I Show me the Way to the Whisky Bar Rainxhorn 'l‘hcatrc. 93 lngratn Strcct. 552 4207. Ill.l5pm. L0 1124). SCL‘ it! I‘)

I Musical lnterludes \lL’l'L'lltttll Squarc. tlic ('ourt_\ard. 7t 73 .‘\Ihlt)ll Strcct. I 4pm. l't'cc. l-mal _\car xtudcntx lrom thc RSAMI) umd cnxclblcx pcrlorma \arict} ol inuxic.

I Choral Concert (ililxgtiu ('athcdral. ('asllc Slt'cct. 552 3193. 2pm. l‘rcc. A claxxical conccrt from Alan 'l‘awrncr and thc Strathclylc ('hambcr ('hoir.

I The Russian Tearoom ('alc ('oxxachok. Rtixxian (‘ultural (‘cntrc. It) King Str'cct. 55.3 U733. 3 5pm. l'rcc. .\ combination ol Ruxxian muxic lrom (icorgc (iaiitc and authcntic Rtixxian cakcx.

I Acoustic Love Experience & Natalie James \lcrchant Squarc. 'l'hc (‘ourtyrrd 7| 7.3 .-\lbion Strcct. 0pm. l‘rcc. .\luxic lrom thc l)ail_\ Rccord l‘)2 liig llrcalx compclition

u inncrx and Natalic Jamcx.

I Alone at Last - Tommy Smith (ilaxgou ('athcdral. ('axtlc Strcct. 552 8103. 8pm. £8. \\'cll knoun xaxophouixt and tall nitixiciaii 'l‘omin} Smith pcrl'ormx hix \pL‘L‘ltlll} crcatcd \kot'kx l’or thc churchcx and cathcdralx til Scotland.

I Cook DJ .\laxxill. 25 l’arnic Slt‘ccl. 552 700‘). h’pm. l'rcc. A mi\cd bag ol' turntablc trackx.

I Single Point of Light & Dead Fly Buchowski Hill Noic (Inc.

5() 00 King Strcct. 55.3 I038, 8.30pm. £3. .\lc|odic rock and px) chcdclic xottl l'roni thcxc l\\o popular bandx.

I Late Night Piano Bar (‘orinthian. l‘)l Ingram Strcct. 552

l llll. 9pm. l‘rcc tbcl'orc I lpmi L'h’ llllL‘l‘\\ill‘tl\ mm. Jan and cax_\ lixtcning muxic lil'ttlll Kcrr) 'l'racc} l'ollou cd b) DJ Paul Rca in thc club.

I Logic :\l'ltt. th' ()lti ('llL'L‘M'ltlttl'le'l. l.3 l‘) \Vallx Strcct. 552 2llll. 0pm. i'hl‘L‘L' lbcltil't‘ l lplltl £7 ttllL‘lMttt'dx. .-\ mi\ ol‘ dixco and xoul l'roiu thix l'unlx} litur-ptL‘L‘C.

I Lorna McLeod Quartet Blackl'riarx. 30 Bcll Strccl. 552 5924. 9.30pm. lircc. Lorna .\lcl.cod and ltct' quartct pla} a mi\ ol’ja/l xtandardx and thcir o“ n compoxitionx.


I Winston Churchill’s Neck Ramxhorn ’l‘licatrc. OX Ingram Strcct. .552 4267. 7.30pm. U) U) (£2.5ll [4). SL‘L‘ \VL‘tl I7.

I The Birthday Party 'lirou 'l'hcatrc. 0.3 ’l‘rongatc. 552 4207. 7.30pm. [5 (ll (£5 £0). Scc Hi 1‘).

Other events Cutting Teeth \cnuc tbc. Mcrcltant (it), ()773 5450545. .\'oon. i'il'L'L'. SL‘C \VL‘LI I7. I Horror on the Streets 'l‘out‘ixt lnl'ormation ('cntrc. (icorgc Squarc. 237 3402. 0pm. £7. SL‘C \Vcd l7. The Human Machine \‘cnuc lbc. ML‘I‘Chanl (WI). ()773 34503-15. i'il'L'L‘. Writcrx prcxcnl a da} ol' rcadingx. artuorkx. xcrccningx and “orkxliopx. I Craft Fair Mcrchant Squarc. 'l‘hc (‘ourtytrd 7| 73 Albion Strcct. Illam 4pm. lircc. :\ \\ cckcnd cral't lair \\ ith ox cr 5() xtallx ol'l'cring handmadc cral‘tx and goodx. I Flower Festival (ilaxgmx ('athcdral. ('axtlc Strcct. 552 SIDS. l()am 4pm. l-'rcc. :\ da) Oi. lit)“ L‘t' arranging. talkx and tourx run b) thc liricndx ol‘ (ilaxgtm ('athcdral and in conjunction with Doorx ()pcn Da}. Horse-Drawn Cart Rides Mcrchant Squarc. 7l~73 Albion Strcct. ()l‘l‘(‘andlcrigg_x. 552 5008. 2pm. £2. (io on a guidcd tour of thc Mcrchaut ('it} in a horxc dra“ n cart.\ ing c\ cr) 2() minx l‘rom Bcll Strcct. I Late Night Festival Club Tron 'l‘hcatrc. 0.3 'l‘rongatc. 552 4207. ltlpmr— lam. £8. l-‘cxtixal club lioxicd b)

