IIIIII ehaI;:ed \IIIh a genIIIne pIIIgnane} and IlI'pllI (Villlex. L'll ' (i/ I. (i/IIIL'I'H


Some Like it Hot I M ii ..... IllIll} \\I|IleI. l S. l‘IS‘II Inn} (‘IIrIIx. Jaek

I eInIIIIIn. \laIIhn \lnnIIIe llllnnn 'l'mI ll|l|\l'elllllnll\ IIIale InIIxII'IaIIx InaIl\eIIeIIII_\ \IIInexx Ihe SI \.I|I-IIIIIII"x Ha} \laxxaere and lake lL'lil_L'l‘ III I IIIIIIla \\ IIlI S“ eel Sue and heI \III'II‘I} NIIII‘IIII.IIIIIx. an all IenIaIe hand llIIllIaIII. lIIIllle. .Iaekellaek lalee

\\ IIII all Inneerned .II a peak lll IheII eareerx. \. I'I\HIII'II \. H I “my II'IIIIIII. I.I/III/III/elI Space Station (30) II .I'I‘II... Mm» (‘.III...I..l _\‘_ leHI -l"nnn \aIIaleIl h} lull] ('IIIIxe. lhIx lug: ereen l.\l.'\.\ pIeerIIalInn IIIllIm x Ieal axIIIInaIIIx InIII Ihe hr: lIhIe lIIIpIexxI\ e. hIII nIII ax .mexIIIne ax II thIIIld ha\ e l‘een ll/.\.\', (i/IIIQIIII

Springtime in a Small Town (I'll. ... llldli /hII.In3:/huang_'. ('hIna. leL‘I \\'II .lllli. llll .llin.‘l.IiI. .\In llaIIpng lllIInIn lhe IIIxI llllil III .I deeade IIIIIII \eIeIan l‘lllll (.eneIalIIIn IlIIeeIIIr /lIIIaIIg:/huan;: I [III II’IIII A'III I, lhIx

l\‘\ ill_L‘l_\ .‘Ialled IenIake III a Will. (‘hInexe elaxxII' Ix .I deheale ehaIIIlIeI IhaIna .-\ nIaIIIed eIIIIple l)aI |.I_\.In and \Im en uhII mm deep III xepaIale IIIIInIx lll IheII xenII- IIIIIIeIl IaInIIIal hIIIne. Ieeene an IIIIe\peeIeIl \ IxII IIIIIn a Shanghar IIIII'IIII. [hang /hIehen I (iI'II’I-IIIII'I. XIII'I'I. (i/IIIeIIII Spy Kids 30: Game OverIl'. .... IRIIlIeIl RIIIlrIgIIeL l'S. IINISI .'\lllHlllU llandeIax. (‘aIla (iugInn. .-\le\a \ega. Dar)! SalIaIa. RIearIln .\lnnlalhan. llnlland 'l'a_\|III. S)l\exler Slallnne llllllillll. \\ hen (’aInIeII lIeeIIInex Irapped III .I xInIxIer \ IIIIIaI Ieahl) \IIleII game. JIIIII Ix Ihe IInh nIIe \Ihn ean x..\ e her IIIInI Ihe I‘IIIIehex III Ihe 'l'n} InakeI (SlallIIneI an e\ ll gaInex Ilexlgnel 'l'he I) eIIeeIx aI‘e lIIIlh lll\ enIIxe and InIpIexxI\ e and Ihe er pIeeex are lerrrlIe IIIII l'he hIghhghIx InehIIle a duel helu een _-_'IanI IIIIIIIIx. an e\eIIIn;_' Innllnelnele xpeed Iaee and xIIIne hI/aI'Ie pIIgII-Irngx. \Ihnxe Inngnex xhnIII nnl InIn Ihe auIIIenee ax Ihe} allaek (iI Ilt'lu'l II III/\I'

