I The Glitterati, Redeye and the Devotions King ’lnl'x Wuh \Vuh 11m. 272;: S! Vmccnl Slrccl. 221 527‘) h’ .iUplll Hill. 'l'hc (illllcrun urc ll \lnn} ncu garage rock oullll lorln 1.CC(1\

I Alfie Slcrm. 12 1-1 Kclunhungh SlrL'L'l. 576 31113 Kpln 1'rL'L’ 'l'hcw L'r\l\\l111L‘ \hgnnhllng L'llllflllL'l' Indlc kulx

\\ ho plm Idcd lhc nnmcul backbone \th x\\1rl(1 lo RL‘lllllL'L'r Suction launch lhcur new. album No You lmuumw litmus

I You Can’t Eat the Word Food, Avatar and the Gain Nicen‘Slml). 421 Sauchlclmll Stu-cl. H3 9M7. 9pm. £4. :‘xllcrnunw rock golng oll at mnoux qunrk} lungcnlx.

I Asylum Rurchlrd. 12X Morrflcc Road. (12‘) won 9pm. huh Rock L‘Illxxlcx.

I Trippy Tuesday 'I'chul ()um. 43 (Mayo 1.;lnc. 3574521181)!“ 1.1.

I The Optimistics “CHIN'CHL'. 1‘) Sklrung Slrccl. M2 xnon. 8pm. 1‘rcc. 1.;m1huck background \oundx.

I Phil’s Session 1.l\§_'t' liculhu. 232 Woodlands Road. 51»: 1596. 9pm. 1’rcc. \Vcckl) Jillll.

I Live Music 'l‘hc Huh Now (End.

fill ()ll Klng Slim-1.551 IMh’, Uplll. £3. ()clux lo Rcconlx Inghl. mlh Ilnc up to 1w conllrlncd.


I This Machine Kills Fashion and the Mannequinns 'l’hc \‘cnuc. I7 3| ('llllon Road. 557 .1117 i. 7.3llpnl. H. Hun) hlucx} rock ullh a hit ol lunk lhrou n lll l‘or good mcuxuw, :\nol1lcr \upporl \1111 lhc.

Wednesday 1 7


I Deftones Burl‘oulumi. 2-1-1 (1u11mxgulu.5524001. 7.30pm. £17.51). (MCI-14x \110“. One ol' the more highl} rcgnnlcd ol' the nu-nlclul crop rclurn ul'lcr uhgn um gcncrull} lcll lo hc a1 hcloxx -pur [wrlorlnuncc :11 [he Brut-head Arcnu u couplc ol' lllnlllllx ago. This [line lhc \cnuc \uils and mu) \hould rcdccln lliL'lll\Cl\L'\ nicely.

I Benny Gallagher 'l‘hc licrr}. 42 (‘1)(1L' 1’l;lcc.42‘) Illlll. 8pm. £12. ()nc hull ol’ (izlllughcr & 1._\1c oncidcnlull}. (iruhann 1.)1c ix ulxo touring at [11c llllllllL‘lll \xho'x your lmournch \\ ho has cnlo} ml \ongnrlllng \lllll\ in .\';l\h\illc. lourcd mlh [116 Nllllllfl‘lk and Doctor Hook man

1)L'1ll]1\1.1Kl'r11L'rL'.111\1\\r111L'111t'1k'\l\ll‘11 and 1l1lll \onndlmpkx

I Capdown, Douglas .mll Five Knuckle King '1ul\\\.lh “.111 11111. 272.: S! \lnu-nl Slrccl. 221 52"" 5pm (ha 1% \hou Purlx‘lnnll} touring; \1\.l punk uunho \xhoxc ngnnc l\.lL‘Ul111.lllUlltll ()lpnlzllxl 1)o\\nl.111 Knoxx \xhnl )1nll'lt'\.l)lllg.gll}\ I Machine Gun Fellatio .lml Pointless Creation lhc (kllhouw. IR 1 mon Slrccl. 215' (mm) " illplll L5 ()H'l 1-l\ xhou Sec prcx It“ lot .'\ll\1l'.lll.lll ruckus .\1.lc1nnc (inn l'L'11d1lU

I Hoboken, Nacoya .lml Maureen McMullan Slcrco. 12 1-1 Kclxlnlmngh Slrccl. 57h SHIN 5pm Ulu~ loungl'} L‘1CL’1lHll'Hlll llohokcn uho rum-ml} rclcuscd lhcn‘ dchnl \lnglc ‘11olc1 1 l~1\o.l' and lcululc mloopcr man Sum luylhollll Ill lhcn llnc up

I Big Vern and the Shootahs Muchunl Sququ (Inullcnggx ‘lpnl. 1; ll) local hluw Il'gvnllx plu} ax p.111 ol 111v .\1crch;lnl (‘1!) I'L'xlngll. Soc (iluxglm Inc on page no lor Inorc on lhv 1t'\ll\.l1

I Colin Reid 1111'1. .»\\hlon 1.;lnc. H2 10M). 8pm. £5. ('clllt~ ('onnu'llonx Imounlv. rcnouncd ux u \olo urllxl and lol lnx nork Ill 1211111 Rcmlcr'x hand. p1.l}~ ll'llx‘kxll’nlll1ll\;111\lllll [1/1.

