Film Index

RllIlIl Sall} l'lt'lili “HUI lI‘l (‘llallIW lleInIan \\IIIIIIlelIl IeteIenIex \II \IIIII'I'I (IIII \ tII llIIIIIIIIetIIII at eer} .I\.II|.IlIlI' nppnIInIIII} hIII \xheIe ( 'apIa'x l" “I tIlnI \xax xInIeIe. paxxInnaIe. “[‘lllllhlh .IIIIl genIIInel} paIIInIIt. lIIx llllll Ix xhallnu. IInInprIIIIgg. .IIIIl .IlIngelheI Inn IIIaIeIIalIxIIe (H III III/ II [I an

Legally Blonde I III 000 IRIIIII-II lukellel 5. 3H“! I Reexe \\IIlIeprIInII. lIIke \\ leIIII. Selma lilan ‘VIIIIII II uII/I'I Ii/IIIII/I Ix .IIlapIeIl llI|l11.'\lllIIllIl.I llInun'x IIanIhlIxheIl IInxel. an anIhInpnIngItal xIIIIl} III IlIe 'laxx xIIIIleIII xpeIIex' \ll.l\\lll_‘_' IIII heI e\peIIenII-x .Ix a lIInIIIle .IIIenIlIIII; l.I\\ xt'hnnl ll} U‘llll.l\l. lx'aIen \le(‘nllah I III/ and KII'IerI SIIIIIh'x III II'IIIIeI l IIIIII .llIIIIII lIIIII xIIeenpla} IIIeIIxex nII IlIe ’elnelexx' naIIIIe III IIIIIIagnIIIxI l'.lle \\nnle I\\ IIheprnIInI. .I (IIIIIIIIIIIa hahe \Ihn lInle llt'txcll III he .I llxll I‘lll IIl “alel \‘IlICll \lk' IIIllII\I.x lIeI l\1)_\lllL'lltl In ll.II\.IIIl II .len IexnIIx In a Ileepl) I'nnxenIInnal naIIaII\ e .IhnIII hnnexI} .IIIIl InIegIII) “Inning: IlIe Il.I_\ 'l lInx. IIeII/II If/IIIII/I' laekx IlIe hIle nl nIlIeI Ieen xaIIIex xIII‘h .Ix III I IIIIII. annIheI lIIIII xIaIIIIIj; \\ IIheprnnn. hIII IIIIe \xlneh h\eIl up In IlIe .IeIIII'x IIIIIIIexxne IaleIIIx (I 'l. [IInI/Hugh

The Lite of David Gale I ISI 0. I.v\|an Parka. l'S. .‘lNHI Kenn Space}. Kale \\ Inxlel. |,.IIII.I lInIIe} ‘NIIIIII \nI Ihe lll\l film In laekle IlIe IIIIIIalII_\ III the Ilealh penalI} II)I'III/ .l/IIII llIIlLIIIe hax heen IlIe IIIan xneeexxlnlI. l’aIkeI'x llllll hax pluek) III-\Ix IepnIIeI llIIx} lllnnIII I\\'InxleII engaged III .I Iaee agaIan IIIIIe In IIInx e Ihe Innneenee III (Iale (Space) I. ()IIee IlIe xIaIe'x lt‘Iltllll}: l)ealh Rn“ ahnlIlInIIIxI. (iale IIIm laI‘ex IlIe elIaII hIIIIxell lnI IlIe IIIIIIIleI nl lIIx I'nlle.I;_'IIe (‘nnxlanee llaII.I\\a_\ I|,Inne_\ I. l)eprIe IIx \InIIh) IIIIenI IlIe aIIIaIeIII IleIeI‘Ine annex nl llIIx} .IIIIl IlIe xIIIIpthIe lllIll'l_\lIlH|ll III (iale make IIII an InlInIaIIng IlII‘IlleI lllIll IIeaIx a \eI} erInnx IxxIIe III .III .Ill Inn lll\ Ial Inannel, ()I/IIIII III the QIIIII. (ilmunn

