)oung qual'lcl lcd h} guilaiixl \Iuarl (iornian


I Toto’s Jazz Quartet llarr} '\ IIai. Randolph l’lacc. 5 3‘) Klllll 3 3” (IPlll l'lt't' \L‘L‘ Sal (I.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet (liltilcl \ollaIic. 3“ 3H Blair Sllt't'l. :3” (ll-ill llll‘lll l'lt't'. \CC Sal


I Blues Sunday l..IllllL'\ Hal. 3‘1 King Sli‘ccl. 55: "l33 3 Jpn]. l'lcc Scc Sun 7. I Perdido lludda. Illa SI \inccnl Sliccl. 3-13 III). 4 7pm l'lL'L'. Scc Sun

I Campbell Considine and Stuart Harrison \\a\} ()‘(onimi’x ll “KWI (it'lllg‘k' Sllt't'l. lS-l

J opin. l'rcc. Scc Sun 7.

0John Goldie l I‘oII 'llIcall'c. (I3 'lrongalc. 552-1207 Hpin. L'o it'll. ()nc ol lhc l'K'x llIlHl pionnncnl Ia/l lelllill'l\l\. \xho hcgan pla_\u1g al lhc agc oI \l\.


I Jazz Afternoon ()Ioiow. I (Iixllc Slrccl. 4-17 3722. I inn. l-rcc. Scc Sun 7.

I Toto’s Jazz Trio lhc (ioll 'la\crn. l)ul\c Sliccl. lrt'llll. 3. 3l) 4. 30pm. l'rcc. 56C Sun 7,

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet lluinan llc In. 2 X \chl ('l'oxxcauxcua}. (in: 38h“.

‘lpni nndnighl. l'rcc. Scc Sun 7.

Glasgow I 4 Jazz (ia\in\ \lill. .3 (iaun's .\lill Road. .\lllnga\ic. ‘)5o 3255, 8pm. l‘rcc. SL‘L‘ Mull 3.

Wednesday 1 7


I Big Vern 8. The Shootahs .\lcrchanl Squarc. 'l‘hc (‘ourlyud 7| 7.3 .r\ll\ion Slrccl. 0pm. L'll). .-\ nighl ol will and hlucx inuxic lroin liig \crn and lllx Hlucx Horlhcrx \l} lc Shoolahx. l’arl ol Mcrchanl (‘il_\ lit-anal.

I Late Night Piano Bar ('orinlhian. I‘ll Ingram Slrccl. 553 Hill. 9pm. l'rcc. .loxh .\lorgan pla)\ lradilional \ho“ luncx. l’arl ol .\lci‘chanl ('Il) l‘cxlnal.

I Raff lilacklrlars. 3h llL‘ll Slrccl. 553 5034. 0.30pm. l‘rcc. l)rununcr liill Kclllc Icadx lhix quarlcl lhrough \lraighI-ahcml and unprm ixcd inodcrn ia/l. l’arl ol .\lcrchanl ('il} l‘cxlhal.


I Chaos Theory SUIIllIL‘I'II ('I'n“ (all-C. 0.3;! (‘UL‘lxl‘lll'lI Sll'L‘Cl. ()2: 0033. 9pm midnight. l-rcc. Scc \Vcd ill.

I Fleamarket Funk (’aharcl Vollanc. 3o 3.\' Blair Slrccl. Ill) (ll-76. l lplll .3;IIII. l'lL‘C. SL‘C \Vcll lll.

Thursday 18


I Jim McQuat Quartet liar IX5. Buchanan llolcl. l.\’5 Buchanan Slrccl. 332 7284. 7pm. l‘rcc. Scc Thu 4.

I Lynne O’Neill Trio .‘\tl Lib. I I I llopc Slrccl. :48 (\(H5. 8pm. [3. Scc Thu 4.

I Late Night Piano Bar (’orinlhian. WI Ingram Slrccl. 553

| NH. 0pm. l-‘rcc. Scc \\'cd 17.

I The Fusion Experience BlacklrIah. 3h llcll Such .55: 593-1. lllpin. l‘rcc. Scc Hi 5.