\lichacl \larra arid xpccial gucxtx (Lttol l.aula arid conicdian Sand} \clxon


I Jilli Blackwood: The Joy of Living (‘ollmx (iallcr). l'nncrxit) ol Strathchdc. 22 Richmond Strcct. 545 2.5.55. SL'C “Cd I7

I Superficial or Inherent Sim-t l.c\cl. 20 Ktttg Strcct. 552 2l5l Scc \Vcd I7.

I There and Back ’t'mngait- Sltldlox. l3 :\lbttitt Slt't‘cl. 552 2b22 Scc \Vcd IT.

I Universal Print Show Vl l’roicct .\bilit}. ('cntrc lor l)c\c|opmcntal .\rtx. IN .-\lbton Sttcct. 552 SL'L‘ \Vt‘tl l".

Scottish Artists littcc) \lchc I'mc .'\rt. 47 l’arnic Strcct. 552 502".

lpni 5pm. l'rcc. Scc \Vcd I7.

I Ashley Cook: Process or Progress? (ilaxgon l’rmt Studio. 22 «k 25 Klltg Slt‘L‘Cl. 552 (l7ll4. SCL' Sal 2”. Eastern Promise Rttxxtan ('ulttual ('cnlt'c. (’alc (iallci‘_\ (‘oxxachok Ill King Strch 553 0733. 4pm. l'rcc. Scc Sat 20.

Glasgow Sculpture Studios 't'ht- lirtggait. Illam 4pm. l'rcc. Scc Sat 21). I Hitch (ilaxgou l’i'int Studio. 22 K 25 King Sti'cct. 552 (Wt-l. Scc Sat 20.


I Banquet of Musick: Suites’n’Stuff ('alc Sottrcc. Si Andrcux in thc Squarc. St .-\ndrc\\x Squarc. oll Saltmarkct. 54K 0020.

4. l 5pm. to 1924i. .\ltixic lot. or dcrixcd lrom. daiicc.

I Gypsy Talisman iron 't’Iit-auc. 03 'l‘rongatc. 552 4207. 8pm. £0. :\uthcntic Rttxxian g_\px_\ group l'rom .\loxco\\ \xill bc pcrlormmg traditional muxtc. xong attd dancc.

I Kesha ('alc ('oxxacltok. Ruxxian (’ultural ('cutrc. ll) King Strcct. 553 0733. 8.30pm. £5 t£.3i. .\ ncu group lormcd b} .\'ich (‘lai‘k tgtntari. ()lcg l’onomarcx t\iolini and In .v\t|ax

t\ ioliiii pcrl'ormmg a mu ol' Rttxxian. gHtx}. ia/I arid ch/incr loll. muxic.

I The Shine 8. My Legendary Girlfriend l3lh Nuic ('al'c. in (in King Sti'cct. 553 I033. tx'.3()pm. [3. Rock. harmonicx and x}nth pop muxtc lrom thcxc \xcll knoun bandx.

I Late Night Piano Bar Corinthian. l‘)l Ingram Strcct. 552 Hill. 9pm. l-‘rcc. (iilcx Kingc) pci‘l'ormx xotttL‘ xingalong claxxicx.

I Scottish Youth Jazz Orchestra Mcrchant Squarc. thc (‘ourt}ard. 7| 7.3 Albion Strcct. 0pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘omm} Smith‘x orchcxtra ix madc up ol' talcntcd l5-2.3 )Ni' old Scottixh

jaI/ muxicianx.

I Graeme Scott Trio lilacklt‘iarx. 30 Bcll Strcct. 552 5924. 0.30pm. l‘rcc. Young guitarixt Scott ix joincd on baxx and drumx lor a ja/l xclcction.

Other events

Cutting Teeth \cnuc tbc. Mcrchant (ill). U775 5450.345. Noon. i‘Il'L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ \Vcd IT.

I Horror on the Streets ‘I'ottt'ixl Inl'ormation ('cntrc. (icorgc Squarc. 28.7 3402. (Hill). £7. SL‘L‘ \VL‘d I7

I Craft Fair Mcrchant Squarc. tlic (‘out‘l}ard. 7| 73 Albion Strcct.

lllam 4pm. l'rcc. Scc Sat 2”.

