Film 1181111QS

Ddeon City Centre: Glasgow

5111(1'11111‘111311111111111 55: 51115 111111 :11111('('11111111.111j2 01550 50.50 00" {1)} 5L1L‘L'115 5.11. 5.111115 .\111111 L4 "5 51011111101140 {13111111 510111. L 1.\111n 111111 (11111111111111 15 L3 ‘15.

\1'111111‘1'111/1'11 1;1 .50

11111115141 ' '

Agent Cody Banks 1 12.1\1 11 10.1111. American Pie: The Wedding 1 151 11 011 Bruce Almighty 1 13M 11 45.1111. 4 50.

Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle 1 12 \1

2 I5. 1145

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 1l’(i1 I30. 400. (13011110

Piglet’s Big Movie 111 11.45.1111

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl 1 12.\1 12 311. I 10.

4 00. 500‘ 5111 315

Rugrats GoWlld11‘1 1230. 2.10. 4 111 (1 511

Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas 11'. 12.45.

Spy Kids 30: Game Over 11 1 11111111. 2.15. 4.30. (1.4.5.

Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machine 1 12.1\1 1.15. 100. 3.45. 5.45. (115. .530. 1100.

Veronica Guerin11X1 11.00.

WhataGirl Want511’(11 I 10. 400. 1110, 1100.

11111)/\‘( '15, 1111.11133111’11’2‘1

American Pie: The Wedding 1 151

11.1111: 115. 2,00. 1.43 4.30. 11.00. 11.43. 3,30. 0.13.

Bruce Almighty 1 12.»\1

|);ul}: H45.

Freddy vs Jason 1 1.31

1X01}: 3.00. 41.5. (110. 0.00.

Lara Crott Tomb Raider: The Cradle ot Liie112.1\1

11111: 1.00. 1.10. (1.15. (1.00.

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 1|’(11

11.111}; 1.30. 4,00_ (1,311 11,00.

Plgiet’s Big Movie 11'1

l):111}: 11.451011.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl 1 12M

151'11k Sui: 1.00. 3.00. 4.10. 5.30, 3.00. 3.45. Sun 11111: 7.311 3.15. Rugrats Go Wild 11'1

1'11 “1'11: 12.15. 2.15. 4.15. (1.15. Sinbad: Legend ot the Seven Seas 111 11.111}: 1111011.

Spy Kids 3D: Game Over 11'1

Dull): 12.30. 3.50. 4.30. (1.30, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 1 12m 111111): 1.00. 3,30, (1.15. (100.

What a Girl Wants 11’( 11

1'11 \Vcd: 8.30.

Showcase: Glasgow East

Shmxmxc 1.1‘1xui'c Park. 14111321111111 R0410. (11011111113212 11110 1101‘: 012511411434. (‘(' 1111111111112: 012511 4.1.5000. |1)|. |1’.|. L500 ((350 111‘1011‘ (111111 \11111 1-‘1‘1; 111M slum Sui/Sun 1k 1101111:1}x1. (-1111k1/().'\1)/SIIIL1C111T 125.511.

111111181)AY 1.:

Bruce Almighty 1 12.>\1 114011111. 2.00. 4.10, ".00. 11,40. Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle 1 12.1\1

2.30, 1.30, 4.00. 5.00.

“1.45. 111.15. Daddy Day Care11’(11 12.20. 2.40. 5.00.

The liulk112.1\1 7.05. 10.05,

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 11’(11 11.45.1111. 215. 4.45. “.10. 11.4.5. Piglet’s Big Movie 11'1 12.05. 2.05. 405.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the BiackPeari112.-\1 1115:1111. 12.15. 1.15. 2.15. 3.15. 4.15. 5.1.5. ".15. 7.45. .5115. 10.15. RugratsGoWiid11‘1 11.30.1111. 1.30. 3.311. 5.30.

Sinbad: Legend ot the Seven Sea311'1 12.30. 2.30. 4.30.

Spy Kids 3D: Game Over 11'1 11.05.1111.

1.10. 3.15. 5.20. ".35. 9.30.

16 THE LIST ‘-1 4...: 5

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 1 2 \ 11 00.1111. 11 50.1111. 11111111. 1 ‘11. 3'10. 3£11..115I.1.;5_5151111115111p ":11_\1111_\£11.11.111_111111 111 L11 Veronica Guerin1151 “1:11. 1111111 WhataGiriWants11’1‘11 11 511.1111. 2211.