I Clyde Rhythm Jazz Quartet .\'c\\ Douglas l’ark. ('ad/ou .-\\ cnuc. (Ilollh‘ 2\‘(wlll3. X l lpm. l‘rcc. Scc Thu 4.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth@list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 4


I Steve Kritzer Im- ,\i lllt' Xian. SI .\ndic\\ \ Ill lhc Squaic. ()Il Sallinarkcl. SI .\ndic\\ \ Sliccl. 5‘15 (\llle. 8pm. L'h it'll. l'S llllllll llI\lllIllIL'lll.lll\l and \inch.


I Giflord Lind l<o_\al ()ak. lnliinlar} Sum-1.557 :07). "pin. L3 .\ \ci‘\;ili|c pcrlorincr. lull ol un‘prncx


I Tom Fairnie and Martin Boland 'l'llc l{o_\al ()ak. l lnlirinar} Slrccl. 557 2070. 7pm. £3. ladinhuigh haxcd Mum and lolk \ingcr. l'au'nc} lL‘;lllI\ up \\llll Ihc inan \\llll a Incd lll \oicc lhal pcnclralcx righl Io lhc hcarl. I Ceilidh Dance Sl Brich ('cnlrc. ()r\\c|| 'l‘crracc. 3-lo l-lll5. 7.3llpin. LN (UH. l)a llnolc) proudc lhc llllI\Ic lor llnx lundraixcr lor lhc 'lci‘i'I ('alwxhcrl .'\ppca| l'und.


I Traditional Talks ’l’ollloolll. .lall \\'_\ml,()l-/'H(i37-100”~ 7pm_ {-1, lili/ahclh Slcuarl. laxl \un l\lll_‘_' incinhcr ol lhc grcal li‘aduion hcaring lanul}. gncx a lalk on "l'hc Songx ol a 'l‘ra\ clling l'annl). lhc Slcuarlx ol l’cllcrangux'.


I Aly Bain 8: Phil Cunningham .\lolhcr\\cll ('onccrl llall. ('i\ ic ('cnlrc. \Vindnullhill Slrccl. IIINIX 3039‘“). 7.30pm. Llll.5(l (9)50» l’iddlc. lun and accordion.


I The Poozies Rolhcx llallx. Kingdom (‘cnlrc. 015”: (ll I Hi]. 8pm. £8 (to CI. Vocal harinon}. clccll‘o harp. accordion and liddlcx. Irorn an all-“oincn quarlcl.


I Scottish Fiddle Orchestra Ro}a| ('onccrl Hall. Sauchichall Slim. 35.3 h‘llllll. 7.30pm. £7 L'l5. l5ll lllll\lL‘l;lll\ pcrl'orin in aid ol l.cukacuna chcarch. linahlc and Mulliplc Sclcroxix.


I Edinburgh Academy Pipes and Drums Beat the Retreat lidinhurgh .\c;ulcrii}. .v\rl l)cparuncnl. llcndcrxon Rou. (‘24 4004.

5.30 (w.3()prn.

I Bob Davidson 'l’hc l{o_\al ()alx. l lnlirinar} Slrccl. 557 3070. 7pm. £3. linlcrlaining \ingcr \ongurilcr.


I The Poozies llarhour .'\rt\ (.L'llll'C. llarhour SlI'CL‘l. (ll I‘M 27MB”. 7.45pm. L‘lll 1L8). Scc Hi 5.


I Eric Bogle SI .v\ndrc\\ '\ in lhc Sulliarc. ()II' Salunarkcl. SI :\ndrc\\ \ Slrccl. 353 Hilllll. Spin. £|2.5ll. .‘\u\lralia\ lglllllllh Scolx-horn lolk \ingcr/xongurilcr.

I Neil Wilson (‘alc (‘oxxachok Rll\\l;IlI (’ullural ('cnlrc. King Slrccl.

55 3 “"33 .\ 3llpin l icc ('laxxical. Ilaincnco and |a// :zuilal


I Moondance Ilil- lx’o}al on. I lnliiinai) Sliccl. 55“ I‘Vo "pin L3 llaiinonica play-r and llIlllll lll\lllllll\‘lll.lll\l l'x'cn Kcnncd} and \ingci \onguiilci Kalli} \lc\\ail lcain up

I Dana Robinson \\ cc lolk (‘1qu lx’o)al ()ak. lnliiniai} Sliccl. 55“ I‘Vl‘ .\ 3llpin L3 \niciican \ingci and linc. Iingcipicl‘ing guilaii~l

I Live Flamenco I I Hallm. \\c~lpoil. :3" .\\ll5 llpni 3am lIcc Spanixh and popular lhciian lollx lllll\l\ \\llll lhc l\o_\\ lioin l l liaiiio


