Treasure Planet1l‘1

01111} 1111011111.

2 Fast 2 Furious 1 12.111

111. $111 A' .\11111 “1'11: (1 15

Whata Girl Wants 11’1}.

1);111y 112011111. 1.50. 4.115. (115. 9.00

iiGC Fountainparit: Edinburgh

1:11u111111np11rl1'. Dundcc SIrch. 24hr 1n1'11r111z11111n d; (‘rcd11 (‘11111 B1111111n1: 1.111c: 01170902 041“. (1111" Bar. Adull: {5.30:1111? pcuk Mun-Thu below 5 111: £4110. (‘h1111/811111c111/().-\P/L'B 0: £320. 1i:1rly1111d Pncc: 1.2.75 :111 :r1‘11r111u11cCs hcl‘11rc 11111111. Family Iickctz £ 3.Ycz111_\ pilxx 1un1111111cd 1111111cx1£999 per month.


Banks112A1 11.4011111. BruceAimghty112A1 12.511. 3.111. 5.35. 11.20. Buftalo Soldiers1151 4.15. 11.511. 11.20. Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle 1 12.11 3.110. (1.05. 15.55. Goodbye Lenlnl1151 1145:1111. 2.30. 5.10. 11.15. Theiiuiit112.1\1 11.00.1111. 205. 5.15. 8.411. Legally Blonde 2: lied White and Blonde 11’(i1 11.00.1111. 1.20. 3.45. (1.10. 15.45. Plglet’s Big Movie11'1 111111111. 1.25. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Peari112..\1 10.50.1111. 12.45. 2.00. 4.15. 5.15. 11.1111 H.311. Sinbad: Legend oftheSeven SeaS11'1 115511111. 2.10. 4.20. (1.40. Spy Kids 30: Game Over 11'1 1111511111. 1.111. 3.15. 5.15. 7.15. (1.15. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 1 12.-\1 1111111111. 11.50.1111. 1,.‘111. 3.011. 1.1111. 5.45, 11.111, 3.311. 11.111. Veronica Guerin11111 112011111. 1.40. 4.111 11.111. 3.511. Whale Bider11’(;1 11.1111.


American Pie: the Wedding 1 151

Sun: 11.00.1111. 1.15. 3.40. (1.20. 7.00. 11.45. 9.15.

11111: 114511111. 2.15. 4.30. (1.20. 15.45. 9. | 5.

Bruce Almighty 1 12.111

111 1111-: 5.35 111111 11101. 3’. 15.

Buftalo Soldiers 1 151

111 1111': (1.50. 920.

Mm 1.111‘ 1'11 1k 5.11: 11.45.

Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle 1 12.11 1

111 1111‘: 2.511. 3.55.

Goodbye Lenin! 1 151

1'11 1% S111. M11111& 1111': 9.15.

The Hulk1 I2.1\1

111 1111‘: 11.55.1111. 5.40.

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 11’(i1

1):11|y: 1100:1111. 1.201k 3.45111111\\'11111. (1.101% 8.45111111\\'1'111. :\l\11 11111111160 “1‘11: 2.10. .-\l\111;11c1'11 1Q 5111: 11.15. Piglet’s Big Movie 11'1

111 1111' 1& Thu: 1 1.1011111. 11161. 3.25 111111 111111. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Peari1 12:\1

Daily: 1050:1111. 12.45. 2.00. 4.15 1% 5.15 111111 Wed). 8.00 & 8.30 111111 Wch

.-\1\11 11111: 1'11 & Sat: 11.15.

Besplro (Bespiro Mio) 1151

Daily: 10.50am. 1.05. 3.30 111111 “1111. (1.00 & 8.25 111111 “11111.

.-\1.\11l:1tc Fri & 3:11: 10.45.

ll Go Wild 11'1

Daily: 1130:1111 & 1.40111111Thu1. 350111111 \Vcdl

Sinbad:Legend oftheSeven Seas11'1 1-‘ri—Sun.\\'1‘11: 1 1.1511111. 1.25. 330111111 W611).

Spyitids 311: Game Over 11'1

Daily: 1105:1111. 1.111.

.-\1\111:11.S:11. .‘1111111k Tue: 3.15. 5.15.


Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 1 12.»\1 [)11111: 11.00.1111. 11 5011111. 1.30.

111 1111- 1k 11111: 3.1111. 4.1111. 5.411. 11.511. 8.20. 9.10.

.-\|\11 111.111111‘1' \\'1-11: 2.30.

.-\1\11 1.111: 1'11 1& $111: 1 1.30.

Veronica Guerin 1 l.\‘1

111311111: (1.20. 8.50.

Whale Rider 11’(11

1'11. S111. M1111 1k 101‘: 1.00. 3.20. 5.45. 8.05.

What a Girl Wants 1P(11

D1111}: 1120:1111. 1.45. 4.101k (1.40 111111 \\'c111. 9.05 111111 \\'cd1.

.-\1.\11 1:111: Fri 1& 8.11: 1 1.30.

1.15 111111 5111111&

1111113\ Film

“111! BREAK-11111 1111 111 "If YEAR...

