
Winifred Nicholson in Scotland l'ntil Stiti 2 Scp L5 5” IL2 5m. tindci l2x licc |oint adiiiixxion \\ tth ()nc llundtcd (iical I’hotogiaphx. Ilcxt known tot hct lloxxci paiiilingx. lliix c\hihitioii locuxcx on thc Iilc and uoik oi

\\ iniltcd \icliolxon 1 IN“ I‘LSI I. thc ()\loid horn ai'tixt and \xilc ol llcn \ic'liolxoii. lhc lirxt c\hihition ol hci \Htllx ll) IK' llt'ltl lll ~\t'ttlltilltl lHl H\L'l 2H )caix. thc I" paintingx piodticcd in thc lllglllttlltlx illltl \Vt'Slt'llI ISICS IL'IIL'L’I Iict Io\c lot Scotland.

Colour and Light Stun I Scp Illain i illpiii. .\ dcxciiption haxcd toiii ol Ihc paiiitingx ol \Vmilicd \icholxon Ioi pcoplc \\Illl a \ ixual iinpaiiincnt lolloixcd h) a xtill lilc \xoi‘kxhop lcd It} paititci lyinil} liakkci. Demarco Focus I: Demarco in the 19603 l'ntil Sun 2S Scp. I'hc lii'xt in a xcricx ol thrcc dixpla}x diauing on matciial li‘oin thc l)cinarco ;\i’chi\c and Iocuxing on lhc ai'tixl. cnticpiciicut and curatoi Richard l)cinarco'x acti\ ilicx iii tlic ()Hx,

After Hours ‘I'hit 2S' .'\llf._'. (ipiii. l'rcc. ’I'hc .'\llci IIouix pi'ogi'aininc continucx \\llll icadingx ol pitch} and Icttcrx ol Kalhlccn Rainc and \Vmilrcd Nicholxon.


llo ('titixt'\\;i}xidt'. (\(i7 vim. 'l'uc Sal Ilaiii ()Plll.

And So the World Went Pop! l'nlil l'l'l 2‘) .«\ug. .-\ locux on hon llic l’op .»\rt moicincnt hax inlIucnccd contciiiporai‘} dcxigti lcaturing lui'nituic. Iiglitiiig and acccxxoi‘icx h} inodcrn da} dcxigncrx along \\ illi rc» l't‘lL‘axL‘tl \\HI'I\S lllt‘llldillg IIIC .l/iu‘\/Inlil//im .Su/il It} (icorgc \t‘lxtm and .Vi’nu Ii} (iiancarlo .\latlio|i.


lSa I)undax Slrccl. 557 5227. Mon Sat ltlam 5.30pm.

Festival Exhibition l‘ntil Sal (x Scp. (.UIISIHI xt‘cltcx in oil and \xatcrcoloui‘ h} Shcila .\laclcod and landxcapcx. cit}xcapcx and iiiaritiiiic paintingx h} I’ctci' Knox

THE DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIO ()l Ih‘cad Slrcct. 477 452-1. .\lon Sat lllatn 5pm.

Digital Design Showcase l‘iitil Sal .‘(l Aug. .»\ collcction ol digitall} produccd artuork output on camax and papci' h} ciiici'giiig dcxignci‘x.


ll (la) licld Squarc. 55S 7| It). Inc Sat llaiii (rpm.

Katja Strunz l'iit'il Sat 27 Scp, A lirxt maior xolo Slit)“ in thc l'K lor (icrinan arlixt Katia Strum. liixpircd h} iniiiiinalixin and morc xpccilicall}. Rohci't Smithxon'x “all rcliclx ol‘

(\3 (i5. xhc crcatcx intriguing \xall- haxcd xculptiircx \\lllL'Il. dtic to thcir angch lornix. can hc xccti and mpcricnccd iii dillcrciit \\;l_\x.


I~I (icorgc Slt'L‘L‘l. 22‘) (I24 I. Richard Dedomenici ’I‘hu 2| tk Siiii 2-1 Aug. 5pm. £5. 'l‘hc lirxt c\ci' I'i‘ingc ai‘tixt-iii-rcxidcncc. Richard l)cdoiiicnici pi'cxcntx thc rcxultx ol’ hix

I'L‘Ahllillll) \llltl} into lliL‘ pnxxihlllllCS till

a tcrrorixt attack on lhc tic“ Scottiin parliaincnt building.


I)onaldxon\ ('ollcgc. \VL‘xl (‘oalt‘x 5 I .5 305-1. .\lon l-"ri h) appointinciit. Dovecot Colour - A Working Exhibition l'ntil Sun 3| Aug. ()pcn doorx at UM ccot Sttidiox ulio producc rugx and lapcxlricx \xorking \\ ith \\ cll- Ixnoxin artixtx xuch ax .-\lan l)a\ ic. Barbara Rac and John Bcllan}.

