



V I saw you \cr} tittitit'tiw \\titllitll on Moiitlgi) thc | ltli Auguxt tit 7:00in on tht' iitiinhci ~1I htix liczitling to (ii‘ccnhtink. )ou: long (Ittt'Ix liiiir ticil hiiclx. (lurk L‘}C\. xilxct‘ ncck \‘Ilétlil. hliick top ttlltI curt) ing it gi'c} ruckxiick. I got oil the htix git Morniiigxitlc (‘lot'k \\IIL'II l Iookcd hack \\ L'I'C )otl looking buck tit iiic‘.’ llo\ .\'o l. 470 I, V I saw you Looking Iot‘ I);i\_\ (i I'roin litliiihurgli. \Vc inct in I’rtigtic l’ch ZINE. 'l'liix ix Dchrii. Rcincnichci' incl' l‘lo\ No I' 470 3.

V I saw you on Auguxt -Ith. around 7pm. \\L‘ xhiii'cd ii hcnt‘h in ('tii'lixlc rziilxiii} xtiition iintl _\ou got on thc tilt'|;i}t'tli Iiilinhiirgli trtiin. You tlgii'k Iiiiirctl tintI ttinncd. IIIL' hcxpcctii clctl. prctcntling to i'ctiil, Will you tciich IIIL‘ to tIl'u“ 1’ IIo\ .\'o I' 476 5.

V I saw you Soiiici'licld. I);ilr_\. Dark hnir :iiitl gluxxcx. )ou cwn lllétl'xc tlic lllllItH'ltl look good. Sn) Iicllo to xtop IIIL' buying hi'caitl I don't not-ill I think _\ou knim who I inn? Ilo\ No I' 476 (i,

V I saw you plining )oui‘ \‘iolin up on tho Royil .\Iilc. You litiil on lowl}. bright orange trouxCi'x. 'I'hix \\;I\ on IIIC llth .-\ug on it \lllltl} iit'tci- noon. l-‘tiiiQ ti pint'.’ Box .\'o Iii-I707.

V I saw you You \\oi'lx \CII- ing hundhaigx iintl xiiiigltixxcx in Victoria Sti'cct. You tii'c limit :\_\‘t‘ and haw long L')L'I;t\IlL‘\. 'I'liought thcrc Mix it i'npor going on oxcr thc l)o|cc iintl (izihhnnti \IttttIL‘\. llo\ .\'o

I7 470 8.

V I saw you To ihc L‘llIC ('tintitlizin Lam student ((1 Jo (‘ziull'icltl on Sun It) Aug. l \\tlx tlic guy tit the hack in lItL‘ gi‘ccn 'I'-.xhirt. Want! to go 4 it drink .xoinc tiinc‘.’ Box .\'o t' 476 I). V I saw you and )our \Il‘lltg“ hcain lch doing trickx hchintl thc htir. \\‘lint'x thnt tihout'.’ Ilo\ No I' 470 III.

V I saw you I);tlttix-I)II‘CL'IUI'- Danny?! For the t'ii'xt IIIIIC on the train. cwi‘ .xincc. ncxcr Ioolxcd hack. low It hcupxl .\Ic \\oo. Box No l' 470 II.

V I saw you (in/I}. cuting dccp IIICII iiiuxhrooinx iii Brougliton St. during thc lii‘xt .xttigc of our tItI\L‘llller togcthcr. Box No I' 476 II.

V I saw you huh} .xliiilxing that tixx. 'I‘hc guy \\ itli tlic I'L‘tI hair in tlic haixcmcnt. thinlx )our name ix Kcnn)? Bo\ .\'o

[Yr-I76 I3.

V I saw you x;i_\ing IIliIIlk)Ull NOW?! I kno“ tlint it ix \ci') rude but tlocxn't iiiiittcr. xcc _\ou nt honic. Bo\ No I' 475 2-1.

V I saw you tall. imndxumc. hig. hi‘ou n c)cx .it Huxciiiciit Ittxl Sttlitld} \It‘. I (\ .I‘Iittttlt'. \\IIIIC t.ii'tlig.iii. HItICICtI totk taiiIx Ii'oiii tou \\oultI IlIxt' to int-ct .ig.iin IIo\ \o I' 47‘ H V I saw you “till \Pllx} inn. liluc gum gt'ct-nt xliiit iii IIIC I’cnt' 'I'i’t'c lint on \ug \t'i} xt'\}. giw IIIL' xoinc‘ \\ lio\ .\'o l‘ ~17!» I5.

