Music rocl/ 9, ml, is? "’38

Edinburgh, Wed 6

Thursday 7


I Laura Cantrell and Amy Alison (ll.lllll ()lt' UPI}. l’.ll\lt'_\ Rikki it'll. ~11" 5 “Hi 3pm Lll \u' pancl. light

I The Ga Gas, Freeview and Endorphin Km: 'lul'x \\a|i “all llul. 353a \l \lllu'lll \m'cl. Ill 535‘)

k “llllll L5 \lclodn Pl‘V-k'l iml. lioni lit-.ullim-h lln' (ia (i.|\, \kllH hall liom lapan. llia/il. \onn-ixt'l and llllllllllleldlll

I Diadem, June, Locker 30, Hatch .llltl Sooth lllk' (..llllllll\t'. l5 llllnll \im-i, jlx (moo Kopm L115” ()\t'l l-i\ \llou. .\llt'lll.lll\t' Im'k llllL' up. I Stand Up Guy, Spin Drift, Set in Silence and Madman is Absolute 'l lu- 1 51h \im- (an. 5” Ni Kin): Sliu'l. 55; lo“ ‘lpm. L5 llaidt‘olt'. dcalh and llll.l\ll metal

I Azzuri, Dream Powder and Charlemagne \u-c‘n‘SIt-a/y. .12I Sauchn‘hall Slit-cl. “i‘Ni ‘5 ‘lpm l; i. local hand llll‘lt' hill.

I The Undecided, From Society Free and Roulette \llaulk'lfl l'lt'ltl\. 5(1 ( )\\\.llll SllL't'l. rims HSV‘L‘H‘). " zilpin. L11. om in \hou Rot'k

I My Legendary Girlfriend and 0 Without U Slaika. i52 llrandon Sliu'l. .\lolhci'\\ cll. “HMS 3"(\o~l-1. ‘lpm. £2. Scc Sal I loi \l} l.c;_'cndar_\ (iirlli'n'nd.

I Esther ‘llndci'hox IK‘) lly‘t'x Road. 3.“) HUN. 0pm. l'i'cc, x\cou\ln' \cl li'oni lhc .-\\hlon l.anc \ot'alixl.

I Battle of the Bands .\la(.\'or‘|¢}x .12 Jamaica Sll'ccl. 3-13 35M. 3pm. l'rcc.

I Soulweaver lt‘hai ()\ na. ~13 ()lago l.anc. 357' 4534. 3pm. (I.

. Live MUSiC l.ll;ltit‘tl. l.lqllld l.oung_'c. ‘H “at chcnl Sliu‘l. lllpm. [4 (9.5 on dooi'i. Shoxu‘axc ol local


I Won Mississippi, the Supergun, Speaking in Capitals and Par Avion 'l‘hcc l‘mlci-xmrltl. llanncrman'x. \iddi‘} Sli'ccl. 550 335i H.-l5pnr H. .«\ nu\ ol cmollw rot‘k ol all \hapu. \i/m and (UlUlll'\ in llll\ commcndahlc quadruplc hill ol loyal llL‘It'l‘alU \\L'll\.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.


I Jim McQuat Quartet Bar 135. Buchanan llolcl. l.\'5 lluyhanan Slit-cl. 333 "284. ~pm. Hui lhu-1w ia/z \ocallxl Icadx ho quai'lcl until an axxol‘llllclll ol' mu m my mum.

I Lynne O’Neill Trio .\d lib. l l I Hope Succl. 24$ («#5. 8pm. {2 il' nol caring. l._\nnc()'.\'c1ll lcadx llllx lrio \inging lh'a/ilian 111nm and Ian \llllltl;ll'tl\.

I Graham Scott Trio Bccr (Hut. (‘andlcriggx 553 ‘).\'l5. ‘lpm midnight. l‘l'cc. Young. lughl} lalcnlcd gllllal‘hl li'onlx [lll\ (no.

Edinburgh I Kim Proven Trio so Quccn Such Bar and Rc\lalll’anl. .\‘(i Quccn Slrch

28 THE LIST 3- '

LAURA CANTRELL Magnificent country rock from Nashville-born, New York-based Cantrell. Her most recent album When the Roses Bloom Again was

of the most effortlessly wonderful releases of last year. Ouirkily, her 7 ~ US gig before she comes over to Scotland will be at Nashville's G

Ole Opry. Obviously not quite as auspicious as the Glasgow venu . 3 I Grand Ole Opry. 429 5396. 8pm. E 7 1.

33(i5ll‘)“. 0pm. l‘rcc. liax} lixlcmng \landai'dx. m mg. ll‘ad. Mum and lag: lrom llll\ \ot'al-lcd lrio comprixmg mngraphonc and douhlc ha“.