American Pie: The Wedding 15

1).111\ 11 25.1111. 1: 35. 3'10, :00. 5:5. ":11. "511 \1 l5_ 111115 \15111.11C1111\ \11 11 55. 13:5.1111 Bruce Almighty 12 \1

11.111} 11 40.1111. 2‘ 10. 13 ‘0. "110.

'\1\111.11\‘ 111 1\ \.11 11 5‘1

Daddy Day Care 11:01

I).111_\ 1100.101. '5 50. ‘140

.\15111.111‘ 111 1\ \.11 11511

Freddy vs Jason 151

11.111} 11111111. 2 35. 455. “40. 1000 .'\15111.11L' 1'111\ \.11 1.‘ 311.1111

The liulk112 \.

11.111} ‘05. 1005

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 11’(11

11.1111 11.13.1111. :15. 443. "111. 1145

.1\1\111.111'1'11.\ 8.11 11111111133111

Piglet’s Big Movie11 1

H.111} 1105.11“. 1011 3011 500 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse ot the Black Peari1 12 \1

Hull}. 1115.11“. 1315. 115. .‘ 15. 11.5.1115. 5.15. 515. "-15. .515. 10.15.

.1\l\0|.111'1'111k 8.11 10.4.5. 11 15 Rugrats Go Wild 111

111111}: 11.50.1111. 1 50. ‘50. 5 ‘0 Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas 1i 1 H.111): 13.311. 3.311. -1 311

Spy Kids 30: Game Over1l‘1

1X01}: 1105:1111. 1.10. 5.15. 5.20. Terminator 3: Rise 01 the Machine 12.1\1 1);iil\: 1100:1111. 11.10.1111. 1.10. 300. 415: 4,45 ".00. “311 .\00. 1140 10.10, 10.10.

.1\1\01;111'1‘1‘11k 8111: 13.10.1111. 12.40.1111. WhataGiri Wants11’(‘11

Hull}: 3.00. 10.15.

.1\1\111:1ic1’1‘11k 5:11: 12. 10.1111.

Showcase: Paisley

(11‘111'111.>\\cnuv. 1’11111‘111\ 11051111'55 Park. 0141 xx“0011.111111:11141 33‘003011' 1100111113211141 83711011. [1)]. Hal. L5 «£5.75 111'1'011- 5111111. (‘111111/( ).'\1’1"3111111'1111


1111111SDAY 1.:

Agent Cody Banks 1 12.11 11.40.1111. 220. 4.30.

Bruce Almighty112.1\1 11.30.1111. 2.011. 4.311. “.00. 1130

Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle 1 12.1\1

711.5, 1135.

Daddy Day Care 1 1’( 11 1 1.01 1.1111. “.35.


Thellulk12\ ‘i5 111:5

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 1)(1 5;.113. :1" 55;. 5.

Piglet‘s Big Movie I i_‘ 115 f 115 z 113 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse oi the

BlackPeari 1_‘\1 115...; .5 115. :]§- 11;. :2; £1; ";< \}< 11115

Rugrats GoWiid1l 11 111.111.. '1 311.

Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas 1

Spy Kids 30: Game Over 11

1111, 1135311. 3 11311


Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 1 .‘ \ 1100.011. 11 50.01;.

j :11 ;15_ :15 515 551111. " £11 \1111

11.11111“ 511’ _‘1111

11111. 111111~ 111 £11 Veronica Guerin11\1 " :11 1111111 WhataGirl Wants11'11 11 511.1111. .‘ .‘11.

