Art listings

lit our regular column, a {ea/i) (if riiystery artists give their fl‘oug/ifs on the current art scene.


Imagine paytng a yiSif to the National Galleries of Scotland and finding alongside Rembrandt's self-ponraif a VCR showing footage of him actually painting the picture. It would be an incredible and fascmating rnSrghi.

Btif WOuld the \"ldGO be as important as the painting? To my mind. one is art and the other is an added bonus. like the extra footage on a DVD. What prompted this thought was my ‘JfSIl to the Edinburgh College of Art degree show. I went along With two Canadian artists who were trying to get to grips wrth the fact that there were so few paintings in the painting department. no tapestry in tapestry and very little sculpture in sculpture. What they gave up trying to understand was why so many students felt it necessary to present a Video of them making the work that was in the show.

It might trick some people into helieying the work has validity but fl the work can't stand up on its own and needs an extra explanation. then maybe it is the work that has to he revrewed ~ not the video.

there was some work of which I VOUld have paid good money to see the ‘behind the scenes footage. Nicholas Newton did two large-scale paintings that showed remarkable skill and patience. As you tried to work out how they had been created. you were drawn closer and closer in. eventually haying to step back and re-focus on the image as a whole. This is what so much of the degree show lacks.

Instead of teaching the students tricks to give their work some modern impact. they shOuId be concentrating on teaching them a trade. I Just felt that so many would fall flat on their faces the second they left the cotton-wool college.

92 THE LIST 3' W


Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art®, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


25 i .\r‘g}|e Street. 0001 032 0‘00 Wonderwander l'uiil Sun 20 Jul .\ \criex of hlack and \\llllt' photograle h) .\lonica (iertnana capturing tlte flor'a. fauna and people of Scotland and Stcrl).


1‘) l’arnie Street. 553 "5“). Mon Sat noon 5pm.

The Summer Show l'niil Sun 3‘ Jill. l.and\cape\. \emcapex and other \urnrner themed paintingx h} .\loira Kelrnan. Br} an li\an~. ('lare Brad} and [an lilliof.


IZ‘) Bath Str'eet. 0""03 222333. Suite Art l'ntil 'l'hu 5' :\ug. .\ \eriex til. \\ eekl) e\hil\ilion\ each Slit)“ lllg the \xork' 0l :1 different \ludent current!) attertdirtg (ila\go\\ School of Art. With an openirtg e\ er} l‘rida} from 5pm. .l..»\..\'. (ii'a} \lttmx “ot‘k until 25 .ltil follrm ed h} l’aniela Roherlxon and Nicola l’aton t35 Jul-7 :\llL'l.


lS5a Bath Street. 323 2330, 'l‘ue Sat lflatn 5.30pm.

Andrew Hay l'ntil 'l‘hu 3| Jul. \Vor'lw in oil h} :\ndr‘e\\ Ila}.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART I34 lil}ths\\ood Street. 353 4027. .\lon l‘ri 0.30am 5.30pm; Sat

|0arn lpm.

Drawing from Experience t'iitil l’rt l5 Aug. .-\n e\hihition of Scollixlt drauing from lfltltl 2003 iitclttdirig uorkx h} Anne Redpatli. Joan liai‘dle}. Sir Rohin l’ltilipxon. DY (‘ameron. \Vill .\laclean. Duncan Sharth and Gordon Mitchell.

Andrew Hill l'ntil l’ri I5 Aug. .\'e\\ raku fired cerarnicx.

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY l0 King Street. 553 0733. Tue Sat

l 1.30am llpm.

Eastern European Summer l'ntil Surf 20 Jul. l’;tlllllllg\ h} ('/ech. RtlSSlilll. (ieorgian and other liaxter'n liuropean ill‘ll\l\.


350 Sauchtehall Street. 352 .1000. 'l‘ue. \Ved & l‘r'i Stilt llarn (iprn; 'l‘hu llain .S‘pm.

Beck’s Futures 2003 l'ntil Sun 35 .llll. The fourth lieck‘x lititur'ex a\\ar'd tours to (ila\go\\ featuring the milk of this _\ear\ \\ inner. (ilaxgtm - haxed Roxalind .\'a\ha\hilu. llcr four lhllllll lilllh “on the {24.000 cheque and include Uri/tic! tr/ Ifru'ccr/ llNU/‘Ik‘l oft/re I’m! ()Iflt'r‘f. f'ilrned iii an urban neighbourhood in the \\'e\t Bank. a short dixtance from the lll'\l Israeli checkpoint outxide Jer‘uxalem. The remaining \ltut‘ilixied ttl‘llflx include (ilaxgtm-haxed ttt‘il\l\ l.uc_\ Skaer. l)a\ id Sherr‘) and .-\Ian (‘ur'r'all. plux .\'ick (‘rtm e. ('are} Young and l:l'£lllL'l\ l'pr'itchar'd. LAST CHANCE TO SEE. Beck’s Futures 2003 Student Prize for Film and Video Sat 19 & Sat 26 Jul. 1 lam 5.30pm. Film \cr'eening~ h} the \horthxted at'tixtx including the winning \\ot'k‘ h} Richard llolgate. I'tmirh Portrait: Ifi‘cttkrne I/tt' Silence.