V I saw you in Il.ixciiit'iit I‘ltll'. latliiihiii'gh I gixc xiiii iii} hunt. I gixc _\oti in} xoiil. I low )oii xo. iiioii pctit t'.iii.iitl t'll xttt‘i'cl \\\. Ilo\ \o I' I‘M |(» V I saw you \Ittttum. lit} xt‘cnit‘ ptiintci'l) (Ilt'Jlll. I t'otiltl III hclp hut xtgii't'. iii IIIL' giiitlcii ol thc pctii‘l lIo\ \o l' »l"h I“ V I saw you \\lit'i‘c )oti lowtl IllL' lit-ctiiixc ol in} 'Iltiinilton but then )ou \\CIII [ixu‘lto I’m\ No I' Alwh l.\

V I saw you .-\iitli'c\\ ' In tht' 'I‘i‘on on I'i'itlii} \\ it (Iil \\ttllx piilx: xlhii't' )oui' (‘ukl' \\ II Illk‘ iigiiin p.ixxion \ .‘ Ilo\ \ii

I‘ 470 II).

V I saw you xc\} lrixh Litix in thc \\IIIIC top. ('it_\ (lilt- IllL‘NIH} t1]j_'ItI.:\llll;tI nit- not tht' \\IIIIC IMIII iic\t tiiiit' \. Ilo\ .\'o l' »I7(i 30.

V I saw you gingt'i'. lituiitl) gn}. lxt ttI l’ctii 'I’i'cc. 2nd iit Siipct I'lll'I'lC\. (';iii I hc )tilll' goltlcn i'cti'imct'.‘ IIo\ \o

I' 470 2 l.

V I saw you goi'gt‘oux .'\tl tcuchct li'oiii (iltixgo\\_ (Illl .-\uguxt on thc Ro);il .\IIIC. You \\ci'c xti'uinniiiig )tillt‘ guitin .iiitl I \\iix (Itint‘ing \\IIII in} gotl tltitightct‘. ('tiii I hc )oui' hluc cy-d gii‘l'.’ llm \o I" 4”!) 22. V I saw you in IIIL' I’cnt' 'I'i‘cc. .'\h ltltlll'. You iintl IIIL‘ I’xltli \\\. Ilo\ .\'o l' ‘17» 2-1.

V I saw you xiiiging .\ (’ii't'lc

ol |.il'c tIiltoii ,Itilllll .Ioc _\oii xc\} I-ilinlioiixc IxIIL‘IlL'II pci‘xon hc nix t‘gintllc in IItL' \\llltI. IIo\ .x'u i" 475 :3.

V I saw you on ;i hiix It'tiltt lnwrncxx on 'I'ut-x .\’t|i .IllllC. I? tall. dark Iltllt'. thought I’itlot'hi‘) \\tix l’ci'tlil .\Ic xiit oppoxitt- )on. light imiix. tliit‘lx top. I xii“ too \li} If Hm No I. 475 37.

V I saw you pl;i_\ing _\oui' Ilt’\l L'\L't' gig. (iii x\\ CL‘I I'Ut‘lx xtaii‘. IIl‘ttlll \\oultl low )otl ...coultl put _\ou in ii hm. IIo\ .\'o I‘ 475 28.

V I saw you Bluii‘. \\oi'king in Hand ()ut tintl _\ou ncxct‘ \IIIIIL‘ ;it nit-Y I think )ou'i'c Iowl}. IIi‘iglitcn in} tI;i_\ .llltI

gimmc ii gi'inl', .-\ xt't‘i'ct tltIltlll't‘l'

\. Hm Nor-1752‘). V I saw you I‘t/Iic \Vi/lit‘. Itint'} tIi'cxxing up xooiilll'.‘.’1’lio\ .\'o I' 4‘5 34.

