Gay listings


I Feel A Song Coming On (SEPIA 1018)

Kiss Of Fire. Billy Ecksune

(SEPIA 1019)

Gay CD entrepreneur Richard Tay's enthusiasm is catching. “I feel as if I‘m a human conveyor belt,’ he says. ‘Just as I‘m releasing my latest CDs [of Broadway star Lisa Kirk and sexy baritone Billy Eckstine], I’m already remastering the

next two [the Andrews Sisters and Vic Damone]. Some people have a weekend off but I'm excited to be going to Leicester to sift through 2000 old 785 a dealer has brought over from the States.‘

When he set up Sepia records two years ago, he was determined to release a collection of songs by Lisa Kirk, whose career was remarkable even though she was not such a well known star in Britain. ‘Richard Rodgers wrote a musical especially for her, so did Cole Porter with Kiss Me Kate,‘ he says. ‘Only a few of Kirk's records were released as 785 in Britain in the early 505, so to amass the 24 tracks on this CD I had to beg a friend in San Francisco to ship me over all his Lisa Kirk 785 then scour old record

stores for the ones he didn‘t have.‘

Billy Eckstine was the first black singing heartthrob. He broke down barriers for post war Afro-Americans with his deep baritone voice and gentlemanly image. He partnered Sarah Vaughan on a number of 505 recordings and had a worldwide hit with the smooch song Passing Strangers. ‘I wanted to release a selection of Billy Eckstine‘s obscurer material,‘ says Tay. ‘I wanted these songs to be given a chance to be heard

again.’ (John Binnie)



Candle Bar 30 (“audit-rig» SM l2S’5. ‘Ipiii. I-i'cc. I.i\cl_\ hat.

Court Bar (it) Ilutcht-wii Strccl. 552 2403. (Lil) Illltlll. I‘i‘cc, I’opuIai‘ tiadnioiial hat.

Delmonica’s (iS' \"ii'giiiia Sti‘cct. 553 -lS’ll3. ‘Ipni. I‘t'cc. I).I\. dull and kai'aokc. LGBT Centre I l I)i\oti Slt'ccl. III 7303. llaiii midnight. I‘i'cc. ('alc/har. Mercury H: lialh I.attc. NS 1777. Bar opcii from 5pm, I‘i'cc.

Polo Lounge S-I \Vilxott Slt'ccl. 553 IZJI. Illpiii Iatit I'i'cc. lititcrtaiiitticnt li'oiii Mon to lllll aitd a Incl} har at

\\ L'Clxt'lltlS.

Revolver (m .lttllll Slt‘ccl. 553 3-150. NMIPIII. I‘i‘cc. \Vcckl}. l’opulat‘ hat'. Sadie Frosts S' III \Vt‘xl (toot-gt- SII‘L‘L'I. 553 S005. Noon lllltlttlglll. l'll'L'L'. I).I\. kat‘aokc and (lull/CS.

Waterloo \Valcrloo Slt‘ccl. 22‘) SSW. .\'ooii iiiidtnght. \Vcll ktioxtii ga_\ hai'.


Bennets ‘ltl (tI;t\\lttl‘tI Stt'ccl. 553 57M. llpiii 3.30am. L3 LotLZ L5). li\ccllciit daiicc actioii \Vcd to Sun aitd a \tudciit ittglit on Thu.

Cube H ()uct-n Slt'ccl. 220 S000.

I I.5Il|tlll lain. ('liccx} chart ga) lllglllx on Mon ll)tt\\lttll;tlll_\ t and 'l'uc tl’.l‘..\'. t. Mercury I42 Bath latic. l-lS' I777. Bar opcii ll‘tllll 5pm; (’Iuh Illpiii 3am. I'tcc. It's loxl lhc l.outtgc but it's still opcn Iatc Inc Sun \\ itli l)l\. drag actx. occasional thciuc lllgIlIS aitd a \xcckl} coiiicd) cluh t'l‘htit.

Polo Lounge SJ \Vllutll Slt‘ccl. 553 IZZI. Illpiii Rain. L5. I'i'c‘xh. l.ll\ll and ('ari'} on I’olo. Hi to Suit.

Health and Support

Body Positive 3 Park Quadrant. 333 50“). Support l‘oi‘ thmc al'l'cclcd h} III\'/;\II)S.

