\uukx on u \llllllllcl lllt'lllL’ unlinhng unllw h} l'unllc}. l)\ (mm-Ion. lclguwvn. .v\nnu- l wmh. \\ (i (illllt'\. \l\('.inu- .uul mun} olhch


l: Rch \lli'L‘l. “.3 h l :5

Scott Naismith l'nnl Sun *1 (\ug ()ll\ .uul .ui} hm h} Humun ol lonlunxlom- _L'l.l\lll.llk'. \oll \ulxnulh


23 k 35 King \llh'k'l. 553 (WI-1 luc Sui litun 5 anl

O Goya, Kollwitz and Currie Sui I!» \ug \ul I‘M-p .\ gioup ol cltlungw .nul hlhogiuphx L'\plol’lng lhc ginn lmhlu-x ol pohluul \uugglc .uul Inun\ Inhulnunn} lo lll.lll l1} Kulhc KUll\\ll/. kt'll ("unu- .nul l-lum'm'o dc (low .uul llllll\l 7;: u' "

Tom Mackenzie Sui In .\ug Sui l * Sup \cu nuv/ollnh h} lUlll \luckcn/u' Icllullng lhc chunglng (UlUllh ol lhc Syollhh lllghlunilx.

Katherine Maxwell Sui .\ug Sun I i Sup ¢\ \clu'x ol ow Lulchlng \un'npnnlx \xhu'h (“\plon' l\\llt'\ ol ulcnlll}. pclu'pllon unil lwlu'l .l\ \hupul h} gum-tux. cultuu- uml \oucl}.


lhv \lut'klnloxh (iilllt‘l}. Io", chll‘cu 8mm. ‘5‘ 45”“ Mon l‘ll Illuln 5pm; Sui Illuln Spin

0 Robert Stewart: Design 1946-95 l‘nlll Sui I \m l.\i;l\'l\llllU\ll (inllcl) l. Rohcl'l Slcxxull mu} not by .l lunnlnu numc hul during lhc 5llx. (MN and “Hx. hc \\u\ un Inllucnllul llcxlgncl' uml lcuihng L'iliu‘ullonuhxl. ‘\ yonlclnlmrgu‘} ol Luncnnc l)u_\. Slcnul'l \xux hcud nl punk-d lmlllcx .u (iluxgou Syhool ol :\l‘l ux \u-ll ux finding mm to ilcxlgn lor [ilk-H}. \lolll. .>\u\lln Rcul and thc liihnhlugh lupull’} working In lhc lllL‘tllllllh ol lL‘\lllt'\. cm'unncx. gluplnc \lL‘\l;_‘ll und lupcxll'y Soc lhlhxl. Robert Stewart And Colleagues - Posters l'nlll Sui l _\'o\ l.-\ll'llllll (lullcr) D. To :u‘compun} lhc Slcmu‘l rclrmpccllw. u \clu'llon ol Innmullu‘ pmk‘i' ili'xlgnx h) Rohcrl Slcmn‘l and hlx collcugum.


IN: liillll SII‘L‘CI. 533 l‘Nl. .\lon l‘il'l Illillum 5pm; Sul llHHuln lpm‘ Mixed Exhibition l'uul Sui M) Aug. .’\ \clu‘lion ol I‘llh. lelh ccnlur) und conlcnumrul) puinllngx,


0 ll (icol'gc Sll‘ccl. .553 Illll, Mon Sul ‘luln 5pm.

Mixed Exhibition l‘uul Sui 3n Aug. ()I'Iglnul ncu St'ollhh lundxcupc h} .\lulcolm llulh und .v\|un .\lol‘gun.


l'niwrxll} ol'(ilu\go\\. 5'3 Illllllt‘iltl

Succl. iii) 5-13lr Mon 8:11‘Hllgilll 5pm;

Sun 1350 4.3llpln. l‘or morc inlonnullon \cc \\ \x n.“ luxllcrllxlfiuun Anna Whistler - A Life l‘uul Sui 4 ()cl. \Vhixllcr‘x pulnung ol~ lll\ molhcr. sln‘unui'nu’nl III (im um/ lilmk .\'u l l\ \‘Ulllplt‘lllt‘lllt‘tl h} u \pu‘lul mlnhinon huxcd on pm iouxl) unpuhhxhcd uu'rmponilcmr und urclmul mulcnul. rcwuhng lhc hlc lwlnml lhc Iconic nnugc. Scc lllllhl. l’ur! of “lint/«130(in

