Fourplay lanyy. 26 ('ambridge Street. 3323437. l lpiii 3am, £4 (£2 \sitli llyer). Weekly. New gay cluh.


OCT The Stand. 333 \Vondlaiids Road, 08706006055 \s'ed l3 Aug. 9pm. £6 (£5). Monthly. The Staiid‘s monthly dose of camp comedy ys ith ('i'aig lltll atid Jill Peacock hosting the proceedings.

Edinburgh Thursdays


Boywonders l'iliiiliouse. 88 Lothian Road. 228 2688. Thu 7 ck l't'l 8 .-\ug. 6.30pm. £3.50 £5.50 (£2 £4). .-\n intriguing selection of original neys gay short films. I’m‘l oft/w 1.1.073," mt 'Iiiur.

Edinburgh Fridays

Cinema Boywonders Thu 7 8; Fri 8 Aug. See Thu.

Edinburgh Saturdays


Eye Candy Massa. 36—39 Market Street. 226 4224. llpm 3am. £10 (£8 or £6 if outrageously dressed). Weekly. Residents (it‘aL'ltlL‘ Popstar. Nejat Barton and Neil (‘rookstoti host their iiifaiiiotis. glam house party.

Mingin’ Sttidio 24 (upstairs). ('alton Road. 558 3758. Sat 9 Aug.

l0.30pm 5am. £5 before midnight: £6 after. Monthly. (iay -frieiidly clubbing Willi residents Brian l)eiiipstei' and Alan Joy.


Candle Bar 2“ ('antllet‘tggs. .564 1285. 9pm. Free. l.iy*e|y' bar.

Court Bar 69 lltitcheson Street. 552 2463. 6.30 10pm. l’ree. Popttlar traditional bar.

Delmonica’s 68 Virginia Street. 552 4803. 9pm. Free. l)Js. qui/ and karaoke. LGBT Centre I l Dixon Street. 22l 7203. I lam midnight. l’ree. ('afe/har. Mercury I42 Bath Lane. 248 I777. Bar open from 5pm. Free.

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 l22l. 10pm lam. l‘rcc. liiitertainiiieiit from Mon to Thu and a liyely bar at ys'eekttids.

Revolver (ta John Street. 5.55 2456. 8.30pm. i‘t‘ee. Weekly. Popular bar. Sadie Frosts 8 to West (icorge Street. 332 8005. Noon midnight. l-‘ree. l)Js. karaoke and qui/Ies.

Waterloo Waterloo Street. 229 589l. Nooii midnight. Well knoysn gay bar.


Bennets 90 (ilasst'ortl Street. 552 576i. llptti 3.30am. £3- £6 (£2 -£5). lixcellent dance action Wed to Sun and a studetit itight on Thu.

Cube .34 Queen Street. 226 8990.

l I..3()pm—.3am. Cheesy chart gay nights on Mon (Passionality) and Tue (F.L'.N.). Mercury 142 Bath Lane. 248 1777. Bar open frotn 5pm; Club 10pm—3am. Free. lt‘s lost the Lounge but it's still open late Tue—Sun with DJ's. drag acts. occasional theme nights and a weekly comedy club (Thu).

Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 1221. l()pm-.3am. £5. Fresh. Lush and Carry on Polo. Fri to Sun.

Health and Support

Body Posltlve .3 Park Quadrant. .332 50l0. Support for those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Sandyford lntltlatlve 2—6 Sandyford Place. Sauchiehall Street. 21 l 6700. Centre providing support. counselling and information for \s omen. Also hosts a monthly lesbian health clinic (contact 21 1 SIM) for more

Edinburgh Sundays


Kinderwhores l'iliiiliouse. 8.5 l.othiaii Road. 228 2688 Sun l” t\ \ioti ll Aug 3. 30pm (Sun )'. 6.30pm (\lon)

£3.50 £5.50(£2 £4) .~\dcliglitttil selection of iieys lesbian shorts I’m! ut

the I.I.(il‘l‘ un littll‘ Clubs

T8888 'l‘ltc l.lqtlltl RUUIII. ‘ls‘ \Ilclttt'ia Street. 225 2564. llpiii 5am. £5 before ll.30pm; £8 (£6 titeiiihers) alter; £10 iioti-iiieiiihers on guest I)J tiiglits. Weekly. 'l‘asty lire“ ot house and garage. Bootylushous ('octeau Lounge. ligo. Picardy Place. 478 74.34. l 1pm .3am. £2. Weekly. New gay/mixed night front the boys behind Lush \sith Craig and Dale spinning a masterful blend of RnB. soul and funk.