I Horse-Drawn Cart Rides Mci‘chant Squarc. 7| 7.3 .-\|bion Strcct. ()l'l' (‘andlcriggx. 552 5008, 2pm. £2. Scc Sat 20.

I Street Theatre 8- Entertainment Mcrcligmi ('il}. Bcll Strcct. l 4pm. lircc. ’l‘hc Mcrchant ('it} ix cloxcd to traffic and thcrc \\ ill bc xtrcct gamcx. cntcrtainmcnt and muxic. A Fictional Guide to Scotland \cnuc tbc. .\lcrchant ('it}. (>773 .345 0.345. .3 5pm. lircc. ()pcnlnk cditorial board dixcuxx thcir projcct and \\ hat it ix likc to opcratc ax a xmall indcpcndcnt prcxx in Scotland.

Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to edinburgh©, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

0pm l tcc llic gallci_\ ‘x doon xta) opcn iuxt that littlc bit latct lot a ptogtanimc ol talkx. tittixtc. tcadmgx and. \‘i \‘ttlll\\‘. all

Other events

Job Fair \xxcmbl) Roomx. 54 (icoigc Sttcct. 22H 4 34" Want 5pm licc l ind _\out idcal \ocation couitcx} ol thc icciuitmcnt latt organixcd b\ thc .il‘i‘ (.t'llilt' I The Drake Music Project Scotland Open Day tzttgai Hall. (‘hcxxct \wnuc. 444 20tt.\'

Illam 2pm licc .\ii ttttttt\.tlt\t‘ chant) that \toth \\llil dtxablcd pcoplc to cnablc thciii to pla) and compoxc inuxic .\ chancc lot thc public to xcc lilt' “nth lilt‘} tit) and lilt‘ lt't’llllttlttg’) thc} uxc ax \xcll ax pciloimanccx lrotn icxidcttt band. Hialxc .\luxtc (‘hcclx \\\\\\ diakcmuxicxctitland

co tlix lot inotc inlo

Thursday 4

Book events

Frank McAvennie \cantlittx. t‘ \\a\crlc} lliidgc. 550 2 355. 7pm {3 1L2! icdccinablc againxt puicliaxc l’toltlic lootictncixtci liank .\lc.\\cniuc tale abottt thc highx and |o\\x ol hix Iilc and all about xcoiiiig. \xlicthct it'x goalx. \\onicn oi drtigx it! .\t trims: .ln / t/u il'x (inn/t

Talks After Hours National Portrait Uallct‘}. l ()llt'ctt Sitt't'l. O24 02””


Ruaridh Nico”


From time to time, a pair of disparate novelists are brought together to read for no better reason than that they create compelling, inspired fiction. Now that the Charlotte Square Big Top has rolled out of town for another year, literature junkies are being emphatically directed just down the road to Ottakar's on George Street for an audience with up-and-coming young Celtic scribes, Zane Radcliffe and Ruaridh Nicoll.

At first glimpse, Radcliffe would appear to be on board to provide the comic relief in this pairing, reading from his spanking new book, Big Jessie. That said, if his darkly funny debut, London Irish, is anything to go by, the Northern Irish writer’s broad humour and outrageous characterisations are bound to give way abruptly to altogether less comfortable territory. The earlier novel was particularly notable for its drifter protagonist, Bic, who bumbles from one misadventure to another (including being dangled from the window of a house by his lover‘s irate husband) before unwittingly descending into the violent horrors of IRA terrorism. The reader’s unnerved response to Radcliffe‘s striking book is encapsulated by the Colin Bateman quote that opens the novel: ‘I laughed until I stopped.’

In contrast, Ruaridh Nicoll’s first novel White Male Heart wears its author's fascination with the dark recesses of the human condition like a prominent black armband. Set in a remote village community in the author‘s native Sutherland, the book explores the disturbingly close friendship of two local lads, Hugh and Aaron, which blows up into violence when Hugh falls in love with a young woman from the city. While effectively depicting the psychosis bred in a (brilliantly realised) isolated setting, Nicoll's debut is also conspicuous for its memorable peripheral characters, including a Gaelic-speaking Dane, more Highland than the Highlanders, and the hellfire-preaching ‘Rod of God’. Nicoll’s latest novel, Wide Eyed, continues its author's fascination with remote communities disrupted by violence. Inspired by the Solway Harvester disaster, Nicoll portrays a Galloway fishing village, whose residents are pitched into turmoil by the loss of a local ship, once again powerfully and atmospherically. (Allan Radcliffe)

I Off.’:‘m'3"':r. :37 3627730 8700!. 22:3 4-495. 5. .7.

' '1 ‘>~’::, L/ THE LIST 99