l nnemt) of Sfrathchde. 3: Richmond Street. 5% I55\ \lon l'l'l 10am 5pm. Sat noon ~1t‘lll

Sons and Mothers l ntil Sal In \ug ulo~ed l\ 21 Juli In text‘ome to the cit}- \\ ide Jallle\ \lc\eill \\ llhllt‘l \L'lt‘l‘ldllt‘llS. the (‘ollmx (taller) lta\ united l‘R .tlll\l\ to piexent coiiteriiporar} interpretatiom of lcl.flli‘ll\lll[‘\ hefueerh win and lllttlllcl\. motheh and \on\. draun from t‘chotlal e\perrence \lll\l\ include .lo_\ce (iunn- (".ittrix. Kate l)o\\nie and Joe (‘lei‘ke l )x Harm-n. l’arnela So. l)a\id \\ llllalllS and man) more


15S \\c\l Regent Street. 23f (ii-ff

.\lon Sat Illarn 53lfpni

The New Generation Show t‘iiul Sat 2 -\tig .\ xelectton of \\ot'k from the lt‘lll Sctfllhll .tl'l \chool degree \ll\f\\\


5‘“ “CH (it‘ttl‘gc Street. 55: \ltlll Sat 10am 5 30pm.

Mixed Show l’ntil 'l'hu .‘l Jttl. :\h~tract paintingx h} .'\l.t\l.tll' .\laclean. Jeretn) ('angialoo. Bart) Baile} arid .\lark Spain.


«S3 'l'r'ongate. corner of King Street Hail) 10am ~pin.

Unaccompanied in IS Jul Sun 3 .-\ug. l)onna Rutherford utx ited people ll\ mg in (ilaxgou from outside the [K to \ing popular or traditional \ong\ from their homeland 'l‘he r'exultmg \ ideo lll\l;tll;tll0ll cart he xeen in llll\ erupt} shop ttrtit

inoon 3pm tk 5 "pint \\ ith the \ound hroadeaxttng onto the meet.


lrnpactx .’\l‘l\. 31‘) (‘raigpark l)rt\e. l)L‘lllll\lollll. 5‘5 300].

Sale! lit 35 Jul h 9pm. The launch ntgltt of Suitchxpaee'x forthcoming programtne uluch include\ a \ale of original ar'tuorkx lor' [l5 it piece \klill all proceedx going to Suitchxpace'x latext protect»

Welcome to the Hoegaarden lit 25 Jul. (iprn. ()it the \aine night at tlte

S“ itchxpace \ale. l)ufch l)roog dexign colleclue hax created an tnxtallafton for lloegaarden \\lllt.‘ll l\ touring to \enuex acr'oxx (ilaxgou. l)e\igner lirank 'liiepkeina hax created garden-inspired furniture. and there I\ ll\ e llllhlL‘ from l)J\ \\llllL‘ )ou \arane the Belgian \xhite heer.


43 King Street. l)ail_\ noon (rpm. l-‘or more information infow urhanar'ttif'ficial.couk Stak 8i Hnt l'ntrl Sun 30 Jul. l‘rhan :\rt ()f'licral prexentx an e\hihition of graffiti Ithpll'L‘d art.


l5: .-\t‘g} le Street. :43 3494. Mon \Vt'd tk l‘rr 0am (ipin; 'I‘hu 9am ".Fllprit; Sat 9.30am (rpm; Sun noon 5 30pm.

Foot Locker Unlocked 'l'liu l" 'l'liu 3| Jul. x\n e\hihitron celebrating the lll\l0l'_\ of the trainer including a Hall of lame \\lllL‘ll featurex the hext-lm ed trainers from the paxt 30 wars. a \eries of ctntomrxed locker~ containing perwnal llcllh donated h) llldl\ ltlllillS and Ul‘gillll\;llltlll\ from the \Mil'ltl of \port arid a homage to the e\ er popular .'\dld;t\ Start Smithx.


Saltoun Lane. 2-1 Rtithx en Street. 35" 109‘). Mon l-‘rt & Sun 1230 5.30pm; Sat llam 5.30pm.

One Year On: Summer Exhibition l‘ntil Sun 3] .-\ug. The Gaffer} celebrate\ it\ f'irxt )ear \\ ith a xurnmer xelectron of “orkx h} regular artixtx including Jock Maclnnex. .-\le\ander (iardner. Peter \ardrni. (iordon Henderson. l)a\id Rim \Varrilou and Jenn} Anderxon.