Mango SouflléIl’IiII\1.IIII-xh l).’lll.lll. lIIIlIa. IlNL‘I .'\lll\lll Vlkal. RIIIkIe Khanna. .v\In| KIIlkaIIII. ‘lllllllll. l)IaIn.I IlIaI e\plnI'ex IlIe IIIIIIIII'aIInnx nl .I hnIIInxe\u.I| hlexl) le III ennIenIIInI’aI'} lnIha, (lI‘nIInIlhIeakIng nn le Ieleaxe. II pla_\x hke I’III' [he ('lII/l lnI' quccnx Illltl t‘lIIxL'l CI|\L'\ Banal III} lllt‘ Iln'eeInI"x II\\ll pla} .lII ,lIIIez'I .Vlk’lt! III .lIIIIII/IIII. IhIx Ix paI'I nl' IlIe |"Ih l.nnIlnII l.ethan .IIIII (ia) l'exlnal nn InIIIt (i/ I. (I/Ihuun.

The Matrix Reloaded I ISI oooo I'l‘he \Vaehn“ ku lil‘nIheI‘x. [5. Jill”! Keann Reexex. larr} l‘IxhhnI'IIe. l-lllllllll. llIm gnnIl Ix I‘III' .llIIII'II RI'IIIIII/I'Il,’ Well. II when lInIII erIIIeI x)nIlrnnIe. aka IlIe la“ III IhnIInIthn; l'L‘llll'lh. SeennIl IInIe .II‘IIIInIl \\ e knnxx \IhaI IlIe ,\laII'I\ Ix .IIIIl \\ e'\e xeen hnu ennl ‘hIIIIeI IIIIIe' l\. III IeI'IIIx nt xInI‘}IellIng.'. II’I'IIIIII/I'Il I'aIIx In IIIaInIaIn IlIe paeIng nt IlIe nI‘IgInal. ('rIIIeIxnIx axIIle. lIn\\e\eI'. IheI'e'x plenl} In IIIIpI'exx IlIe e} e III RI'IIIIII/I'Il. The InaI'IIal aI'Ix lightx anIl enIIIpIIIeI' enhaIIeeIl et'leelx linIl Ihen‘ /eIIIIh III a bank heIIIeeII IlIe nIm xIIper-pnueIeIl .\'en .IIIII lIIx neIIIexIx. .-\g_'eIII Snnlh Illugn

Tues 72th August I Capture the Castle Cuppa @ I .7

for 7 7 30am, 7 30pm

Tues 26th August

Nowhene in Africa (15) 7 30pm Sat 30th August

The Tiger Movie (PG) 2 00pm Ring (15) 4 009?? Dark Water (15) 6 OOpm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

12 THE LIST 11.: Aug 2:33

\\ea\ In; I. \Ihn hax tnIInIl a \Ia} In tlnne hIInxelt l'he IIlIIa \I'lllPlC\ I'Ight heIIIeen .\en and 1H“ SIIIIIhx Ix IInIhIng; xlIIIII III gIIlIxIII.ItkIIIg lhen IlIeIe'x the tIeeIIa} taI ehaxe. lll\I‘l\lllj._' IIInIIal \I‘llll‘Jl aInII a xpeeIhIIg; l.\ \Iheeler. \Ilneh like\xIxe IaIxex the hat nn xpettat‘le elllL‘lllIl .\.'I I ( I I:.':II\ (‘IIII IIII.‘ It I ('I, IaiIII/vIIIgiI

Max I l5I C... IXlt‘IIIIII \le) Iex.l S. IINI‘I Jnhn ('IIxatk. \IIah la}lnI lllMlllll l'rexh lInIII eaIIxIn; lnale III ennIIanx} III the l S \Ihen II \\.Ix Ie\e.IleIl IhaI Ihe tIlIII \IIIIIlIl pnIIIa} (\tll‘ll llilleI ax a human hemp. \le} Iex' lIlIII Ix a taxtInaIIn; eIIIIanI) lI IIIIIII.I)x llIIleI I la} lnI I .Ix the “luau-Ind. pn\eII} xIIIeken \eIeIaII nt