Beauty and the Butterfly: Whistler’s Depictions of Women 1 lllllg.ll*1()\l l’mlclx cullingx .uul hthogmphx lllll\ll.llL' \\ hulk-IR \lcpunonx ol noun-n. rm nun}; on Llllhlllwul. lulullhooxl .lllkl lllk' l‘lkl .lL'C ’ull u,’ ll/uxlh-I SUI/3 i Copper Into Gold: Whistler and 19th Century Printmaking l uul \Vul 3-1 Hm llux mhlhuion pn'wnh clnhlngx .uul luhogiuphx h} \\ luxllcl .uul lnx uullclnpoluru'x. highlighting \\ llhllg‘l .\ .lx'lllL'H‘lllCllh .l\ HHL' Ul lllL' grunt-xi .unxl pnnunukclx o1 ull lllllL' [till (I! [HM/(I SUN.“ In Grey and Black l'uul w :1 (m \\ l11\l|cl'\ l.unou\ pulnllng ol lll\ molth .\/mr1::rm<m' III (iuw um/ li/mL \u/ gonle lo ( iluxgou lol' llk' lihl llmc Ill owl 51l_\c;u\. on loun lloln lhc \luwc il‘()l\.l} In l’unx ll“! HI ll/lel/i’l :“U‘i 18908 Women l'nlll “ml 3-1 Du lk'pu‘llonx ol “onwn h} \\ lnxllcl‘x \‘Ulllk‘lllledllLN licunlxlc}.\lucknumh. ('ullox Suhuuhc .uul olhcrx l!l\l‘llt'tl h} lunlm}. nnuglnullon uml \_\1nhoh\m ’ml 1;] llillhI/rl :llllj‘. Whistler and Scotland l'uul S.” .3 ()cl 'l'hlx uluhumn mplou'x \\'ln\llcl\ poxwrlul lllllllt'llt't‘ on lhc Sx‘l'llhll .11! world during lll\ hlclnnc. lculunng lhc (iluxgou Ho} pulnlx'lx ilculmx .nnl L'Ullk‘L‘th .uul lllt'llltlL'\ \xolkx h} l:.\ \Vullon. Junuw (lulhru'. (icolgc llcm} und ('hurlm chnu' \lgit‘klnloxh 11!! of ll'lmtli'r SHUT". The Whistler Collection 'l’hc llunlcnun'x Inlunullonull) nnporlunl \Vlnxllcr (‘ollcullon l\ on \lt'“ H] mm til\lllil}\ lculurlng Hi) ()ll pulnllngx. lllllltll't‘ll\ ol «lruu Ingx uml \xulcl‘mloulx uml (H gr llNX)cl(l1Illg\;mil lllhogl'upllx. l’ur! n/ ll'/11\l/¢'I'3UU.\'. Lunchtime Lectures l‘n IS .-\ug, l Ir-l5pm‘ [3. .\ \xulol'ungmg \cncx ol lllmlrulcd lcclul'm on \Vlnxllcr. I‘clulul lhcmcx l’m‘! of ll‘luxl/e'r JIIII)’, Whistle-Stop Tours luv 1‘) Aug. 1pm. llullhour lughllghl lourx ol th‘ llllnlcrlun\ \Vluxllcr dixplu) \‘ l’url or ll'lml/n' NHL". Ten at One Talks Wm M Aug. Ipm. 'l'cn-nnnulc lulkx on \clcclcd \xorkx lrom lhc llunlcriun'x \Vhixllcr ilixplu) \. I’m! of ll’luxl/vr 31W}.


l.\‘ King Slrccl. 552 2540. Tue Sul noon (mm.

Knights of Holy Contact l'nul in 3‘) Aug. NC“ \xork h} Rohcrl ()i'chgu'dxml. (irucmc Rogcr. l).i\ul .\luclcun. Nonnun Shun. Duncun \lurqulxs and And} \Vukc.