Edinburgh Mondays

Cinema Klnderwhores Sun 10 8; Mon ll Aug. See Sun.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


Vibe ligo. Picardy Place. 478 74.34.

I lpme 5am. £3 (£2 members). Weekly. James Longysorth pros ides the sounds upstairs at this popular. sparkly. charty party while Nathan Scantlehtiry plays an R'n'H mix tltiysttstalt's.


CDT on Tuesday the Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. Tue 12 Aug. Monthly. See (ilasgoyy Wed.

details). a lesbian counselling sei'\ ice and one-off support (contact centre for information or appoiittiiient) and the Steyc Retson Project's tysice \seekly sexual health and counselling sers ice for gay men (contact 2] I 8628 for appointment ).

Colours LGBT Youth 196 Bath St. 248 I842. 'l‘uc 6.30-9.30piii. Nets council funded group for young l.(ili'l~ people aged 16-25. Drop in for friendly chat. ady ice or information.

Glasgow Lesbian Line PO Box 686. (i.3 7'l‘l.. 847 0547. .-\tl\ ice. Glasgow Women’s Library tot) 'l'roiigate. 552 8345. Open 'l'ue Hi

I 6pm; Sat 2 5pm. Women's literatttre and the lesbian arcliiye. also host to meetings of the LIPS group for lesbians and bisexual \someii under 25 (fortnightly).

Homophobic Crime Reporting Contact 847 0647. ()peii 7 10pm daily. Phace Scotland 49 Bath Street. 332 .3838. The main sers ice in the West of Scotland for those affected by HIV/AIDS. Strathclyde Gay and Lesbian Switchboard PO Box .38. (i2 2Qt-L. 847 0447. Open 7—l0pm daily. Confidential ady ice.


Clone Zone 45 Virginia Street. 55.3 2666. Mon—Sat l lam—9pm: Sun Noon—9pm. Clothing. Videos. magazines and toys.

Joys-4-Us LGBT Centre It Dixon Street. 221 720.3. Noon—8pm. New lesbian run shop stocking goodies galore.


LCBT Centre I 1 Dixon Street. 221 720.3. Main gay centre hosting Beyond Barriers (challenging homophobia). Steve Retson gay men's sexual health advice (Thu 5.30—8.30pm). Holistic Healing Group (Mon 7.30—10pm). Performance (iroup (.\lon 7.30pm). and the tnonthly meetings of OLGA (social group for older lesbians). Icebreakers (for those neys to the scene). Bi-(ilasgoys. Crosslynx Group. ()tit on Sunday informal LUBT group. LIC lesbian social group. Speakeasy poet and \sriters.


Alice, GFT. Tues 22-Wed 13 Aug I Think I Do, Millivres Multimedia DVD. £16.99

As a gay person, being invited to a family wedding can be absolute hell. Is there an occasion more blatantly heterosexual, more boring, where gay guests are put at the table furthest away from the bridal couple, surrounded by misfits, old aunties and bores? Weddings are the Iinchpin of two very different movie offerings this issue. The moody French feature, Alice, by Sylvie Ballyot (part of London's Lesbian and Gay Film Festival on tour) sensitively explores the feelings of dislocation and envy that erupt when a lesbian sister upsets her about-to-be-


listings Gay

married sibling at a middle-class wedding. Exploring the intense love between these two sisters from adolescence onwards, but which has waned as one has become heterosexual, the other homosexual, Alice packs an incredible emotional punch into its compressed 48 minutes. Anne Bargain as the close-cropped Alice gives an enigmatic, multilayered performance in this beautifully shot debut.

The new DVD reissue of Brian Sloan's 1997 feelgood American comedy drama, I Think I Do, is welcome. Boston-educated Sloan had already scored cult success with his gay shorts Boy’s Life. focussing on teenage boys on the brink of manhood. I Think I Do is an ensemble piece, exploring a gay couple at a straight couple's wedding. Gay indie queen Alexis Arquette stars, and look out for famous dubber Marni Nixon who provided the singing voice of Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady and Natalie Wood in West Side Story. A delight. (John Binnie)


Gay and Lesbian Badminton Group ('oiitact 0798.5 (i2l 057. Thu. Weekly.