I Live at Human Bein’ lluman llc-ln. 3 X \VtNl ('i'oxwauwua}. (m2 .\‘.\'(\(l. 0pm. l’rcc. \Vcckl} 'l'hu Inc mng \houcaxlng lidmhurgh'x undci'ground Nu Soul and lunk muxicianx. tonight lcalunng .lcl‘cm} (ioddai'd'x mxlrumcnlal acid lax/ quark-l. .\ppat‘hc. I Out of the Bedroom \Vau‘i’lt‘} liar. 1 SI .\lar.\\ Slit-cl. 55" lil5ll.

‘lpm midmghl. l'i'cc. ()l‘t‘ll mic \t'\\lllll lor Iidinhuigh hawd \mgcrwonguint-ix,


I The Fusion Experience 'l'hc l.iqiud l.oung_'c. \Vt'xl chcnl Sliccl.

5 3pm. l'i't‘c. \cu (i|a\3_'o\\ hawd llu'ccepiccc acid ia/l lunk hand lcalui'mg Ra}mond llarrix on Hammond organ. Slcll .\lc('lu\kc) on ham and .lamic (‘un'ic on drumx.


I Jazz Main fill ()uccn SllL'L‘l llal' and Roxlaln'anl. Xi) ()uccn Slrccl. 22o5ll‘)“. HRH llpm. l'rcc. ()umlt'l pla_\ing_' a \xidc \aricl} ol muut‘ lrom Monk lo \lilcx.


I George McGowan and his Orchestra \lcrt‘hanl'x ('oi'nci’. l.\ .lohn Slrccl. 552 33”]. 2.3” 5..illpm. l'l'cc. Drummcr .\lt‘( iouan lcadx lux lug hand \ulh guml \ot‘ath.

I Lorna Brown Quartet lil't‘l.

3‘) ~13 .-\\lllon l.anc. 342 40m. 3pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘lux |a// l'ourxomc. lcaluring gunai'. ha“ and drum\. l\ ll'onlcd h} on lhu-up \a\ophom~l Bro“ n.

I Sydney Zenith Jazz & Blues Band (‘alc Sourcc. l SI .v\ndrcx\ \ Squaw. .543 Mill). 8.50pm. {HUB mgl \uppcr. \mx (>rlcan~-~l_\lc acl lrom .'\ll\ll';lll'.l prcwnlx an up-hcal wlccuon Hi. cm“ d [Vlt‘au‘IN

I Michael Deans Quartet lilat‘lxlllah. 5“ lit'll SllL'Cl. 5"“

‘i. illpm l'Icc \lodu‘in la/l quailcl lcd h} lcnoi \a\lllal1 |)can\


I Melting Pot llcni} '\ .|a// (‘cllar \ Monixon Slict'l.~1(i" 53in \lidnigln L" 511' Sal 3

I Toto’s Jazz Quartet Han} \ “.11. Randolph I’lat‘t'. 51‘l.\llll| ill (\pm l'n'c. .\nj;n' Km): loinx llll\ lunlt} quailcl lo pim idc lhc \ot'alx

I Jazz Main .\ll (jut-cu Sliccl liar and chlauianl. .\li ()uccn Sum. .‘3h5ll‘V

X ill llpm, l‘lt‘k‘ \cc in l

I Stuart Gorman Quartet \Hlllllt'lll (510“ (ult'. (“a (awhl‘lllll \llk'k'l. ()3: H033. ‘lpm midmghl lit-c .la// lunl. liom llll\}Ulll1_‘,‘ quailcl it'll h} _~_'uilan\l (iouuan


I Jazz Brunch (Lu.- Soiut'c. I \I .\ll\llt‘\\ \ Squaw. 5-l.\ (lull! [pm 15‘“ that ll no! callngi llohh} \\ l\ll.lll and li'icndx lll.ll\t'\ II a t'lnllcd and lo lhu \wcla-nd l’riu' int'ludcx iclimhmcnh hul no (lldljJL' loi hai and \ltlk' loungi-

I Blues Sunday l.alllIC\ llai. W King: Slrt'cl. 553 “I.” I ~1pni l'lt't' chulai ncu hlucx \t'\\l(lll lcaluiin}: Rm Dog and lhc ('ongicgauon

I The Louisiana Shakers ('alc Sourt‘c. SI \lltllL‘\\\ m the Squaw. \I \lltllL‘\\\ Squarc. oll Sallmaila'l. 5-1.\ Nil”. ‘lpm. l)Ull.lllUll\ \wlt‘omc l..lllllt‘lllll:.1lllt‘llt'\\ lllollllil} |a// .\londa_\ gluh. llll\ \cu ()rlcanx \l}lc Ian hand pla}. hcadcd h} liumpcl \cnxauon l.lll\l\.l} \lcct'h \nnual lllt‘llll‘t‘l\llll‘ L1H. \l\lliil\ \xclgomt-

I Hermie Longalong lilat'l‘xll'ldh. 5h llcll Slit-cl. .553 593-1, ‘l. 5llpll1 l'lL't', 'l'cnoi’. allo and \Upl'allw \a\. llulc and mud \_\nlh play-r. originall} tron] lhc l’lnlippmo. lHl'lllCl'l} rcxidcnl Ill (ilaxgou. and no“ hawd in l..\.

