The A List has been giving List readers discounted entry to top clubs for over a year now. So you’ll be glad to hear it returns next issue (4 Sep), if you would like your club be involved please mail promotions®

Edinburgh Thursdays Club

I Audio Tourism at l’|\o Bar (‘luh ()pm lam. l'ree. \Veekl). Start the weekend oll mee and earl) \Hlll Beau) t3] .-\ugi and S-.r\r'ge 133 Aug).

I Thee Batcave at lhee l‘nderuorld. Midnight 3am l't'ee. \Veekl) l:\perieuee the dark \ide ol 'lall Paul R Hire (in (ior ax he mr\e\ tip e\t'r"\tlririg trout Nix garage to punk and \lea/e.

I The Bongo Club Cabaret ar Bongo('|uh. lllpm 5am. t" LES «L5 Lat. 3| Aug onl). l'eaturmg eompare l)lt\l} l,rmit\. the legeudar} mr\ ol |r\ e lllll\le and dounrrght hi/arreuexx at the Bongo eontinuex (and thrx l'extnal “I” he their laxt at the eurr‘ent \enuei. \\ uh l).l~ taktrtg )ou through trlI eloxmg.

I CC Blooms at (‘(' liltmtll»

lll.3llpm 3am. l'r‘ee. \Veekl}. 'lrip the light lantaxtie to llr—.\'R(i danee aetrort at this e\ er popular ga} har.

I La Clique at the Spiegelteut

llprti 3am. Utttt‘h. 3| .-\ug onl}. 'l he Spiegelterit onee again eo|ue\ ali\ e at lestixal tiriie \tith a \ar‘red. hlaxll arid entertaining Sidexhoxt Burlexque .»\ppearing on random Itigltlx and in no partieular order: \'i\aee: 'l‘he Shim truusie. juggling and daueiug drreet trom l’;tl'l\ and Berliui; Moira l‘ruueaue t:\u\tralia'\ moxt euraordinar) [X‘r'l'ormauee artixt i; the ('at lampue tluxing reggae. (‘uhair tuuk. tau and morei; ('r'olt .\'o 5 t(‘eltie meetx |.t// and datiee heals) and Mikelaugelo t\ the Blaek Sea (ieutlemeu txurr'eal (i_\p\) eaharet i. I The Concrete Schoolyard at the llotie}eoruh. llpm 5am. l-'r'ee. Bee-kl}. Another neu ie lor the lloue) eomh \\ rth l)J\ Ritchie Rulltoue and l.)le} pla}mg all _\our laxotu'ite hip hop arid Rth eutx. I Daysleeper at ()pium. llpru 3am. l‘ree. \Veekl}. .\'u metal. llir‘a\h ruetal. industrial metal and jtlxl ahout exer) other t)pe ol' ruetal )ou eau think ol.

I Dfrnt Drum at ('ahar'et \‘oltarre. llptii 3am. £4 tUl. J Sep. Next night “till a \keu ed take on the eluh tormat “NB the 'l'rouhle [Us in full etteet. l.i\ e aet \till the hut there'x support troru the l’rimitne l'rge l)J\ \\ ilh their unique take on the more ohxeure realrm ol' roek tSonie Youth. .\lelt Banana. l’eaehex etei.

I Dope at l’epper'mint l.ounge.

ltlpm 3am. £3. \Veekl). :\ pure unadulterated hlend ol elaxxie and eouteruporar} hip hop l'rorn Roh 'l‘ and Skid.

I El Barrio at lil Barrio. ltlpm 3am. liree. Weekl). Salxa arid ruerengue “NB [)1 .\'aiio e& The Latin l’oxxe.

I Exodus at Medina. lllpm 5am. £5. 28 Aug. Ne“ ragga. Rth and daneehall night from (‘hile and Lime and l).l\ |~.| Mariateh) and DJ 'l‘ouex mm lla\aria ('luh pr'o\ iding pri/ex lot a dame oll '. I Fleamarket Funk at ('ountmg House. 7pm Rant. [5 H.350). 2| Aug. Loeal Ullllil pla) ing their our) kind ol hig hand l'unk in this next l5extixal rexrdeue}

with a smattering ol l)J \tippor'tx and other

live aetx.