I Acoustic Night 'l‘lu- l i111 .\olc (".llc. 511 (ill King: 511111.55; “1334mm.”ch nnc unh lrcc drink lor [k‘l'llll‘llk'h

I Open Stage 'l'hc Hull liar. Inn \Voodlundx Road. 564 1527 8pm. 1-HT \Vu'kl) \t'\\ll)ll lor lm‘ul lllll\l\‘l;lll\.


I Mystery Juice 111L- \k'nuc. 1" 21 (‘ullon Road. 557 307 i. 7.i11[\lll. ljllu'. liclccllc and clvclrll) mg; 1w pl'cpulul lol (‘ulcdomu'x Inuxlcrx ol hrcuklwul l‘lllk'\ and \110\\lll;lll\1llpllll\lllg1(.L'lllx’dllll lunk l'llt‘k \\ [11] equal uhundon.

I Chaos Theory Sonlhcrn (‘nm (Kllc. Mu ('ockhurn Slrccl. (122 (1022.

9pm nndnlghl. 151112 Sec \Vcll ll).

I Fleamarket Funk (‘uhurcl Volume. 36 313' Bllnr Slrccl. 2211 (1170. 11pm .‘gnn. l'lL'L'. SL‘L‘ “ml 111.

Thursday 18


I Roy Harper The l'iL'l'l'}. ~12 (‘1)(11‘ 1’1;1cc.~12‘) Illlll. 3pm. £14, Irgt'ndm‘) Brill'olk \lll'\1\or \\ ho. in u uu'ccr \punmng

Goodshirt play Barfly, Glasgow, Fri 12 Sep

nun!) -1911-\k‘.11\11‘l\ \\1111\g'\1\\ll11111\' 1|1u'\ ol.11nnn} Page 1\c1111\1oon.1’.nll \1\(‘.nlnc_\ .111l1 Knlc linxhllnl1mng "11.1w .1 (lean on 1’lnk I 1o}l1\ lllo': low 111/. [/1 n .111‘11111

I Dar Williams lhc \1t11k'\.“—i \Ig}1c \llccl. H‘llll H22 llillll Mun 11H \cxx \olk \lngg'l \ongxullcl “1111.1 lih‘klk'lll -\lllt‘1l\’.ll11\‘11\} edgy 11m yum-n! .lllnnn l/u lfuum of 1/1: Rum lmlunw L'l‘llllll‘lllltllh110111 ’\1l\ull Kl.lll\\.lll\1 .1011” \lt'tlk'\1\1

I The AM and Palomino King: 1ul\ \\‘111\\.l11 Ilnl. 272.l.\’l\1nu-nl Slu'cl. 221 527‘) \ illplll ‘5 ll\ .lnolhcl \c“ Yolk lund. llnx 11111L' guncmllng llllL‘lC\1 11llHllj21l11lL'll toning-(Hon lo .lcll Buckle} Singcl gullulhl \llclmcl 1|}.‘1IL' (1111.11‘Hldlx't1l‘ll.l numth ol Hucklc} uolkx. \\1l|1&' (llllllllllk‘l linkcl Klnlllml 11.l\ [Why'd \ulh hunk \llkll.1\(i1.lll\1 \1.11 and lhc \1oolk') Sn/ukl 111cm \onml cngonlpmw\ lhc glam lllomc. liH1.llll .lml lhc lm-lmllmll} unncxl l\k'l1\tlllllf21 I Jetscreamer Sim-o. I: ll Kclunhnngh Sllccl. Vb 51113 3pm {7 'l'vmn hand \lgnul lo llclln l'nlon. [11v lulu-1 run 1n c\ (‘ot'lmu 1mm llk'll Rolnn (iullnn' and Snnon R.l_\llllllll1\‘ 1)L'\\'ll1w\1.l\ llk'1(\\\1‘k‘l\\k‘k'll 111C 31.11.13" punk onxluughl ol \llnlhom-) and 11w Inou' clhclml xl}1c ol 1.lll101‘\[1L'IIL‘11\‘L' I Gram Parsons Tribute Night 111C 111:3. *7 ('m'llmnc Stu-cl. ‘52 17-111. 8pm. [5 'l'n'kclx lloln llk'hk'l Scotland. 20-1 5151 11 l\ 1115mm onyx-(11.1111 1’;n\on\‘uml\u.ll rock'n‘loll l1t'.111l.11ll1 lop dunwl Ioml ;ll'll\1\.101111 lllllxlu-luood. .lohn \lllll'l. \il‘lllk'd (Jun-n and l',\;l11}.'t'1lllt'(1)1116 loggcllu'l lo u'lchmlc 111x pnolnl lolv llll1lk‘1‘ll11lnl counll} rock.

