Being John Malkovich r lSr 00000 rSprke Jon/e. 18‘. 3mm Johrr (‘trsaeL ('arrrer'on l)ra/. (‘atherme Keener. John .\l;tll\tr\ relr. l llrnrrr. l"r‘trstr';rted ptrppeteer ('rarg Sehuar't/ t('usaekr takes a roh as a tilrng clerk and diseos ers a portal rrrto the actor John .\la|ko\reh's hrarn. What could has e deseloped rrrto a one-gag lilm becomes a gender-hendmg e\tra\agan/a \\ rtlr a er'al) netnor‘k ol lo\ e triangles. \shreh L‘llllt;l.\t‘\ \srth a leshran relationship hens een t\\o people ot' the opposrte se\. .\ he“ rlderrrrg trumher ol possrhrlrtres add to the central premrse and Important questrons about personal rdenttt) and sell-lulliltrrent are raised. llirrrrer lrl/rrer'. Iz'rlrIt/mre/r. Boywonders 1 ISI t\'arrous. Various. 3002i 7lmrrr l’r'ograrrrme ol li\ e ga} tlrerrred shorts that concentrate on the darker srde ol ltlt‘. film/rouse. l','rlrrr/rrujelr.

Bruce Almighty r l:.'\l .0. (Tom Shadsae. [8. 3003) Jim ('arre_\. Morgan lir‘eernan. Jerrnrter .-\rrrston. llllmrn. TV anchor man Bruee Nolan can't seem to get that promotion he needs. he moans. and then one da} (iod grs es hrrrr all his pots er lor one \\ eek. .»\ rrrodern da) table that asks the grand questrorr: \s here is (iodI’ And then proceeds to on ralrse the arts“ er that He Is all around us. A drsaster Bruce aeeiderrtall} causes in (‘hma h} lassoorng the moon [or .-\nrston's romantie pleasure is merlooked as the film toeuses upon the neusman's esentual eprphan). Strll, rt’ (‘arres 's slap sehtrek antres arnuse sou. the) 'II amuse sou llClI‘. (it‘llt'l'tl/ I't'lt‘uu'.

0 Buffalo Soldiers r tSr eeoe ((Bregor Jordon. (ierman's/l'S/l‘ls'. 2001) 08mm. .-\ eool mo\ re \\ rtlr a eool east and a great soundtrack. The Berlin “all is about to tall. and m a ['8 hase rn West (iermarr) a mistit soldier tJoaqurn l’hoenin polishes hrs Mere h} da} and eooks up eraek eoearne h}

Check out the great



Nice poof. Reese Witherspoon gets

all Capital earbie in Legally Blond 2

rrrght to sell on the hlaek market, :\ seathrng and amusing portrayrl ol the [‘8 mrlrtar} a ltt iii/tl’t't’ Klimt Sr'lt't In! I‘t'lt’ttu'.

Chatte Chalte tl’(ir t:\/r/ .\lur‘/a. lrrdra. 3MB) Shah Rukh Khan. Rant \ltrkherree, thernrn. Ne“ liollsuood drama starring the _\ourrg god ol the genre. directed by the rrrarr hehrnd I‘M-7‘s Yes lioss. (i/' I. (ilusemr. Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle tl2.-\r O. t.\le('r. l'S. 20(th ('ameron Dial. late) |.ur. l)t'e\s Barr'srrrore. (‘rrsprn (Elmer. Luke Wilson. l)emr Moore. Jtrstrn 'l‘heroux ltlfimrn. The Angels must reeo\ er tsso r'rngs, “Inch 11' brought together “I” r'es'eal the names ol' ewryure on the ['8 gm ernrrrent‘s Witness Protection l’rogramrrre. Seamless \ rsual el'leets and much girl pt)“ er lurch-slapprng leas e the girls with \sztlk-on parts eonsrstmg mostl) of dressing up. danerng to .\l(‘ llarrrrner

t'.’? r. and lame mo\ re parodies tl-"lmlrr/uner'r. ()eeasionall). drreetor .\le(i hits the pause button. \shreh goes the ponder-pull girls a chance to explain the stor) to one another. And there are a less rL'-\\ rrrds to drag rrr characters from the orrgrrral or. most notably. from 1)} Ian's (Barr) morer dodg} past. As \seleome as a solo album trom one of the Appleton sisters. as suhstantral as a McDonald's Mel‘lurr). and as liberating as a hair-spra) ad. (it-Item! I‘r’lt'uu’.

Chorl Chorl Chupke Chupke tl’(ir (Ahhas :‘dihhai Burrrrassalla and .\lastan .»\lihhar Burrrranalla. lndia. 2001 r Salman Khan. Rant Mukherree. l’r'eit) linta. .-\mrish l’urr. l)alrp 'l‘ahi. 155mm,

.\'e\\ |_\\s eds Raj and l’ri}a are ha\ mg a bah). hut due to unexpected erreurnstarrees. she lows her Child and t\ unahle ltr eoneene again. linter Madhoo. a prostitute \s ho is willing to heeome surrogate mother tor the eotrple. Their relatronship becomes entangled \sith a lo\ e triangle \\ hen Madhoo hills in lo\ e \sith Raj, ()r/emr At The Qum; (iluseun.

Cyberworld tl’(ir (Various. ('8. Ztlttlr themin. New 31) film for the grant sereen featuring animated characters l'rom .-lrt!.‘ to The Simpsmrs. I.lI.-l.\'. (ilusgmr.

