Hollywood Homicide I I3.»\I

I).’i11_\ 4.00. ‘) 00

Hope Springs I 1:.*\l

.\1ulliiL‘C Inc 11) “Mill

Jeepers Creepers 2 l I5I

I)ul1}. 3.00. 4. 511. " 00. 0 ‘III .-\1\II1uic In 6: Sui. IIIIdniglIi.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi Lite I IZAI

I);ilI_\‘ 1.00. 3.45. (I30. 915, Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde II’( II

.\1uIliiL'L' Sui tk SIIII IIIIIIII

The Lizzie McGuire Movie I l I

I).'lII_\ :15. ~15”. (I15.

x\1\ii IIIuIIIIcc Sui Ik Sun 13 15

The Man who Sued God I I5I

1)uil_\: It)“. -1 iii. (I45. ()15 .\I\II1.III‘1'iIt\ Sui IIIIIIIIIpIII

Piglet’s Big Movie II‘I


Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I I3 \I

1)uII\, Ititl. 31111. 115. 5 ‘11. 5-15. 5.45.

.-\1\II1u1l'I'l'lI\ Sui' 11.5”

Rugrats Go Wild! Ii'I

Muimcc Sui Ik SIIII: IIIIIIII. Still

Sinbad: Legend oi the Seven Seas II‘I .\1.IIIIII'I- Sui & SIIII. IIIIIIII.

Spy Kids 30: Game Over I i I

I)ulI} “~15

:\1\ll IIIuIIIII'I' Sui Ik SIIII: 12.15. Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machines i1::\i

I);III}I 415. 0.00.

.'\1\llI£1IL' I'll Ik Sui: IIIIIIIIighi. IIIII)/\Y ‘l" IIIIIIISI)AY 18 I’I'IIgI'uIIIIIIc IIIu'I} III 1w \IIIIIIuI‘ tII IIIL‘ pm mm “ct-k. l’IIIIIII- 0370 5050 00? I'm- III-iuilx uIIII IlllIL‘\. New 1111ii\ duo in open IIII 1'11 12 Sup:

Calendar Girls I 13.I\I

Sin Eater t I5I

Odeon City Centre: Glasgow

SI) RL'IIIIL'IlI Sll't't'l. (1141 3 5-115. IliIU uIIII('('IIIIIII\IiI3_': (137(151 Hill—7.11)] \L'l'i'L‘lix 5. (I. "iiili1 IS. :\i1u1l2 [-1.75 SiiIIICIIi/I'IHII: L350 tI'i‘l-Sllili. L5 I.\1IIII-'1'|IIII. ('lIIIIl under 15: [3.95; Senior L'lIi/t‘lli L550.

55 1'1

IiiUHSI)/\Y -‘.

American Pie: The Wedding I I5I I. \0. 4.00. 030. 0,00.

Blackball I I5I 0.00.

Freddy vs Jason I IISI 0.30. 3.45. Hollywood Homicide I 12:\i I330. 315 (I00. 3.4.5.

JeepersCreepers2I15I I00. 3.30. II.I5. 0.00.

Lara Croit Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi Liie I I3.I\I I330. .I.I5. 0.00. 3.45. Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde mm 0. I0, 000,

The Uzzie McGuire Movie III 3. I 5. 4.511. (I ~15.

The Man who Sued God I I5I 130.

4.00, 0.30. 000,

Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I 13A! 1.30, 5.00 $.15, Spy Kids 30: Game Over I i 'I 3.30,


Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machines I13.-\I 1,15. 3.45. 0.15. 3,45.


American Pie: The Wedding I I5I Hull}: 1.30. 4.00, 0.30. *Hiti, BlackballII5I Hull}: 1.51). «Hill, CampII3.-\I 1):Ii1}: Hit). 3.45. 0.15. FreddyvsJasonIIxI I‘I‘I Sun & Inc The; 0.30. 8.45. Hollywood Homicide I I 3.\ l

Hull}: 3.45.

Jeepers Creepersth

iI'rI & Sui: 1.45. 4.l5. 0.45. 0.15. Sun Thu: 1.1M. 3,30, 0.15. (Hit). Lara Croit Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi UTOIIZAI

Dull): 5.50. 8.45.

(I._§(I_ ‘Hiti.


