Rock & pop

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at glasgow®, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at henry©, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Northmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from: Tickets Scotland r :. mrxlux.’ '.'.l 9.: -' to"

Tickets Scotland '.’ l’lllllei'j

Ripping Records r' f) E“ 12--

Way Ahead . .

Thursday 14


I Keane, Chapman illltl the Devotions King: 'l‘ul‘x \Vuli \\'.’rh Hut. 372;: St Vincent Slrccl. Ill 53“). 3.30pm. £5. ll;t\llllj_'\ lrm Kmnc plu} t'lc‘gluc‘ l‘.lll.l(l\ ullil \lmllng Imp t‘c‘nll'i‘il rnuml plunu. in“ and drumx.

I The Hiss and Razorlight Nicc'n'Slcgi/y 421 Sutu‘lm-hull Street. ‘33 UM? ‘llun. £5. (ituugt') '\ll.‘llllil qurntcl [uuxcd In rclmxi' llk'll iii-lull ullullll I’ll/m WHH'IHr‘Ill.


By arrangement with THE AGENCY GROUP LTD 1 K


l [ii/"U U


I Pencilhead, Target Point mil St Laura \tcrcn. I: l»: Kclxmlmugll Slrccl. V.“ 5”] \ \[urr Li :1:- lt't'rmgc Incl“ \Hlll l’cnt‘llluuul

I All My Logic, the Daze, Milestone, Full Picture and the Others 'l lu' (Lillinuw. l< l mun Strut-r. 3.15 (mm Viprll i~15ll Hm I-lx \huu Ruck pup llllk' up

I Nothing for Second, Minus 3, Behind Time, David Lanagin .rml Free Angle \lr.r\\.lu'rr_\ lrclllx. §(\()\\\.llil \llx't'l.ll5~1§ll<;‘l:\"

" illlun Ll ()wr |1\ \hmx l’urrlt illlkl metal llll\

I Chase, the Sorrows .m.l Andy Galbraith l umlul. l ltlllltl l lulu-3c. ‘ll \\c\l Rust-ill \lrt‘t'l quu L i it 1 «ur «luurr Sliuutuw nl luml .rrlr\l\

I The Optimistics < (VlL'\\\\L'll l .tllx'. ;;1(\~-‘() .\[\ltl Ilk'k' larnllmi'k lmt‘kplnunil mumk

I Imperial Russian Court \lllilh‘ ()nu (irmwnnr llulcl. (irmu-nur VlL'lltlk'k‘ (Ull li}li‘\ l\’H.l\ll. z~ll ftglh 0pm. live

I The Vagabonds lhc stun...

l llvl Sltlklx\\\'ll \lli‘x'l. 00.? .\(\\l 0pm. l'ru' l’nlurl.” uni-n


I Paradise at the Weekend llu' (Litton! (hill. 3 i.‘ (Lunulgalc. “(l llh’l. Xe iillun l'lk‘k‘ (iurltrr Ixmwl \Ingt'r/wnp“rrlcr lunvx lrnrn llll\ lrru. mullrm \\ llll lug t‘lllurm-x .rml ll.lllllHlll\'\, lx’clru _\k‘l \'l.l\\}

I Stealer, Allan D .uul Douglas Kay ‘I live l'mlt'nuultl. litmnt'rmurr‘x. \Itltll') Sllt'i'l. RV) L‘S-l N-l‘plll. lfll l'unk ruck lrnm l-tlrnlunyh'x SImlt-r

I theonewhoflew, Ally Kerr, Danny Bissett .qu Emma Foreman (Kilt‘tllulllm llut'kpdt‘kt'lx ()uccrixlt'rr} Slri'cl. »l"(i “33-1. 9. illrun. l'lk'k'. liltl‘} Al'l‘m'l 3:0 .1” .tx‘itlhlli‘ «Ill llx Photo ID rcqurrul lot will}.

v 7 EdinBUrgrh Queens Hall} Monday 25th Ausgustj

5m MW“ 4'. llri"‘(\(2r" li' (! l T‘ -' l)(I"‘

" + Grand Drive :- lair i Edinburgh, Usher Hall Tuesday 2nd September


Glasgow Garage, Tue 2lst Oct Edinbiu’g'h Liquid Room, Thur 23rd Oct

acacia:iuncrult‘orair' New single 'Juncau' out now


llllllll ll


Edinburgh Playhouse

Saturday 25th October

Glasgow Clyde Auditorium

Sunday 26th October

TICKETS:'B'24HRS: 0870 169 0100

In Persouz~tGUSGOVi SEC STIRUll HearlliatSowL

20 THE LIST '-1 Aw: .‘

C; Q870 040 4000, Wrgin Ticket Centre - 235 Buchanan St, Ticket Scotland e St EDINBURGHflBrnF, Virgin Ticket Centre - 125 Princes S Ticket Scotland . 127 Rose St, n rne: Qmscotianiticletniastercon & mgifinscotlantcon

(‘zlzissg ;< m

I Juliet Turner .mll Pierce Pettis Kliljf lul'x \\.rll \\.rll llul. .‘”.‘.l \l \ mil-Ill \llt'cl. 3.‘| 5"." \ 1“run 1" lll\ll

\mycr wnyurrlcr \Hlll .r pupil}

lull \uunlr} \lilt' .thI .r \llullj.‘ \rnymj.‘ .rucnl \xhu hm [mural \xrllr llllitll Karin-ll}. l\)|'_‘.,'\'l \lt(imlrn .lllll lx’urr \\‘\\|llllll

I South \1\ c'nhlm/y 1_‘l \th lllclmll \lrccl. “i ‘lh ‘” \[un I).m\ c rm k \lmwwr .rtt llmu'tl lnr lu}: llunf'x .r iutllrlt' ul )mh .r;'u \hlln Imw rum lerlcil autumn} mllr \1u \\.r\ \llli'k'l lucl \lrll .rppmrx on Lulu-l luux l.t|ll\'\ l .ncllc'x ni'v.

l \Kl l .rllurm llirurjgli

lumou tram. lot the". bot!)