\\ \\ l \Ihn lnngx In heenIne an aIIIxI .\l.I\ RnIhIIIan I(‘IIxael\ I. Ix the Jew Ixh .III IlealeI eIIeIIIIIagex lIIIII In IlII; IleepeI and find lIIx IIIIe \nIee \III enIIIel} xIIeeexxtIIl III IlIanIaIIe IeIIIIx. .llIII IIIIIIIIlex an IIIIeIIeeIIIall} lIIaeIII; lnnk .II IlIe InnIx III lllllellx \\ It‘lu'tlllt'xx (l l. (I/II'\;'IIII Mirror I ISI 0... l3\lltllt'l Lulu“ xk}. l'SSR. I‘VJI .\laIg_'.IIIIa ’l'elekhnxa. l’hIlIII YaIIknxxk}. lgnaI l)aIIIllIxe\ lIInIIIIn -\II aI‘IIxI IelleeIx nn lIIx eale hte .InIl IelaIInnxlIIpx III IlIIx IIIan InIenxel) peIxnnal III .III 'l'aIan \l\_\ 'x \InIkx \lIIlIIl.I}I'II'Il and .II Innex .IlIIIan IInpeIIeIIahle. ll ne\ eIIlIelexx I‘eIIIaIIIx .I eatalngue III erIxIIIxe .IIIIl eIIIgIIIaIIeaII} aII'exInI; InIageI}. nne III IlIe eIIIenIa'x elnxexI applnunIaIInnx In IInI-II} I'l/IH/II'IIH. lzI/IIIIIIIIg/I

Q Mon-rak Transistor I ISI oooo Il’enek RaIanaInang. llldlldlltl. IINlZI SIIpaan‘II KIIxIIIInn. SIIIIaann l’IIkkaxexh. lllaek l’lInnIInng. SnIIIlek SakIhknk llSnIIII Snme haw haIleIl IlIIeI'InI l’eII ek Ralanarnang .Ix IlIe 'l‘haI Bill} \VIIIleI \\ haI xIaI'Ix nnI ax a II‘thIInIIaI x~.\eI-I InIIIaIIIIe InIIxIeal heenIIIex .III}IlIIng_' hnI 'l’he InnneeIII InnIaIIee hem een lIka} l’an. .I hn}. anIl lhe IleIIIIIIe nhIeel nl lIIx alleI'IInnx. Sada“. IIle ean'I xIanIl up In IlIe nIleaIIghI III \IexIeI‘I‘IIerl 'l'lIaI xneIeI). .\'n xnnneI Ilnex Sada“ heenIIIe pregnanl IhaII l’an Ix pI‘exerl InIn IIIIlIIaI'} er\ Iee. l-I‘nIII IlIeIe IlIe hn} 'x prI'II Ix xlnul) I'I‘IleIeIl. .\ xIIIaI'I. IlaIk. xaIl llllll. I'IIIIIIIHHH'. IlelnlIIIru/I.

Nicholas Nickleby I I’( i) 00

IDnIIf—‘lax .\le(h‘alh. l'lx'. ZlNHI ('haI'lIe llIIIInaIn. JaIIIIe Bell. JInI llI‘naIlhenI. 'l‘IIIII ('nIII‘Ine}, l Unnn. Slage}. Ilull peIInIl \eI'xInII nl lhekenx‘ Innxl enmnlnIeIl nn\ el. ll \llllt‘l'\ lUl hax In; a \xeak leaIl III llIIIInaIII illltl \IIIIIL' t‘\(L'\\I\C li.|lIilllllIC\\ lInIII an aeelaIIIIeIl eaxI. lI Ix a IIIIIe hke hem; made In eaI a enlIl. hIII'III I'nax‘I III a l)l\‘l\L'll\ theme park. I)IIIIIIIIIIIII. IJI/IIIIIIII'g/I.

