Food Drink

Eat out, drink up


News to nibble on . . .

I 01 OROSO HAS announced an (1.2m: iv acmvx-Jleglqe :‘atutti'xwg: young People :r‘ the tram" I'. \-.:H be r‘ameu n "nme of the late James Sziv‘km. who (‘0 fwmwn the multiu'JI-Wt w!” :i'wf Tony Sv'mh Strike; was Rum-.1: ‘nr £1393! In; new tale"! at Woman at AIMH“ .nvl lime, below that 'H(? can; (113'. w; keen to {1351?} cm. Wt} :;k~11:; and Ml()‘.‘.’[(? Mt:- 5w f'xal ()tim's‘ (‘Oillx’l aimw in: armwwut' Smut: mu;

'l inwfiuim u'w‘i :www llw; fivnuqi‘ the (Mimi in,

r(?(\(>;i".ls;|rit; the fulth ‘ { ()f (minim; .n Svmtimvi wmlw litmouum; Jamar!

(‘rwtuhulmrt In the uvlustn, Four for a pound, come

0 O and get ’em, they‘re lovely .TRAQUA'R HOUSE Brewery has been ranked 20th in the world in a survey of more than

188,000 beer enthusiasts FARM SHOPS offer an abundance of foodstuffs all the way around the Central Belt. “'°"d‘"'de by

. while the Seek and ye find. \.\”)rfl‘l Barry Shelby Peebleshire brewery's Jacobite Ale was rated ,Mu g,,,,.«., mum I», "w v' ~f :: .'. :o- v' =' =’-'- " 17th in the World Beers .wpml]; marzuvw °'w- " 'i'.1“"‘(‘7‘,'7‘r‘i’l I‘d’filoirfl“ -- 2', .i-" MU" fiffni”, {ll-ll‘r"‘*,f' 1f! " category. ‘we are one of H’l‘r!’ ‘4‘" "‘4' if“! ~ ~' v ”‘ "iv only two British breweries mm; mm An A r «w, w- v 1‘ ,. 'l'vi-l‘ wrw‘wzrl-w Drummond Farm Shop and Fishery mentioned in the top 50.’ I’m/ "' How ‘2 ( ," I ~ ~: (it. (www.drummondtroutfarm,co,uk) notes owner Catherine gs. w «n 1;; ,t wax/7‘ Maxwell Stuart. While Knowes Farm Shop : M p ,, ,5, ,w‘ , ,,. ;.- votes were cast in 65

r‘l(\‘_".‘.',y~{ iyyl‘tIKIH ’0“

‘1\I?'V'.",i"l ‘3'!“ I). in! 2! “an: I it I I up i,» (‘I'fiff 1.""I’,/]V," i“. \v/, “may” . /£., ,\ “1 ‘L/:,,‘ y,‘ I. t;/,‘ ; nu}; \,‘ L1,: 1“, . 1’... .. a . vorces were most I' ,llul,qu..'1'_'.i‘.-:\l\'~~.'_sm Hwnu ,wyw H‘yi' i.(}(;\;l'\.."n'v‘ V," 1H1; ' }l"‘ "'1! .‘,'i-"I,' "‘45-, ..".-v" ."..' f"..'.w ".- ., . , prevalent. ‘We have an :x‘;“,{1‘”,o,\‘l,n nnnn ,\r\ /\,,l 1““. .1? y..,,n__,,r\q,i Izhis‘ IV“..- 0 a a" “\- wzw "Pup ,Xi‘u.‘ , I.' o, 1.: it ,tp: I O ' , , I ( K I almost religious following ‘VH‘IHHHIIWJ'n-'|I\"'."YUnhl‘wl‘ifinx ii? ‘;.r‘l!;,<‘\/‘,\!'I§vwi by. ' "row‘. my vw ,.‘V/\vv-Yl~.r,vyty‘f‘,. '°', H-: y «it/L 1.1V” _ . in the States. Locally, , vyx‘th-H r” \‘ét' ,. Lil «wax nx‘. “(\H,y'\;,r\lfr/u\,’;r,‘.(‘(u‘ l“.,.\:’,,:pfl\, o .i~_.n‘“, 'zi rpm». 1- f]..t_yy«..'- it'l- . . , . ' " ' " ' Traquairs Bear Ale IS (we. (1,». NH“. _,~,-i:',’.,» :i~ "‘H ‘i\Y/,\,1M !'\,i;)”\l;\‘” Aq‘l‘fl‘ul (nub, o" ,,,t galup‘fl‘ "‘ {'RD, N. y‘,\'.,.“‘, i, U ,x‘ ‘1.” ,,, , ,’

. . - featured at Edinburgh's .. -:~i..~ a Arm.“ u u km,” hwy» y (,w; ~ .' 2'“: '* - Guildford Arms, while :‘ m ' m a“ y H MN y”: "p l. p a“. bottles are available at . ., w ~; s «i: hymn A‘ k ~ .4 Lungan Farm Shop(WWW-'Urganfarmsr‘op'co'u” Peekhams’ Pe‘er Green M K” H t. [H e a WWW I WW”. I” “In, H. ,v a and other select i'Hh‘ 5'..«.\,.~’ '(m' [nevi tynw'uffl‘ '1"‘:/S:.’l'.‘."= 5 '. independen‘o"-Iicences.