V I saw you (iitllittIIJIl Ilit'titii _\oii jmiii Il.ii! xo Inmxi‘. .tIItI _\oui IIIJI‘IC Ik'.tI hiitt' Illnirit' (QiimiIn' ll \ Ilox \n

I 1'g lii

V I saw you II_\. :untg._ I)I moxie: pin} my thy lx'xt tiiiit'x I'xt' hard on \.ittii\i.i} iiizjlxt (ii.ih.~.:ii _\i‘tl tlic timu' \Htt II‘\I\I “.i Iman IIH\ \\l l I" 1|

V I saw you M will! mumm- I‘lIk" .tIltI .1 \\‘\} '-\ CC \\IIIIC I xhiii Ix’ch to Illt' \itttlt‘ mow _\ou kiiou I low it' I’m\ \o

l 1"\ ;_‘

V I saw you I.tII limit to“ )oiii tiit'iitI\\.ixiiglit _\HIII1.I\\‘ IIIC tiioxt kixx.ihlt'lipxiii toun How to iti.iI\c tou \(RI' \\I' Siiiilt \\ IIit\ \ii I 1.5 H

V I saw you illttlllxt‘} iii.iii

\\ ilh lioohx xo IIIIL'. tonic out )otii \\cll, _\oti \\III lw mint" Box \ol I" *5

V I saw you Ill \I.t\\.l

I" i' “1 xtiuttiiig toiiixt-II .ihoiit tht' «Innt't- Ilooi \I.IIIx Il.tll. \\Iiitt' xhiit. iollt-tl up xlt-cwx \ou new hot' \It‘ too. tuill IIIC' Ilo\ \ol l7" Vi.

V I saw you )oii \\cic \\otk mg ;l\ ii \\tiiti'cxx in it t'ot‘ktnil Inii \\ht-ii l int-t _\Hll \Ic Linc You I;ii/;in \\lIIl Ii.iii'} kiln-x Hm \tll I“ i"

V I saw you \‘Iicl u IIlt' otithotixc ,l‘ltli .lul_\ \Ic tltc onl_\ xtitiiglit giil Ill tht- t'ioml. \"ou xhiigg} t xliiit H hhtl Rct‘oinincinlul tht' \‘iit‘liinht'i \\UlIItI low to we \oui'x. ,, IIo\ \t» 1' rs ix. '

V I saw you xm-t-t t-Iit-t-kctl xc\ gotIiIt-xx \\ itli )tiltt' lll_\\IL‘l'l oiix \IIIIIL‘. l)o ton liiiw tiint' loi \Utllt‘ lun oiit oi hotii'x ' IIo\ \ti I" I" W,

V I saw you u ith [itilk'ttlll in )titti' C;Il\ §llltI h;;ix iii )0”! linii. uniting ii (.II xuit. I’lt‘iixc phonc inc. lim \o l' 4‘5 It). V I saw you Inigt' lo\t' \PL‘ t‘ kittt‘n lloiitiiig in .i tll_\ xtt-i') ol IIIIII xoon luxt xt‘ciit'. l’t'ni' IICC loi' [\\o ' Ilo\ \o

I' I3 -I I.

V I saw you in lIk' I’t-ntticc. Iiill. tliii'k & Iiiiiitlxoiiic. llL'.tl tht- loox. ('iill inc. l'iii pt‘titc «link «k \L'\}' IIm No I. 4‘5 35.

V I saw you hut I don't no“, I'm not xuit' ll it'x '\’()I". \\t-II _\tIll\'QII1\;l} thiit it'x _\ou hut I‘m not going to hcln‘w in _\ou \iitlii k'\ iiiipoxihlc. xolo tit'iicx quc t‘i‘t'ci‘ t'lt t'llo, It'x t‘.’ix}' Ilo\ Nit II f5 3“.

V I saw you “H IIILN i.i\cii InuiuI hcnut} told my )oii \\t'i‘c iiiiti‘i‘it-tl Inokc in} limit 'I'i'utly’ I‘I'UIH ;\.\I'\IIII‘L‘ I think. Ilo\ \o I" 4‘5 42.

V I saw you hliit‘k & oi'.ingc xhii't ho} \\llIl Ion-I) xlioitx in Iliixcnicnt \IHIItIII) ~I .-\iiguxt.

\\ ill )ou M iii_\ xk.itt-i‘ ho} ’lIo\ \o l' 4‘5 I1,

V I saw you« .\ \t t‘I\I Iliunt‘ttcv xt.i\x ‘.It Iiioiixjhtoti iiit' IIIlIiixx. \xorkx ill I).III\\'IIII \\t' int-t in I.t\‘i IIlt'Il \tIII\\' \Itlk' III‘\ \1‘ I i.‘ LI V I saw you mm \\ttl‘.

t iI‘I‘I‘\'\I Il.‘.lI t\ \\t 1c Ilt‘Iiilt'I Ill \I.t1\I‘.Xl‘.\‘IlI \\"."..'1\’\IIHI‘\\‘II \.IIIII\I.I_\ .ittt'tiiooii, .‘iiti \lt;‘ll\l \oii tixctl to t \\ I\' I‘.I\I inc Lill it'd Il.tII\‘\I :‘ltI (ILtIttI‘t‘h \tit't‘t iii tlit‘ iiioiii tll‘.'\ I.ill\\ out I‘.IIII\ tIl‘\\lll‘.'