Our Europe Programme 1 IIIII-I I\'aI'InIIx. \lII‘InIIx. ZIMHI ‘Mnnn. 'l‘lIe hexI graIlIIaIInn lllIIIx nl 2H0} lInIII l5 IIIaInI liIII‘npean lihn xehnIleqlfrngrannne l \llII\\\ xhnI'Ix and IIIIIII leaIIII'ez rl'Ulll Slmakla. l’lx‘. l-‘I'anee. (iernIan) and l)ClllllIll'h l'I/III/IIIIIII'. Iz'I/III/IIII'I'II.

Our Europe Programme 2 IIhI-I IVaI‘InIIx. Varinnx. ZINBI SSIIHHI 'l‘he hexI gI‘thIaIInn l'Ihnx nl 2003 lInIII l5 IIIaInI‘ liurnpean tihn xehnnlx. (innIl xIIItt' lInIII l‘IIIlanIl. l’nI‘IIIgal. S\\II/eI‘laIIIl and IlIe l‘lx'. I'IlIII/IIIIIII‘. [LI/III/llll'g'll.

Our Europe Programme 3 IIheI IVaI'InIIx. VarInIIx. ZHUM ‘NIIIIIII. 'l‘he lIexI graIlIIaIInn lilIIIx nt 2MB lInIII l5 IIIaInI liIII'npeaII llllll xehnnlx. 'l’he pIek nt IlIe hIIneh lInIII Sxerlen. l’nlaIIIl. llnllanIl. (iernIan) .InIl l'K. I'l/Hl/H’HH'. I-[IIIIIIIIIIIIII Our Europe Programme 4 IIIII-I IVarInIIx. Varinux DINISI ‘NIIIIIII. ’l'he hexI gI‘aIlIIaIInn lllllh nl 2003 t'I‘nnI l5 IIIaInI' liurnpean lillll xehnnlx ’l‘he pIek nt IlIe hunch I‘rnnI Denmark. German} and l'K. I’Ilm/Inuu‘. I'II/IIIIIIII'LI/I.

Piglet‘s Big Movie Il'I Il"raneIx (ilehax. l‘S. ZIXISI '75Inin. ('arInnn. The gang trnnI llIIIIIlreIl Acre \VnnIl are hack \\ IIh aIInIher enehaIIIIng Iale nl' thenIIIre. When l’IgleI \anIxhex IIIIn IlIe \Innle aI'IeI‘ IInI heIng alln“ ed In parIIeIpaIe III nne nl \VIIIIIIe Ihe Pnnh'x thenIurex. IlIe gang heennIe \InrrIeIl aIIIl er nl't' nn a nnxxInn In find him IIxIIIg lIIx xeraphnnk nl IneInanex. lix IdenIl) In aIlulIx Ihe underhmg Inexxage Ix: appreeIaIe )nIIr t'rIenle and eIIxure Ihe_\ knn“ )IIII III\ e IheIn. l-‘nr ehIlIlreII. perhapx Megan l.ehInann'x I.\'IIII l’III-L I’IIIII qunIe Ix paIIIeIIlarI) apI: ‘xx hen IlIe \Inrld geIx Inn

M; thl xtaI}. the llIIIIIlIeIl \tIe \\nnIl IeIIIaInx a I leaIl} IlelIneaIeIl \I‘llllI‘ll mm" (II 'II ’It." ’l .I I.'\(