DUNDAS STREET GALLERY ha l)undax Strcct. 558 0363. l)ail) Illain (\plll.


East Hill Gallery Sun 24 Sat m .-\ug l.ondon'x Izaxt Hill (iaIIcr) ptcxcntx an c\hihition oi mid 2ch ccnltll') Ruxxian paintingx lioni thc Nix IN [IN (illx 3.5 .l. f)" I

EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART I.auiixlon l’lacc. 221 NW) |)ai|_\

Illain 5pm

0 Black Box I'ntil Sun " Scp I-rcc In collaboration u ith thc Izdinhuigh liitcinational l'lllll I'cxti\al. I'.(U\ ptcxcnlx inxtallation \xorkx h} lix c intcinationall} iciiouncd artixtx l'ut'nci I’ii/c nonimcc Ixaac .liilicn picxcntx l’fl/(It/l\l ()Hlf MN .I \L‘IIII aiitiihiogiaphical piccc xct on tho ixlandx. St I.ucia and Britain in thc onllx, Ianc and l,oiiixc \Vilxon xliim (iumnm a liitillixci'cctl inxlallaltou that locuxcx on inxtitutional architccttiic and itx phohlax. Italian at‘ltxt I'iaticcxco \t‘lloll'x //ti‘ [Jill n] [In l/tmum lint t' ix haxcd oii .lcan ('octcau'x monologuc loi' lhcali‘c l/lt' [Iii/mm lint l'. .-\ttd .\lalcl'lc \Iill'dt'l xliim x /\’i‘\l \xhich dcplt'lx htiniatix in thc lIccting xtalc ol xlccp. Scc llithxt.


20a l)undax Strccl. 55" 5llt)2. .\lon I'll Illain 5pm; Sat Illain 3.30pm. Festival ll l’ntil Sat Ii Scp, I’aintiiigx h} gallct‘} artixlx including Joan Rciiton. Ih‘cnda l.cnag|iaii. llugh McInty’c. Slicila \laciiiillan and Norman .\laclcan.


'l'hc Photographic Ii\hihition (’cntrc. (is (ircat King Slt'ccl. 455 4814. Mon Sat Illam Spin; Stiti | 5pm, International Photography l'ntil Sun .il .v\ug. 2.250192); undcr l2x l'i'cc. 'I'lic l-llxt annual photographic c\hihition lcaturing ox cr 2()() printx takcn h} photographcrx around thc glohc.

EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 23 I‘nion Strch 557 247‘). Inc Sat ltlain (ipin.

Fresh: Contemporary British

Artists in Print l‘ntil Sal IR Scp. l-or

thc I’i'intinakci‘x' l‘cxtnal xhoix. a xclcction ol’ pt‘intx h} contctiiporar} Ilritixh .»\rtixtx. 'l‘hc linc~up ix iinprcxxn c and includcx \\tll'I\S h} (‘lairc Barcla}. ('lirixtinc Ilorland. Martin Bo} cc. Jalxc «k l)itiox ('hapinan. I)amicn Ilirxt. :\nixh Kapoor. ('hrix ()lili. 'l'oh} l’atci‘xoii. Roxx Sinclair. l)a\ id Shi'iglc) and Richard Wright.


('oi'xtorpliinc Road. 334 ‘)l7l. l)ai|) 0am (ipm. £7 (£4 £5); lamil} tickct £20 £245”.

Life l‘ntil Sun 2| Scp. I’aintingx and di‘amngx ol' thc /oo inliahitantx h) ai'tixt- iii-rcxidcncc. Iloll} Surplicc.


I I (il't)\\L‘lIUl' (‘II'SL‘L‘IIL 557 46-10. .\lon Sat llam (lplll.

Edith Simon Memorial Exhibition l'ntil Mon 25 .-\ug. .-\ tnciiiorial c\hihitioti ol' uork h} lidith Simon \\ ho dicd carlicr thix )c'ar. cht kiiou n lor hcr tradcinai‘lt xcalpcl portrailx. lor ox or 30 _\cai'x xhc contrihutcd to thc l‘riiigc \\lllI hcr annual l’cxtnal c\|iihition.


~10 4-1 'Ilhixllc SII'L‘L‘I. 22.5 I IS I. .\lon l‘ri Itlam 5.30pm.

Fresh l'ntil Sat 30 .-\ug. An mhihition ol' ncu productx h} Bluc Marinaladc. \ihich xpccialixcx in plaxticx. including \\;l\lL‘ papt‘l‘ hinx. ('l) littldL‘l‘x and lainpxliadcx.


()ld .-\xxcinhl_\ ('loxc. Iliin Strch thchind l-‘ringc ()l‘ticci. 557 22St). l);iil} noon opin.