Stalker Il’( .I .... I.-\nIlreI 'l‘arkm xk}. l'SSR. I‘V‘II .I\le\ander KaIdaIIIn xk_\. .-\II.IIIII} SnlIInIIx}n. \IkIIlaI (iI'Inkn. lIIlInIII. l'arkm xk_\ 'x adapIaIIIIn III Ihe Sllugalxk) nn\el ahnul Ihe aIIernIth III an ahen \ IxIIaIInII ’l'he xIalkeI Ix a man \IhII Ix prepared In aeI ax a gIIIde IhI‘IIugh Ihe ennIaInInaIeIl aIea. lIIIl Ihe Ihreelnr IIxex Ihe /IIne ax a lneale III \er) hnIIIan IlexIrex and prIIIeeIIIIIIx. \‘IxIIallI xplenIhIl and Inlelleelnall) pI'IIIIIeaIn e. XIII/Lu Ix IIne III lalkifi 5k} .\ iIIle .IL‘L‘L‘\\Il‘lC lllIIIx. (if I. (i/IIIQIIII ,' lI/m/IIIIIII‘. I'IIIIIIIIIII‘e/I. Standing in the Shadows of Motown I|’('II ... Il’aIIl JIIxInIan. IVS. IIIIL‘I IIISIIIIII. .X'IIIIII/Ine III the Slum/III. \ III \IIIIIIII II Ix hardl_\ Ihe IlI-IIIIIIIx e IIIII\Ie ahIIIII l)eII'nIl'x nIIIxIeaI gIII In Ihe \xnI'lIl (Ihal llllil Ix xIIll III he InaIleI hnI IIII' Ihe nIIInIenI l’aIII _IIIxIIIIaII\ halI-eIIIIeeI'I halI- lIIeIIIUI‘} lane xlrnll Ix gnIng.‘ In ha\e In IlII. \\ Ilh xIIhIeel Inaller hke lhIx )IIII ean harIlI} gII \II'IIng. 'l‘he l-‘nnk lh‘nlherx \\ ere \lIIIIIun‘x In-hnuxe hand. handpwked h) lierr} (Enrd). The) hard!) xa\\ Ihe hghl III da} hem een lakex hIII hem een IheIn Ihe} pla_\ed IIn nIIII'e nurnher IIne lIIIx Ihan an}nne elxe e\ er. 'l‘he ll‘l’lllIll here Ix xIInple:

Corporate japes in Rugrats Go Wild!

Ihe lIkealIle IIId lIII_\x xII aInIInd ehaIIIng ahnul llIIIxe enld hlnnded nld IIIIIex. Ihere are a Ie\\ IIIIIn} xIIIIIex. a IIII III peIIIIIl leeIeaIIIIn and .I xhghll} eheex_\. II\eI eInpthelIe \IIIeemeI IIIInI -\nIhe llIaIIgheI .-\nIl \\ e xee Ihe gang haek IIn xlage. lnda}. “Illi _\IIIIIIg_'eIlIth aI'Ilex. xnnIe \‘Illl‘ .‘III Ihe InIleaIIl I('haka Khan. llnnlx) (‘IIllIan and xIIIIIe Ihal eaIInIII Illen llaI'peII lhe \IIIIIIIIIIaek Ix gnnna he .I peaeh I (i(' II’I'II/II'II XIII‘I‘I. (;/II\'\'I'\\. I‘ll/lllll’llu. [Zr/III/IIII'L'II