I Flippin’ at Bongo (‘luh lllpm 3am. £5. 38 .-\ug oul}. .-\uother huge B-Bo} night “llll li\e aetiou. Dix. pleut) ot hip hop. skate liltnS. eorupetitioux and pr'i/ex. I 4 Minute Wonders at (‘aharet Voltaire. llpm 5am. [5. 2| .'\ug otll}. Music \ ideo screening merit/part}: featuring \ ids t'rom Primal Seream. Spaee Raiders. .\'iko. ll Foundation and ruore. With 1)] \kill.\ lrom Jadell tlllieit recordings) li\ e muxie t'rom Domingo. Spider (Spaeelaeel. .\li\\ Keegan and Md (2 (iirl DJ tag team). l)a\e .\lel.eau and other guest 1)] surprises.


I The Fun at l.go lltpm 1am 1‘ \\eekl_\ Jon l’lea~ed. Srmruoue Blaek and \lorgau are haek pl.i_\rng a taxi} \eleetton ot houxe and garage

I Genetic at ('ittux ('luh llpru laru lree helore ll lItpru.1_‘atter \\eekl_\ Still a rntght} popttlar \orree that \llll\\\.l‘k'\ alternatrxe. rndre and lo ti \o \rnokrrrg at the hat. rrund

I Groove Collective al Berlru lilt‘lllalh lllpm zam lree \\eekl_\ llouxe and other gtoo\e\ trout the DJ tag tearu heluud ruglit~ \ueh a\ l‘rino l)l\\|' and Bla~t \lartm \aleutrue. Ste\e \\aule\\. (ia\ \lltlt‘lv‘ll. llatl}. llugg} and .\larkell

I Henry’s Late Nights at llem} \ .la// (‘ellai \lidiught ‘am to \\eekl} l.r\e |.l// and the houxe l).l\ take )otr into the \kee \mall hourx \u \ug rexrdeue} e\er_\ lhtt \xrth the \tlautrt Retorth lrrhtrte leaturmg \oealhl \rki King pa)mg homage to the legendar} l<.\B lahel. home to the lrke\ ot \retha I rauklm and (Mix Reddmg

I H-Foundation at llte \eritre

ll {llpm 5am {Ill ill 31 .\ug onl} l’rexenlmg San l tauK ta\ourrte liou\e duo ll louudatiou iaka Halo and lltpp l,» ('uttmg a deep. \llltlt‘tlalleatl turrou \\llll theu dtih eutx and |a// irilleeted home

I The HOT Club at (irlded Balloon

l 5am L5 thl «L5 L‘li 3| .\ug oul} \o tuo nightx \\lll he the mute ax l).l\ maxh tip t‘\t'l}llllllg lroru houxe to hangta \ ra teelmo and druru tk ha“. and haek again l).l\ melude l).l ()ul} iKl’(i Itltllli. llBll IRampage l'\l l. Bill} the 'l hrel t.\l I \' l. l}ui l)arlmg tl oop(iurui and \ladam .\\‘.l\ll l( ilii\\l\.tlll\lle|. .-\ lughl} \rxual llll\ ol erreux. dauee heal\ and l'.\.

I MlB2 at ('axendranna. lllpm 3am. l'ree hetote uudurght; U alter. \\eekl§ l'he hext in [S ltrp hop. ragga and RekB lroru lee l'.\l and Mr ll. Returning alter a hitel liralth htit haek \\:th the xame muxie )oir all lo\ ed \o mueh ax the} take o\ er llll\ next \euue.

I Nexus at Strrdro ll. ltlprtt 3am. (I. Beekl) .\ ueu ruglit tlial mr\e\ the he\l ol roek. metal. llltlll\ll'l;tl and goth “till a toueh ol eheexe. l'rom )out hoxtx Smell}. K)uou. Ba/ and Rtixx.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal lounge

ltlpm :aiti U. \Veekl). Je/ llrll and

Sin re (i \\llll lllllt‘lt'\\ \oeal houxe. drxeo and part} tunex.

I Sanitarium at Sulma}. .S'pm 5am. l'ree, \\eekl_\. .\'e\\ roek ritght lrom Izdmhur'gh Roek. leatur‘ing li\ e haudx and mter'aetne l).l\ t}ou ean te\t )our requextx and there \\ ill he hig \ereeu \ l\ll;tl\l.

