Mais oui mais non - Gallic sexual friction on a Friday Night

.-\||eii. Jnan ('uxaek. 95mm. The new film expandx nn the nriginal xettmgx and themex_ When Wnndy ix nnt taken tn ('nyybny ('amp by hix my nei~ Andy. he begmx tn quextinn the meaning nl hix 'lllt“. When he'x xubxequently xtnlen by a enlleetni' \xhn planx tn xell him tn a Japanexe tny iiiuxeum Bun and the gang ti'ayel itCl‘tixx tnyyn tn i‘exeiie their pair The etttnttu' t‘attge nl the attttttttlcd eharaeterx l\ extiani‘dinary; they xay that eninputer generated unagex “in newer replace the real thing. but 'Im Stun" 3 maka ynu \ynndet'. Sti’r ( ‘i'ntury ('mi'ntu. I'IiIiIt/itu'gh. Trees Lounge t I5» 00.. (Steve liuxeeini. l‘S, twm Steye liiixeeini. ('hlne Sex igiiy. .-\nthnny’aglia. 05min. l’rnlilie ['8 indie aetni' iiuxeemi eninex up trumpx in ti‘niit (it and behind the camera in thix eai'et’ully detailed. ehai'aeter-driyen mnyie that'x liltit‘L' (‘axxayetex than 'l'arantinn lt‘x tn litixeeini'x credit ax aetnr. writer and directnr that he enenuragex xueh .xy mpathy t'nr hix bai'tly lnxer. uhnxe xeltlpitying inurney thi‘nugh tlnyy l lil'e ix funny and unxentimental. .-\ great, phenniiienal. xmall. unaxxuniing lilin. (till. (i/uieim.

T-Rex 3D tl‘i tlirett Lennard. l'S. 1908) 40min. Ania/mg Innking [MAX mnyie abnut a lather and daughter in danger limit a \ ieintix eai'iuyni'nux dinnxaur. (ireat tun. [VAX 'l'lti'ull‘i'. (i/ingnii.

0 Unknown Pleasures (Ren Xiao Yao) t l3:\t O... chang Ke Jia. l‘ranee/Japan/Stiuth Knrea/(‘hmzr 2002i Khan Wei Wei, Wu ()inng. thu Qing l‘eng. Wang llnng Wei. ll3inin. Bin Bin and Xian Ji \yandei' arnund aimlexxly ax Bin Bin ennxiderx trying tn get intn the army. and Xian Ji tallx in [me with a dancer mndel attached tn a thuggixh nlder guy. l'ttu‘lliilllll}! naturalixtie drama than the dii'eetnr nl‘ I’lurturm. See reyieyy. Film/mine. lat/inhiu'e/i.

O Vendredi Soir (Friday Night)

t ISI 0... ((‘laire Denix. France. 2002) Valerie leniereier. Vincent Lindnn. Helene de Saint-Pete. 00min. A \yinter'x l‘riday night in l’arix. \\ here a public tranxpnrt \lrlkc hax lilrkl'tl the L‘tiy'x lrill‘llk‘ [0 it xtandxtilli (‘aught up in the gridlnek ix Laure tenmedienne l.emereieri When a xtranger. Jean (Vincent l.indnni. knnekx on her ear \\ indnyy. a chance enenunter turnx mm a jnyt‘ul nne-mght .xlttttd. Verbal dialngue in thix iinprexxiyely aeted lilm i.x

Check out the great



alninxt ltt)!l-L‘.\l\lClili meaning ix ennyeyed by the elnxe-upx nt~ lnnkx and glaneex exchanged bet“ een the Inyerx. nr by the way Agnex (indai'd‘x iunbile camera traekx their bndiex mnying in mutual attractinn \yithin enntined xpaeex. .»\eenmpanied by an excellent xtring xenre l‘rnin Dieknn llinehlilt‘e nt' the 'l‘inderxtiekx. A \\ arm. tender and yynndert‘ully i'nmantie tilin. See reyieyy. I’l'lntlmuw. Iii/uthiu'eli.

Veronica Guerin t IX) .00 tJnel Sehumaeher. l'SA. 2003i (‘ate Blanehett. Alan Devlin. ('nlin l-‘arrell. Brenda l‘rieker. Jne llanley. ()Smin. Jerry Bruekheimer- prndueed and Seliuinaeher-direeted take the true xtnry nl (iiierin‘x inyextigatinn tit. and murder by. grubby Dublin drug dealerx in the l‘)‘)llx. Pretty pedexti‘ian xtut‘i' but the film greatly benetitx lit)!" the prexenee nl ('ate lilanehett in the title rnle. When the Sky l-"ulli u. ith Jnan Allen wax better. Si'lt'i'li'l/ release.

Whale Rider (PG) 000 New Zealand. 3003) Keixha (‘axtle- llughex. l0lmin. In a xinall New Zealand enaxtal Village. the Mann penplex claim dexeent l'rnm l’aikea. the Whale Rider. a pxeudn mythie male elder whn wax niie \\‘llll the barnaeled beaxtx. The blnndline ix xuppnxed in lead tn Knrn. nnw an nld man \yhn ix wnrrying that hix xnn l’nrnurangi hax only given him a granddaughter Pai \y'hn eannnt earry nn the dynaxty. Keixha ('axtle-llughex tax the ehnxeii nne Pail and the rext til the eaxt are delightful. while (‘arn inakex maximum uxe nl‘ her lnyy budget and amateur new by \y-nrking within the ennt'inex nt' a real eaxt enaxt Mann rexeryatinn area. 'l'nuehing and intelligent naturalixtie drama t'nr nlder kidx and adultx thix hax enthralled audieneex at film t‘extiyalx aernxx the “midi ('(i(' Ri'Ii/ri'ii Street. (ilusgmi; (Husgrnr; Dumminn. Edinburgh.

What a Girl Wants (Pm O.

(Dennie (inrtlntt. 1.5. 2003) Kelly l’rcxlnn. Snleil .\le(ihee. (‘nlin Firth. liileen Atkinx. Jnnathan Pryce. Peter Reeyex. Amanda Bynex. Anna (‘haneellnr 105mm. Bynex playx Daphne Reynnldx. a meet. gnnd- natured l7-year-nld girl whn ix thrilled to dixenyer that her father ix Britixh politician l,nrtl llenry I)axhwnnd tl-‘irthi. llnyyeyer. thnugh lienry uelenmex the nppnrtunity in get in knnw hix daughter. hix ennniying fiancee ((‘haneellnri and hix pnlitieal adyixnr (Pryce) plnt tn get her xent packing. l'ndnubtedly eheexy and .xhamelexx. thix hax ninre bad gagx inynlying Rnyal Family Innkalikex than any film xiiiee The Naked (iun. lt reinainx watchable thankx tn Bynex herxelt‘. yihn giyex a xpirited. funny. genuinely \WCCI pert‘nrinanee and enuld u ell be xnmenne tn watch in the future‘ Seli't'ti'd release.

(Nikn (Kiri),

index Film

L N .L\ L


9 25 August

Charlotte Square Gardens

Programme/Ticket hotline

0131 624 5050

Tickets from £3.50 - £8.00

21 Aug-48ep2003‘I’HILI8‘l'25

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