Spy Kids 30: Game OverII I In liIIII |3<II_ Inn. 5 In. ' in. win Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine I I 3 \I liI55.IIII. I: 5H. l5“. 5I”. ll“.

R 5il_ (I50, x ill. 9 Hi Veronica GuerinIIxI I In. =<n. 5-15

(I 3H.

Agent Cody Banks I l:'\l

I):III_\ I I nmm

American Pie: The Wedding I<I

Sun I\ lliii ll 5H.IIII. 3 l5. ~1-15. (~15. " I<_ \.i5. n.15

.\l\II lllil Iii 5H.IIII. Bruce Almighty I I:.\I l).iil} " in. nIH Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I I 3.\ I in. \Iil. \iIIn & \\'I-II» (Iilll_ nIIII Daddy Day Care II’III

l'll. Sill I\' \liiil “ml 53”. (i 5”. I\ l5 lCapture the Castle II’I'II

Sun ‘1 (HI

I)”. 515

lllt‘ "iii!

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde Il’(iI

l).IIl}: l| “Mm. 155. -l I”. (will.

i) ll).

Piglet’s Big Movie II'I

\luimvc l'll \VcIl ll.l5.IIII. l3.25. 3,3n.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl i l3.\l

lluilxi ll llMIII. lilii. 3.51). ii”. 5.10: Still. nIIII

Rugrats Go Wild! I I ' i

l);lil}l llil5;IIII. Ill). 5.3”. 5“”. Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas II‘I .\I;IIIIII'I‘ l'li. S.II Ik .\lIm \VI'II' ll.|5;mI. l.|5.

Spy Kids 30: Game Over I i ‘I

l);ill}i Iii-iiium. l35ii. Hill. 5|”. 7. ii).

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine I I 3.1M Dull}: lliil. l5“. VI“. Ililil. 55!). (MIL Sill. tHII

Tl’easure Planet I l ‘I

Dull}: ll,ilil;Im.

Veronica Guerin I IxI

Dull}: ‘l-iii.

What a Girl Wants I I’m

l);ul_\: |2.-i5. H5. 5.-l(). Hi5.

iiGC Parkhead: Glasgow

lllt' l'III'gc. l’.II'l\lIc;IIl. (ii-ll 550-1282. [min and (‘(‘ lmnkmg: “XVII 555 lib. ll)|, Ilil. .-\IlulI L-l_5i)_ (‘IIIlIlz L 5.5” (Mon 'l'hu: LINN. SIIIIlI'ni: L551) I.\lIm 'l‘lIII: L35”). (Rina-“Inn: L550. l‘tliiill} III‘kI‘I Lililii. .-\ll twitch lwiul'c IIIIIIII: L 5.

llllJHSIJI'IY .'

Agent Cody Banks I I3;\I Ill-15ml]. l.lil. 3.35. mm.

Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I I 3.\ I IIIIII.

Daddy Day Care I I’( ll Mn.

The liulkIIZ.-\I 5,05. .\'.ii5_

Tell me sister What a Girl lreally) Wants

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde IN}. [13an 1.1ll‘ ~1ilil_ II III. \ <II Piglet’s Big Movie II II nn.IIII. I nn. 3 5i!

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I: \I In 5mm. 2 In.

5 :5. \ Ilil

Sinbad: Legend ol the Seven Seas II ll ilildm. IliI_ l5iI. (\illl

Spy Kids 30: Game Over Ii I I I niIIII.

I In. ‘15. 5 I5. ' 15. “15 Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine I: \ Iii 5‘i.IIII. 13”. 55H. (I 33 ‘iilil

Agent Cody Banks I I: \I

l).IIl} lll‘l;.llll

American Pie: The Wedding I I <I

Sun Ik lliii IIINLIIII. I I5. 5-1". h I“. .\ .15

Bruce Almighty I I: M Hall} ‘i I”

Daddy Day Care Il’( I.

l‘ll. S.Ii I\ \li‘ll \\I-Il 55“. The liqu I: \.

l).II|_\. .\ H5.

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde Il’(ii

I).III_\. IIII. Inn. II :II sin Piglet’s Big Movie II I \luIIIII‘I' l H. S.II Ik \lUil \VI‘Il IIIII.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl I IJ.\I

l).IIl): lil. NLIHI. 1.50. -1 ~15. Rugrats Go Wild! II'I I).III}' ll.5ll;illl. l.»iil. Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas II I l).IIl_\' ll.ilii.IIII.

Spy Kids 30: Game Over I l I

l).II|}. llil5.IIII. Ill). ".i5.