Glasgow G00 Swimmers (‘ontact 649 5896. 7.30 9pm. 'l‘liu. Weekly. lnftit'tttal session.

Gay Rambling Group ('ontact 950 108]. Monthly.

GOC Cycling Group (‘ontaci 649 5896. Monthly.


Bars Blue Moon Cafe l Barony Street. 5570911. .\loii l‘i'i llatii | 1.30pm; Sat Stiit 9pm l2.30am. l‘i‘ee. lidinhurgli‘s longest rutming gay cafe. CC Blooms 25 24 (ireeiiside Place. 556 933 l. l0.30piii 3am (bar from 6pm). liree. See ('luhs and also hosts lcehi‘eakei's (moiithly ) for those iieys to the scene. Habana (ireenside Place. .558 l27(l. Noon lam. l‘ree. l)Js esery in and Sat and qui/oke on Thu. Flashback 9 Hope Street. 226 (Hot. 4pm latii. (’heesy disco and pop Mon to Sun. Frenchies Rose Street. 225 7651. l )m—lam. Free. Popular.

he Laughing Duck 24 HOWL‘ Street. 220 2.376. Mon—Thu l lam-l lpm; Fri 8; Sat 1 lam—lam; Sun 1 1.30am—l lpm. Stylish. comfy bar. New Town Bar Dublin Street. 538 7775. Mon—Thu Noon—lam: Fri—Sat Noon—2am; Sun 12.30pm—lam. Gay cruise bar and underground club. Planet Out Greenside Place. 524 ()06l. Mon—Fri 4pm—lam: Sat—Sun 2pm—lam. Free. Regular fun eyents. pre- club. [)Js including Trendy Wendy (Mon). quizzes and bingo. The Regent 2 Montrose Terrace. 66l 8l98. Sun—Thu l lam—midnight; Fri—Sat l lam—lam. Alan Joy 's neys senture sees him opening the newest gay bar in the capital. Sela 60 Broughton Street. 478 7069. Tue—Sun I lam--l lpm. Free. The l.(iB Centre's cafe is nets ly reopened for fresh food all day.


CC Blooms 23 24 (iicciiside Place. 556 9331. 10.30pm ‘am that (mm (min). l'i‘ee. :\ hat and clttl) \\ ill) a play list of liiglt camp and disco classics.

Health and Support Lesbian Line 55? ()‘SI 7.30 l0piii. llelpliiic. LGBT Police Link Mitt (critic. 6o Broughtoti Street. Mon 6 7pm, Weekly, ('all ()20 5l i8/(i2ll 5l-lll ll you “an! a chat With your community otlicci Lothian Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 5564049. .7. so ioptn cyery day. llelpliiie.

LGBT Youth Scotland ('ontact 622 2266 (twice) or ostS I I to (MS (Yotitliliiic). Social cyeiits loi Hilll under 26.

Waverley Care Solas. 2/4 :\l)l7e'\ltlt)tlltl. ()(il U932. l'i'ec. \ttt’ltills sci'yices including Jtiice. a yseckly social group for gay men affected by

lll\.'/.-\l|)S ll't'l 2 4pm), Shopping

O-Store 5 Barony Street. 477 4756. Scotland's only gay licensed sex shop recently opened in the spot formerly housing ()tit of the Blue.


A.D. Contact 556 4049. For lesbians met 40. Meets monthly to plan social C\'Cnls. Call for tnore details.

LOB Centre 60 Broughton Street. 478 7069. Important gay centre hosting the Women's Group Drop-In (ThU). (iay Dads Scotland (monthly) as u ell as Bi- Edinburgh the social/support group for bisexuals and those questioning their sexuality (monthly ).

Scottish TV/TS Group The Phoenix Cellar Bar. 46 Broughton Street. 557 02.34. Monthly.


Gay Men’s Swimming Group Contact 226 4476. Mon 8pm. Weekly. GOC Cycling Group (‘ontact 6870 .321 5894. Monthly.

Gay Outdoor Group ('ontact 556 8705. Monthly.

.\loii & I hit

'.1 Ag; THE LIST 25