Summer Things (Embrassez Qui Vous Voudrez) l I5I oooo (\II.-II.-l Blane. I'I'anee. ZINIII (‘haIlIIIIe Rdllil‘lliifJ. JaquIex l)IIIIIIne. KaIIn \IaIIl. l)enIx l’IIdahIlex. ('lnIIlIle ('IIIIIaII IIHIIIIII ('le\eI adaplalInn III .lIIxeph l'nnnnll} 'x nIIIel Inln an axIIIIe eIIIneIl} III InanneIx .-\ eIIIIIp III IIIenle are \aeaIInnIng IIne xIIInnIeI al Ihe xeaxIIle I’exIIII III l.e ’l'IIIIIIIIel llIIIIrgeIIIx InInIl garnex and lhrlalIIIn aIe Ihe Ine\ IlalIle xIde pIIIIlIIeIx. l'.\perIl_\ InaIxhalleIl h} lllane. \\ll(i \lxlllllll) \\ eax ex lngelheI Ihe \aIInnx xInI_\|Inex \thle dIaggIn; xIIIne gIeaI perInIInaneex IIIII III IhIx IIan'exxn e eIIernlIle eaxl. a \\lll) IIIIInIlela_\ III nIIxIakeII IdenIIIIex. aInIIIIIIIx aIl\enIIIIex and eInnIInnal xIIlIIeI’lIIge (‘IHNI'IK IxI/III/IIII'u/I Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 11M... IJIInthan \lIIxIII\\. l'S. IINHI .-\I’IIIIlIl SehuaI/eneggeI. \II'k SlalIl. ('IaII'e l)anex. KIIxIaIIIIa l.IIkeII. l)a\IIl .'\lltllL'\\\. IIIHIIIIII. x\llL'l' a l3»}ear' hIaIIIx. .-\I‘nIIld Selmar/enegger'x haek IlIIIng \\haI he Ilnex hexl. pla) In; a IIIlIIIl Ihal xIIIaxlIex IIle III penple and lhlngx. ILI' hax a daIeIl leel. I'enIInIxeenI III pre-(‘(il l‘lh‘llx aeIIIIn nIIIxIex \eu Ihreelnr. Jnnthan \lIIxIIm I17 .‘n‘l I. l'IIle [U l‘I'CIIllIL‘ lll'e min I}. llL' handlex Ihe aeIInII rexpeelahl) ennugh. lIIIl perhapx Ihe ahxenee III l'/ and I’J'x InanIaeal \ IxIIIIIaI'}. JaInex ('aInerIIn. hax I'exnlled III a lexx aIIIhIIIIIIIx aelInIIeI'. (;¢'II¢'I'III I’I'lI'II‘u'.

Treasure Planet I I I oooo I Run (‘IenIenIx and Jnhn .\IIkaar. l‘S. ZINIRI VHIL‘L‘x Ul Jnxpeh (iIII‘IlUII l.e\ Ill. l);I\ Id ll)de l’Ieree. liInIna 'l’hnInpxnn. l)IIInIII. DhllL‘} 'x haek. ’l‘hal ‘IIle Inagle I‘eIIn'nx III IheIr lalexl. a rennrklng III' Rnherl l,IIIIIx Sle\eanIn'x L‘l;i\\l( llIal \L‘L'\ .I xlIlli Ul- lneaIIIIII IrnIn Ihe hIgh xeax In Ihe xlarx .\'III xInee The [Inn Kme hax Ihere heen xneh an epIe. enanInIIng pIeIuI‘e III \theh Ihe earIIIIIn eharaelerx h\ e and breath nn xereen In Inaxxn e. heaIIIIIIIll} paIIIled xelx. .\leaII\\hIle. Ihe lllllll‘hllL‘ erIIng allnux IIIr \xnnderl'nl e}hnrg_' ereaIInnx (Ie IIne Jnhn Sleerl .-\nIl Ihe erealnre \thI Ialkx In Ilalulenee hke nIIe III; hIIhhl} Iarl Ix real a \\lllllL‘i \ulh Ihe kIle. I'( ‘l. IzI/In/IIII'u/I. l'( ‘l. ('IIIII'IIIIIIL.

T-Rex 3D Il'I Illlell Lennard. l‘S. l‘)‘).\‘I JUInIn. .-\Ina/Ing lnnkIng l.\l:\\ Innue ahIIIII a IallIeI‘ and danghler III danger than a \ IeIIIIIx earnnnrnIIx IhnIIxaur. (heal Ian /.\/.-l.\'. (i/IIwIIII.