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine I IJ.\I I);III_\: 1.20. 5.50, 0.25. will

What a Girl Wants I I’( ‘. I

l).'ill\I ll.2il;IIII. l.~l5. -l. I”. (xiii.


ich Rentrew Street: Glasgow

" chircu SII'I'I'i. Hill! and (’(’ invoking IINWI nn‘ n‘xn, .'\illill L-Ifin. (‘lIIlIl/SIIIIlI-nh L35“ (\lun 'l'lIuI; L 5.5” il‘l'l Sun). (‘unccxunnxt L55”. l';ililll\ iII'kci LIZ. l:;II'|_\ liII‘Il iitlllll\\lilll\ l‘L'lUlt' |3;IIII: L5. l\'IIl\ (‘luliz L‘l.5ii. l‘nlIIIIIII'Il ('gII'Il: L‘Hi‘) pI'I‘ lliiilllll.


ll llll.lill.


V15. 5 5”

H5. 5.15.

llllJlITSUAY 7

Agent Cody Banks I I:.-\I I l,:ll;iiil. IJII. Inn.

Bruce Almighty i l3.'\l Ilkilum. 3.31). 5..iil_ xgn,

Buffalo Soldiers I I5. iln. Mn. nIII, Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I I 3.-\ l

I Innmn. Inn. inn. “Sn,

Daddy Day Care Il’(iI llfiilum. 3.2M. Goodbye Lenin! 1 l5: ll.5ll;iili. 2.3“. 5.3n. NIH.

ll.lil;IIII. 1.4“.

The liqu I.‘ Kirkou and the Sorceress II 11H. Hm. ~III Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde I[’('.. I] INIJH‘.‘ ]_‘II~ 15m (I _‘II_ \ 5II Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl I.‘ \I In 1n.IIII_

ll 'lll.illI. l15. :l5. -1 l". \ ill I. \ .15

Public Enemy I\I n I In Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas Ii ll l'll.IIII

Springtime in a Small Town Il’i II

II 1n.IIII. Sin. 5 In. \ In

Spy Kids 30: Game Over II II nn.Im. lililA IIII, “lily 0-15

Standing in the Shadows of Motown I|’('.. I. 311‘ will)

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine Il3\I Iii 5ll.lili. ll “Mm. l.‘ 5”. I5“. :11). 1%II_.11II.<§II.II1II.‘III.

\ m. n III

Veronica Guerin I\I .lilil. II KI», \ <5

Whale RiderII’iiI 3 In.

IIIII_ .; lII_ \ilii ll lH.:III.


5.:n. l5.

5 I”.

ll lii.IIII. l 5H.

< .11). 5 3%

Agent Cody Banks I I: \I

l).II|_\ ll :lldlll

\lw III.IIIIII'I' I II. SIIi .\ \lilil \\I*Il I-iII. .iIIII

American Pie: The Wedding I I5. Sun I\ 'llIII ll Ilium. l 5H. 3 lil. j-in. .i ln. Sin. “IIII Min. \ .in. i) 3n

Bruce Almighty I I3.\I

lLIIl} (i RII InIII \M-III (I, {II Buttan Soldiers I ISI

l).IIl\ ll lll.illl. l-lil. -lilil_ (l-lllilllll IIII'I. ii Ill

Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle I I: \I lil lllk' Ik l‘lIu: .\ iii.

Daddy Day Care II’(;I

l).i|l_\I ll IHuIII

\lw IllIillllL‘k' I ll. S.II Ik \lIIII \VcIl‘ IRII. K5“.

Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to Have) II I l'l'l Sun I\. luv ’llm: (will)

Goodbye Lenin! I ISI

l);ill_\' 2.1!). 5.3n_ xIII

Historias Minimas I I.‘.;II

l).II|}: ll.-li|;IIII. Hill. .S. iii Inn! \lIIIII The iiqu I I_‘.\I

l‘i'l. Sui Ik .\lIm \Vcil: (xlil. “.15. Identity I ISI

l‘l'l. Sal. ‘I'III' Ik \VI-Il: ‘l. I”.

.-\lw lIIlL' l'I‘I Ik SIII: ll.-lil.

Kirkou and the Sorceress I I I

5 3n.

Hull}: ll.liI;IIII. lilii.

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde Il’(}I

l):II|_\: llililum. II”. 5.5“. ix)“. xfin.

.\l\(l IIIII‘ l'i'l Ik S.Ii: ll.‘lll

Piglet's Big Movie II'I

Dull}: Iliilum.

Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl I I3.\I

l);IIl_\: Iii-liknn. 13.5“. l.lil. Jill). ~l_llll. 450‘ .5..5ll_ 5‘ 5i). SllL ‘Hlll. .\l\ii lulc l'il Ik Sui: llllli. I I5“.


Respiro (Respiro Mio) I I5I

l);nl_\: ll.5ii;un. VIIII. 5-H). .\.lil. .\l\ii l.llL' l'I'I Ik Sni. I“. 5U.

Roger Dodger I ISI

\VL'Ll: S 5”.

Rugrats Go Wild II‘I

l);IIl_\' lii.5ii.un. liiil. ‘2”. 5.51). Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas II'I l);IIl_\: llililum. l.-lil

Spy Kids 30: Game Over I I '.

l'li. S.Ii IK \lIIII \VI'Ili (ill). S3”.

l);IIl}: ll.ilii;IIII. ll”. 5-“). Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine il:.'\l

l):IIl\: ll.‘\ii.IIII. 1351!. 1.50. 2.5“. Mn". Mn. 5W. Mn. “.45. Mn iill)

.\l\(\ l;Iic III I\ S.II: Ill ~11). ll..5il. Veronica Guerin I IN

i):IIl}: —1_lil_ (Mn, nQII

Whale Rider I I’( II

III. Sal Ik \lIm \VcIl: 3.1!”. 4.41). ".ilil

lllill \lIIIII.

What a Girl Wants I I’( i i

lXIIl}: ll,5ii;IIII. UNI. (Hill. S50. .'\l\il luic l'ii IK Sui: Illii.

Respiro 7 II

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pear

All the Real Girls I .I

(I\I:.:lf;\‘.ln :1". 'I a} II, I' 4' I" Mon-flak Transistor » n I-

'l:I\I".~:" 'Itu- "--" I":

l l (l t, " i. lJI l ' I l » ,wl.(' ;' l‘fil " ‘f' " «Hy/I I}, ,.' . TW‘ ’l l rtr' ('Ig' ' .g‘l ' ii ‘I xi,’>;:'.'”.’""f ‘S' If? 2 I"! ll" sgifi'”: 't", [K ["1" ’ll.‘!".i 4".l” I, in»

Far From Heaven r;°_ '

Vinyl“: v-‘,I "

IIIIII llIl’liz‘ ..' vim: .xI: III I I III

(‘ (\0» \ ,~‘ ; f 11‘! ‘I I‘

Cameo: Edinburgh

58 llillilL' SIII‘I'I. ill 5I 32X i! ll ('(‘ lmIIkIIIg HI 5| ISIS »il~ll ll.” 2-1 lliilil lIIiIIIIImIIIIII l.lllL' HI 5| SIS INN) [Iii {5.21) 1L5 5” I‘IIIIIN .Ill Il.I) 'l III'xIl.I_\ llllllStlIl} :IIIIl l'IIIl.I} Sumlui lwiIIII' (Ipml; L5 5!! :Ill Ila) \lIIIIIlIx .IIIIl 'luI-xIlu} 'l'humln} l‘L'lillC 5pm “M Li I‘IIIII'x liii lll\l \liii“ III I-IIIlI \I'II-I'II I :III‘ ill_‘._‘lil \llil\\\. lIllL' IIIleI III.IIII H It: 5(1). IIIIIlIIIplIi IIIII\II'L-15H l)IIIIl1|I-lII|l\I\IIII III;IIIIIII-’l.IlI' mph!» L-15IIIL45IIIIIIIuI Till ,‘FI‘ij/f- / All the Real Girls I I<I .1 nn. (I, <n_ n In Buffalo Soldiers I IiI I In. W I5

Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to Have) Ii I

J 5”.

Goodbye Lenin! I ISI I iii). I-In. 3n. ‘)_illl

Summer Things (Embrassez Oui Vous Voudrez) I ISI I :n

Whale Rider I l’( " lili.

All the Real Girls I I5.

l);IIl_\: 1.5” illiil \lnni. n ~1il Bullan Soldiers I I5»

l'I'I-Sun I& luv Hm: ‘I ll!

l'I‘I. Sal Ik .\lIIII: ~1.35.

'luc IV \VL'il. (15”.

Etre Et Avoir (To Be and to Have) Ii ’I l‘l'l Sun: Ilium»! Sunr. () 51) Goodbye Lenin! I H.

l).'lll_\j 4.|5 llllil \lIIIII. ‘Hlll, Respiro (Respiro Mio) I ISI

Hull): 3.05. 4.3”. (I55. 3.55. Adaptation I ISI + Punch-Drunk Love il5I

\luimcc Sun: I iii.