0 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl I.‘ \I I(II‘lC\t'll‘lll\l\l. l 5. 2”.“ Jnhnn) lk'm‘. (ienltIe) Rnxh. ()IlaIIIln lllnnIII. Rena lx'nIghIle}. .latk l)a\eIII\nII Innnn l’IeII} IIIIIII; llIIIx lllnnIII anIl KIIIghIle} pIanIle IlIe lI‘llLlllllt \llJllll .Ix x\\I‘tIl\lllllll \\ Ill IIIIneI aIIIl IhIlIlhnnIl \ueeIlIeaII l lI/aheth ,\\\.Inn. \Ihnxe ln\e .IIlaII Ix IhIIaIIeIl IIIxI h} .\\\.IIIII'x taIlIeI Il’I_\eeI. \xhn \IIxhex heI IIIaIIIeIl ntI In \lllll IIIan III Ineanx. hIII Ihen h} IlIe InaIIl Ix knlnapped h} Ihe IIIIeII} \\ It'keIl ('.II\I.IIII llaIlInxxa IRIIth .InIl lIIx IIIIIleaIl pnaIe tIe“ 'lIIIneI eallx III IlIe help nt xInneI xIaI IIIIaIe Jaek Spawn“ In Iexene \xxann lInIII /nnIhIe enIIhInaIx' (‘nnl' lhIeeInI (inIe \eIlIInku

I lIIIInI l/IIIII'I. halant ex IlIe xxxaxhhntkhn; \IIIh IIIxI Ihe IIglII .IIIInIIIII nI x.I\ \I xlapxIItk xIllInexx llnIxI IhaI Jnll_\ RngeI' See Ie\Ie\I (II III IIII” II /I an

The Powerpuff Girls I l’( iI I( In; \lt‘(.l.lel\t‘ll. l'S. .‘lNL‘I \IIII'I‘x nt ('.IllI_\ (‘.I\.IIhnI. laIa SIInIIg. l’lI/aheIh l).nl_\

‘nnn llaerl nn Ihe anIIIIaIeIl \lllk'lltall

'l'\ erIex. hIII lUlelll}: Inneh hke a Japanexe .IIIIIIIe. I/II IIx \IIIh IlIe IIIIgIII nl xIIIIeIgIle lllnxxnnI. llIIhhlex .InIl lillllt‘lt'lll‘ ('IeaIeIl h) l’InlexxnI l’InIIIIIIII .IlIeI he .IeeIIlenIall)

’IIIII [I’ll/l (III/K lIIII II [\In\ IIlI‘x

IIII\ex IlIe “Inn; elIeInII'al I‘nIIIpnIInle. IlIexe L'llllL‘\ enIIIxe haxne III 'l'n\\nx\ Ille \\llL'll IlIe) pl.I_\ a game nl xIIIIeI Ia; ('( '/. IzI/III/IIIIe/I. (I ‘I. ('l\I/I'/IIIIIL

Public Enemy I IXI .0. le'an; \\ II xI-nk. S KnIea. IINHI Snl K}llllf_‘ kn. lee Sung; Iae | ‘KIIIIII. ('hIIl Inn; Ix .I enp. IInI IhaI amnne \InnlIl knmx lle IIIexxex Ilke .I IIaIIIp Illltl he leIIeIx .IIIIIIIIIl nn IlIe eIlgex III IlIe IIIIIleI‘unIlIl In IlIe IIIIIIII .II \thelI he Ix .IlnIan IIIIhxlIngulxhahle lInIII Ihnxe he .II'IexIx But he I'an klek .IIxe. _L‘lllll.l\'t' .IIIIl Ihe lIIlle Inan lI.Ix gnI InnI'e I'lIInIx} IIIIIIIIIIIII Ihan Ihe \xhnle III lIIx xIIIIaII IInI IIIgeIhI-I When a wee IIlIl ennple .IIe \ Inlenll} IIIIII‘IleIeIl lnI nn paIIIeIIIaI Ieaxnn. (‘lIIIl In makex xnIIIe IangenIIal leapx .IIIIl IleeIIlex In xlalk IlIeII' xnn (nu huan Sung; IaeI. .I llaxh. xIIeeexxlIIl hIIxInexxInan. III IlIe xeaII‘h lnI elIIex. l-aernaIIng. IIIII'IgnIng. ll llaued and II\ Cl‘lIIllg .'\\l.m C\llk'lllt' Ileleelne IhI'IlleI' IlIaI pla)x llle' a eIIIxx lIeIIIeen lit“! and [III I/III'I’ XIIIIIL'IW ('(I‘( /\'I IIII‘I'II SHIT]. (I/Inunu.