I58 Hull] Sll'ccl. 5H JUN). _\lon 'l‘hu noon luln; l‘rl Sul noon Ruin,

Shape of Things l’nlll \Vcd 3" .\ug. 'l‘hc Shupc ol Thing 1\ u \cnm ol mlnhlllonx highlighting lhc “ork ol rcu-nl gruiluulm und \ludcnlx ul (iluxgon School ol' .-\rl. \'um'\\u luurcncc l\ [he lculurcd urllxl.


ll \lllt‘llL‘ll l.;lllL‘. ZZl (yihl \lnli.

\Vul Sul “hillillll 5pm; luv llum 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. [3 (flow.

100 Houses for 100 European Architects of the 20th Century

l 1111] \un l" \Lxg \ Iotm on Ihc ruilutctl'x honu~ Immnng 1”“ his \l/c nnurm ol IN“ .m thctlx \\ uh photogmphx .unl \huu Ingx ol rhcn on n houu'x

Whistler’s Wallpaper l uul \un l“ \u;‘ lhc lx‘\llll\ ol .1 \cllcx ol “olkxhopx 1n “huh p.qu ll‘.:lll\ «\pctlnu'nlul unh :: \.ll1L‘l§ ol pnnlmuklng nu hnnlucx lo (naut- \xull uncan lnxpuml h_\ lhc \xolk ol ,lumm \l\ \cll \\ lnxllcr

Opening Closes - The Transformation of the North Holyrood Site I lllll \un .‘l \ug.‘ \n mlnhnlon \ humng lhc \ ll.1ll_‘.‘\'\ lhul hun- Iukcn pluu‘ Ill lhc \oilh lloluooil \nc Ill llhnhlugh

Locofoco: Make the Message Move l Illll Sun I‘ \u;' \n L'\llll‘llli\ll lnghhghllng Ihv .munl \xlnnlng \xoik ol \lmlgncix lopolot'o Ix’cu'nl \xolk uu‘luilcx \lltlll\ \khlgh tun .ll‘l‘k‘.” on .ihnml .m_\ kind ol \(lg'x‘ll lonnul fearsomEngine and Electroconnect Gotcha l uul \un il \ug -\ loyux on luuxolnl'nglm' .uul l:lu‘llm‘onncd uho un' \lcwloping .l glulil \ulcl} \l\'\l\'L'

SIX l'nlil Sun il .r\ug .\ \hmuuw ol “olk h} \lllkit‘lll\ lioln Scollumh \l\ \yhooh “I .ug'hllu'lmc \xho huw hccn \uhnnllul lHl lhlcc no“ \llulcnl .munlx ll‘.c l{l.\S Slht‘l \lx'ildl lUl l‘\‘\l llllll )u'.” \llulull. tho I Ighlhouxc .munl lo: hm! lhml )cul \nulcnl .uul lhv lllklll Ik'ugn .mulil

Anna Maria Antczack l uul Sun l~l Sup. ;\ \ll\|ll.l_\ ol x\llll.l .\l.ulu .-\nlc/;u'k\ lillth colxcl \lcxlgn “huh huw hu'n lnxpuul h} llonu‘l‘x ()(/\ \\¢'\ Mobile Cinema Sul lo Aug Sun l-l Sup. (ilgngon huxnl \lk‘\lf.1llt'i\.l\'li\l huw clung-«l u Inohllc unmnu \xhu'h hux hccn lounng \Illugcx throughout lhc l‘K .uul no“ \Iopx otl ul lhc lighthoth in! .l \Cllt‘\ ol llllll .uul \ ulco \crccnlngx nu'lluhng I'ulun' l/uuu' h} l‘llllll\ll lilnnnukcr \llku 'l‘uunllu \E 55' 'i Summer Highlights Mon Ix

.\ug Sun 3| Scn .’\n uhlhulon \llinu‘dflllg lhc lulcnlx ol _\oung pcoplc Ill (lluxgou \\ ho .lllt'lltlt‘tl illgllul \\Hll\\llnp\ ul lhc l.lf_‘lllllllll\L'.


