I Chakra .Il lllt' \oIIIIIllIaIIx \k".l Ilatt' le

I Club Cuba! .ll ('ulm \uuc

‘IpIII :alll lII't' \\cckl_\ (lk'l lll loIIt'lI '.‘.llll )qu l..Illll prIII .u lle tlaxx} IIIglII ol Ilantc 'I lu- lIIvaI l .IIIIIo lwalx .llk' xIIpplII-Il lI} l)llll\.lll. l .tl.lll .lllll \llallllull \lakt' xIIIc Ion .IIIIxt' call} lo j;IIaI.IIIlt't‘ run}

I .Il (llll‘ (I‘) \I'\l Ilalt‘ llk

I Colours .u Ihc \itlII-x \t-xi .luc Ilu I Concept Theory .ll \anz' \t-xi li.llt' Ilu

I Cube Class .II ('IIlII‘ llpIII {am 1." MRI “(I'lxh ()lli\\lllllllll1‘ll\k'

\ l.l\\l\ x .llltl IIp lo \l.llt' .Illlllt'lll\ .uc lllt' IIlIlI'l Hl lllt‘ Il.l_‘. .Il llllx l‘.l\ lxt‘Il \al IIIleIlI'I. llI.IIIkx lo Ill.llll IooIII lll.Ill \lall l\' I IIIIL III lllt’ hat k l)\l(i xI-wa up

l<t\ ll

I Death Disco .ll lllk' \li llt'\

llpIII ‘aIII IA IUII Io \II;: \lonllIl} ('II'IIII' i)L' \lI-IIIIII' p|.I_\x .Ix xpt-t I.Il ;.'IIt-xl .ll llIIx lIaIIx t'lllll oIg'} ol lll.l\ll up mtt'xx lllt' lt'\ltlt'lll\ .uc pIIIt' t'laxx. |)l \lIII;'o yo and \i.llltl.l |<In

I Divine .Il (ilaxfxou \t llool ol \Il IIlouIleaIIxI lllpIII i.llll to NJ H I;

L l fill ( iXX \lllilt'lllx Wall} ll‘\ l‘k'k‘ll }'Iill|_‘.' xlIIiII;' xIIIt‘c I‘l‘Nl .llltl Ix ollIt'I.I||_\ lllk' loIIjst-xl llllllllllj.’ It'xIIlt-III'} lll (ilaxyou. xo lllt'_\ knon llH\\ Io Ionk a \lll\\ti \\llll llltlll\lll.ll xlIt'IigrllI lIIIIk

I The Edge .Il lllt' lxiljgc ('oallunlgi'. llpIII {.IIII LR “tally (loIIloII \lIllt'I .llltl l’aul lx’t'a jIle tuIIIl liclp llll\l‘\'ll.l\lll_L‘ .Il llIIx III;'lIl t't'lt'lualIIn: .Ill lll.ll Ix Ilcliaiit'lml .IIIIl lllll [law .I lIolIi' \\ IllI llIt'III

I Elektrik Sweat .Il lilat klIIaIx \t‘\l ilaII- Ilu’

I Eskrima .II (ilaxggnu St-himl ol .\ll. lllpIII iillll, t" It'll UII. “ct-kl}. lx’ollIIIfg lt'\ltit'lll\ .llllllllt' \\ Ilkt'x. llI/x}. luut‘lI. .llltl .\laIlIn lRlll‘ .\ l)IIlII pla} onu- a IIIoIIllI \\llll non up and t'onIIII; tl|\ low and (low. liIt-Iulan. l‘t'll\. .llltl l)lll_\ l..III_\ pl.I)IIIg: oll lllt' lwalcn pallI lllll\lL' lI'oIII lllt' ycnit'x ol lltlll\\‘. Clk'k'llll. Ict'lIIIo. and k'lk't'lllllllt'd.

I Freeform .Il llaI'll} lllpin lain. l'lL‘L' lwloi't' llpIII. Li It'll .lllt‘l \Mx‘kl}. 'llIc \Vall lIIoIlIt'Ix pIt'xI'IIl )ou \\llll an cult-(In IIII\IIII'c ol t'laxxit' onIl. lunk. (Illx lk‘al IIIIIxIt‘ aIIIl |.alIII lIIIch. u llll a \t'lt't'lltlll ol lug lllllt'l\ llllIl\\ll III. You .llk' IIle .Ix likcl) Io llt‘.” Ill‘\L'lll\‘ l..IlIIIo \ooIIoo .llltl Ilai'k |.l// ax \lIt‘lIacl .lat'kxon oI .IaIIIt'x llI'ouII.

I Fusion .Il XII-It'ui'} .\'t'\l Ilalc Huh

I Glasgow House Theory al I) (Illlll NL‘H \ldlk' ll‘t'.

