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Saturday 13 continued

I Local Bands Night llit- \t‘llllk'. la 3| (ultou Road. 55“ il a V 5, illpiu. L'llic. Scc 'l hu l,

I Super Scientists, Page Six .llltl The Cans (‘onuuplcx lll (‘onuucicial Sli‘ccl. lcith. 555 5o33 .\ illluu. to Hit- c\pci' and c\liciuc\ll )t‘t iuclotlici clccuonica ol Supci Scicnlixlx hcatllinc. \\llll nioic UL and ll\ c aclx ll‘t'.


I Stretch Armstrong, Steel Dies Rules and lncoherence King; ‘l‘mk \\ah \\ah llul. 3"3.i St Vinccul Sli'cct. 33| 53"”. Split. Ln. ()\t‘l l~lx \lioxx 'I’lic llt‘.ltllllk'l\ .uc .lll .\ haitlcoic hand \\ ith an ciuo touch to thcu |_\i'ic\ .llltl. pi’cxuiuahl}. wiuc icggaitl loi iuallcahlc to} \ ol lhc I‘Vllx.

I Electric Frankenstein ‘I lit- (‘athotmx l5 l'iuou Sliccl. 3-l.\' (\(llll‘. "..‘\llpiii. L“. ()\ci'- I-lx \hmx. “Mylo


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punk} ioclc'u‘i'oll \clcianx li'oiu \cu .lL‘l’M'}.

I The Kitchen, We Start Fires, Hooker and the Electroluvs \icc'u‘Slca/.\.-13l Sauchicliall Sli'cct. H4 *lh‘x" hpiu. L51L'3lfl'hix iuai‘ltx lhc culmination ol lhc latcxl l-i'ock ()n (Lt) Ul lt'lll-lt‘ldlt'tl \MH'lwllpr. lll\‘\ Manila Km and lllhl‘dlltl R)au makc up lhc punk} clccti'o pop (“10 thc Kitchcn. \Vc Slat! l'llt‘\ .ilt' tlk‘\L'l'll‘L‘\l ;l\ ‘tlullL‘L‘ lock \qucal' \uic to catch on \xhilc llookci' .u'c .\lancunian punk and thc lulccli'oltn \ ai‘c auotlicr ho} lgu'l clccti‘oiuca «luo.

I Chinese Stars and Kill Yourself Slci'co. l3 l-l Kcluuhaugh Sti'cct. 5",!» 5lll.\. «\Plll. U. (hunk) inctal i'illolog} li‘oiu ('luncxc Stan and an .'\ll‘lllIL‘\t]llC hai'tlcoi'c \ct li‘oiu Kill Yourxcll,

I This Way Up, Shawl and Cold Dog Soup .\l;ic‘.\'t\i‘lt')\. 43 Jamaica Sli'ccl. 3-l.\ .\5.\'l. ‘tfillpiu. l'i'cc. l.ocal hantl tiiplc hill.

I Engine 'l'hc Scoua. ll: 11-: Slockucll Sli'ccl. 553 808]. .lpm. l‘i'cc, Rth cm L'l'\ l'L‘fltlL‘lk‘}.

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~The lrish Times

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56 THE LIST "-

I The Cobramatics ‘l‘ht- Scotla. ll: ll-l Stockucll Sll'L‘L'l. 5.5.3 3631. 0pm. l'iliL'L‘. Rock'n'roll l'L‘\ltlL'llL"\.

I Big Blues Jam Studio ()nc. (il‘t)\\clinl' llUlL‘l. (irowcnor 'l‘L'l'l'uL‘L‘. 3-H (i510. ()plll. l‘rcc. lltHlL‘tl h} thc .\'c\\ Blucx Surlci'x u ith coiitrihutionx li'oiu Studio ()nc i'cgularx \uch ax Rm I)oc and lhc .\'inuuo Brolhcrx.

I Phil’s Sunday Session l'lxgc llcalha. 333 Woodlantlx Road. 564 I590. ()Plll. l‘i‘cc. Bring _\our (mn lll\ll'lllllL‘lll.