2 Fast 2 Furious 12.-\I .. (JIIhn Srnglelnn. (‘8. SIM}. l’aul \Valker. Rnrnan Pearee. ('nle llauxer. l-.\a \lendex. ‘Hnnn \i‘“ a xII'eel-raeer III l‘lIIrIda. degIaeed l..»\ enp llrran ()'(‘nnner I\\'alkerI Ix IIIreeIl h) FBI and euxInInx agenlx In gn IIndereII\ er IInee Innre ’l'raIlIng xIreel ered IIIr xlreel raerng. IhI'eeIIIr Jnhn SIngleInn ennlInIIex

Ihe de.hne Ihal hegan \IIlh \i:..'.'. deluelrn; IIIeIal .IIIn.hIn:_' lhIIllx and prllx \\llll .IIld Ie.hnI.al kuII [he x'.\e.:l_\, Iexlnxlelnne Illelled atlIIIn xInellx \IIIIxe Ihan hIIInIng lIIl‘l‘L‘l. and the uhnle lhIn; lea\ex IIne

(Ill I..".":"‘:I(;i:

. l“... ll“\.l \elIIIInadIeI. l \ \. Ill ('ale Blan. hell. \lan l)e\ hn. (‘nhn 'aIIell. Brenda l Inkel. Jne llaIIle} ‘IMIIIII Jen} llIII.kheIIneI pIndII.ed and \hurna. her dIIeIIed lake Ihe

e\haIleed Veronica Gue

IIIIe xlIII_\ nI (ineIIn‘x IIIIexllgalrnn III. and murder h}. gruhh} lhIhhn drug dealerx III Ihe l‘NHx l’IelI} pedexIIIan xlIIII l‘lll Ihe llllli greall} III-III'Ile IIIIIII Ihe pIexen.e III (‘aIe lllaII.heII llI Ihe IIIle Inle ll (PI I: II}.

VI /..'.7.'\ \\llll ,lnan \llen \\.Ix helleI

(II III ’(III' N .‘i an

Whale FliderIl’l‘n ooo l\llu‘ (1.... \I‘\\ /ealand. IIIH‘I KeIxha (Xlele Hughex lillnnn Ina xIIIall \e\\ /ea|and .naxlal

I Illage. Ihe \laIIII penplex . laInI dex.enl IIIIIII l’aIkea. Ihe \\ hale RIdeI. a pxendn nI_\IhIe Inale elder uhn \\ax nne \\llll Ihe halnaeled heaxlx lhe hlIIIIdhne Ix xIIppnxed III lead III KnIn. lli‘\\ nld IIIan \Ihn Ix \\Hl'l}lll“.' lhal hIx xnn I’IIIIIIIIangI hax nn|§ en en lillll a granddaughler l’aI \\llII .‘annnl earl) IIn Ihe d_\naxl) KeIxha ('axIle Hughex lax Ihe .‘hnxen nIIe Pan and Ihe Iexl III Ihe eaxl aIe dehghllnl. \thle (‘aIII IIIakex Ina\InIIIIn nxe III heI li‘\\ lIIIIlgel and anIaleIII ere“ lI_\ \\I‘ll\lll_‘_‘ \\lllilli Ihe ennIInex IIl .l Ieal e.le .IIaxI \lanll Iexenallnn aIea I'IIIIehInf: and Inlelhgenl IIaIIIIathIe IlIaIna IIII nldeI kIle and thIllx lhIx hax enlhIalled aIIIlIeIIeex al llllli lL'\ll\.ll\ .lL'lU\\ lllk' \\i‘lltl \I [I I II HI II [I (IN What a Girl Wants II’(;. oo