I Groovejet .u 'l‘IaxlI. llpIII Run. LN \Vcckl). l’aIIl \“lIc pI’cxulcx owI Inc (If) 'x IIonl popIIIaI‘ Rtkll and xoul IIIgIIl. allIat'lIIIg.‘ a l(\_\tll t‘onul cwi'} \\ cclx. Room I lIax lllt' llioun llI'oIlIt-I‘x pla)uI_~; \l‘k'Jl aIIIl t‘oIIuIIL'I‘I‘Ial homo and Room i lIax |)a\t' \\llll llu' pail} .llllllL'llh.

0 Higher Ground First Birthday Party at Rl\L‘l'\ltlt‘ (‘IIIlI \lIIlIIIgIII Run. (8. lo .i\ll_‘_‘, \loIIllIl}. (iIanIII Ix giu‘u lllk' luIIt'lIglIl lIc xo I'It‘lIl} IlchIM‘x alli'I’ opI‘IIng; loI‘ llIc lonI ol llllL' gucxlx lo haw \ l\llL‘tl llIglIt'I' (ll'l‘lllltl owr lllC l;l\l l\\ t‘lH' lllUlllllx III" xo. ilL' glllIl l.I‘Hll .II'L‘ llIc I't'xIIchle llIal \\ Ill rock )oIII' law al llIIx IlclIglIllIII xIIIIIIIIcI‘ llUth‘ \L‘\\ll\ll Iloun h} lllk' mm:

I Hi-Karate al l.lt|llltl l ouugc. \ml Ilgllt‘ (I SL‘pl.

Homecookin’ .ll lllL' Sutul. lopm 3am. l-Iu' lwloI'c llpIII; £5 .Ilch. \Vcckl). l).|x Sinuu‘l .\lt'(‘allIun and Joe lliggIIIx kccp IlIc lllll\l\‘ jaIIIIIIuI .llltl llIt‘ Ilant'c llooI jIIIIIpIII‘ all IIIglII long. Rikll II'at'lxx llllu‘tl \\ Illl lllc Utlti \‘laxxlt‘ allIl olIl-xlkool lilHHll'llt‘x .IIle \\alclI oIIl loI‘ loollIall Pl.l'\t‘l‘x.

I Homegrown .Il llaIIIlIoo. 5pm 3am £8 (UH. \Vcckl). Simu- Xlitlillclon lI'oIII Solo pla) x a l'usik). onIllul lIoIIxc xL‘l

\\ IIlI (iax III .\lt'l.cotl. Junior and .l-Xlt' pla_\ xoul aIIIl Rtkll. and .\'olan and .l.IIIch (iaI'IlIIcI' Ilo \\ ll.llL‘\Cl' IlIc} \\.llll. .\ lino lIIIc-IIp ll‘l' a Sal.

I Ice tll lllC .'\l'(llt‘\. \C\l IlalL‘ llk‘.

I Inside Out gll lllt‘ .\l‘\‘llt‘\. \C\l IltllL‘ ll‘t‘.

THE‘No’O cnoove The Universal. Glasgow. Fri 15 Aug

:31 "58 Clubs

For the past two years. Brian Williamson and Nick Peacock have been putting the records on at much-loved Glasgow clubbing edifice the N00 Groove. and now it's time to celebrate 24 months of crowd diversity. musical eclecticism

and Scottish phonetic inaccuracy.

Let's get one thing straight: Nick and Brian have been doing this for far too long to acknowledge. let alone care about. the dictates of musical fashion. They‘ve given up trying to pinpoint their musical niche on their lovely flyers. because they know that good music and timeless production exist outside of genre boundaries. When cajoled into commenting on the night, Brian Williamson feels as comfortable speaking about the crowd and venue as the music: ‘lt's very hard to pigeonhole the music that we play. I suppose you could just call it quality black dance music, from soul to funk, to jazz. The night‘s just got a great crowd. really appreciative. and the new venue works so well. The crowd was the making of the club when we started in Ad Lib. The bar staff would comment on how good they were.‘

Nick Peacock explains the N00 groove Ethos in one line: 'We never discuss what kind of sets we're going to play.

and we don't know what we‘re going to play until we get there.‘ (Johnny Regan)

I Jamboree .Il Rulx. llpIII Run. L‘" 1'5). \Vcckl). .lIIllll l,_\oIIx .llltl .\laIIIII llcxkclh ol \‘clwl RooIIIx laIIIc IIII\ up a blend ol t‘oInIIII‘It‘Ial lx’.\ll .llltl xoul

I Joy ill lilll \l‘lk‘ (dllt'. \I‘\l lIJIC llk‘ I Kevin Austin al (‘amax I.\I‘lai.