Daddy Day Care «Put 0. (Stew (‘arr. l‘S. 2003) Eddie .\lurph_\. Jetl (iarlrn. Stese Zahn. Regina Krng. .»\n_|elrea lluston. 92min. Two fathers t.\lurph} and (iarlrnr lose their jobs in product des eloprrrerrt at a

large tood torrrpan) and are torted to take therr sons out ot the C\\lll\l\t' (‘haprrran ‘\\sl\lk‘lll-\ and heeome stas at-horrre tathers \\rth no roh putsrhrlrtres on the horr/on. the tuo dads open therr o\\rt da_\ tare taerlrt) and ertrplo} some tarrl} urreomerrtrorral methods ot earrrrg tot ehrldrerr \s rt eatthes on. then l‘llllk'sl .llll.l\l\ the harl‘ed attentions ot the \eaderrrs 's e\ r| drrettor Illustonr /ahrr .rrrd llustou apart. this rs erosr\e eand} tor the \lurph} dre hard

(it m [(1] I( lit tr‘\r

Dolphins rl rr.l S. IWNH thtmm lhe produeers ot the most sueeesslul l\l.-\\ mone e\ er. I \t ’( \I. take us undersea rrrto the aquatrt home ot dolphins \\ rtlr rrarratrorr h} l’reree llrusrran and rrrusre h} Sting l.ll.\.\'. (i/rrxgmr

Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to Have) 0... ll! r.\reo|as l’hrlhhert. l‘ranee. ZtXtIrertge lope: ltlslmm l’lrrlrhert's dwurnentarres are \sell recognised tor rrrarragrrrg to equal the ernotrorral depth rrorrnall) produced tlrrotrglr great tietron. and this tilrn rs eonsrdered hrs lltttsl sueeesstul to date. ha\ rrrg prerrrrered at l'.ll'l' In “t and to lltllt documents one )L'ill at George lope/s otte-roortt school house in the remote darr} tarrrrrrrg region ot Amergne (‘unrun I'altII/tlllr'h,

Fargo t [M 0.... rJoel (‘oen. l S. twm l‘ranees .\lel)orruand. Stexe lluseernr. \Vrllrarn ll .\lae_\ 07mm lloprrrg to make some hueks. a ear salesman attempts to ho e hrs \s rte kidnapped h) hrtrnerr. hut hlood rs qurekl} \plll. .-\s the pregnant polree deteetn e on tlte ease. .\lel )ottttattd PM“ ltlt'\ a “arm-hearted centre tor the rum re. \shrle llte absurdtsl plot and \\ errd loeal colour garrr trromenturrr. lt'll he considered a classic. grxen trrrre. (‘( ll. (ilrrxeuu

Final Fantasy: the Spirits Within tl’(it O... tllrrorrohu Sakaguehr. Montorrorr Sakakrhar‘a. l‘S/Japan. Ittttl I Vtrlt‘es ttl Mtng-Na \Vetr. Alec Bald“ Ill. Stexe litrseemr. 105mm, I‘rmrl l‘tUtltt\\ unquestronahl} represents a quantum leap


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tor arurrratrou \dapted trorrr the pherrorrrerralls suttesstul Japanese role plasmg computer game series. [in \;v:rr:s llrr'r'rrr: tells a rte“ slots m \shreh the earth ol Ztlti.‘ has suettrrrrhed to an alrerr rrr\asron (‘o prodtn ed hs a Japanese and \tueruarr \lk'“. to drretted h_\ game treator llrrorrohu \akaguthr and \orted h} llollsxsood talent. the l astern sprrrtuahsrrr and questing elerrrerrt ot the game rs grserr the standard llril|§\\r\ml hlot Hurstet treattrrerrt lhe results are tuned prohlerrratte helrmahle lhe tuttrre ot trlrrr has armed ((il (r/rnemr

Full Frontal IM 0... r.\te\ en .\oderhergh. l \'\. .‘HHIr Julia Roberts,

l)a\ rd llttehout}. \lars \ltt‘orrrraek llllltlllt Set in l os -\ttgeles. this arts \smk \srrrk eomeds sltatttl‘oltt‘all} tells ot the loose and otten rrrrssed \Ullllt‘tlltllh hetsseerr

\L'\ t’ll lllt‘lltl\ \H Ct a 3-1 ltrtttl l‘t‘lltttl. .tll .ttt‘

hurrrarr rrrmerrrent is still hut otterr astorrrshrrrgl}

lurked to the rrrssterrous. seeds tllUHt‘ mogul (irrs rl).r\ rd l)rreho\ tt_\r \\orlds \srthrn \sorlds errrerge and the “hole narratn e drrx e begins to tragrrrent hetore otrr e_\es \ pret e ol rrrdulgerree that tlt‘\t't\t‘\ lit l‘t' llltltllg‘t'rl. ltlt'\l\ltl\lt' lrtl lo\ers ot eult eurema (t \_ tilaseon Ghost World 1 l‘r .0... r lerrs /\\rgotl. l'S. .‘HHI I 'l hora llrrth. \earlett Johansson. Stew lluseerrrr lllnrrn llaruel ('lmses adapts hrs om) t rrlt eorrrrt \\rllt /.\\rgoll. opting not to translate parrot l.t\lll0lt. lltll ltt tlI\lll lllt' \'\\Cll\ t' til lllt' source rrraterral and tone are spot on. hut the episodrt

lhus. \ harat ters. setting

nature ol the serralrsed strip is shaped rrrto a lo\s he} \lttl) re\ol\mg around lrrglr sthool graduates l'.tttd and Reheeea rllrrt h and Johanssonr \sho terrrper drsgust unit the bland \sestertr \sorld ol shopprrrg malls and tlrerrre restaurants \srth e_\nreal

herrrusetnetrt The dialogue. humour. produetrorr design .rrrd perlorrrranees are a world apart lrorrr lesser .-\rrrerrearr teen lltt‘ks. (Y Zl. (i/uwrm


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