Il)ennIe (iIIrIlnn. l‘S. SHIHI Kell} l’Iexlnn. SIIIeIl .\le(ihee. ('IIhn l'lllll. l:I|een \IkIIIx. .lnnalhan I’I_\I'e. l’eIeI lx’ee\ex. .-\IIIanIla ll) nex. .-\nna ('haneellIII IIISIIIIII ll} nex pla)x l)aphne Re}IIIIlle. a \\\ eel. gnnd IIaIIIIed xe\enIeen )eaI IIIIl gIII \xhn Ix IhIIlleIl In Ihxemer IhaI her lalheI Ix llI’IlIxh pnhlIeIaII l.IIIIl llenr} I).Ixh\\IInIl ll'llllil IIII\\e\eI. IhIIIIgh lleIII} \IeleIInII-x Ihe nppIIrIIIIIII} In gel In anI\\ hIx daughler. hIx ennnnrng IIanee ((‘haneellIII I and hIx pIIhIIeaI adx IxIII

Il’r_\ I‘eI plIII In gel heI xenl paekrng l'IIIlIIIIl‘lL'lll} L‘lIL'C\_\ .IIIIl \lIlIIIIL‘lI‘55. llle hax Innre had 3:.ng IIIIIII\II13_' l{II_\a| l‘aInIl} lnnkahkex Ihan an} llllli xInee //II* XIIAI‘I/ (I'IIII. ll IeInaInx “alehahle Ihankx In ll}nex herxelI. \\ hII gn ex a prIIleIl. IIIIIn_\. gennInel} x\\eel peIIIIInIanee and enuld \\ ell he xIIIneQIIe In “aleh Ill Ihe IIIIIIre. (iIIm'rII/ rI'lIII'I‘II'

The Wild Thornberrys Il'I ooo ((‘alh_\ .\lalkaxIan and .leII \le(iralh. [8. SIM). \‘IIIeex III lllli ('IIII). l.§IIII ReIlgIaIe. Ruperl l:\eIell 851nm lake Ihe pIIpIIlaI ehIlIlren‘x 'l‘\ eaIIIIIIn. Ihe InIIIIe Inllnux Ihe aIl\eIIIIIrex III )01lll:_‘ l:lI/.I llIUllll‘L‘li) \Ihn'x heen granled Ihe pIIIIeI In Ialk In Ihe anIInalx a hand} IIII'k \Ihen )IIIII paIenlx are \\ll\llllL' dIIeIIInenIaI} IIIIIIIII.IkI'Ix 'l lle lInIe Ihe} ‘Ie III .v\IIIea “here a IeaIn III hr leeh pnaeherx lIa\ e IheII ex ll e}e MI .I herd III IINNI elephanlx ll} eIIIIIhInIng: a naIlr hrlrng xIIIr} \\llli a xalIre III IaInIl_\ IIIIhIex. Ihe IIIIII Ix ennxlanll} engagrn; and nnl a Mile I‘euardlng. XIII ('I IIIIIH. ILIIIII/IIIIu/I Wind in the Willows II'I ooo ((‘mgraw Hall. l'K. I‘IMI \\Ilh Ihe \IIII'ex III l)a\II| Jaxnn. \lIehael llIIIdeI'n. lan (‘arInIehael 851nm. Ral. 'lnad. Badger and .\lIIle xprIng In Me \ Ia Ihe hIghl) Ile\elnped IeehnIIIIIex III e\perIeneI.-d ehrldren'x

Iele\ IxIIIII aIIIInaIIIIn eIInIpan) ('nxgrnx e lldll. (illiVJI'l'.