Ill. illl‘lll 3am. L“. \Vcckl} ('oIIIIIIIIc IlaIIt‘III; \xlIIlc llII‘ Inc I'IIchlaIIIIIIcIIl aIt' [along a \wIl-Ilt'xci‘wil lII‘cak lo the main IooIII onIIIle ol lunk. IlIxt‘o .llltl t‘lIIlI illllllL'lll\.

I Kube .Il lllat‘klI'IaI‘x llaxt'IIIt-III. \c\l Il.‘llL‘ llk'.

I Life al lilo I(‘oIIIIllII.uII. lllpIII ‘aIII £5. \Vcckl}. .\ loIIIIItlalIlt- lllj_'lll ol lunk loI llltl\t' “llU likc lllt'll I‘IIchlaIIIIIIcIII lll;lllll't‘. lIIII xlIIl jaIIIIIIIII'. lx’oxx Macuullan [‘l'L'\Clll\ a xclct‘IIoII ol \Ulll. lunk aIIIl IlIxt‘o aIIgIIIt'IIlt-Il \\ IllI Ill'llelltll x;IIIIplcx aIIIl loopx lo guaI‘aIIlcc a llL'\\ lakc oII laIIIIlIaI onIIIle.

I Lite .II ('oI'IIIllIIaII. ‘lpIII ‘anI. LIlIt‘. \Vt‘ckl}. .\lotchII um lIaI .llltl club at IlIIx goi'ggt‘oIIx Ingiaui Slim mega \cnut' 'llIc} ;Il\\;I}x put a lo! IIIlo lllL'll \t‘llllt“. xo II'_\ Io Inakc an CllIIl'l. \\lll _\oII’

I Lush .Il lilt' l’olo l oIIIIgc.

IllillpnI lain. {5 “Ct-kl}, l-caIIIIIII; .\IIIl} III llIc 'l‘I'oplI} Room \\llll lIIIx lI‘oIII llIc (\ll\ lo llII‘ Nix. \\llllt‘ low

pH“ lIle .Ill llp~llIIlll Ilant't' \L'lt‘t‘lloll II] Inc main room al the {ll} ~x pIt'llchl ya} t‘IIIlI,

I Mish Mash al lllt' lltlllltl I.oIIIIg_'t‘. \L‘\l Ilalc llk‘

I Miso .II I iIlI \oIc. .\'c\I Ilaic Ilu:

I Moda al \loda, ‘lpIII zaIII. l'Ict' \Vcckl}, l‘lllk' (ilaxgmx I” (and looIlIallcrI Hair} (icnuncl tlI'opx lIoIIIlIx .Il llIIx lIcaIIIIlIIl lin III Inc ;;a} IlIxIIIt'l I Nonsense aI \ch’cIu'} .\'c\I Ilalc ll‘x‘.

I Original Soundtrack .u U ('Iuh \t‘\l tlJlL' ll‘t'.

I Papacool .II .\tl lui. \k'\l tlillt' UK I Rapture al \iL'tllJ. llpIII Run. le‘ “Wkly “llx .IIIIl .\'llx L‘|;l\\|\'\ lIoIII .laIIIt'x Rll\\t'll. anIl :Jllt'\l l).l\ owl} l\\o \Icckx Inakc mix .I lIIII III;_'|II Illll.

I Red and Gold Room al .'\l'l;l. IllpIII *aIII, l'I'cc lwloit~ llpIII; L'\ alch, Wall}. liIll} \lIllIgaII IIIaIIx llIc Ilcclxx loI' a linc llllell ol l,aIIII llIlll\t' 'llIIx \\ Ill chIoIIx|} pru‘ up )oIII lIlc. Il llIal'x \\ll;ll.\ IchIII't-Il.

Rub Down at ,'\\i l.le llpIII iaIII. [5 IUI, lo .\ll_‘.' ~\loIIllIl}. l)oII’l IIIlI lllt' up. IIIII lllk' tl|\\\|l. 'llIIx IIIoIIllI lllk‘ t'lulI H“ lle ()Iu'xl lo lake on tho lllllell} \III lii‘ollIch III a lIt'atl Io lIcaIl clu'lI‘o. lIIIIk and l\;Ixx llllll\\lltll\L‘. ll )ou‘w IIol t'\pi'IIcIIt‘nl llIc lull SoIIIIIl S)\lt'lll lllt‘ll gt'l _\oIII' llllll tltl\\l| on IlIIx Ilalc.

I Saturdays at Blanket .u lllanlwl IloIIIIcI'l} Hall. H). illpIII iulll. L7 IL'SI. 'l'lIc llllllxlt‘\l Rikll III lllL‘ (I!) I'ot'kx lllL‘ l‘lfJ hack l‘L‘tlllHllll on a Sal III lit-ll \\ IIlI llIc lcggcntlai'} Raynoml \\llt)\i\. .lIIIIIla licxl ;llltll1l\lllll\l(ill aIIIIt‘x kccp )oII auakt- III IlIc lI'oIIl lwtli‘ooin IIIakIII}; llIIx Ichx Sal llllell one ol IlIc IIonI popIIlaI III Ilu‘ (ll).