I The Snatch Social at the l.lqllltl Room. ltlfillpm 5am. £3.5lltt'3i, \Veekl}. .\ next era heginx at the r'e-hr'anded. lilth- ti\ated. tuuk} dixeo-eum-eaharet. eorlueall) eompered h} neu ho} loll) (‘ar'ter' and Hart") .-\lll\\\or'lli haek iron) the dead. l)eek ruarupulated in a eod ttrrik and hip hop \t} lee h) Bahex and 'l'reud} \\'end_\ tllliillllll) r'exideuti. l‘extnal e\elu\i\ e in lllt‘ ltil'ltl Ul littl'l'} l’t‘lt‘h UllL' lldll til lllt' (‘uhan Brother'\ and tormer‘ llalila\

ll\i\|\ll;tl radio I” ot' the _\ear NS: ill .v\ug.

al~oeritr'} t" L'Si.

I Speak 5-2 at ('ahai'et Voltaire.

llpiii Sam. [-1 (Hr. IS Aug. \eu urght ol toot xtorupm' drqu tk haxx “till a \\\ rngrn‘ li\e |.t// \rhe leaturmg l)J (i».\lae t.\l.:ngai urth the Speak li-/. .-\ll\tar/ tlrxe \oealx and ltllhlL‘lttlh in a drum ek haxx

~t_\ lei.

I Spinning Wheel at 'l'e\ tot Rim l'nion. l 5am. {5,5t) {S5tltUr5ll (".5tlr. \M‘t‘kl}. llouxe hand and guext eomedranx \tart olt the rugltt “till a lull on eaharet ol \xerr‘dnexx and outlandrxhne“. \\ ilh l).l\ taking )ou through to the \xee \tllall houtx. I TLC at l’o \a \a. lllpru 3am £4 NEH. Weekly \eu ruglit tor the .-\r'ahian theme har \\ rth a \eleetton ol hot hoth. eommer'eial dauee. eheexe and ehar't} aetrori limit I” 'l‘oh}.

Chart 8 Party

I City at ('rt}: lzdmhurgh. 5pm 3am. U [More midnight; H alter. \Veekl}. l)J |)ale gi\e\ _\ou pop. ehart. dauee and Rth anthemx ol the da}.

-- 52':

I Disco at Jongleurs at lottg‘letltx \ltdrttght lart: :1 :1 .‘l \ttg ('Etee~_\ elth e lam». \t'x 12.21 and poptaxtr. itztx trozu ioda} thorn}

I Old Skool Disco al lx'e\olatrott

lit zItput ‘artt :«1‘ 4:} \\eekl_\ lx'etro llr‘tht‘ Itrght hoxted h} [H lom \\ llM‘It

I A Tribute to . . . at \lood ‘lpm 1am

l ree hetote l lprtt. L.‘ alter ttree to memherw \\eekl} (‘hatt turtex trom tlte Mk to )t'xtt'ttl.:}. ‘dllll lr\e ttthtrte aeh droppmg l‘} k'tlxll \\ t't'k

I Vinyl at \l.:\\a ‘lormerlt ('luh \lereadw \pru :atll liee \\eekl_\ ('ommereralelratt and dartee tottttex} ot l’aul l trnkxter. plux tltlttk\ promox apleut} tor thoxe ulto “at” to \lall the \keekerrd lmllhulal‘l} earh

Edinburgh Fridays Cltrl)

