Theatre <3 Dance

Haroun and the Sea of Stories inc 5 Sat ‘) Aug. "' ‘ltprn. 'I hit Sat 2prn (& 5' illpm {.1 IL8r. lattill} llL'le'l £2“. (illl/Cll\l 'l llL'all'c. l l9 (it'l'l‘.ll\ Sll‘L'L'l. 42‘) “U22 ('rti/cnk ('rrtlc Studio Scotthh Youth 'l hcatrc ptcwnl thr\ colourlul atlaplalton ill Salltiall Rll\lltllk"\ \lol'} lor LlllltllL‘ll

Our Town “cd o Sat ‘) Aug. .illprn; Sat 2prn & " illprn. £8 it'll; tarnrl} trckct t2”. ('rtr/crh' 'l'hcatrc. ll‘) (iorbalx Strcct. ~12" “U22 (‘itr/cnx' .\larn Stagc. Scottixh Youth 'llrcatrc contrnuc thcrr \urnrrrcr' tcxtnal \xrth 'l’hornton \Vrldcr'\ Our low) about thc dail} \tr'ugglcx \\ c lact' tla) lo tla} .illtl lllL'll L'lc‘l‘lltil

Waking Shadows 'l’hu Sat 9 Aug. "Allprrr. l-rr 2prn tk 2. illprn; Sat llarn «k 7. illprn. [8 till; tarnrl} tickct £2”. (‘rti/cnx' 'l‘hcatr'c. ll‘) (iorbalx $1111.42” 0022. (‘rtr/cnx' Stall Studio. Scottrxh Youth 'l'hcatrc takc )ou into thc darkcr r'ccmuw ol thc lurrrrarr px} chc rrr thrx ncxx piccc ol thcatr‘c dcx rxcd b} thc all-lcrnalc


Activities and Fun Dino-Birds Events: Dino Dig t'nul Sun 1," Aug. .\lon Sat llarn. l.l5prn tk 3pm; Sun l.l5prn tk 3pm. Ll Ro}al .\lu\curn. 2 ('harnbcrx Strcct. 217 -12 Ill/N22. Agcx 8+. l'rnd otrt rnorc about lti\\ll\ and dig up a tlllltt\;tlll’ at thix l'un \xoi'kxhop, Experimental Photography 'l'hu 31 .ltll k in I Atrg. ltlanr 3.30pm. £15 it'lllr, l)can (iallci'). 73 Bcll'or'd Road. (‘21 o2tltl. Kcnn) Bcan lL'lltl\ thi\ “orkxhop rn rudirncntar} photograph}. l’rnd out how _\ou can takc photographx \\ ith a brxcuit tin and thcn dcx clop )Ulll‘ onn prrntx. Children’s Summer Activity Week .\lon -1 Hi 8 Atrg. Illarn noon. [5”. l)oodlc\ (‘crarnic \\'ork\hop. 2‘) Marchnront (‘rcxcan 22‘) IW‘). Agcx

M. chk long actn lllL‘\ “ith rnug- making. prcturc tilc painting. \\ all plaqtrc dcxigning and c\pcrirncntation \\llll drll’crcnt gla/c\. Do Art inc 5 Aug. lllanr 2pm. £15. Ro}a| Botanic (iardcn. lmcrlcitlr llotr\c. 552 7l7l. Agcx 8 l2. ()nc-da) “orkxhop tor kidx mixing outdoor adwnturc \\ ith art. ci'all and dcsign. ('all lirnil} llaigh on 2-132‘l57loltook River Dipping 'l‘uc 5 Atrg. 2 3.30pm. (2. \Vatcr' ol‘ l.cith Vixilol' ('L'nll‘c. 24 l.auark Road. -l55 7307. ('ornc and \cc “hat dclightx lurk \\ itlrin thc \Vatcr ol' l.c‘|lll.


Crater Makers l'ntil 'l'trc 3i) Scp. £21m tL‘l.85i. Ro}al ()bxcrxator} \"rxitor (critic. Blackl’or‘d Hill. bbb’ 8404. l‘ind otit thc truth about coructx. \KllllL'\\ thc brrtlr oi a cornct and handlc rcal rnctcoritcx in otrr ('ratcr' .\lakcr\ c\hrbitron.

