(i5 The Shore. l.eith. 553 5355. Tue l'i'i llani 5pm; Sat llarn 4pm.

Festival Mixed Exhibition l'ntil Sat 30 Atig. l’aintingx. \elllplllle\. ceramic\ and ieu eller) b) Annette lidgar. Margaret Ann Beunet. l’eter' .\'ai'dini. (leor‘gie Young. Deborah Philip and (ietirge llir‘rell.


llenr} Duncan llouxe. l2t) (ieorge Street. ()7740 SXS’IM. .\lon Sun

ltlani ()plll.

Scottish Art Today l'ntil Sat 30 Aug. The Stenton (ialleri \ l’extnal e\hibition of Scollixh cotitetttpot‘at‘) art.


35 London Road. 07814 7‘)S‘)l4.

Tue Stiii ‘larn (rpm.

Love Ugly l'ntil Sun 3-1 Aug. l’aintingx b_\ l’eter Mann exploring themes of lo\ e. angxl and the gt'olexqtte.


(x7 Northumberlaiid Street. ()77l 3l3()2l3. Mon Fri 10.30am 5.30pm; Sat ltlam 2pm.

Modern & Contemporary Art l'ntil Sat 30 Atig. l’ttltfltltg\. CL‘TilllllL‘x and sculpture b_\ \ttt‘ttith artistx including (ieorge Donald. John Houston. lltigli Adam (‘ran ford. Marie Scott and John Piper.

Alan Alexander (1 936-1 996) l'ntil Sat 30 Atig. (‘oxtuine and xtage \et designs by Alan Ale\ander dating from WW and including The lidinburgh Ballet Theatre, Ro}al ()pei'a llouxe. Stockholm and the lidinburgh l’eople'x 'l‘heatre.


S7 Broughton Street. 558 8773. Mon Sat noon opin.

Tartan Specials l'ntil Sat 23 Aug. Mer/ (killer) '\ Textual show featurex “ork‘x b} Laura Lees in which she combines traditional craft techniquex leather applique. tapestr} and embroider} \\ ith conternimrar) imagery to produce unique armorkx.

got an opinion,about a Show? react@|ist.co.uk

Anne Braxxier prexentx photograph\ and knitting including film \tillx of Inc and performance art and her faniil} of Stile/rm. a collection of knitted

NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART Belfortl Road. (ill (i300 (recorded information 333 220m. .\lon Wed ck l-‘ri Sun lllarn 5pm; 'l‘hu Illain 7pm. Boyle Family t'nul Sun t) .\'m. £4 19.3): under lzx free. The lit'xl e\'er i'etroxpecth e exhibition of the “ot‘k of Boile linuili aka Mark Bo}le. litx \\ ife Joan Hills and their children Sebastian and (‘ieorgia \partttitig their entire career. Best knomi for their highl) realistic reproductionx of the eitt'lhix surface. the \ubiectx are \elected at random b) throuing dartx into a map of the whole uorld. l-‘roni deserts to demolition \itex. the) reproduce and in\ extigate the \urface of different terrainx. See l'e\le\\ and lllllixl. Photography’s Legacy: The Media’s Influence Mon 25 Aug. 12.45pm. l’ree. Marx-Ann Kenned} from Napier l'niiersit} e\aminex the

legac) photograph} on the lti\ltir} of art.


The Mound. 62-1 6200 (recorded information 333 230m. .\lon Wed ck lirirrSuu ltlarn (rpm; Thu Illain 7pm. Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) l'ntil Sun 5 ()ct. The first in a series of dlxpltl_\\ highlighting important group\ of work from the (iallery'x Print Room. The exhibition focuses on the nork of one of moxt influential printmakerx of the lh’th centur}. (iimanni Battixta Piranexi. \\ ho created over It“) etching\ of topographical. imaginar) and ornamental xubjectx in Rome.

Scotland the Brave celebrates Scottish contemporary building on show at RIAS Gallery

After Hours 'l‘htr ZS Aug. (ipiii. l'iee. American lllll\le \et ttgtfllhl Ariiei'ican art “illl the St Mar) \ .\lll\lc' School Theatrical License: Alexander Ill Rescued from a Stag lit 3‘) Aug. l2.-15prn. Free. A \er‘iex of lecture\ e\ploring ho“ ttl‘lt\l\ the tlieatrrcal clernentx to create a dramatic effect \\ itli Sri' Timoth) ('Iifford tll\e11\\lllj_' Benjanun \\'e\t'\ painting.


(ieorge lV Bridge. :30 453 Mott l't't Illani 8pm; Sat Illarn 5pm; Sun 3 Spin. Wish you Were Here!: Travellers’ Tales from Scotland 1540-1960 l'iitil l‘r'i 3| ()ct. An e\hibition e\amining the changing lace of Scotland through the e} ex of \ l\lltH'\ to the countr}. featuring tra\el note\ from the 10th centur) to home lllti\ le\ of the l‘)(i(l\.

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. (iZJ (i200 tr'ecoi'ded information 333 236m. .\lon \Vcd ck

liri Sun Illain (ipni; Thu Illani "pni. (‘afe.

Maud Sulter - Jeanne Duval: A Melodrama l'ntil Sun 3] Aug. .\'e\i \iork b) photographer. poet and cultural historian .\laud Sulter e\plorrng the eluxi\e figure of Jeanne l)u\al. the black mistrexx and nurse of the 10th centur} French poet ('hat'lex Baudelaire.