.i \IIIIII\ \i‘IIIt‘IIIIIt‘ |Io\ \n

l I" l

V I saw you xtiiiliiij.‘ I).iiiixli giil. xcn in: Intailxtnxt .it tht' ('.ilt' \ou litightt‘ttctl up iii} iiioiniiigx Ill.tll_L'L' tnk' I’Imxc xt.i} iii It‘llxll' (' llo\ \o l -l o .‘

V I saw you It‘.tII_\ \ iitc I‘.il man in thc Ixixt'inciit iiu I‘Itllltlk' \\IIII ttl\'\\} Ii.iii.

ion xt‘iwtl inc gt\t .IIltI xt.iio [‘Ittlllk‘ll .tIltI i told )oii .ihotit thc .itkiiix tIit't I.lll\'_\ \Ilit\\lll_‘.'ll1\‘ _\otii x.iux.igt' ' IIo\ \ol I" i V I saw you iliiiiiig h} tIiiitt til ()III\I\I\'I I N IIt'PI‘t‘lll loolxnlikt' Ill Iiltx \II\'\\ \oii xiiiilctl. I \\.ix t''t'tl ('.iii I LIKE )oii loi Intuiktnxt 'llo\ \o ll I" -I

V I saw you \\CJIIIIL' .i I xliiit \\llIt .i _\t'IIo\\ '/' on II. ' _\oti ItNlka'tI .i I‘tt xlou Hm \t' I' I“ 5

V I saw you ill] I’|.inct ( lllIl ('i.iig .IIltI \IltI_\ tou goigt'oiix Iittllkx..,xi\ IlH\\/ .ihout it tlicii’ IIU\ Not-1'30

V I saw you .\IlIll\'. \\C.IIIII“_.' .i hliit- IIIC\\. UllI\I\I\' Salt-nu}. \Iiii‘iiiiigxitlt'. in .Iuiic, \\ Ilt'lt‘ h.i\t' _\ou goiit' I.\'I lllt‘ Ink )0“ dancing Rit‘lini'tl Ilo\ \o l' I“

V I saw you I think )oii \\ci'c gi\ iiig IIIC thc ow. I‘k'IU\ itIc ;llltI I'iii pictt} gag ging. xo him .ilmtil lI ' Ilo\ \o l' 45‘ H

V I saw you lltlltlI‘t'l l xk.itt'i letI III IIlC I’t‘ul'll't't‘. You ItltIIx \tl hip on thy I’t'ni'ticc \\t'hxitc. Skiitt' \\llll IIIC .in}tiinc low I’;l\t';tI, IIU\ \ti I. VS ‘)

V I saw you Rtmll tht' nit-iii t'xt Pl.llllx\It‘l. \\ho xhoiic IIIk' hi'ightt'xt light iii Ill} lilo I iiiixx ltl\ hcxt li'icntl w Iou'i. Ilo\ \o Mrs IN.

V I saw you ICI'I \I} \\iin ton luxt Ioi' )ott ix I;II\III_‘_‘ lllL‘ out I \\III Ii.iunt tht- Moo II.” until )ou notit‘c inc Ilo\ \o

l' 4‘5 I I

V I saw you hchintl tht- hut "I litixcincnt Riiiitl} .\IltI_\.I IItlllIx )oii'i'c iiiic + tIiIIltI}.

I Itllilx tIIIIlIx ix M II gnu inc .i It'_\. lio\ \o I' -I”5 II.