Sandyford Intitiative 3 (1 Saiid}l'oi‘d I’lacc. Sauchichall Stt‘cct. II I (i700. (‘cittrc pi'o\ iditig \upport. (UllllSL‘lllllg and iiil'oi‘iiiatioii l'oi‘ \\oittcn alxo hoxtx a iiioiithl} lcxhian hcalth clinic tcoiitact II I S I fill l'oi‘ inorc dctailxt. a lcxhian CUllllSL‘IIlltg \cr\ icc aitd onc-ol'l'

32 THE LIS'I' a“ A ' it...)

\uppot'l tcoiilact cciitrc loi‘ iiiloi‘iuattoii ot' appotiitiiictitt aitd lhc Stcu‘ RCISUII I’i'oicct'x t\\ icc \xccld) \c\ual Iicalth and couiixclltng \L‘l'\ icc loi' ga) iiicii icoiitacl II I StiZS Ioi‘ appoiiiliiiciit l.

Colours LGBT Youth 1% Itaili St. 24S lS-IZ. Inc (LN .tllpiu. .\'c\\ council l'uttdcd group lor )ittiiig I.( fill pcoplc agcd lft-25. Drop in lor li‘iciidl} chat, ad\ tcc oi‘ ittlot'iiialtoii.

Glasgow Lesbian Line l’() Ho\ (tS(i_ (i5 all” 3-1.“ 054“. .’\tl\ Ict'. Glasgow Women’s Library lot) ’l'rougatc. 552 S345. ()pcii 'l'uc l'l’l

I (ipiit; Sat 2 5pm. Wonk-it’s Iilci‘aturc and thc chhtati ai‘clm c. ttlxo IlUSl to iiicctiiigx ol' tIic I.|I’S grotip tor lL‘SItltllIS atid hixcuial \HtlltL'll titidcr 25 it'oi'tiiightl} t.

Homophobic Crime Reporting ('ottlttcl S47 0M“. ()pcn 7 Illptn dull}, Phace Scotland 4‘) Bath Slt'ccl. 332 .5353, 'l'IlC lllgtlll \L‘H IL‘L' lll Illt‘ \Vt‘xl HI Scotlattd Iot‘ lhoxc allcclcd It} III\'/.v\ll)S.

Strathclyde Gay and Lesbian Switchboard l’t) I‘lo\ 3S. (i3 liglz. S47 0-1-17. ()pcii 7 lllpiii dail}. ('ittilitlt‘iitt;tl adx icc.


Clone Zone -I_5 \‘it‘gnna Sli‘ccl. 553 3mm. .\Ioii Sat Ilaiii ‘lptii; Sun

noon ‘lpiit. (‘lotIiiitg. \idcox. iiiaga/iiicx and lo}\.

Joys-4-Us l.(ilt’l' (‘ciitttn II l)i\oii Sti'cct. III 720.}. Noon S‘piti. Ncu lcxhiaii-i‘uii \hop \ltk‘hlllg goodtcx gttlitl‘t‘.


LGBT Centre I I l)i\on Slt‘ccl. 23I 7203. Main ga} ccntt‘c hoxtiiig Bc)oiid Itarrtcn ichallciigiiig hoitiophohiai. Sit-\c RCISUII ga} iiicii'x \c\ua| hcalth adxicc i'l‘hu 5.30 S..§llpitii. IIUIISIIC IIcaIiitg (it‘oup i.\loii 7.3” Illpittt. I’ct‘l'oi'titaticc (iroup l .\loii "fillpiiii. and thc tiioiithl} lllL'CIlllgS ol'()l.(i.'\ txocial group tor oldcr chhianw. Icchrcakcrx llttl‘ lItUSL' lit“ in lllL‘ \L‘L‘ncl. Ill- (iIaSgtm. ('t‘tt\\I}ii\ (ii'oup_ Out on Suuda) titloi'tital l,(}l§‘|~ group. l.l(‘ lcxhiaii \ocial group. Spcakcax) poct and \\ l‘llL‘tS.

Gay listings continued

Edinburgh Thursdays


You’ll Get Over It I llltlllt‘USL'. SS lothiaii Road. 22S ZoSS [hit ;I .Iiil I'itiic lhc Li 5” L55” L.‘ L»1t laiidcatiitg \c\ti.ill} cIiaigcd iiiox ic about .i I7 _\ old itiadxctlctitl} ouch It} .iiiotItct g.i_\ \tudcitt In! I" {In

l/(il/ i'II It'll!

Edinburgh Fridays Clubs Blaze Iago. l’icai‘d} I’Iacc. JCS 7-1 H l'll | .\ug. Ilpiii i.ini Ll Itcloic iiiidinghl; Ll .illci l‘ttlllllg'llll} \cu cluh lioiit .Iaiiicx l.oiig\\oi'th [littlllhlllg' to igiinc thc ga} \tcckcitd \\ ith a chatt .iiid citititiict’ctal/luitk} houxc \outnlli'ack. Woman’s Own (‘liilw .Iax... (‘oiiiiiicicial Sttcct. |.cith. 555 5li23. In I .\ug. lleiu lain. L5 I‘L'ltllt' tiiidiiigItl; L" .iltci. .\Iotith|_\. \\oiiicit oiil} cluh \Hlll i‘cxidciit |)_I Rol, .\s .in addcd I‘UllllS ta\i Itllt‘S ol tip to L5 can Itc clatiiicd hack It} gioupx ol ltx c “llt'll pa} iitg nito tlic club and \Iiou mg a \alid t'cccipt.