Kalle. l Tennent's Lager at r TontheFrlriqe

The Locust play King Tut‘s, Glasgow,

WK“. ; Wed 20 Aug. I Chunk \.l\ lllllll_ llli' lx'rxcrxnlt' (lul‘ l~\ \lli't'l. Th" '.‘\' l.‘.rrrr !\ r! 9‘ lu'lr-lt' l.‘ utrlll» lrn' lltsxlr} t'ltxlrnlurrk \k'l \‘~llll \lrmuul lrwru Ill \ler

I Azzuri, Kilo .lilil Murnie li.rlll\ _‘l\ll ( ‘1\.l,- \nU-g~ il\ ‘ll ‘Hl ' uww \Ilm g; luu til lxarril lrrplc "lull

I Dirty Hospital l lt'tlllt ( .tlx‘, \It‘lvn l.‘ llkk'hlllllillli'll \ll\'\'l. 'lv ‘Hl\ \[urr lrct' \lvwll .lllll lulur lulrrlcrh nl lll\ \Ullllllllk’ lllk'll lllr'llllll\ l\'\l\lk'll\'\ ul lullle t'lt'tlin pup

I Nine Miles High \nqu-m lit-ll m ( )\\\.:lrl \rm-r, m 1* m‘ 4 WW ' illpm 2,1 (lwl le \lrm‘. l‘.‘.r\lml \lu' [‘lUlllHllHll u llll .ulllllrlural llllk' up In lw turllumnl

I Little City, Escobar 9 ml Breenje “IV I uh \ult‘ (Lm- w m l\lltf_‘ \lln'l‘ *“ Ill“ ‘lrurr tel \li'lmlrt link lllplc lull \Hlll \ll.lll\'\ nl lx’l \l .llltl ('nltl|\l.r\

I The D-Karts, the Stand .1er Linus | ur_\ \lllrrix. Uri \l.r\‘.*.v|| \lrm‘l. Ill It‘ll ‘lpm t_ l. rm llltllll‘.‘ mm In pm! j.,‘lj_' \ lul‘ llrplc lull ml upuumny le.rl Illillt'l‘.tl1\l\

I Lost Dogs \l.rt\nllc_\\, if l.llll.t|\.l \lln'l. 3-15 \‘\I \run l we

I Peer Group Pressure \nnm-l |)u\\ \_ (in “l \llll\\l.ll\' Ruhul, l.‘ i Hlll"

\ illrun live

I The Fusion Experience I “will lUllllj.'k'. ‘l-l \M‘xl lx’cjjcnl \lrct'l. 3‘ h i H (\I‘lll lit-c lx’cxlrli'rlq llHlll llux |.r// Will.

I Frank O’Hagan lllt- \tmm, ll.‘ ll 1 \lmldswll \lrci'l, “I Mml ‘llull I rm- (.t"-\'l\ nl l)_\l.m, llla‘ Il.lrrll,( rt'mli'ntt'

l (llrlllllrgll

I Foil, Major Major, Red Admiral .mrl Fighting Red Adair Illu-

l nilt‘rwulrl. Il.ilillt'rrlr.rll\. \rlllll} \lrn'l. “0 l3‘1 \ lflurl 2,1 lI‘tAl lrnc up ml It'.ll ilrmlrl} I'~‘-llll .x lul ut (ilwgml. .ltll‘lll lrnm I R \r .: \‘-k'l\“lllk' lt'llllll In the \l-IL'k' luu lllk' lk'll'klllll\ Hull; lutL ml lull

I Kintamarni, Gecko .rml Diwan ()rlcllnnmtl littlprrtlxlx ‘Ulli'crrxlcru \llk't'l, -l"(\ "3.71 \ ;“pm 25 \l‘llk' Illillk' llr‘lll Halt} llL'k'I l’lluln ll) rcqurrml lHl t‘ntrj.

Saturday 1 6


I Kain, Pupkin .mll August 81 Km;- lutk \\.rll \\.:ll Hut. 2"}: \t \ mil-m \llk'k'l. 3:] <1“) \ ulrurl Ll <‘l ’Irrplt- lull nl mutlr lrmtinl Inhrl l‘.lll\l\ mt lullrnjg lllt’ :iil.l‘:k' Inik'n'rull ml Km” \ci' pron-2*. tur hum

I Jack Baymoore & the Bandits lhc l ctr}. ~12 (lyric I’Lni: 13‘) Mill ‘lprrr :lll \xwilrxh rwtlialull} wrrriu»

I Divide 8. Conquer '1 he I uh \‘uri- (Lrlc. <ll (ill Km; \lik't'l. “4 lh‘h ‘lrun

U l’ml imitluuc