‘¢"'!,"'4 ,).,y I 1’,

West Craigle Farm Shop ( v a i .' / m v «w : ~ ~ m. : ICORRECTION: [A81 'r‘r ml» f3» r) m 4* we wry-s :‘ Hm: ' ,v /: ,n 1" ,x; 1' ~ ,, - - °’ issuexwgavethewmnq

I’Ht‘-jiv‘£vi\‘l‘v~‘\-r‘\.\.y'\ “H va/\f‘1"yi\( ‘\_ f\~!"\!y‘..:'\'P“, I’lyvx Ivftirx " ' :vw: .‘u‘. '1“. I”: ' ;.,‘,v 1' ‘,’.r"" 'V ' .i kl" b‘ii'l ‘b‘tt iii~|(]‘; "n- 5' .'\u' ‘.’\.,”\r"" “i {'fn ‘i “Mi F "If" :(Fl’f 5‘ 1':".'" w n-' ‘6” ,fi'”) I‘,gui-‘ ,1": 3'”: f i‘l" ,g'n'- "’ " ' g.

... “mm”- .:v.,._.'g\....,,,\_ w,‘ 3 ,3”... ,‘ ,_,,,_ ., ,IHVWHW, t; , , ,W. , 1,. , /, It, 1 t I. should have l.'l fact read as vmwgreenmm imaanmffee

u\'/\ {\y‘)\‘.n\l“.l‘. I'yy\~ “w: “fill,” \r\ 2.1,, it“, \‘VVr\: elk «\ .lrlw kt‘ tdll, -1 '~ /v , 1" ("I I, y;_ ‘_"./,‘ :r"i_ 1cm: : {th , , . .t . cank, Analogues [.‘.'\’i'il\rt bJ-lu; i\.,,~.t 17M, nun» i )\;‘..'V :,,Hr 11.,ly.‘.;/:l ,,~, ,‘

" * M NH “~- ° 1"! " ‘I ' ' " - -' . \ :"r‘ Pillars of Hercules Organic Farm Shop tv\,tv. I,\'\"1V"\.y".‘ ’I\(~. \ {MIL-2;...vwi ,1\! y',}'\ 1"“: o,~‘_ ,_,y’\ F}, .3 " ,‘l’. 1.,4‘,‘ ; a... /" . . -1.- . :,' [Dr 11).. kwit 1‘ x t 2‘. !v\'. v.‘ our .3). \ I: »,\n o, , ‘1.“ vflnh,‘ ; e“ , i, ,, "J I“ "(ya . ’0" .,\.,' T»)! [-U Ky, , (.2. , , | 1 .1! tin: it run "[\\" f(.lyv\.y". 1“ I‘VK,,'\ o 1:: , '1 “I, z,, .‘ ( ‘( :: z: '

TRAQl'A l k

Carmichael Estate Farm Meats " -- ' v w ~ " " -/ ' .~ .- ( '~ w ' " .w .' "

(\;vrv\ ~)\;,*. '\ [J‘ l u I “w ~r “!V, \. ’\'.Vt)) .‘ .."'{t; .\ 1 gr 1' ’J ,. v" 0",_, ,‘ c.” , , ,o.‘.,, , ,, I, I '" "ME ‘.\,2 \‘ T‘f\f(\ lhul 9",; (\ )vl‘\/‘VV é.\ )1\ '\ )v ., {~,,_,y\ H“. r,,.v\'t\ vv ' ' 'v‘,_ r!“ .- 7‘ III 7 « ."( ~ 1- °I~.,yr . i .r;, i v r .'_ i ".\v‘\ \v (‘«\VY\., \“\[i"\ h‘ IN .\‘l é,\ : ') it",\ I: = :'_v-: I! 0 'y\ .I.r y

‘, )yvv\1"\}"~,: 3-H; puxipgw.(\ l,‘ !'\’,1'\,,‘(: on.) V,,\(\\.\o ,\u v"‘,' 'l“o io', .14,»

"v" "WWI ""Y'mv‘a a 3M" ariw“ '2'": \:‘ The List Deli 8: Good Food Directory (24.95) is P:.k,\TI l an‘h ,Hvt m {x in.” my ywwmr‘. I, 'ygvv'uwy '3"': available at booksellers BHd SeleCt Shops. To order A [\rr\p.'*‘l‘§.'\(ju (\n 't‘.\ .m’, ET“. ram (l‘Ptm 11w} Hui."- v 3" "‘ 6,. W'jw' ca“

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112 THE LIST ~'- "4 NV: