Video] DVD

r’éu'cu OF ZEN (12) 175min I

SEX ‘Anb‘ms cm!

Channel 4, Fri 1 Aug. 10pm 0000

IN SEARCH OF THE BRONTES BBCl. Sun 3 8.10 Aug. 7pm .00.

A very welcome new release of this remarkable ."- ».'_-‘. "_ -> :' '. ~ : 2' 2

Taiwanese hybrid melodrama from 1969. 39' I w : ' w :“T'm

Deliberater impossible to define, this starts out H . y : '. .r: . ' '~ :' z-r ' z : ' as a gently naturalistic portrait of small town life I ',' " v- ' :1 ° .' ,z -- ' . :.- but soon turns into a ghost story, then a political (12) 92min ' : ° 1' ': ~ :- : thriller and finally a kind of metaphysical battle z y. .. ; 'j, ' as the role of monk Hui-Yuan (Roy Chiao) comes my: g... ,' :' -- 1 :-~: :’.

to the fore. The film inhabits a vivid world of I'mmmmm : . v i hokum mysticism and hyper-real folkloric action. “nudgingm‘. um ' " f'us'. " '- ' : ' The fight sequences are stunning, while the '~“"‘“‘°"*“- .:' "_ -’,-_l v f : ‘_ ' .: -- Cu -‘ :' 2 .-

visual abandon with which director King Hu ' . ' . " negotiates every potty sequence is jaw : :: ' . ' dropping. The daddy of them all and the single '.’ l ' :- ' ' biggest influence on Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, 2 z ' : ° . i : Hidden Dragon. (Paul Dale) :, ' i,' ‘l ' o\ - . | o c z . . :3“:f>f>_ii\::>'.": , ' ., , I , ' “ft-‘3'; ., 'KJVJ e- /\ ""r ° - n ,i i i 1“! ' | I "‘ . \' " "' Channe|4.Wed6Aug, (12)101mins :-- Mm: "‘ w“ 109'“... Milieu i‘.i'.\.”l1'8{\.'[1 2141:. iii)?!" i.- fl.-’-'---::°. 'iarllumutgf O... 'I: {\tlisziz'wfia'“, 2' l'. 3"" (if , \ ,.: r \. 'i I», K ‘1: I 'i :i' "man w ll " ' l '. z" : ;\(i;‘-:r;)':'z~"txi: il":§i°. .."<;‘ "" i."x:~:'x:"‘--:ri" :T'Iw .i"i:L§T"f"€f K<i"lf§'.§i"l.f,:"1‘}: " {‘r'2', ""','i i «1‘ i ' ‘i . i 0 I :"~ ' '1' ll 1' t '_"i , i « mu 2: - :' ' N“ O t ' ' i.“ ' 7i 3: l ( . ' 2 ' " : b TheSon \ z: l ~ . . l o-o-vm'un-w-um " ' " mug: u' .: ' .x’l" :’ 2 ,' "' ' G GS?) (12)9 min '1' ‘nig‘wp- .- : _ "e'Lnif"“»f'.:f'rXf~f ;:""".iiv‘"f',‘,/:. ." i "4' v: ' 0:. t' (l. u w H »' mng 4's. ' H ' " ‘- ' ' d h J \xvl 'v 1 I, p v v A r p . p at iiw'xi: 11‘. ' l H I '_ l n” k A' \i “it; ' ' ' . ' ' ' A ; l‘! V ;. 'f‘! 1 ¢ \ l ' i '7 l . l l" ‘I ' ' t‘l‘Sx‘t‘xtlle '." ‘1 :¥'.;:’ "if ' w' :,;:* J i. 1' ' ill‘l‘lt‘”: i 'ti'K‘ El 22": MTV-‘1 '-."'\:'\2' (2"1. 2 AT, l' ,. K1,” .inv, 1,,“ firms gm “pi. mpg. ._ ,J , , ‘,.. .,w ' ' . ’._", _.. , w i t I t t ._ ~t. \ _. .. i. M. .,. ,, MN}? {‘Y‘K‘ltlz‘fi 770!“ ii ' l‘e‘-“-"“ ‘T" 8'. I r- _: 9pm ... ' "i " Main imti :m'fixxatl'x: "Xi'kitlt-rl '._ ~:’.'-.-f 'f" ' norm ‘. 0.2m: ’v' t'w ' ' ‘il‘ "a ' , " ; H‘i‘st ixi't Clinic": 'xi a " ‘1 new ?' ' News. TQMXMiU'S. :; ti" \L 'qz‘. " 1"z- " amt:- JCT \‘l l‘t‘ltii‘lhi fir-'Orl'Y‘ "t: : :' any. : ' z ' \imi'i=\::"“:7tnf‘i"tit :1 i:\"""\:§:::: ii‘i"'."“!". ' . .' r m: tummy-ix 9.:1 tit: 1mm. :: :a.’. .: 3:3 ‘--::::,: -:- .‘w ,v RUSHXI. "‘t"'1"'t“.' JUL” " '.‘ "i I .' _. f; "‘7::".. '_"_:'_ "7: '1' 2.'.' 7:' "’ Tflv Dtirtlv'wa :‘mt'w-mi Quit" (I IT' "en-i." t x. z '\ 7.: new, fa «: ~14 ' {a z, .' 9080115 CO'X‘t-LUJ T" t: CH :1 Kg»; " "4:: 2'» F33“ {Lia-i: (h- *L'. r " 2 T :' '. 7’. 3'" " " i: ’--’:'_ 7:": :'