I Live Music 'l'hc l.‘~ih Noic (‘al'c'a 50 (ill King Sll‘L‘L‘l. .555 HHS. 9pm. £3. 'l‘lii'cc inctal hantlx to ho L‘Ulllll'lllL‘tl. I Live Music (irantl ()Ic ()pr}. l’aixlc} Road 'l‘oll. 43‘) 5306. 7.30pm. [4 «U iiiciuhcrxl. (‘ountry

I Live Music M;ic‘$oi‘|c‘)x. 43 Jamaica Sti‘cct. 3-18 85%|. 8pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hi'cc unxignctl local handx.


I John Foxx 8. Louis Gordon, Swarf and Greenhaus 'l‘hc \cnuc. I7 31 ('allon Road. .557 3073. 8pm. L'Ill. John l-'o\\. thc lUllllthl' ol l‘ltraxox ioinx l'oi'ccx \\ ith Louix Gordon on thcu‘ ncxx album (‘rmli and Burn. \till making hcautil'ul iuachinc nuixic and L‘lL‘L‘ll'U.


I Electric Soft Parade, Homescience and Aviator Shades Bat'll}. 3N) ('lytlc Slrccl. 0870 007 (NW). 8pm. £7. ()uitc an intimatc l'oi' this uonc morc indic li'atci‘nal duo \\ ho just cannot hclp

\\ riling tcrrilic. uplifting lllClUtllCC\.

I The Blueskins and Recliner King Tut's \Vah Wah Hut. 373a St Vincent Strcct. 33l 5377‘). 8.30pm. £5. 'l‘outctl ncu garagc hluc~ combo l‘roiu Lecdx.

I Anavexta, Materia and Poobs Needle Stcrco. 13—1-1 Kclxinhaugh Street. .576 .5018. 8pm. ithc. Altcrnatixc/indic rock.

I Slave Radio, Peri, Milestone and the Hash 'l'hc 13th Notc (MC.

5“ (ll) King Sti‘cct. 5.5% 1635’ Uplll. l; l. :\|tcrnali\c rock ti‘iplc lull.

I The Rhythm Rogues Studio ()nc. (il'tl\\L'llUl' llnlt'l. (il'ti\\clltil' 'Icl‘raicc loll ll)rc\ Roatll. 3-H (35”) 9pm. l't‘cc. lllucx I Acoustic Jam Nicc'n‘SIt-a/y. -13I Sauchichall Sli‘ccl. 333 00W, Spin. l't'cc. With a lrcc drink ax inccnux c loi' participants,


I The Christians 'l‘hc l.lqllltl Room. 9c Victoria Strcct. 335 3504. 7pm. U5. Scouw will act hack on lhc road again. I Rachael Garland lit-amccnc. W Nicholson Sti‘cct. (m7 5”)? Hpiu. l’rcc. Scc 'l'hu l l.

I Acoustica ('aharct Voltairc. lb .lh’ Blair Strcct. 33” M70. lllpin. l-rcc l\Hllllll;ll'_\ L'Ullll‘llllllltllh on cul l. Scc Mon 3'.


I Mystery Juice, Recc and The Inspired Maniacs ‘l'olhooih. Jail Wyitl. (ll78ti 37-1000, Xpiu. £4 11.350). .v\n incrcdihlc mixing ol lllllxlcul gcnru lllillKL‘\ up thc lit“ -\\ll\L‘ ('cltic sound ol .\l_\\tcr) Jtucc hcatling anothcr lop ol thc Ruck»

Tuesday 1 6


0 Peaches and Cobra Killer 'l‘hc Archcx. 3.53 Argylc Strcct. Will ()32 0300, Kpni. U). Sec prcucu l’or l’CilChC\ xx ho tcachcx in hcr (Mil ltllt)\)llCl’llllL‘ clcctro liaxhion.

I The Thorns g3 lhclund the (iaragcl. 4W) Sauchichall Strcct. 3.53 3| | l. ill). ()xcr- l4x \litm. Bil (ll a hluc C(lllilf supcrgroup featuring songwriters Matthc“ Sxxcct. Shawn Mullins. who had a hit a couple ol years ago with thc grul‘ll) AOR ‘l.ullah}". and Pete Drogc. chut \lllglc ‘Runawo l‘ccling' is burning up Radio 2 at thc moment. as you might cxpcct. Tilt) support [)ixic Chicks later [hlx week.