Punch-Drunk Love ISI oooo 'l'hnInax .'\llIlL‘l'\Ull. l'S. IINHI Adam Sandler. l'.IIIIl_\ \\'aIxnn. l’lIIle Se_\InnIII llnllnIan. X‘IIIIIII ‘:\II aI'I lInIIxe .'\tlIllll SaIIIlleI' tiIIII.‘ Ix hn“ IlIe pI‘eeneInan} hI'IlhaIII .'\lltlt'l\(\ll hax Ileer‘IheIl lIIx llllll. \\'IIIIeII xpeeIt'Ieall} InI Ihe lnuhIIm ennIeIlIan. SanIlleI. II'x a hexxIlIleI'Ingl} nlt kIlIer I'IIIIIanIII' ennIeIl}. er III .»\IIIleI'xIIn’x l;l\IIlll'llC eIIIeInaIIe IeI‘IIInI'}. (‘alIInI'IIIa'x San l-eI‘IIaIIIln Valle} (‘lnelang III .II IIle 3‘) IIIIIIIIlex. I’IIIII II-lh‘unk l.t'l(' laekx IlIe graIIIhnxe x“ eep anIl eInnIInnal pnIene} III .llIIeIIIIIIII. Yel \xIIh IIx enneern InI Ian xnnlx anIl IIx l'nI'IIIal In\enII\enexx. I’IIIII II HIIIIIA I.IIII’ Ix nIIIxI delhnlel} a PT .'\ll\lCl\I\ll llllll. anIl nne \IhIeh hreakx IlIe geIIeI'II~ I‘IIlex III Ielhng IIx nxx II hI/aI'I'e Iale nl I'IIIIIanIIe I'eIleIIIpIInII. (II/IInI. IiIlIII/IIIIelI

O Respiro (Respiro Mio) I ISI 0.... IlzInannele (lldlt‘w'. llal}. ZIMII ValeI'Ia (lt‘llllU. ‘lllllllll. ()II l..IInpeIlIIxa. an IxIanIl near \\ exIeI'II SIeII}. lIIII Ix I'exIrIeIeIl In SaIIII‘Ila} IIIglIIx. (iI‘a/Ia I( iIIllllIH Ix IlIe al'teeIInnaIe. )nIIIIg InnIheI' nt IhI'ee elIIIIlI'en \x lIn Ix alxn ax IIan'eIlIeIahle and xInI'III} ax Ihe xea xurrnInIIlIng her leanIl. Sel agaIan rnngh and Jagged I‘nelxx. IhIx lahle enneernx Iealnnxl}. eI'IIeII). xe\IIal Ieannn anIl Inleranee A xIIIIple anIl e\IraanhnaI'Il_\ I'Ieh e\perIenee. See prexlen and renew St'lt’i'lt’Il I'I'lc'uu'.

Roger DodgerI lSI Il)}l;III KIIlIl. l'S. ZIXDI ('aInphell SenII. Jexxe liIxenherg. lxahella RnxxelhnI. lilI/aheIh Berkle). JeIIIIIIer llealx, III-lInIII .-\ ennne. IIrhane Innk aI IlIe InnIlern male egn aI \Iar III IlIe xIIIglex xeene Irenehex. Rnger Snanxnn Ix a lIanlexxl} Ii)lllL'Ill aleerIIxIng enppxrner

\\ IIlI a ra/nr-xharp \\ II \xhn hehe\ ex he hax InaxIereIl IlIe art (It. InaIIIpulaIIng \InInen. But Rnger'x xeeInIngl} I'nanrnnI \InrlIl III


xIIInnIh talk anIl Iaxnal xe\ lIeeIIIx In IIIIIau'l \Ihen he Ix I‘aIIl .I xIIII‘IIxc \ IxII lw hIx IeenayeI nephew \Itk llI‘l‘lllf.‘ In erIle nnte .IIIIl tnI all. IlIe IxxIIe III lIIx \ll}'1111l\. \Itk hegx lx'neeI In xthnnl lIIIII III IlIe .Ill nt erlIII In; \IIIIIII‘II \\elInIIIIII;' Ihe I hallenye. lx’ngel gIIIIlI'x \Itk IhInngh Ihe I tl\ 'x \\ IlIl InglIIhIe tnI an all IIIelII IIaxh InIIIxI‘. nIIl_\ In II-aIIxe IlIaI he Ihe thIlI xnIIIeIhIn; In leaIn .IhnIII \xhaI \\I‘lll\'ll. .IIIIl

