Silk, fur, rope, leather, terracotta and pony skin are just some of the substances CLAIRE BARCLAY uses in her striking, large-scale installations. Inning: Susannah Thompson

8 THE LIST "an 7-1 $21: a


I'x time (’luii'e Burelgi} \Inppetl l'nr n hi'eutliei'. .\\ nne nl the three unixtx ehnxen In I'epl'exent Senlluntl at /.ennm;ip. the Sentthh pmilinn at the Venice Biemmle ll/II‘ intei‘nutinngil \ixuul ;ii't l'e\Ii\;i|. us it )nu didn‘t knnu. darling). it \Htlliti he lliii‘ In \11} that \he\ tlnne her hit. l’nI‘ the ne\t leu llltllllih :it leuxt. BuI Mn. :11 the time nl' \H'lllllfJ. Bgii'elu} ix \Iill iimiierxetl in pi'epui‘utinm I'ni‘ lI/('(l/ /’llI'\1(iI\. her lurgext \nln \hnu In (iillL'. at Dundee (‘nntenummr_\ .-\l1\. Sn the luxl thing \he needx. then. l\ \nme [k‘\i\_\ huek demanding: l'L‘\PUll\L‘\ In L|llL‘\llHll\ uhnul Ihe \hnu helni‘e iI‘x e\en heen installed. (i;il|;ittt|}. \he imiietl me In lite and} the quextinnx‘ \iu email \n \he eun Iuekle them in the ewningx alter \xni‘king nn Ihe l)( '.>\ e\hihiiinil. 'l'm up In Ill} eurx in unrk in enmplete.‘ she \u} \. 'Kutrinu Brnxxn. Ihe eurutni‘ at l)('.»\. imited me In make :in exhihitinn Lil’tltlllti Deeeinher luxt _\e;ir ltllti l‘\e heen \tni‘king nn lLiL'iI\ hit it nn and nll \inee then. hut Ihe mainrit} nl’ the pi‘ntluetinn nl'