Wrong Turn I I.\I ooo IRI.I. SehnIIIlI. l". IINI‘I l)exInnnIl llarrrnglnn. lih/a DIIxthI. ltnInIanIIelle (lilitllll. JeI'eIn} SIxIII. 851nm ('lIIIx (l)exInIInd llaI'rInglnnI hax a IIIlI InIer\Ie\\ In RaleIgh lie Ix InakIng gnnd IIIne III hIx IIId .\llIxIan;.' \\ hen an aeeIdenl IIII Ihe hIglma} IIII'eex hnn In lake Ihe IIIaIl Ihrnugh Ihe \xnndx ()n Ihe Ihrl Iraek he rnnx IIIIII Ihe xIde III JexxIe IHI/a l)nxthII and her IrIend'x Range Rm er nII IIne Ix hurl lIIII hnlh earx are Ihxahled l'nxurprrxrngl} Ihe xI\ eIl} kIle deeIde In xphl up III nrder In gII and find help. hIIl Ihere Ix xnrnelhrng IIIIII III}: In Ihe hnxhex and II hax gnl huek IeeIh. l'lIra xear} and lnnd ieen xlaxher. ('('/. IzI/IIII'IIII‘QI'I.


Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Bombay Cinema: Glasgow

5 1 mm \lleel. ll‘l\‘\. “HI ~1l" IV}: 1‘ HI

l'nI IhIx \\eek‘x pIIIeralnnIe IIIIIex. pleaxe ennla.l Ihe . IIIeIIIa nII III-ll ~11" IVS}. III \\\\\\ l‘IIllIl‘II}.’llIL'iII.I .IIIII InI delale

CCA: Glasgow

‘5“ SaIIehIehall \lleel. III-ll Ll It: 51"

:5: «l‘lilll

MaxII5I (.15

FargoIlh. .x :(I ll‘dWK‘! " 5v I. Full FrontalIIx. I. I5

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress I: \I .x :n

Balzac and the Little Chinese

Seamstress I.‘ \. I. 1x Full Frontal I.x. .x In

:K‘ . :5 I Wllld in the Willows Il l.‘ I *

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within II’I .. IIIII

fuluh ' .\.'

Full Frontal 1.x. (. I5

Balzac and the Little Chinese SeamstressII:\. .x :(I

l...l Ell W. 'I lel h I Ghost World I I5. I. I5 Full Frontal [M 8 ill llllll‘TESlT‘IIVI/ Hi ..'I' :I Full Frontal I Ix. (. I5 GhostWondIli. .\ III

Glasgow Film Theatre

l: RU\L' SIIL'L'I. lll-ll H3 3125 (.lllt'vl‘Ill .v\ll perInInIaneex hnnkahle. [1)] [la] l-.\enIn3_'x: {-1 ‘III I 0; ‘ISIII, \ldlllil‘k‘x L * ‘NI Ills“). \Ved Ihelnre SpIIII. I; “I” I LII (Il'vl \.I\L‘I‘x. L l‘) 5” ILl-li lI\e llekelx lUI Ihe prIee III -1 (\ahd IIIr Ihree IIIIInlth

lll7.ll)~8l,'/.§I/ If}

1.All the Real Girls I I5. HI”. I. III. ;.SlilarisII’(.I 3.15. "In

Mango Souffle II’I.. 5 45

MIN/II ’--, 1. Respiro (lieSpiro Mio) I I5. :45.

4,45. (.45. .x45. 2.Allthe BealGirisII5. HIII. (.III. SKI).

S.AT.JI>L,.T«‘( A)".

1. Bespiro (Bespiro Mio) I I5. 2.45. 4.4.5. (.45. 5.4.5,

2. All the Real Girls I I5. HRH.

Hill. (Ill),

SUNlb-‘sl/ ' ', Al N:

1.Chalte Chanell’UI 3.45. Respiro (Resplro Mlo) I I5. (.45. 2. StalkerIl’llI XIII).

All the Real Girls I I5. (.lII, 3 III,


1. Resplro (Besplro Mlo) I I5. IIIII. HM. 3145.

Chaite Chaite II’(.. SIS.

2. All the Real Girls I I5. 3 (III. 5.2!), StalkerII’U. "All.


1. Bespiro (Resplro Mlo) I I5. 3.4.5. 4.4.5. (.45. 3.4.5.

2. All the iieai Girls I I5. “'08 I ISI (1.“),


SIN). lyfsll.