‘ul‘éi’lf: that "752“: T'fo: '3: ’34:" 'i: ". ’!‘:' '- T," ' : '°.'_: tu: (1:9;61/T'l‘:’l‘if(:’(:f‘? arm Iv‘ I'm In :,'-',-.~’:' '0': 7: f: 2‘ o,- "_ .v '. ' f: :: '_' .,"‘{,'l(;il. a' awning-v " " i; ::'° ' 2': '. ,-':.<,-rl, merit/2 a x "In T'wf: portraits 3‘ 1,-3' ’; '.' K: -’:’ "a u .L ‘:C' #2 t' " I ' r ': a (3'3: mm M,- '~':" astral/l yam, ‘.' " (,- ~',-' : ' ' _.f : r 2 ' :' ,fi,il'u(,' H ' " “gr '\ T”: i' . r:"’/ ' 3:21;: " ‘2 S I , y , o '€:YV\I L,0 /‘ 0' ‘{ . 0 ‘, :0, , :1 0 y p 7 my. ~ " ' ' gal! 50 I.“ "" -= w: T' we- :/,".':if', ",- -’;;~" '5:' 0'" .' ‘-‘ :L- f . ' ' ' 'LAS‘J t' I I. 'r - aw,- "",.'(: {:“ffli/l, f' :w f'ir: U: ,;:' '1 I':',',-',-:,'»’,-’: t' x ' .' z 3f mom,- :,a.‘;'%; 8’, 7' {; arts /' my: 21": .’ " " ,.:~'.. . ', .51 "gm: to " {:0 " ell/Ni 1' e; tezi'rl ’,.',:/-’:"1’u’."’1’§‘f"‘:"""’ Flare 2002 Jack Ll ,ft',:"‘ L: i 23a, :2 Jack. Sir; '."-',- "gratin-r. Isabella “.79 r '::' ’g ' x, r': 3:: £13 / THE LIST 91 L