Myths and Monsters t’nril Sun 31 Aug. £7.05 (£4.50). l)}ll;lllllc‘ liarth. llo|_\rood Road. 550 780i). 'l'hix touring L'\lttl\iliolt\ ortl) Scotlixh \honing c\plorc\ thc ucird. uondcrt'ul and \car} world of rnonstcrx tn)tltical and rcal l'rom thc licr} br‘cath ot' a dragon to thc roar of thc thrcc ntctr'c high hair} )cti

\\ ith anirnatronic c\hibit\ and giant t‘oltollcx.

Scraps! t'nul Sat 37 Scp. l-‘rcc. .\lu\ctrrn ol‘ Childhood. ~12 lligh Str‘cct. 520-1l-l2. An c\hibition oi~ picturc \L‘l‘tlps collcctcd b) childrcn and adult\ in liuropc l'or' owr 200 )car\. Scc photo caption.


Fairy Tale Flowers \Vctt Thu 7 Aug. Illarn 4pm. £5. Royrl Botanic (iardcn. li\hibition llall. lmcrlcith Ron. 552 7 l 7 l. l.ot\ ol t'air}talc.\ haw llo“ ch in thcrn cornc and lcarn rnorc about thc \toricx and thc lltmcrx. thcn rnakc _\our onn \pccial lair} \iirrgx. cronns. “ands and mordx.

Glasgow -_

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow®, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.


Lunchtime Lectures lluntcrian Art (iallcr). l'nrxcrxrt} ol (ilmgou. 82 llrllhcad Str'ccl. 33H5~13l l Inl5prn. £2. A \irdc-ranging \cr'rcx ot tllthti'atcd lccttrrcx on \Vlirxt|cr‘-rclatcd tlicnrcx. l’tu'r H] ll'lllH/r'l' SINK".

Other events

Waverley Clyde Evening Cruise \Vawrlc) 'l'crrnrnal. 0845 | “WA”

7.30 llprn. 'l‘akc a trip ‘doon llrc uattcr' on (ilaxgou '\ larnoux \Vaxcrlc}. thc onl} \ca-gorng paddlc \tcanrcr rn tlrc \xorltl

Other events

Whistler in Glasgow lluntcr'ran Art (hula). l'nncrxit} ot'(ila\go\\. 82 llillllL‘atl Str‘cct. 530 l82 l.

Illam l2.3(lprn. Hit. A \hor't courxc oltcr'ing a li\cl_\ introduction to (ilaxgtm '\ \Vlihllc‘t' collcctronx C(illlpt'ixillg an illuxtratcd lcctur'c and a tour ol' thc Whixtlcr-rclatcd c\hibitron\ at thrcc \cnucx: thc lluntcr'ian 12 Aug). .\lc|.cllan (iallcr} l‘) Augi and thc Burr'cll (’ollcction t lo Aug l. I’rll'l n/ ll'ltixllt'r 2()()_\'.

Pollok Family Fun Day l’ollok ('ountr} Park. l’ollok\ha\\\ Road. 652 020‘). Illarn 5pm. l‘r'cc. A gala atrnoxphcr‘c pcrwadcx ;i\ l’ollok l);ll'l\ prm idcx tlrc \ctting tor a grcat da} ol' t'trn. Scc pr'c\ icxx.

Open Green Meeting Mono. King Str'cct. 57l l2l5. Noon 2.30pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘akc part in this opcn nrccting il' )trtr ha\ c an intcrcxt in grccn/cmir'onrncntal ixsucx and Ira\ c a taxtc l'or organic

l‘L'\ L‘l'ug‘cx.

Other events

Making Your Boss Work for You (ilaxgon ('hi Yoga (‘cntr'c. (ilaxxl’or'd Stu-ct. ()7057 377004. I larn lpnr.

[l5 £25. l‘lntl otll llU\\ lo rnakc tlrc lttoxl ol' llllx \ital \xorking rclationxhip. Green Woodworking Display ('axtlc Scrnplc ('cntrc. ('lylcrrruirshicl chional l’ark. l.och\\innoch. (ll5ll5 842882. 1.30 4.3(lprn. l'ir‘cc. 'l‘hc l’ark Rangcrx tcll talcx ot‘ paxt and In irrg ('cltic li'atlitionx nhilc dcrnonxtrating lllix “(lutllilllkl L‘l'ill'l.