I Audio Tourism at l’no hat ('luh ‘lpm {am l ree \\eekl_\ lliggrug deep into their \\ ell \loeked ho\e~ lor hourx ot eool eutx \\ t' jit'l l\\t‘ lt'\ll\.tl \l‘t‘t\ I\\ llll .1 5am lieeuee to hooti leattrimg llairr t3: \ugt and lleera} l’tme lx’oe \\lllt Kex \\ right :3” \ugi I The Bash Summer Party at ldruhurgh('ollegeol \rt lllpm -laru L5 3.‘ \ug onl_\ Both tittltlootx and llltlitith \\llll a drtrru .\ ha“ pail} in the \\ee Red Bar leaturrug l).| .\lundo. l)ale l'allett. (iteeu Brotherx. Shorteut/ artd l-roxt} Iplux \l(. \lt'lldt't'. \l(. Rttltl‘lt' l and \l(. S\ \Ki 'l he outmle element li.r\ untortunateh heen eut doun to ruxt a heel garden lollo\\ mg eomplamtx trorri rextdeutx \ttll} I Big Beat at ('ahait't \ollatle \lidurght 5am U5” hetote ll ‘Hpm. a alter it'h memherxi 3" \ug \lonthl} Serioux daueetloor ttitik. \oul and [all ax rexrdeutx Stmou llodge. Stuart Bennett and H] 'l mku ttrrn up the ltrnk aud \xeleorue 'l'he l)tg' l'.llllll_\ il.eed\r and the .la// (‘ale'x \dirau (ill‘Sttll eomhrruug the hext |a//. tuuk and will l.ondou. l.eed\ and l-dmhiirgh ll.l\ e on otter I Blaze at l'go. llpru lam U [-1.5 Sep. lortnightl). .lamex longuorth tgnrlex the ga_\ “eekeud. \\llll pleut} ol tel drmkx ptorltox to ltrel the lrrxolrtiex I The Bongo Club Cabaret at Bongo(‘|uh. lllpm 5am. L'" [S 1L5 ["i 33 .\ug onl}. See 'l'hu. I Bubble Breaks at \ieliol l:d\\atd\. Ill. itlprn 3am. L"). \\'eekl_\. Bod} .\lo\rn' l’roduetiom prexeutx Btrhhle Breakx. droppm' horuhx ol Rth. hr'eakx and hip hop \\ llll l-.drnhurgh\ neuext l).l \t'ii\.itioit\ l’ar'tuer'n (‘rime and their trademark hotler'xurtx. I CC Blooms at (’(' Bloom» lll. illpm 3am. l’r'ee. \Veekl} I” :\ll‘\ dot'\ the deekx dut) at tlux ga_\ rtight \xrth her irumrtahle \eleetrou ol high eamp and drxeo L‘l.t\\l\‘\. mo\ mg on to purupedrup houxe and datiee ax the e\eumg progreoex I La Clique at the Spregeltenl. llprii 3am [In t Wt. 33 .\ug oul} See 'l'lur. I Digital at the Venue, lllfillpm 5am (Ill, 5 Sep. .laekmg teelmo and eleetro lttnk gooduexx lrqu r'e\ident\ J(' and l)a\ e Broun. guextx the. I Dogma at Studio ll. It). itlprn ‘am L") it" memherxr. 22 ;\ug, \lorithl} llat‘d ax narlx and a\ underground ax molex teehuo ol the highext order a\ l’gl} l-uuk’x Jerome llrll torux the i‘exideutx i.\'eil 'l'emplar and .‘\l .\lael)onaldi on the ruarn lloot'. Sola l’er'ple\u\ pr'o\ ide\ a lr\e l’.-\ alougxide Bram and Haugaruouxe upxtaux. I Dr No’s at Sttrdro 34 llprn 5ttlll. £5 rte-1r. 5 Sep. .\lonthl_\. 'l'he original .lamareau \ka and elavle t‘oekxtead} night rmgr'atex to Sttrdro 34K mttruate ll|‘\l;tlt'\ \paee. no“ teatur'mg the Dr .\'o\ houxe hand. I Duckie at lago llpru Iam {S 22 .\ug ottl}. 'l'o eorupleruent their l‘r'mge \hou ("t \r lam/lull" l)uekre pr'm ide a one-ott eluh night ot their 'pmt-ga} ptruk roek and perlot‘ttianee kunxt-eaharet-dr\eotheque‘.

for GLASGOW CLUBS see non-festival magazine

\\ rth the lx’eaderx \\ rte\ pla_\mg artx rotk'rt‘roll and hoxte“ \m_\ lame. rnttoduemg the like\ ol lma t', l r~ula \lartrttex, \l.itI\a t‘arriewk}. \lrxx llrgh

l eg l\l\l\ and \petral guextx

I El Barrio at l l Barrio ltlpm zam lree :5 \\eekl\ \al\a and titereugue \\llll ltl \ano and guextx plu\ lt\e l‘t‘ltlISSII‘ll lrom l’epe Santamarra

I Evol at the l returd Room

I” ‘Hpm 5am :5 \\eekl_\ l'dmhtrrgh'x longext rurmmg mdre urght r\ torruug tip tor rt~ l_‘tlr hritlrda_\ thrx tortrught \\ttlt the u~ual mr\ ol the hext turreut artd

\ l.l\\l\ alternatn e. \‘ltNMW er tunex tt'x an lll\lllllllitll ahead} and \xrth the reeeut addrtrou ot the haek toottt. l‘l.i}lllg‘ hoxt to \h t\ \lrx .\log\\ar. the tuttrre look\ like a llapp} plaee tot all tlungx l \ol

I Flare at the Fringe at (irlded BallimllLaHN \ltduight Jam 1 ' \\eekl\ lhxeo e l.l\\l\ \ ttortr e\er\ \l\'\.l\l\' lor the glammed tip troudx