Wamer Village: Edinburgh

()111111.('1r1-1-11\1111' 1’1.11‘1'. 111111 11111-055112 411611211. .'\1lllll\.' £511111£4l111 511111 111 hci’urc 5111111, (11111111111: £3.30. 8111111110 £4. 15.1111in 1111111: 1.15. (111111 (1.1“ 111‘111‘1x

i11r111cr18x1111ly:£'.50. Eli!

TH R AV? Agent Cody Banks 1 l2.-\1 105011111. 1.20. Being John Malkovich 1 151 11.311. Bruce Almighty 1 12.11 11.10.1111. 1411. 3.55. (1.111. 9.511. 11.511. Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle 1 12m


350. (120. 8.50.

Daddy Day Care1PG1 1055:1111. 1.11).


The iiqu 1 12A1 2. 111. 5.20. 8.30. identity Gold Class) 1 151 7.15. 9.30. Legally Ionde 2: Red White and Blonde 1PG1 112011111. 1.50. 4.20. (1.45. 9.10. PIgIet’s Big Movie 1L'1 111. 11111111. Pirates ot the Caribbean: The Curse of

the Black Pearl 1 12.1\1 1130:1111. 2.40. , 1f. -- .

5.511. (1.10. . .5 , . V. .- J

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of " ‘j _ _ - A H .- .- _

the Black Pearl (Gold Class)112.-\1 1.411. ,1: {5 " .1. 3;; ; ¢ . 4.50. 11.10. v “mg:- l 1‘ 53;: Sinbad: Legend ofthe Seven Seas 11‘1 1" J _ .1 .. I I. 1w? . 111-11141111. 13-111. '5 'f ’. t . ._ u “t 1.; 1 1‘ 1 " 1‘1”; 12:? SPY Kids 30: Game Over11'1 111.411.1111. '- " ' " ' ' ' .. - " .' v."--'-~‘."';‘?.‘1 1.1111. .1211. 5.411, 3.211. f . 7’ I r y h 1-; Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 1 12.11 - . ‘_ .. .

1000:1111. 11.00.1111. 12.30. 1.30. 3.00. 4.011. 5.30. 11.311. 3.1111. 11.011, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine (Gold Class)112.»\1 1.1111. 3.30. 11.110. 8.30. Veronica 6007101131 11111111. 2.20. 4.30. 11.511. 11.211.


Agent Cody Banks 1 12.111

Daily: 1110:1111.

American Pie: The Wedding 1 151 $11111Q'1‘1111: 5.40. 8.10.

Also 11111181111: 10.40.

Blazing Saddles 1 151

M1111: (1.30.

Bruce Almighty 1 12.-\1

Daily: (1.45. 9.10.

Alsn 1:111: 1'11 Sun: 11.25.

Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle 1 12.111 l):1ily: (1.30 111111 .‘1111111& 111111. 9.40. :\l\11 1:111: 1'11 Sun: 1 1.40.

Daddy Day Care 1I’(;1

1);111y: 1055:1111. 1.10. 3.30. Groundhog Day 11’(i1

11111: (1.30.

The Hul|t112:\1

1'1i. $111 1& 51011 “1'11: 5.40_ 3.40. .1\1\11 1:111‘ 1'11 1& $111: 1 1.50.

Legally Blonde 2: Bed White and Blonde 11’(i1

Daily: 1.51). 4.20. (1.50. 9.211.

.»\1\11 1:111' Fri 1& 8.11: 1 1.4511111.

Plglet’s Big Movie 11'1

1):1il\': 1000:1111. 1150:1111.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse ot the Black Pearl 1 12.111

Daily: 11.301011. 1.41). 2.40. 4.50. 5.50. 8.00. 9.00.

:\ls111:111: Fri—Sun: 11.111.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (Gold Class) 1 12.511 Daily: 2.1111. 5.111. 11.311.

Also 1211c Fri & $211: 1 1.40.

Bugrats Go Wild 1L'1

Daily: 10.15am. 12.15. 220. 4.30. Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas 1L'1 Daily: 10.30am.

Spy Kids 30:13am Over 11'1

Daily: 102011111. 1220. 2.30. 4.40. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 1 12.»\1 Daily: 1050:1111. 12.30. 1.20. 3.00. 4.10. 5.30. (1.40. 8.30, 9.30.

.-\1\11 11111: 1511781111: 11.00.

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine (Gold Class) 112.-\1

11.1111: 1.1111. 3.411. 11.111. 11.1111. .-\l\111:111' 111 Sun: 11.25.

Veronica Guerin (Gold Class) 1 1:11 l):111\': 1.30. 4.20. 7.00. 9.30.

What a Girl Wants 11>(;1 l):1il_\: 1035:1111. 1.00. 3.50. (1.20, 1\‘50. .-\1\11 11111: 111» Sun: 1 1.30.

The Edinbu h international 1 Film




lililsllilii' 111111 llii'iill'i' 11141 332 8128


3 runs from 13-24 more information see

Section in the Festival no.


2 ~.'. 12.x; 290’: THE LIST 17