Summer Stroll (ilcn Lodgc. (ilcrrittcr' Bracx (‘ountr} l’ark. (ilcnlicld Road. l’aixlc}. 88-1 370-1. 2pm. l'rcc. .\lcct at Bronnxidc l‘arnr tor llll\ l\\o- hotrr \xalk on thc hillxidcs ol tlrc countr} park.

Monday 4

Other events

Harvest of the Field: Druid Celebration .\luir\hicl ('cntr'c. ('l}dc .\luir\hicl chional l’ark. l.ocll\\innoclt. (ll5ll5 842803. 2 4pm. l'i‘c'c'. Join thc local Druids and cclcbr'atc tlrc gathcring (ll. lllL‘ lll‘\l grainx litll‘ thc tic“ loa\ L'\. Creative Writing Group Bor‘dcrx Book. 283 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 5.30pm. l5rcc. Alastair l’alcr‘xon lto\l\ a ur'iting group opcn to arr_\onc intcrcxtcd in dc\ cloping thcir' crcatix c tlair. .\'c\\ rncrnbcrx al\\a_\\ \xclcornc.

Green Drinks Blackl'riarx. 36 Bcll Strcct. 552 592-1. (r.3()pnr. l-‘rcc. lt' )ou arc intcrcxtcd in grccn l\\uL'\ or work in an ttxxociatcd industr}. hcad do“ n to Blackl'riarx l-Ul‘ a chat \\ ith \ornc likc- nrindcd pcoplc.

Spanish Language Cafe Bordcrx

Books. 283 Buchanan Sircct. 222 770i).


—[‘lll A chancc to rrnprm c )our languagc \krll\ \xrth otlicr Spartrxli \l‘t‘.tl\cl\

Bat Walk Scottrxlr \\ rldlrtc lru\t. I all\ ot (‘lylc Rcwnc. (H.555 bb52b2

8 illpnr :4 H22: ~\ gcntlc \troll \xrth an oppotltlllll} to lcarn about l‘al\ and thc othcr nocturnal rnhabrtarrtx ot thc

Tuesday 5 Talks Whistle-Stop Tours llttntcrrart \rt (Lilla). l‘nncrxit) ot (ilaxgoxx. 82 lllllltL‘atl Sllt‘c‘l. ii” 54 il llttli l'le' llallrhour highlight lttllh ol thc lluntcr'ran'x \Vhrxtlcr tlr\l‘l.i}\ I’m! at ll/ll\!/r I' IIHH.

Other events

Oh the River Clyde, the Wonderful Clyde tilt-n lotlgtu (ilcnrtlcr' Bt'acx (‘otrntr‘_\ l’ar‘k. (ilcnlicltl RtlutL l’aixlc‘}. 3.8.1 5“”. 2pm. l‘l't‘t'. .Illlll in thrx \tr'oll along thc bankx ol tlrc (‘l}dc and through Bodcn Boo ('ornrnunrt} l'ot'c\l and thc groundx ot lzrxkrnc lloxpllal.

Refuge \Vintcr' (iardcn. (ilttxgim (irccn. 55-1 0223. 2pm. l'r'cc. 'l'lic llth llour 'l‘ltcatr'c ('ornpan} pcr‘lor'rnx thcrr‘ lt'agt—coritcd) abotrt lindrrrg rclugc \xlrcn caught in thc cr‘oxxtir‘c.

Greenpeace Mono. I2 KlilgN ('ottr‘l. King Strcct. 553 240i). Tillprn. l-rcc. .loin in thc rnonthl} (irccnlwacc rncctrngx and do )our brt tor thc planct. Screenwriters Group littl'tlL'lN Books. 28“ Buchanan Strcct. 222 "Toll. 7.3llprn. l‘r‘cc. (ict ad\ icc and \upport about thc art ol \xritrrrg tor thc \cr‘ccn lronr otlrcr likc-rnrndcd pcoplc.


istnos Theatre

Wednesday 6 Talks

Creepy Crawlies l‘.ll\lL"\ \tuwum .\ \it (iallcrrcx. llrgh \trcct. l’atxlc}. .\\U ‘l5l l2 illprrt lrcc \ \lrort talk about crccp} cta\\ltc\ to actornparn tltc /wu.7.;/" c\ltrbrtron \\lllcll ltllt\ lllllll l" \trgtht