I Fleamarket Funk at ('ouutmg llou\e "pm ialll {5 it i 5‘“ 33 \ug See lhti

I Floor Play at the \euue

|l illpm 5am Unfit 3" \ug llrp hop |atti \\rtlt Ill and xetatt lung \krllx trotu Rrehre lx’ulltorte. the Seotlaud \aid .\l(\ and loin .\l l’lux a hteakdanee hattle trom lx'audom \xpektx and \lean l'ext and their grant) «letttiig mo\e\. plux air opeti llooi \ruglex hreakmg hattle

I Free Range at \\ee Red Bar

lll itlpru lam Ll hetote rrrrdruglit. LI .tllt'l \\t‘t'l\l} .\\ lttltj.‘ tt\ tl'x gritiil lllt'} ill pla} rt. tuuk. llth. lirp hop. htlx. “Hx. drxto. metal. eouutr}. punk. hluex Stlx. ‘le. danee. old \kool. )otr name it

I FUN[k] at l’ri\e ('ouneil lllpm ;am [5 \\t‘t'kl} l'.ll|ii_\ lllt‘ \Pt'elalhl \iitlttth ol mainxtream RekB groo\e\. \mooth he.rl\ aud .‘lxt eentur} lla\a/

I Henry’s Late Nights at lleru_\ \ .la// ('ellar \lidurght 5am to La \\eekl_\ lop qualrt} |a// and Mix tiom lleut_\\ all l'extual long .la//. \otll and tuuk are the order ot the da} troru \oealhl 'l’ou} King

I The .tl (illtlt'tl liJllHtlll

| 5am. L5 {Illlt5 Wt 33 .\ug oul} See 'l'hu.

I Indicator at lloue_\eomh 32 .\ug l.diuhurgh\ ue\\e\t tianee night l)etarl\ ll‘t'

I Living After Midnight .rl lhee l‘lltlt‘l\\tll'ltl. l: ill iatll. l'tt't' \\t't'l\l) ('oek toek aettott and a load ol luau} ruetal troru l’rmeexx ('laue and lhee eRYl’truerxtei lumxell.

I Manga at llone}eoruh llpin {am LS Ito memherxt. 5 Sep. .\loutltl} \langa don't lollou the eroud thet lead 'etu utth theu' ll'lt'Nhllltlt' drtrru & haxx \tllllltl\ In the poxt~l-e\tr\a| tudi the} ueleome one ol \lauehexter‘\ pterurere llth produeerx. l'uturehound. eurreutl} on J .\la|ik\ lnlrated Reeordmgx. .\laug.i\ pre eluh \exxron the Baxx'l'rap r\ at Baruhti exer} l-rr lrom ‘lpm urth H] (i .\lae and guextx l'or llltil't' llllti ellce’k “‘33 "(lg (illhl HI

\\ \\ \t..ha\\ttap,eotii.

I Mocha Rocha! at Berlin liter-ham lllpm lam. L“ 2‘) ,\ug. \lonthl}. lun ot l~.dmhur‘gh\ llllt'\l eolleetuex tom loreex. Spaee l’aee lt'\ltlt‘tll\ Spider and the Bloude l'laxh hrrng the Rth. hip hop. tuuk. dixeo and more while lok}o Bltr take eare ol the houxe

I Modern Lovers at lago llpru lam 2.5 hetote midnight; Ur alter. 5 Sep .\lotithl}. l'p-heat mr\ ol northern \oul. deep lunk. hamruoud la// and retro \ouudtt'a\ \er‘\ ed tip h_\ )otit llti\l\ (‘rarg Jamiexou and .-\ndre\\ l)r\ rne Il)t\ rrie. l-uuk Roomi. Speeial j_'llC\l And} Srtuth Il’ortrxhead/l)}uamo l’ltitlllelltilhl delneh an e\elu\r\e ruod \et.

I Nu:0rder at ()ptum 5 9.30pm. L5 IL'I ott urth t|)er'i \Veekl}. New ruglrt tor I4 I" _\ear oldx. toeuxmg on u hat the ()piurn doe\ hext. metal. r'oek. punk. \l.a. emo. alternatu e and grunge .\'o aleopopx hut tree drink retillx.

I Obscene at the Venue. Ill .itlpur iaru. £3 helor’e midnight; H :ilter. 3‘) .\ug The underground drum & htm ruglu returns lor an end ol \urnmer \peeral. RL'\ltlcltl\ Solar