I Seduce .It .‘\l'\'ll;l()\. l lpIII lam. LN IUII. \Vcclxl} ('lIaI'l} IlaIIL‘c aIIIl Rtkli. no! lo IIIcIIIIoII an IIIIlIcalllI} xIII;IlchIII_«_' ol glIccxc on llIIx llllf_‘t' Sal IIIglIIcI,

I Shack .Il llIt' Shack

Ill. illpIII 3. illdlll. L‘” It5 I_ \Vcckl}, l,cl _\oIII' lIaII' Ilou II and lixcn llllllfJ\ up on lllt' tlilllk'k'lltnil [II lllt‘ lelllle Hl :Ill _\Illll Shack l;l\IIlll'llC\. Pl;l}k'tl oIIl h} (il'ilk'lllk‘ l‘t‘l'glluill.

. The Ill lllL' Sllt'tl.

lll.3llIIIII 2am. to Wall}. l)L'lll;llltl Ix lllgll lHl' llllx onc. \H )Jt‘l lllt‘l'L' L';ll'l_\. 'l'uncagc (ik'l‘lll}t‘tl li} l'.ll;lll \cilxon and .\Ile} RolIcI'Ixon.

I Sidewinder .u m I II» \t‘\l dau- “NC

I Soulsa at \l.\.\’ llpIII Run Lb IUH Vii-CH} .\lltl_\ .llltl \lIat' l) .llt' III t'lIaII'c .Il lllt' i‘lIIII III Ro}al l'.\t'lI.qu.'i' \Ijnait' ‘\ uIcal onIllIIl lllllht' \t‘\\lllll on llIIx \wll Ilt‘xI‘HL'Il pail}.

I Streetlife .Il IIqIIIIl lounjgt'

llpIII laIII. L's IHI l(i \up \lIIllllll} l).lx looxconIle and SM lt' t'lt'lllt'lll\ tlk'lHCl a lIqut-Il up home [\Ill} \IlIt' IIII\IIIg: all on'lx ol \l_\lt‘\ ol lllll\l\ III llIIx |llllllllllj_'. IIIIIIIIalI' \t'llllt'

0 Subculture .‘Il llIi' SIIlI ( ‘lIIlI

llpIII igun [Ill \M-I-kl} ('Iaxxatl llUll\L' l).l Boo \VIIIIaIIIx lt'llllll\ Io lllk' SIIII loI aIIollII-I llllell ol laxl}. lIIIIk} Ilt'cp xlIIl on If» .\IIg:Ile llc‘x pIoIluu'Il \Ulllt‘ ol lllt' llllt'\l llllll\t' lu'olilx ol lllt' laxl IlL't‘aIlL'. and Him llL'.\ lMIL‘lx lH lot'lx oIII‘ \onlilx.

I Superfly al llIt' \\Hlltl\lllt' bot I.I| lllpIII Iain, £5 lfi .-\II;.' 'lqu‘ IIIoIIIlIl} 'l lIc IIxIIaI llll\ ol llll_L'lll_\ onII. lal .l\\t'tl lllllk. L'laxxlt' (Illx .IllIl xt'\} \llIlI' xlliiux applII-x L'ouIlt-x) ol Human and lllL' lio}x I Syntax al SquIIllIaux \t-xl IlaII- “K I Tiger Tiger at 'l lf._‘t‘l list-I

llpIII Run, “Wkly .loIII lllL' lMll} .II llIIx lIcaIIlIlIII lIaI laonucil lI_\ “1th “can”; qulx aIIIl L'\PL'll\l\L' tllk'\\k’\ 'l lu- lllll\lL‘ polit‘} Ix toIIIInt-Iilal IlaIIu' and Hit IIlIIqIIIIoIIx Rtkll.

I Vegas at llIc RL'llllC\\ it'll} \ml Ilalc 3‘ .'\ll:_'.

I The Winchester Club .u lllc \\1Nlll\ltlt‘ Social. 0pm 3am. L' *. li .-\II_-_' \lonllil}. ll'x clulnIIIIL‘a-avgiI go a! flux IIIonIlI'x \VIIIL'lIt-xlcr. 'llIc lzlt't'lIoluxx headline and xuppoIl point-x lI‘oIII l.ollIlolI\ RL‘Il llllll l)(l/Cl\. x\x .‘Il\‘.a_\x. alIL-I' lllL' lIaIIle lllL’} 'll lIc pla} lllf.‘ IIIIlIc. pop. xoul. hip hop and all kIntlx ol t'\t'I’}IlIIIIj: loI' )oiu IlangIng plcaxuic.

' .' 'THE LIST 29