V I saw you I’L'gg) \Iitt'licll. IittIt' cliin lit-nut}. I)o _\Hll \\tllll to ho iii_\ \oi‘tht'in xoiiliiiiitt' " Ilo\ \o I 4‘5 lz

I'.l.t_\I‘\‘ iii Ho x II.” My:

V I saw you Iittit‘ thiqiiitn Ill thc I’mitict' I leli'“ _\ou Il.l\\' .i 'lmxtiiciiti hut thc \\.i§ xoii Lilk HI \\‘th‘IJI‘ItN .III\i Ii‘IiI \llxt‘

[nit kt'tx Ill\‘.III\ _\oii itct'tI ht'lp' Ilo\ \o I I i‘ I I

V I saw you I‘tiimlittg'. Mitt lop top. Ixniiflt‘x o xitiokiii' ioI II\'\ likt~ tlicic'x no toiiioiiou \ou II.I\I .i ptiklm I‘J‘.‘ \I_\ lelliIJ t‘.iI (hill Itlt‘ t‘.l\If_‘l\‘ IIH\ \H

I l.‘ I‘

V I saw you iii tlic iiiiiioi .it my I‘.tI Ill thc (it) tutu on thc lxt \ii;' Hl .it I I .‘I \oii IookctI tti‘I I‘.‘.\II II<‘\ \HI I“ I“

V I saw you ImcI} Lite. I‘li\\\ll h.iit, tou .iliiioxt Iiiiikt'il in} \\.i§. _\oii toltl }oiii IIlt'Il\I\ too toiilthi‘t ti\\\ It.iii\} _\oii Ix’ctl li.iii |’i\it‘ \t it'.l\I llo\ \ol 1" l


V I saw you limit. lll

IIL‘I“ t‘t‘ll IIlk' \le \'\ IIlt' \.ttltI \\ it'hcx .tlt‘ gootl hut xoii .iit' t.ixtit'i' Ignit} xliou mg .i \‘ottixh I.ixx \\Il.tI .i ICJI \iiit‘iitnii tl.itc ix .ill .ihoiit ' \\ IIU\ \ti I In“ 5“

V I saw you t'\x‘i}\\lit'it" (hi IIlk' liiht' .it Ixt-lx iiilt.ill .lIl\I \\.i|kiii_:) tip II}\'I\ RII. iii I'.tIl|lI‘llI_‘_‘Il LII} \\‘IlIIk'. oii thc hux to .llltI lioiii IntIiiihuigli .llltI (iltixgou innit} Itltlt‘\. illltI iii \Ioiiiingxitlt' Ill I'iliiilitiigh tIoing toui xhoppini' it x .ill to \\ciitl' Siiit‘I} \w It" xiippoxcil to xpmk iiiiloittiii.itt-l_\ I lit too xli} .IIltI thix ix IIlt‘ lit-xt I t‘.iii tIii" Ilii\ \(l I‘ I 7) RI

V I saw you | It'.lII_\ iiiixx )oti Rt-iiiciiiht'i out I.ixt tIlllllL'I lll t''hok' Hox \o

I' II“ *3

V I saw you th' I \\.t\ Ill Spiiin ‘inoiithx .igo | ltk‘l .i gu} IIlk'lt' .tlltI hix ll.tlllL‘ ix Iriigcnc \\ \oti .iic 3| _\t'.iix HIiI \\t‘ Il.ttIt‘ .i jg'tt'itl IIIIIC IIlt'lt‘ .intl no“ Itll \t'dl'k'lllllfJ Ioi tou \ott I|\t' tli St'otltillil .ititI \\oik .it .i it'toitl xtoit- iii (i|.ixgo\\ \o ll \tllllt‘tlllt' lett\\\\ Illlll. oi ll )Htt \L'k' IIII\. [llk'iht' ttilllut‘l tllt‘” IIii\ \ii I. In!) ii

V I saw you till Illt' \\Vtth‘tl} I'IltI.l_\ lxt \uguxt. )ou ll'l \\Ullmli \xho lookctl Ion-I} \It- lilokc \\lIIl longiin Ii.iii i.iin hliiig on ilIItIllI Roiiic. \Iti} .iII _\oui «Litightt-i‘x Iw gitlx. I’It-tixt' IlldeC tontiit‘t Ilo\ \o

I, I‘h H

V I saw you (it-ii} tiikc _\out' tlit‘t} \\liitcx, I ll h.i\t- \tilllk' Iiiiuh xh.iii|xx"" IIo\ \o

I- I—‘(I

V I saw you \llI\L‘ K, hut not mix lllllL'Il. Hurry up itIltI tiiiixh _\oiii' t-\.iiiix xo _\ou tun IttIxL' int- oot tliint in Your pzil (opt Imint‘ihlt‘ Hm .\'o

I. ~1—‘(I Sh


"I‘m really glad I came along. Where else can you go out and meet 25 single women in one night? You’d have to be stupid not to give it a go" - Matt Lawson, marketing manager, aged 34

126 THE LIST 131 Aug—3. Sun .It