The Lizzie McGuire Movie II '.

I);II1}: 3.15. .1511. (I.~i5

.'\1\(l111.'|1|IIL'L‘ Sui .k SIIII' IIIIIIII

The Man who Sued God I I5I

I):III_\: I30. 400. II, :0. «I IIII

Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I3 \I

Hull}: Still. 5.15. Sill

Spy Kids 30: Game Over i1 1

I‘ll SMILIUL‘ '1'1III: 2 ill. -l_%II. .'\1\lilll;11|llk‘k' Sui tk Sun. 13.511

.'\1\U Iiiullik‘c .\1IIII. I 1111. IIIII. Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machines i12:\I I);il1_\I 1.15.



I’I'IIgi'uIIIIIIc Iikcl) in he \lllllIuI III IIIc pm mm “L'CI’L i’iIIInt- 0.\“II 5050 00" III. (IL‘I;111\llill1Iilil\‘\. \I‘u IIIiii\ IIIIc III open till III 13 Sc I:

Calendar Girls I I3.-\.

Sin Eater I I5I

Showcase: Glasgow East

SIIImcuxc I.L‘1\lii'L‘ I’ui'k. 1.uII;_'IIIiIII RIIuII. (‘IIuIIIi‘IIIge IIIIII IIIIL'C 1112 VI -1 ill ‘4. (‘(' lIIIIIkIng; (11350 4§.\iIIIII, |l)| [1;] L5 IIII H.550 IICIIII'C (IIIIII .\1IIII I'll. 11151 \IIU\‘. Sui/Sun Ik IIIIIII1u_\\I. ('IIIIIII().»\I’,"SIIIIII'III: L5 5”

11 III 38 TAY .1

American PIOII5I 1135uIII. 31111. 4.35. ".30. “.50. ll :5. I005 ConfidenceII5I “.40. 0,55 FreddyvsJasonIIxI II.50.IIII. 3I0. 4.35. ".35. I000.

Hollywood Homicide I I3.\I I I 30.00. 3.05. 4.45. ".35. I000

JOGDOT‘S CreepersZII5I 1155uIII. 3.35. 4.55. “.55. IIII5

Lara Croit Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi m311:.\l illitlum. 115. II ‘11. 5 I”. 0.30. (1.50.

Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde I1’(}I 11.45uIII. 3.5“. 4.511. The Lizzie McGuire MovieII’I 3.30. 4.40. “.05

The Man who Sued God I I5. I I.=5.IIII. 3.05. 4.40. ".05. 0.30,

Piglet’s Rig MovieIi‘I I3 I5. 335 Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black PearlII3.\I II.I5.IIII. I3 I5. 3. 5. 3.15. 4.30. 5.1.5. I5. 5. 5. I0.I5.



/\ I

Patricia Clarkson learns all about The Safety of Objects

Rugrats Go WildlIl I II mum. I I0. i {ii 5 {II

Spy Kids 30: Game Nerd I II 05.00, ll“. 115. 5.3“

Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machines II_‘.\I IIlIliuIII. 1‘11. 11‘. ‘1111.

" III ‘l in. III In

American Pie: The Wedding I I 5I

l)uI|\ 11.,‘5uIII. .‘HH. 1.“. .‘11. "50: ‘1 i5. |llll5

\I\UIIIIL‘I11«\ Sui 11 55. I,‘ .‘5uIII Blackball 15I

I).l|1\' 11-15uIII. .‘, III, 1511. '.‘5. II 40'

\1\ll1.11\'111i\ Sui IIIIIIIIII'III

Camp I I3 \I

1).II1\ 11 Ilium. .‘. 111. I III, " 11'. 0,10.