xIIll hax

IIIeII. wall} “at” l‘Ie\ Ie\\ x nn'l\. Ie\ IenI'Il III'\I Ixeek [III In em . Rugrats Go Wild! II IO. IlI‘lHl In; \nIInn \ II;:II‘II. l \. .‘INI‘I \IIIII‘x

l lI/aheIh Hall}. \.lllt\ (QIIIuIIehI. l ath (‘hal‘I'IL lIIII I 'IIIII. HIIIII' \\ IllIx \ $IIIIII llII' lx’IIgIaIx IIII'eI IlIe \\ IlIl llInIIIlII-Inx. nh \\ll.ll In). Inll} IIIIIII‘Il} IIIIIxIIal tnI lIIle \I'I‘ lI'\ If“ '( II I. \I

Russian Ark Il I.... \lI'\.IIIIlI \nkInIn. lx’IIxxIa (II'IIIIaIII. .TIII'N \I‘IjnI'I l)nIIIxn\. \l.III§.I lxII/III'Ixnxa. l I'nnIIl \ln/gn\n_\ ‘NIllllll \IIkIIIm IlII'f':II ..I:..’

\III:I lIax alna} x lIeeII a lnIIIIalIxI II.” In IlIIx Innk aI IIIIIIlI'III lx’IIxxIan lIIxIIIII. \nkIIIm 'x \.llll\'l.l I‘axxex IhInIth

t'\\ t'llt'lk I“

nIIe InnnI In .InnIheI III .I \.le \I l'I'II'IthIIz' IIIIIerIIII .Ix hIxInI_\ IInInlle lII'InIe IIx \xllhnnl .I \lll 1 Ike IlIe I'aIlII'I nIII' Iake \IIIIIIleI, \lIke l I;.'_-_'Ix~ /IIIII . . IhIx IIIII'lII aIlIIew lIIIIe IlI.IIII.IIII.IllI. IlII'II"x .I lllllllI'Il eIIInIInnal I.III§.:e aI \InIk heIe .Ix \II- Inllnu IlIe IIIIxeen IlIII'IInI .IIIIl hIx I .IIIIeIa IIIIn IhlteII'III Cl.l\ \I-IeIIhelexx. II‘x IIIIIleIIIalIlI a erIIIIIal \InIk lII'IIII'IIIIIII III"II:I'-III._'I': Sex is Comedy 1.x» 0000 Il‘theIIne llII'Illal. l IanII'. .‘HH.‘I lx'n\.IIII' \lexIIIIIIla. (negnne ('IIIIII. \llllI‘ l’aIIllaIIIl ‘L‘IIIIII lIleIIIeIl h} lk‘l nun I'\III‘III'IIII‘x nl xhnnlIIIg: .I xe\ xIene III \ HI; \III I”. ('aIlIeIIIIe llIeIllal Ih.II \\Ulll\l e\.IIIIIIIe lIeI Imn .IIIIlII\.I|I'III