Ten at One Talks lluntcrrarr \rt (iallcryl rrnchtt} ot (ilaxgou. 8.? llrllhcad Sticct. iill 5-1‘l lprn lrcc lcn rnrrrutc talk\ on \clcctctl \\titl\\ trorn tltc llttittcrrank \\ ltrxtlcr dopla» '..'I.' .M Hung” _‘rHi\‘

Other events

Drawing 8. Painting Classes l’Ullle lli‘ll\k'. I’l‘lll‘k ('Hllllltt l’Jlix. i)\‘ll\‘l\\ll.l\\\ Rimtl. ltlh (Ll lll

llarn lpnr L8 lakrng platc cwrt \\c'tlllt‘\tl.t_\. lllk”\\' cl.t\\t‘\ lt‘at ll Mitt .lll tltc tcclrnrtitrcx Mill rrcctl tor l‘alllllllt' and tlraxxrrrg

Badger Watch Scotthlr \\ rltllrtt- llll\l. l‘all\ ot (lulc lx’cxcrw. lll 555 (io52b2 2pm Ur 1L lI \ rigoroth \xalk lollouctl b_\ tltc opporttrrrrt} to xpot badch in tlrcrr natural \urrountlrngx Deeply Dippy \ltrgtlmk (‘ourrtri l’ar'k. ('rargrallan Road. \lrlrrga\ rc. “5o (\ltlll, 2 8pm l'rcc lrrrtl out nhat cicattrrm lurk trrrtlcrncatlr tlrc \\.ilt‘l\ ol \ltrgtlock pondx

Cafe Flicker (ilaxgoxx \lctlra \u‘cxx ('cntrc. ird l'lool. H \lbron Strcct. 55‘ 2(i2ll. ". illpnr {I Subran _\our lllll\ll\'\l lilrn to thc (i.\l.\(' and \hou it at lltl\ Incl} c\cnrng ol lrlrrr. tlrxcuxxron. atlxrcc and dcbatc

Friends Of the l'llt'lltl\ Ul lllt' l2ar'tl18cotlantl, it) llrlllrcatl Strcct. Hi ltlfitl 2. 5UP!” l‘lt't' llt‘lp to look .rllci thc planct and torn in thc nrontlrl} l‘l'lt‘lltl\ ol tlrc l'.allll rrrcctrngx


It’s summer time, the kids are off school, the sun is (occasionally) shining, and you want to be outdoors making the most of it. But what can you do that keeps everyone happy? Well, here's one event that will suit all ages - the family fun day at Pollok Country Park.

With a mix of things for kids and adults to do, there will be no possibility of boredom. The adults can be kept out of mischief at the farmers’ market, which will be selling fresh produce direct from the farms. Stalls will include cheese, drinks, meats and honey. The kids will also be kept busy with special shows, a children’s farm with lots of animals to look after, an inflatable village to bounce on and a duck display team to watch.

Pollok Park has more to offer: it houses the Burrell Collection and Pollok House. The Burrell, with its specially designed, award-winning building, has a famous collection of pottery, paintings, sculptures and tapestries from around the world. Pollok House on the other hand, takes you back in time to the 19305 with its assortment of furniture, ceramics and bronzes, as well as an amazing collection of Spanish paintings by Goya, El Greco and Murillo. Both venues will also be running themed tours and workshops throughout the summer months. (Jane Hamilton)

I Pat/0k C(Jrrrrfr‘v Park, 20.60 p(}//()r’<.‘;.’,‘{l'.'.’f; Road, (532 7/19 87:? ’/ All; Burrel/ Collect/on. Pol/oi Country Parr”. 2060 [Do/lolrsharn, Roan. th‘n' ",0

Mon—Thu 8 Sat l(>.’rrr‘—f3;;'ri. Fri «‘3 Sun

7 ’{r/rr—férer Frag.

Pol/0k House, Po’lm Cori/rim Purl. 2001/) Po/kw’sl‘znzr, Hoar), 1, if, 1,-1 ’0 Mon-Stm lt).’r.'r>—:3{)'ri. 5‘5 «5‘3. $335 turrt'l‘.’ UCHX .‘ 73 :30.