I Blue Movie, Hollow Point, Anabranch, Yoshi .mll Pylot l’lu- ('gllhonxc. 15 l'nlon Sln'cl. 2-18 hollh 7.3llpln. {-1.511 ()wr 1~1x \hoxx Rock/pop 1\|11. Scc 'Hnu'x 1 1 lUl'.'\llll1‘l'.lll(11.

'Oc'n & pop nslll‘qs Music

I El Dog \ltc‘n'fillul/y 421 \lutlnclmll Sim-l. 1“ "h 1" “WM 1‘ 1’01‘ llkk

I High Roller, the Shine .lnd My Legendary Girlfriend 111C l 11h \ou- (Llln'. ‘11 hll km; \llccl. “i 1h“ "pm :1 1111C up \nlncd lo llmngc on l1n\ \u‘ond 11112111 ol 111C \1cn1mnl ('ll_\ 1\‘\1l\.l1 I The Young Hips, X1 .mll the Rising 1 l‘.l\1k'\1. 1 lqnnl 1 onngl'. ‘H \\\‘\1 chcnl \lln'l 1111‘111 1 i 11-; on llooll “CURB \11U\\\.l\k' «'1 loxll1 .1111\1\

I Rev Doc 8. the Congregation Slnlllo ( )m'. (noxu'nol 11oIc1. (iHNH'llUI 1k'11.1\’k'l\‘11 11)lc\1\’o.ull, ‘11 (51h "pm 11cc 11.111 1\’\\|1 \\1111\1k'111\‘1111.111l1l‘111\.l unlwllhhnlcnl

I Konrad 11mm» cnv. * ('u'xxucll 1 am: NJ (37!» Spun 11cc 1 .mllxu‘k i‘.1\1\_‘.21l‘111lk1 \Hl111\1\

I The Vagabonds lhc slum.

112 11-1\ImkxwllSln'cI. “2 .\o.\1 Upln 1'Iu' 1’oplll.ll \'\l\\‘l\

I Jam Session Mnnu'l 1)o\\\~ o" '| \1111\t1.l1k' 1\'o.111.-12§||11V N illplll 11cc lll‘\1L'l1 1‘) l11\1k'1‘t'l1\1t'11\k'

I Live Music 1(11.n()\n.l. 12111.1;‘0 1.1m: “7 1‘21 3pm (I *ll 1’ynhmlm Ru'onk 111;:111

1; (llnlnlr'gll

I CapDown .lnd Misled Youth Hu- 1 Iqlnd 1(lmlll.‘1\' \1\11111.l.\llk.k'1. 22‘ 25(1-1 "pm 1” ‘11 \cc \\t'\1 I"

I Local Bands Night llu- \‘cnuc.

1" 21 ('.l|lonRo.u1.*V ill"; ' illlnn Su' 11m 1

I Tom Jilbert Illulnxl'vnc. “‘1 \u'holxon Sln'cl. no" MN" 5pm I‘ln' ('owh .lnd Hllf2|ll.l1 nun-11.11


I Bob Geldof (inn-l) 11n'.lllc.('.nm'1\ Sllccl. 111202 01 1222 7 illpln

1210511 {1‘1511 11w Iolnu'l Hoonllonn Rulx llonlnmn [11.1w .1 \clu‘llon ol nm llglt'kx .111l1 0111 l.l\\l11111k'\

grim noan social

The debut album ‘The Glin1 Northern Social' released on 8th September

1.. C.‘1cl'_u 3.), ;|I_|- le‘l'. .L , .u_o_“

ilLA. la. 1“:th Lino: Honda, 8 i‘l'lv' Flllltkl'. Tia-mm, 9 i‘l'1-"i'lwlutxll -“lll

WsdlerJf l0 F11- innings; Jpn:


ll' 2‘4.V.Ulll.'\l 2-..L'Jlll‘llfll syn.

(Ilium-315$. !.1:...-|_s-, Jpn.

Filling 12 F11. LL. P.llvvr-~. argon...» Luz-.141 ml. gym

I?" Mu mfnCo (m. 5mg" Rah-a in: coma £513)

The F1 «Inna: Comm 200.] Snelofiivm Damon 206.] saw «an to fur m um

.-. .m- .ll\._v‘1llllr-l‘.ll‘.llC.'-'. :1 will

'r: ‘M‘ THE LIST 57