Edinburgh Saturdays Clubs Eye Candy .\la\\a. *0 W \Iai'kcI Slrccl. 220 422.1. llptii ,iaiit. LII) tLS or L0 iI outi'agcouxl} tll'L‘SSL'tll, \Vcckl}. Rt‘Sltlt‘lllS (ii'aciiic I’opxtai'. \ctat Itartott and \ctl (’iookxtoii host that llllttllltllIS. glam Itouw part}.


Gay and Lesbian Badminton Group ('oiitact 07935 (ill (I57. 'l'hu. \Vcckl).

Glasgow GOC Swimmers (‘oittact (i‘l‘) 5S‘)(i. 7.30 Uptii. 'l'hu. \Vcckl}. Iitloi'iiial SCSSIUll.

Gay Rambling Group (‘oiiiaci 050 lllSl. Motilhl).

GOC Cycling Group (‘oniuci ow 5300. \lttlllltl}.



Blue Moon Café l Ilat'oii} Sti‘ccl. 557 (MI I. .\loii Hi I laiii I I..lllpitt; Sat tk Suu ‘lpiti |2.3l)aiu. I‘rcc. Iidtiihttt'gh‘x Ioiigcxt t'ntniing ga} calc. CC Blooms 35 Z-l (tl'L'L'IISItIL‘ I’lttL‘L‘. 550 0.13]. lllfitlpiit 3am that limit (‘l‘tttt l'II'L'L'. SL‘L‘ (‘lttlk and also Ito~l\ IL‘L‘IH'L‘ttkL‘tS ttttitltlltl} I hit lItoxc llL‘\\ lo lltc \CL‘HL‘.

Habana (tl'ccttxtdc I’Iacc. 55X l37l). Noon latti. l‘t'cc. l)J\ c\ci') lit and Sat and qui/okc oti 'l‘hu.

Flashback t) llopc Slt'ccl. 3% twin. 4pm lant. (’hccx} disco and pop .\Ioii to Stiti.

Frenchies Row Slt‘ccl, 325 7(tSI. lpitt laiti. I-i‘cc. Popular.

The Laughing Duck 24 Ho“ c Sti'cct. III) 2370. Mon 'l'hu

I laiii I Iptii; I'll & Sat Ilaiu Iatu; Suit 11.30am I lpiii. St}li\h. L'Ullll} hat.

New Town Bar Dublin Slt’ccl. 53S 7775. Mon 'l‘hu noon Iain; I'i‘i & Sat noon Zaiit; Stitt 12.30pm lain. (ta) L‘l'lllSL‘ hat' and undct'gi‘ouiid cluh. Planet Out (it’L‘CnSItIL‘ I’lttL‘L'. .534 ()(lhl. .\loti I‘ri «lpiu Iain; Sat & Suit Zpiii Iaiii. I'i‘cc. chular ltiii L‘\L‘lll\. pi'c-cluh. l)J\ including 'Ii'cnd} \Vctiih i.\loii l. «luv/cs aitd hiiigo.

The Regent 2 \lttllll‘itSC 'I'ct'i‘acc. ()(ll SWS’. Stiit 'I‘hu IIatti iitidtiight; I’i‘i Sat I latii latti. .-\|ait Jo) \ tic“ \ciiturc \ccx hiiii opciiiiig thc ticu. cxt ga_\ hat in thc capital.

Sala (ll) Broughtoii Sti‘cct. 47S Tom). 'l‘uc Stilt I Iaitt I Ipiii. I‘i‘cc. ‘I‘hc I.(ili ('cutrc‘x calc tx llL‘\\l_\ rcopcucd lHl' lll'L‘\ll Itmtl ttll tltt}.