High Society: The Life and Art of Sir Francis Grant (1803-78) l'ntil Sun 14 Sep. £4 (£3i; under l2~ free. An e\hibition celebrating the bicentenar) of the birth of Sir l'rancrx (Brant. a leading \ociet} portrait painter of the Victorian art \mr‘ltl. featuring painting\ on loan from prixate collections. \ketchbookx photograle and than ingx.

Scotland’s Dream Team l‘niil Sun 3| Aug. lidinburgh-baxed artixt Mark l'.-\tf\t)n celebrate~ Sc‘ttlltilltlS greatext football heroex iti tht\ \et‘ie\ til I: L‘tittifllt\\tttllc‘tl neu ptit‘ll'tflh ultich includex Bill} .\lc.\'eil. Jrrii Bauer. I)eni\ La“. Jock Stein and Kenn} I)alglr\h.

John Ruskin Live lliti _‘l c\ I it \trg llitr c\ III I Spin 1* per lecture l’atrl (l'l'xecfc pien‘ntx the final too ie enacted lecturc\ deli\ered bx John lx’uxkin I‘ll tea“ ago (lll lliu .Tl \ug. he talk\ about [tuner and the l uropeari landxcape tradition llie final lccttire oil I ii .T.‘ \trg. lt‘tll\t‘\ oii the group of .tlll\l\ \tlio called tlierrixel\e\ lllC lilt‘ Rdl‘llcft‘lllt‘S After Hours lliu ll \tic hpiii lice llie \ftcr lli‘tfl\ progratiiiiie ct\lllllltlt'\ \\llll l tinge liiglilrghtx lealtttirig \ \Im: ( imium Uzi/(fir \\lllcll look\ at lio\\ ldiriburgli\ \ ictoiran \\‘\ iet\ corideiriried an innocent girl and traditional and coiiteriipoiar) Scotlrxli cello riitmc \\llll \\erid_\ \\etlierl\_\ Masculinity in Victorian Portraiture \\ed 3 Sep l3 -1*prri l'iee l’etei luriiiell from the \atioiial l’oitrait (iallert. l oridon j.'1\t'\ a talk After Hours lliti J Sep hprii l-iee l’oeti} reading\ on the theme of lacing the l’ortiart


T“ llttllle Street. ll ll lflaiii llpiii

Peter Sek: Sunshine l tilll sun 3| Aug ()rrginal aitxioik b_\ l'gatidari .tlll\l l’etei Sek fll\]\llt'tl l\_\ the life. latidxcape and ll.ttlllfitll\ III I t'MilllU and Sotrtli .\frica

.\lon Suit


M New Street. ASS Thlll .\loii Sat llarii (i illplll

Truly Enormous t'niii Sal to Aug An c\liibitioii of large \cale \\iill\\ iii a range of medium from 3]) relief to kinetic


3| St |.eoti.it'd\ latte. NC Hill

.\loii Sat Illarii 5pm; Strri noon -lplll, The Black Tent l'ntil Siiri Sep :\ xelliiig e\lirbrtion of fine tribal \xeauiigx gathered mm the hut If) )eai'x and including oiierital rugx. l\llllll\. \altbagx. \addlebagx arid lifttltlx


l.eit|i. 55* HS’XS'. .\lori Sat Illaiii liprii. Stiii noon (iprn.

Citizens II l'iitil Sat ill Aug l'ollourng on from laxt )car'x l'e\ll\.fl \lltt\\. an e\hrbrtioii of mm Hf! photographic lltlf'lltflh b} 'l're\or and law Yerbtir} docuriieiitrng lzdiribtir'gli'x celebritiex and unxung llL‘lillL'\.

Fringe Poster Exhibition t'niil .\lon 25 Aug. An e\|iibi:ton of the lot) eiitriex to the annual l‘l'lllth' [)H\lt'l competition featuring the “inning \\Ul'l\ of Jennifer \\'orrall frorn lidiriburgli’x l{o_\a| lllrnd School.


l25 l)alr"\ Road. (i33 33 3 3. Hail} lflaiii (iprii.

Elizabeth Cope Sun 2-1 Sat ‘0 Aug Ne“ paintriigx b} ll‘l\ll ar'tixt lzlr/abelli (‘ope. Ml 8i it


75 7‘) (‘uiiiber'land Street. 557 1030. Mon l‘l'l lflarn (iprn; Sat lflain ~lprn. Willie Rodger - On the Other Hand l'ntrl Wed 3 Sep, An exhibition of figur'atne pariitrngx. di'auingx and linocutx b} Willie Rodger. ARSA.

R( il. See re\ 1e“,

Contemporary Scottish Painting l'iitrl Wed 3 Sep. A \election of littlllllllg\ b) L‘Hlllelllptll'ul‘} Scottixh ar'tixtx including \iorkx b} John Bellan}. William Birnie. Mari Bond. ('hrix Birdie. Mattheu Draper. l’eter llouuitt. Sirnon Laurie and Leon Nltit't'tiec‘o,

Jeremy James t’niil Wed % Sep. Sculptural ccraiiiicx.

Claire Underwood t'nifl Wed 1 Sep. Je\\ eller}.