Ilt‘t lIlI'Il lI' “Min” .1 llllll

IelaIInIleIIIIx \\llll lIeI .IIInIx. and [he lengthx In \IhIIlI xhe'x [III-IIaII'Il In _-.'n III nIIleI In e\IIaII ‘IIIIIhtIII' [‘t‘llI'llll.lll\\'\ lInIII IlIenI l’l.I}III;3 IlIe llII-Illal III'IIII- nI leanne III l’.IIIll.IIIIl. \Ihn lIIIle Ihe IIInlIlI'IIIx IIInIIIIlIn}: IIII nII IlIe xIIIIlIn xI‘I nl lII'I lt'.lllllt‘ /IIIIIIIIIII \I I III \ l’IeIIaIIIIjn lnI .I [Innlal heIhnnIII xI'IIIIeIIII'. III \\lll\ll .I II’I'IIaI'I‘ §.'IIl lIIxex lIeI \lllellll} In an nlIlI'I |n\I'I. lI‘IIlllII' IlIxI'nu'Ix IlIaI lIeI InalI- lead I( iIejnnIIe (’nlInI Iepe.III'Ill_\ lt'lll\t‘\ In IIIIII|I|_\ 'IKIlll lIeI IeIIIIexIx l'nll nl llIeIllaIK Pli'\|'\Illl\\' xlnganx, .\I I l\ ( IIIIIIIII Ix .I \l.lllxl_\ .IIIIIIxIII;' xell pnIIIaII. \\lll\ll IIIIxIIInIIx lllI' llllll xlInnI .Ix .I lI.III|e;:IIIIIIIIl III Ihe IIIIIllIII heIIII-I'II IlIe xe\e\ /I/III/IIIII\I. II/III/IIllzjit

Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas Il'I... Il’aIIIek (iIlIIIIIII"lIIII Jnhnxnn. l'S. ZINHI \nII‘ex nl llIaIl l’III. ('Illlll'llllt' /I‘l.I JIIIILN. \llIllI‘llI' l'lI'lllI'l. Jnxeph l‘lt‘llllt'\. l)ennIx lla} xheII. lIIIIIIIhI \Vexl 55mm SIIIhaIl Il’III I. Ix a II.III;.:hI_\ pIIaII' IHIe l1IIx Il’teIlleI I Ix IlIe (inIlIlI'xx III ('hanx \Ihn lII_\\ \‘Illll lIIx I'IIIIIIIIIIIx h} IhIImIIII; \aIInIIx Ih\eIIIIIg: IlIallI'In'I-x hIx \xa) \leamxlnle. .\laIIn.I IJIIIIexI Ix nII lI.IIIIl lnI a llllel xeax lIIllldllt'I‘ \IIIlIaIl haxII'I ngIl IlIe II'Ie\ eIenI lIIIIIInIII IhaI Ix IlIe x.I\ Ill}? gIaee nl xn Inan} aIIInIaIInIIx. lll.lllhlllll_\ IlInIIgh II Ix IaIel} IlIIll ("II-\eIII. Ihe llllllllldlxt‘h ll.l\ e aneIl In paIIII Ihe \aIIIIIIx IIInIIxIeIx and e\nIII' lnIaIInIIx \IIIhaIl eIIenIInIeIx \xIIh a lllllell} llHk'l Ieal ('( ll lIelI \theh lllIleL‘\ II IIlIInIaII'l} .1 mp \IIIIIlI taking: (II "(fill II /('Il\(

La Sociolgie est on Sport du Combat IIheI Il’IeII‘e (‘haIlex. l'IaIIIe. Ihennn ln l'I‘eneh \IIIh l'nj:hxh xIIlIIIIlex l’IeI're (‘harlex' IlIIeIIIIIenIaI} lIlIII nn IlII' Me and \Inrk nl Ihe pnpnlaI l‘Ieneh xIII‘IIIlIIelxI, l’IerI‘e llIIIII'IlIeII IIIIIIIIII I‘IIIHI Ill\ Il'/.I IIIII. IzIIIII/IIIIe/I

Solaris Il’( I I ..... l:\llIllt'l laIlIIII xk}. l'SSR. I‘VII l(I5IIIIII, 'l’aIknx xk} 'x eIIII \\.I\ llllL‘lIIlL‘Il .I\ II xIK'IIIllxl lk'\PUll\C III Kuhnehx JIIIII. huI xnIIIe eIIIIex ha\ e IaInhaxII-Il II IIII IIx eIIIl px}ehnlng.:) and “red IIIelnIlIanIa ()Iherx heheI e ll In he lIIx IIIan ateexxihle

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