1:11. “111.1135

American Pie: The Wedding 151

11.111\ 11 35.1111. 12‘ .15. 300. ‘11”. ;_‘5' 5:5 ":11 "511‘ \1§5‘ 111115 \1511 1.111' 111 .\ 5.11 1155. 1.? 3.5.1111

Bruce Almighty 1 12 \1

11.111} “1111. 11511

\15111.111'1111\ \11 1151'

Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle 1.‘ \- 1).111} 11 00.1111

Daddy Day Care11’(11

11.111} 11 00.1111. 1 111. 5.70. 5 ‘0 Freddy vs Jason 1 151

11.111} 11111111. 2‘55. 1.55. '40. \15111.11\'1‘111\ \.11 311.1111 Theiiulk112 \1

11.1111 "10. 11115

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde I1’(11

11.111} 1145.110. 310. 4 45. 5 :0. ‘1 15 .\|\111.111'1'11.\ 5.11 11111111112111

Piglet’s Big Movie 1 1

11.111} 1205. 30.5. 405

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Peari112.\1


H.111} 11 15.1111. 1315. 115. 315. 515.415. 515. 515. 545.1515. 11115

.-\1\111.111'1'1'11k 8.11 10-15. 11 1.5

Rugrats Go Wild 11'1

1X01}: 11 10.1111. | 50. .5 *0. 5 ‘0 Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas 11'. 11.111. 13:11. 2:11. 4311

Spy Kids 30: Game Over 11‘.

H.111}: 1105.110. 1.10. 51.5. .520 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 1 12 \1 Huh 1100.101. 1150.110. 1 50. 300. .115: 4 45. “.00, ‘30. \‘00. 11.10. 10111 1010

.-\1\11|.111‘ 1'111k 5.11. 12 10.1111. 13 40.1111 Veronica Guerin 1 1.31

11.1111: "40. 1005

.\|\11|.111‘ 1'111k $.11. 11111111112111

What a Girl Wants 010

11:01}. 5.3.5. ‘150

\1s11|.11c 1'11 .\ 8.11 1.‘ 15.1111


1.x... 1\.. 1 11\51111111_‘11111 [1 1511111 5911. (112.11 L . 5 \11111. \\:1.‘. .311111 1‘."1‘I\‘ ‘91:. 15351 (1\1‘ :11111 ' “’5

Agent Cody Banks 1.‘ \1 1111111111. American Pie: The Wedding 151

11' 511.1111. 1150.111: 1."', .‘ 15. 5:5 1:5. (‘15 '15‘\;\- 1115 BruceAimighty11.‘ \1 '31: 11:5 Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde -1’(11 11 511.1111, 1“, 31".11'1'1."11' Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl« 1.‘ \1 11111.1111. 11111

_‘ 111~ L£11 5 L11. \1111. 111111

Rugrats Go Wild1l 11115.1111. 111, 5:11‘ 5 £11

Spy Kids 30: Game Over1l 111 111.1111. [_‘ 511. £1111~ 5111~ £11 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine 1 .‘ \ |_‘:11_1£11_ £111~ :1111‘ 551111111

\ £11 11 £11

Treasure Planet1l 11 111 1.1111

Veronica Guerin 1x1 11 111 WhataGierants11’1‘11 1215. ‘~ 5.

5111. \15

American Pie: The Wedding 151

[1.111\ .‘1111. £111. 1£11_111111_ ‘1111~

\ £11" 11 111

\1\11111.111111‘1'111 \1111 11 10.1111, 1011 Bruce Almighty 1.‘. \1 111 \1111. 1111' .\ \\1'11

\11111 ‘13‘5

Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle 1.‘ \1

11111. 1115

11.111} '15. ‘140 Freddy vs Jason 131 11111} 4 30111111 111111. ' 5. ‘1 1‘1

The ReartotMe1I51

511111 400

[111- “1111

The Jungle Book 2 11 1

\1.11111u'1'11 51111 11 00.1111

Lara Crott Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi Lite 12 \1

llm |_‘ :11. £1111. 5 511. .\ 1111

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde 11’(11

H.111} 150. 4101141111111 \1x11111.111111'1'111 Sun 11 50.1111

Piglet’s Big Movie 11 1

11.1111. 2 30. 4 30

\1511111.11111L'1'1‘1l \1111 .\ 11111 1.2 *0 Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Peari1 12.\1

11:111\ 1 10. 2 ‘0. 4115. 5411 x00. 11011 .\1\11111.111111'1'111 51111 Rugrats Go Wild 1 I 1 1'11 \\L'\1 5:11 \1x11111.111111'1- 111 \1111 \lw 11111 _‘ 10 Sinbad: Legend ot the Seven Seas 11 1

\1.111111‘1' 1'11 500 11 00.1111

11 10.1111

11 05.1111. 1 10

Only Cowboy Bebops get the blues