Edinburgh I Toto’s Jazz Trio 'l h.- (ioll 'l’axcm. Duke Sli'ccl. lulh. 3.3M 4,.illpm. l'i'cc.

lltu '.:t‘.:.' " x l::::::\\ (u i‘EYZII‘. lotofo: ‘~«‘t.1lllit':i‘\l\

I Smooth Operators w i);..~.-;~. \iz.‘.‘i “.1? am". l\'t‘\l.:l;l.:f‘.l \H l lacs”. \lf\'\". 5H"‘ \ i” ll:‘::: l:.'.‘ l.:.'.‘ \otalixl \311'ICl'\l?l‘.'l\'.:\i\il\'?:‘l.1\t'l\ lllli‘Ll‘Il‘.\i‘lll\‘\1lli‘i‘lllw

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet lliiiiian ll." In, .‘ \ \\;\i (Ii\\\\_1l;\\“.\‘-_\ l\l\_‘ \\l\ll

"l‘ll‘. lllltllllt'lll ll.'\‘ lliixiiiiticz Hill

l\\lc\ lah'xt :‘ioug‘Vi‘ lcatuiniz‘ (iozllon \lt \cil \.:\.‘\i. \l'aat'. (n‘lfll.1ll It‘llll.'.l‘ and nus. .‘H \.‘.11 old l‘.i\\ \t‘llxtlli‘l‘.

l\\'\ lll ( Il.l\‘_'«‘\\

Monday 4


I 4 Jazz (nonrx \lill. l(va\in\ Hill Road. \lilii;‘.:\ is. "“i 5‘“ \i‘ln lic.’ (jams! piollutiii:~ \'-‘-‘.ll:'lll‘.' |.:/.' \l.lll\l.1l\l\lt'.lllllllli",‘lill.:ll\l Hol‘ \loan and \malhll aliq‘lx'il ( l'll\l\llllt'

l zlinlilalili

I Chaos Theory \oullll‘inl um ('alc. h ;a( ot hl‘lllll \liccl. h.‘.‘ "h.‘,‘ ‘ll‘lll llllillllfflll licc tonq‘oxilionx lioni llll\ non \lll.lll\‘l. lll\lll:' l.1//.llllll\.lllilli\ k. lcaluiinz' Iloup' liplcdt on \awx. l’aul l\nl\_\ on ltclhoaidx l'\\‘\lll(il.1\j,'I“-‘- on l‘.l\\ and ('hiix \\alla\.' on \lllllll\

Thursday 7


I Jim McQuat Quartet Ii.” Iv. lluthanan Ilolcl. l\5 llinlianan \lit'cl. H: ":Nl "pin llcc \ct' lhu ;l

I Lynne O’Neill Trio \a I ll‘. I l l lll'l‘t' \lit'cl. 31\ (ml5 \iuii if \t\' lllll ll

I Raymond Tait Trio Hm (an. (‘andlciippx 55.‘ "M5 "pm midniz'hi l we \oun-J piolcyc lioni lhc l ionna |)un\‘an \«ual \\.oil\\hop\



I The Bridge House Band Ilaii_\\ llai. Randolph Ham. 5 i" \IHH \ ill Ilpm lin' \cc lhu ;|

Folk& would.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 31 Glasgox'x I Gaberlunzie \l \ndicv. \ lll lhv Squaw. oll \allniaila-l. \l \ndicu '\ \llt‘t'l. 5-l\ Milli Mill] 9.5 l\‘.l' ‘-\‘lit'lal\lt'. \clcian \olx lolk I Glasgow International Folk Festival lhc \oua Hal. \lotl.‘.'.t'll \llt‘t‘l. 55: Vfil \pm llt'k‘ \M‘Il‘.-.n muxit puh hoax a ni;:hll_\ k"-k'lll loi a \llHll wawn 'loniuhl. lhc (ant-in



I Out of the Bedroom \\.l‘~t'llt"\ llai. \l \l.n_\\ \Iiwl. 55“ lll5li

0pm lllltlllllell l'icc lzdmhmph hawd \oiiguiilcix llllell \t'c lhu 1"


I Glasgow International Folk Festival 'lht' Scolia l‘lal. Sloghkcll Slit-cl. .552 \(ihl. 5pm. l‘l'cc. law mung Scc 'l hu ‘l.