Slullon Rouil. \lllngunc. 5‘5 35‘1". luc Sul Ilium 1pm & 3 5pm. Artists’ Lunch: East Meets West Sui lo .-\ug 'l'hu IS Scp, l’;llllllllj_'\ und pnnlx h} St'olllxh um couxl huwil ill'l|\l\ ll‘oln I'llc. Uundcc. .’\ngu\ .uul lhc .\lc;un\ \f


21H) Hull) Sum-l. H1 “"22. ‘luc \ul ‘kun (\plll

Peter Howson and Frank McFadden Sui In .v\ug \M-u I (m Nu“ [nunnngx .uul ilrumngx h} l’clcl lill\\\llll .uul u um c\hlhu|on lo! hunk .\lL'l‘u\ltlcn. \E ii"


5 ll}nillunil Slrccl. 3-12 «1111 Well I'll lluln (mm; Sui ll;un 5pm. Sun

noon Jpln.

New Figuration l'nlll “ml 3‘) ;\ug l'lgurullw pulnllngw h} H“ llt'kl ill'll\l\ including Slcphumc Run. llcni} Kondruckl. l._\nn “\hrcnx. Jullu Jcllw). Sluurl liut‘hunun und Sumn Izulon.

Dalziel + Scullion - Aura A

Pvt“: 1:. lillatf'ws. l‘.:.'r' .1":

.4'3 ‘Y‘1‘l."”"' 'tr- v '. ' ' 'i' ' ' o‘o'l I l' l'll' l" \w-Ho ' ,",) (,1 A... ,f \‘,I

Goya, Kollwitz and Currie

11%.... *v‘\" " vay‘IyI,.., j;‘f,.v?.lvl' \].:'w"‘g~ '-‘.‘.;H,u-f’1.‘ “Inl

'mmlt‘fl {' ‘u l: n’llllw” ‘2

«Hunt "ié‘ll‘l"‘ :mu1 1

'sf’ (Haunts. (Lug/m. / u? \‘JKIJM, (;u:..~: *5le M Am: ~11:

J 18'3"

Lee Bul: The Monster Show lii'gurr flux", mu: m; ‘ki’ll‘_[)'.ll"“; l); KMH

'i)i x)\

no. guns! I “v Bu. ill hm

Hu'nll "J 3') f3’l(>‘.'.' (X kl.

(mm/0'... “Iliad! . “wily

Robert Stewart: Design 1946-95 /\ <";llT‘:7'l;,I’)'ill, r)‘ lluwruu: l)£l,_ {hm mm; f)‘~.".‘l(lil" (2xl\ll,vt:r;n ll‘il'l' rlfwt‘; flu: work rf Holmrt88:.2'10. thuuxlwumtml (lumgyuu za'vl ‘;;r'v‘.u' lunl u‘ IUXIHH, Vi! (lizlwlrh'x SNIMLE {Ii Ari (l/glfglym fJ'hl 7M {If Alf. '/,'1.'// 8:1" .7 NU;

Primitive Streak l lull: ‘gi‘;lur)". l"4,“.'f‘, ml": ;(.‘I‘,':'",‘: 11‘. 1'1",

WM)". 1‘flzllr'l‘:fl?'.“,UrJWIIll), Hui"- filh'f’,‘ .H (,ligilmrllllm‘ .‘.'illl

“13' water Kath. ungwl‘w; llu; 1’,

Hr, ‘n".l/",‘I)":{, 314%;0‘, w flu: inn?

ll) ; ./ mum; Hulls/(strut llw

All In w, (Haw; 2:21 U! 'f// SUI? I51 xix/9'.

Whistler 2003 llu: l l‘ .HIWu’u; (3;: i Ouiutwnh; Ilw: W,- :l"rl MM

oftlv;I;l::<;r'nnH,./\H1‘;':(,;m hum", \lzunu) MCNUII \/."h:',tl‘,-r

fuutamrq the (uni/in 0? 'w, mqu

‘zurtrmf, neuritlzg, /'w;m(;(;/m3nf //: (1m. gulf H/:'I’,’r H0 7 AI? (hi/W (En'r,f}r;v.‘.r’. r/rtfu" 8/1.? a" ()CT.


Four Hands by Bill Viola forms part of Sanctuary on show at the Gallery of Modern Art

' ,1 ./ ‘, THE LIST 33