\1\U1‘IIL'IIIt\ Sui 1_‘ IliuIII ConfidenceII5I I)uI1} “.311 .\1\l‘1.11\'1'11l\ Sui Freddy vs Jason I IxI I).II|} K5. ltitili \1w1uic1ii.\ Sui I: Ilium Hollywood Homicide 13 \I

Hull} 11 Ilium. .‘115. -115. 5 .75. |IIIIII

\1\l‘1.11L' III I\ Sui 1.‘ ‘5uIII Jeepers Creepers 2 I 5I

I)uI|\ || 55uIII. _ III15

\IM' IuII' I ii I\ Sui 1.‘ ‘5uIII

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of


I“ 1;;


I).II1\ IIIIHuIII. 1415. II ‘II. " I”. 111 III

The Lizzie McGuire Movie I l I).111} I305. 330. ii”. "05 The Man who Sued God I5I

Hull} 11 55uIII. 3115. 155. 5115. ()3;

\1\I\1:I1CIIII\ Sui II 5‘1

Piglet’s Big Movie II 1).III\ 1315. Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl I3 \I

I).II1_\ 1115uIII. 1315. 315. ‘15. 4 ‘0. 5 l5. I5. ‘45. \ I5. I015 \IMi 1.1IL' III I\' Sui “11;. II 15

Rugrats Go Wild! Ii I

I)uI1_\. 11 mum. I 5'1. I 5H. 5 5‘1 Spy Kids 30: Game Over I I Iiuil} 11 H5uIII. I 1H. 515. Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machines I1: \I


sinus Film ‘.


Spirited Away :IaiIaII'a lIIIIiIaIIt StzIleII ( ‘IIIIlIlI 111I1\ have

IIIIIIII. Illli‘.l?II Inner iIeIe WIIII tlIIt; (iltlllit IIIII ItftlIlill‘ (IIIHIII a Mile (illIIiIHIIIl'l 5,IIIIII ‘.‘.'()l1(111|(fl1(1§§ IlIIs; t;tIIIIIII'§; tililliit“ lIlIIIr; I11(' I] (1111lilitfilifliiuliilllIll/\iilti (IlIlffo'I‘leftlIlfIl11I11(}531(I'I.‘I,’111 (tatelIIIII) ill). See feature and ll3\.'i(.“.‘.'_ f {I I/I II‘I'III/ rIII’I 51.81),

Cypher NI III/I III NI Irt/Im mt IIIeeté; (qutut ‘a SIIIIIIIIIely fully :;|I<:er>t<;I>II5;IIII;I<:I. :;I:I 11110111 tlI<:I1IIeI:tIII (i1(.;tl1)i‘.SIQIIIIIIIJ 111(7,’ 1 Ill I'llliI \1(,"1(}ill\,’ NIII'tlIaIII. See feature and IeVIew. \()‘(.‘/l,’(fi'l,’(} .'I?/i)(I.‘;I},

Belleville Rendez-Vous It's; a great I()lIllI(_lIII for aIIIIIIatIIIII. SylvaIII ()lIeIIIetY; :;tIIIIIIIII(I1y (lllllk‘) tIIIIIIeI if; a real treat. See I)l(:‘./i(:\.'.' aIIri IeI./Ie\‘.'. fie/eater} I"i,’/(,’(1S(,’.

Camp 1 et'f) put the f;1i()‘.‘/ ()II rIIIIIt here. I rusty. lIIIIIIy. lIaIIIIIIy {UNIX/(31", eaIIIIIy tale of what the {iIIEllligllili all (laIIeIIIII. SeIIrilIeIrII I()‘.'|lig teenagers get up to at (lamp ()vatIeII. See I'e‘arew. Se/ecter/ release.

Man of the Year Mere Bra/IIIaII IIltI'a‘IIeIeIIee III the style ()I (My of (Earl. I\/1£ll(ili(,’1 IS a wee lIH,’ z'rlIoee r;II‘<:IIIII:;taIIces; learl lIIIII Into a Me (It erIIIIe III the IIarrIr). See re/Ie Selected re/eaf;e.

Floating Weeds WeIIrierlIII re release ()1 (me of the Japanese IIIafster YaSIIIIre O/IIS later IiIlYI‘S IIIIruIIrerII, When a hunch OI Iléi“.’(311|lig players; arrI‘.’e III a rural VIIIEIQC‘ eerrIIIIiIrIIt, the fallout 18 almost palpable. Arresrune and tenelIIIIg. there 18 no one who has; exer ’ilillU had the (left lIaIId of 0/0. See reVIew. OFT. (Nasgorx

I’l'IIfJiuiiillli'1|1\L'1} III 1w \IliilIAIi' III the [Irm ii‘li\ \SL'L'k I’Iiilllk'I113Vi45~1~154 tIIi‘ \1L‘I;tl1\uliIIIlillL'\