Out of the Blue l'ntil Mon 25 Aug. .-\rtixtx ci'catc \xorkx inxpircd h} natural

toiinx in thix group xhou tcatiiiing Icitcllcr} h} (iiahani (‘iinitiiinx glaxx It} Kicixti I:l\c\old. turnitutc It} \lichacla Iluhci. xculptuic h} Kcnn) \lunio. pliotogiaphx h} John Rciach and kinctic xculpturc h) Sam \\adc


(‘cntial lilii‘ai'}. (icorgc l\ Iliidgc. 55S‘1ic\t 225i \lon lhti IIIJIII Spin. I'll lllain 5pm. Sat ‘Iam Ipiii

Jamie Burgess t‘ntil Sal 1H .r\ug \‘cu paintingx inxpiicd h} a \aiict) ot xotiiccx. hoth ancicnt and iiiodcin


ha Ihiiidax Sum. 55.\ MM .\lon l'll llHHani 5 Wpiii. Sat Illam -lpin, Ethel Walker l’ntil Sat 2‘ .\ug ,-\ xolo xho\\ ol nc\\ paintingx tcatuiing landxcapcx and xtill lilcx h) lathcl \\alkci


Roxt‘ Sll’L‘L‘l. 22H llilll \lttn Sat

0am ‘Ipin; Stiii llain opm.

Ugly Americans l‘ntil Stiii =I :\tig, \cu poxtci dcxignx and raw c\ainplcx t'l‘L‘dlCd It} I’.\'I'. tlItL' I’le \co lixploxionixin (iioiipi. thc artixtx hchind llIC tll‘luol‘lx Ittl’ \Ulllk' ttl IIIL' I'S' l‘lggcxl haiidx including ()uccnx ol thc Stoncagc and thc Stroch


l2-l Morningxidc Road. 4—17 "SSI. 'I‘uc Sat 0.30am 5,.5llplll.

A Diary in Paint l'nnl Sal Scp, ()riginal paintingx and xigncd printx h} Scottixh artixt Iilcanor .\lc(io\xaii pliix \xoi‘kx It} othct‘ \L‘Icclcd al'llxlx.


4.5 \lgtl'kt'l Sll'L‘Cl. 225 25S5. Hall}

llain ‘Ullpm.

After Image l'ntil Sat 2” Scp. (‘ui-atcil h} (ilcnn Scott \Vrighl ol London'x Victoria .\lii'o (i;lIIL‘l'_\. fil’H'I' lmiigi' hringx togcthcr thc \xork ol tour xcininal pllttlltgl‘aplwl‘x \\ ho all tixc photograph} and thcir mHl hodicx to c\p|orc Icinalc idcntit). Sci-ding no introduction. ('ind_\ Slicrinan \lltt\\x \ioi'kx l'roni hci' l‘ntitlcd l-"ilin Scrit'x. Ilixtor} l’ortraitx. I‘axhion and Maxkx xcricx. 'l‘hcrc arc ox ci‘ 2t! uot'kx h} l‘i'anccxca Woodman. “ho coininittcd SUICIth at llIL' agc (ll 2|. Shc lL‘ll lk‘lillltl a lcgac} ol' liauntingl} hcautil'ul photographx in \ihich xhc i'cduccx hcr bod} to an alinoxt inxignilicanl hlur. .-\na Mcndtcta. \\ ho alxo dicd in tragic circiiinxtanccx. prodiiccd I'm ml l/uir THIN\/’ll“ll\ I l‘)72i “Inch arc on dixpla} along “Illl a Supcr .S' lilin ()( um li’i'n/ IliH/I. And linall}. Siiiii'}n (iill c\plot'cx cultural idcntit} ix l)(l/tllll. a xcricx ol 25S xnapxhotx ol' ll\ ing i‘ooin llllL‘l'IUl'S and \i’gi'liitiun \xhich ix alxo on xhtm at llahitat xcclixting.

After Image: A Photographer’s View 'l‘hii 2| Aug. opiii. lidinhurgh- haxcd artixt Nick} Bird gixcx a photographcr'x \lL'\\ ot thc cxhihition.


40a Rachurn l’lacc. .‘l5 2MB~ .\lon Sat Itlain 5.30pm.

Jewellery of the World & Draped in Dreams l'ntil Sat IR Scp. A collcction ol intcriiational xilxcr icxxcllcr} including a locux on xoinc ol l’oland'x hcxt dcxigncrx and tc\tilcx and xha“ lx l'rom Axia.


(irindla) Strcct ('oiirt. (irindla) Strch l.anc. 22‘) 70—11. l)ai|} I250 2pm. UNLV Filmmakers Showcase 4 l'ntil Sun 2-1.-\ug tnot Mont. £5. Digital xhorlx crcatcd It} xtudcntx ol th l'iincrxit} ol Ncmda. \cgax.


lc\iot Rim lloiixc. IItixto Squaic. 22h 2I5I I).lll_\ IH Jain

Finding Bin Laden - The Exhibition l ntil .\lon 25 \tig

\\ hiIc icxcaiching thc plax. liriiim; li'm lat/i II. photogiaphci and diicctot Sam .\l.i}ii.iitl tiaxcllcd to Kahlil to doctitncnt lhc altctniath oi thc \xai


(iallci) ik Shop. ‘2 lhindax Sticct. 55h H5". .\lon I'll lHaiii opin. Sat

lilaiii 5pm

A Visionary Landscape t lllll \Vt‘tl i SUP \L'“ .tl‘xltacl .tlltl landxcapc paintingx It) \icholax l)o\\n. Kiixt} (‘ohciL | iiida \oiiix. l ix .\loxcl_\ and \llaii \lacdonald plux \\ood\\iu'l\ h} .\ngiix ('I) nc and cciamicx It) I)a\ id (‘ohcn

Festival Exhibition t'ntil \M-tl t Scp .-\n c\hihition ot intctioi lcd produch including hand ciallcd caidx. llllt' illltl ill‘l‘llt'tl .lllx I\_\ .l \L'lt'cllitll itl Ilritixh aitixtx.


32 Shanduick I’Iacc. 225 ‘Il5l

.\lon \\'cd t\ I‘ll “am 5 illpin. l'uc

Villain 5 ani; 'l'hu ‘lain 2pm. Sat (\plll. Stiii ll. Mam 5 illplll

After Image at Habitat t'ntil Sat

27 Scp, .-\x part ol thc .\ltci liiiagc

c\hihilion at thc I'iiiitinaikct. Siiiii_\n

(iill‘x limit/lion xciicx ol photogiaphx

ix on dixpla). Scc l-iuilinaikct (iallci)


22a l)undax Strcct. 55h 2ISI. .\lon I'll “twain 5. lllpm; Sat Ill. Wain 5pm 19th International Festival Exhibition l'iitil Sat *1) .-\tig, .-\n c\hihition ol mci' It)” paintingx and printx h) o\ cr 5” gallci} ai‘tixtx tioin Scotlatid and abroad cncotiipaxxing a \xidc rangc xuhicct iiiattci lrom liguratii c and xtilI lilc xtudicx to land and xcaxcapcx.


(a ('arlton 'l‘crracc. 55o 4—H l, .\lon Sat ltlain 5pm.

Craigie Aitchison t'nnl Sal I % Scp, With a carccr xpanning mci 5H )carx. lidinhurgh horn ai‘lixl ('raigic .-\ilchixon \llt)\\x nc“ \xoikx in Iiix lii'xt xhim in thc cit} lor Kl) _\cai'x. 'l'hc c\hihitioii lcattircx l5 rcccnt paintingx ranging li'oiii xtill lich to cruciliuonx and a xci‘icx ol hand paintcd clchingx.


2S Ilouc Slt'ccl. 225 2SSS. .\loil Sal ()_3()aiii (ipiil; Siiii noon 5pm. Electric Light - The Top 50 l'ntil Sat 30 Aug. Inhouxc'x I'L'\II\;tl L‘\hihilioii lcaturcx a collcclion ol 5” liglititig iconx li'oin thc turn ol lhc I‘)th ccntiii‘} to thc prcxcnt da}.


I3 Randolph ('i'cxccnt. 225 5 W». .\lon I'll I). Want (i. lein; Sat

Illain IMIpiii.

Overlap l'ntil I'll 2‘) Aug. (‘athcrinc Mclin tranxlorinx thc gallcr} xpacc into a \icuing platlorin lor hcr collaboram c c\hihitioii. \Vondcrland. in \klliL‘li xllc llitx ti'anxloi‘lncd IIIC gardcnx in limit with l.uinir Soukup, Wonderland l'ntil In 2‘) Aug. Randolph ('rcxccnt (iardcnx llll li‘onl ol thc Inxlitut l‘rancaix) gcxt a inakcox'cr l'roiii artixtx ('athcrinc .\lcliii and l.uinir Soukup ax tlic} 'hidc‘ lhc trccx. u rap thc laxxn and makc thcir oun additionx.


()() ('umhcl‘land Sll’ccl. 553 9872. Mon I‘ri ltlain ()plllL Sat 10am 4pm. European Masterprints l'ntil Sat 2() Scp. An cxhihition ol printx h} Iiuropcan inaxtcrx including l’icrrc Bonnard. llcnri Matixxc. Joan Miro. Bcn Nicllnlxon. \‘ictor I’axinorc. I’ahlt) I’icaxxo and Antoni 'I‘apicx.