Men Only ("IaiciiioiiL I W I ‘5 l'ttxl (‘Iatciiioiit Sticct. 55o 5ho.‘ Sat 3 \ug Spiti Itcc l'ttlllllg‘llll} \IS(‘ and thc l‘lt‘JlS oigaiiixc tIic iiicn t‘lll} night \\lIIl .i dicxs codc as \\ tld as )ou likc

It Takes Allsorts at Joy \cituc. (Killott Road. 55" “I”: Sal 2 \ug

I lpitt 5.itti L I 5 iL I I iiiciiiltcixt \litllllll} \ iicxx Iioiiic and thc ictniit ol thc cIuIt'x IIISI c\ ct gucxt Ill ()uccit .\la\iuc to add to lo} \ ltIth I‘IIIIILIJS \‘L'It‘l‘lJIlHlIS \\llIl l'dnihutgh'x loktoltlu ioining .i l.tlI ot thc icgulai Ills including \Iaggic In}. -\I.ut .Io_\. Iiciid) \\ctid}. Sall) I. “It‘ll King .ittd I)_| _\Iiclicllc lo iiiakc thc p.iit_\ go \\llIl a hang

Edinburgh Sundays Clubs Taste I'Iic l itiuid Rtltttll. ‘Ic \ icloiia Sticct. 335 .‘5ol llpiii lain L5 hcloic | I ltlpiii. LS iLh lllt'llll‘t'l\l .iltci. L Ill itoii lllL‘lllI‘t'IS on gucxt I)_I tllg‘IIIS \\cckl_\ l'.i\t§ Inc“ ol IIUllSt‘ .iitd gatagc Bootylushous (‘ocicaii l oiiitgc. |1go.l’tc.nd} l’l.icc.-17S' "I {-1 IIpiii iaiii L3. \\cckl} \cu jJ.t_\illll\L‘tI night lioiii tlic Ito}\ hclniid lush \\lIII (‘iaig .nid |)a|c \pniiiittg .i lll.t\lt'lllll hlcnd ol Rx“. soul and lnttk.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


Vibe lip“. l’lL'dltI} I’‘t‘. lax “.l xl llptii lain. L3. \Vcckl}. .Iatiic\ |.oitg\\oith [‘l'tHltIL‘S lIic sounds at IIIIS popular. \p;itkl_'.. cliait_\ |‘.tll_\


CC Blooms 2‘ 3-1 (Ilt't'llSHlt' Plan". 550 ‘H i I. III. lllpiii inn that ltoiii (ipiiit, I'i'cc. \ hat and club \\ ith a pla} IISI ol Iiiglt caiiip aitd tllSt‘tt


Health and Support

Lesbian Line 557 07%|. .\Iott S Hut 730 lllpin. lIclpIitic.

LGBT Police Link I.( in ('t-niit: (to Ili'oughloit Sli‘ccl. .\loti 0 7pm, \Vcckl}. ('all (ill) 5 I .lS/(illl 5l-Il) ll _\ou \\.tlll a chat “Illl _\oiii' coiinininit) olltcci. Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 55ft tom, 7. to lupin cwr} da_\. Ilclpliiic.

LGBT Youth Scotland (“oiiiuci (t3: 23(t(il()lllct't(HHS-15 I I ll) “()5 tYonthIiiici. Social C\L'lll\ loi |.(ill'l uiidct' 2ft.

Waverley Care Stiltlx. 2/4 .-\hhc}titottitl. ()(tl HUS: l'i'cc. Various \ct‘\ tccx Including .luicc. a \wckl} \UL'ltII group loi' ga} iiicii allcctcd It}

lll\'/.'\ll)S tl‘i't 2 ~lpiiti.


O-Store 5 Hat'oit} Strch 477 .1750, Sk‘tllltllltl.\ tiltl} git} ltL‘L'IISL'tl \C\ \IIin rccciitl} opciicd iii lhc \[tttl Itll'lllt‘l'l} IlHlISIIIfJ ()ut ol thc Bluc.


A.D. ('otttacl 55“ JUN. I'ot' lL'SllIAIIIS o\ci' JII. \lcclx iiioiithl} to plan \ttL'lttl L‘\L'lll\. (‘alI loi tiioi'c (IL'I;III\.

LGB Centre (ill Iti‘oughtoii Sti'ccl. 47S 70m. llllptll‘lttlll ga} cctili'c llthllllj.‘ lIic \Votiicit'x (ii‘oup l)t'op»lii t'Iliu l. (la) I)ad\ Scotland tiiioiillil) t tt\ ncll ax Iii-Izdiithui'gli. thc \(K'lttI/Sllpptll'l group for IllSL‘\llttl\ and [how qucxtioutiig lIlL‘ll' \L'\ll;tlll) iiitoiithl} l. Scottish TV/TS Group 'I llL‘ I’Itociiu (’cllai' Bar. 40 Ilt‘ouglitott Slrcct. 5570314. Monthly


Gay Men’s Swimming Group (’otitact 22(1 4-176. .\Ioti Spin. \Vcckl}. GOC Cycling Group (‘oniuci lit-<70 .‘QI 5894. Motilhl}.

Gay Outdoor Group (‘oniaci 55!) S705. .\Ioitthl_\.