Queen Street. 22‘) 19%. .\lon~'l'hu & Sat 10am -5pm; Fri-Sun l lam—5pm. Sanctuary l'ritil Mon 2‘) Sep. Tackling lSSllL‘S of" human “glib and their ahu~e. lllh

inarot L‘\llll‘lll\lll\ l\r'irtg\ together the uork of mu contetnporar) i0 .ll'll\l\ lkweloped lll [‘alllk‘hllll‘ \Hlll \mnext} International and the Scottixli Refugee t‘ouncil. the t‘\llll‘1ll\‘llc‘\l‘l\‘lt'\ ~tihiect~ \uclt ax lofted nngrauon. dtxplacement. torture. oppremon. idertttt} and conceph of home \l'll\l\ include \llllli‘tl} (ioinile). lhll

\ tola. \lark \\allirtget. Shunt .\e\hat. Ro“ Sinclair and Renm lluntei

Sanctuary Selling Show l uiil \urt ‘\ \ug 4\ \llo“ of affordal‘lc art \\llll proceedx going to :\rnne~t.\ International and the \collhll Refugee ("ounc fl and includex uoik h_\ Korean .tlll\l and forrtier l‘llM‘llt'l of conxcrence llong Song l).tlll


IJS \\e\t Regent Street. .‘Il “N5

.\lon Sat 0 itlam 5 10pm

First of the Summer Wine t‘nul Sun ‘I \trg \ \caxon of changing uorkx on a \tlillllfcl thertie including “Olin h} lzardle}. l)\ Cameron. l‘erguxxon. \nmc l‘rench. \\ \ (illllt‘S. \lc(unce and man} \‘lllL'lS


l: ROW Street. 55: .SljiS

GFT Staff l'ntrl llttl if Jul .\n edtthttron of uork h} recent (ilaxgtm School of Art graduatex \\ ho are among (il'vl' \taf'f,


:2 a 25 King Street. 55: (Flu 'l'ue Sat 10am 5.3”l‘m.

Arrangement in Grey and Black l'nttl Sat ‘) Aug. |n\ ited tll'll\l\ make prrnh trt rexponxe to \Vhixtler'x famoux painting of htx tnother‘ :lrrtnteenit'irf in (il¢‘\ triit/ liltrtl .\'o./ a\ part of the \Vhrxtler' centenar) L'L'lL'l‘l'dllttllS.

Contemporary Abstraction t'nul Sat 0 Aug. :\n eduhrtion e\arntriing current trends in abstract art.


The Mackintoxh (iallet). l0? chll'e“ Street. 353 4500, .\lon l-ri 10am 5pm. Sat Illaiii 2pm.

0 Robert Stewart: Design 1946-95 lit 25 Jul Sat l .\'o\ (Mackintoxh (ialler) t. Rohert Steuart ma} not he a familiar name but during the 50\. (i0\ arid 70x. he “ax art influential dexigtter and leading educationalixt .-\ contemporary of l.uctenne l)a_\. Stewart \xax head of printed textile\ at (ilaxgou School of Art ax \xell ax finding trrne to de\ign for l.ihert}. .\lotil. .'\ll\llll Reed and the lidinhurgh 'l‘apestr) uorkmg in the Illetllllllh of fe\tilc\. cerarnicx. graphic dexrgn and tapextr}. See prexieu and llllll\l ‘ri SW.)

Robert Stewart And Colleagues - Posters lit 35 Jul Sat l .\'o\ |:\ll'llllll (ialler'_\ i. To accornpan} the Steuart t'etroxpectne. a \cleclton of tttno\atr\c poxter dextgnx h) Rohert Steuart and lll\



lo: Bath Street. 333 lWl. .\lon l'l'l 10.30am 5pm; Sat ll) .Warn lptn. Summer Selection t'nul 'l‘liu .tl Jul .'\ xelectron of painting\ including \xorkx h} \Vilharn .\ler\}n (ilaxx. llitlllhll .\lacdonald. l’eter llou \on. largene l)ekkert. Marion llane}. (ieoige llottxton and Stuart l’at'k.


9- l I (ieorge Street. 552 3024. Mon Sat 9am 5pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'nttl Thu 31 Jul. ()rrgtnaf \Htrk h} John Lourie Mormon. Francis Boag and Br) an iiHlnx.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY L'nixerxit} of (ilaxgou. 83 lltllhead Street. 3305-131. Mon—Sat 9.30am 5pm; Sun ll.30--l.30piit. For more information \CC \\ \\ u.“hixtlerlflfficom

0 Anna Whistler - A Life t'ntil Sat 4 ()ct. \Vhtxtler‘x painting of his mother. .-lrrmie¢'niertf Ill (ire) and Blur k .\'u/ IS complemented h} a \pCClitl C\;l‘llhlll()ll haxed on prexiousl) urtpuhlixhed