I Double BB’s 3rd Glenrothes Line Dance Festival Rulllcx llallx. Kingdom ('cnuc. lll 5": hi I [III I ll 3llpin. {l3 lt5l \n all da} linc dancing c\lra\agan/a lcaluiing \lagill. Slcx lk' \l\'\-L'l“.'ll illlll lHC lllk‘ l.llI\‘


I Michael McGoldrick Band 'l'oiphichcn Kirk. lorpluchcn. lll5llo (x35255'. “pin. to 1131i (‘apcu‘arlth \lai \xlnxllc. Ilulc and urllcan pipm man and ln~ ch“) all inxlruincnlal group.


I Bajaly Suso and Phamie Gow 'l'olhoolh. ,lall \\}lid. lll".\'o ITIIIoo. 7. 3llprll. (In I (05m. (iainlua'x Halal) Suxo pla_\Ing lradilional \\c\l \liican lllll\l\' on lhc koia. or harp/gourd. \\lllI Scollixh harp llllI\l\‘ lroin l’hainic (iou

Monday 8


I Donald Biuck 'l‘lil- Raul ()ak. I lnlirinar} Sirccl. 55” Z‘Vo. 7pm. L3 Singcr/wng“rucr.

I Me Suena Tu Cara 'I'Iil- Dunc 'l‘a\crn. \larkcl Slrccl. 335 Ills-l. 8.3llpin. l‘rcc. l-our piccc .'\ll'll/SI‘illlhll/lil'il/lllilll hand.

Tuesday 9


I Sine Bach Ruttel Slcrco. Kclnnhaugh Slrccl. III 55m. ‘lpni l);llll\ll (irainnn nominach hanlo pla}cr and \ocalhl rclurnx lo Scotland \\ ilh hcr unlquc tlll.l‘lllt‘_‘_‘l';l\\ \ound.


I Martin Boland 'l'hc RU};Il (In. I lnlirinar} Slrccl. 557' :07». 7pm. L' 3, ’l’hc inan \\il|1a li\cd»in \oicc lhal pcnclralcx right lo lhc hcarl.

Wednesday 10


I Chris Rogers 'l‘hc l<o_\al (Mk. I liilii'lii;ii‘_\ Slrccl. 55” 3070. 7pm. 1; 3. \Vinncr ol \Ingcr/xongu riling accoladcx pcrlorim ax parl ol llic \pcclal \uinnicl‘ \L'\\IUII\.

Thursday 1 1


I Peter Nardini Si Milli-cu \ Ill llIc Squarc. ()ll Salunarkcl. St Andrew \ Slrccl. 548 00:”, lell. U) l L—ll. .v\ccrhic. \xr} \ongurilcr \xho l\ aer a linc painlcr.


I Rudsambee .\'alional l’orlrall (iallci‘). ()uccn Sum. (‘34 (leIlI. opin. l'rcc. \Vidc-ranging rcpcrloirc ol Scullhll. (iacllc. \VLWl .-\ll'IL‘;III. \llllillc luaxlcrn and Scandinm ran llIll\lL‘ Iroin lhc hig arnalcur lolk orchcxlra.

I Hinshelwood lhc Ro}al ()ak. I lnlirinar} Slrccl. .557 :07». "pin. l; 3. Star ol lhc \xcwl coaxl counlr} numc

'\‘|'\ c\

st "as Music

Dar Williams T" ~: rm 2w

:‘ ‘zlw fll ' xl‘.."'.z" :‘ I ‘vaiv: °."' N" i' ‘l‘ii Ix 0" v , J, H ' v I ' ‘v "°' Ia'l' ill ll' ' I'll (‘llfilFl‘.£li‘i"‘f¥ ' I N :Iia".

17W? HIEI’IIIT‘. 3 UK foli'. 2‘i'."‘:2:<, (Ezra; lit. ilh. Sc 1,”.

Candela M w.

f‘XliilEIl has 5; ii: ()niv‘vuiwex

:forinur‘lj, ()fuI: llama sunny l ml": l'lirl Cuban mom; .I::"li': a ..I" 'iaa .‘SII‘QC‘FS ()ina' l)\l!fl‘tl7r1ll(lllillxillli (Eliharios. guest (llama ill» and l>rolessi0i>al (Julian llzl'W‘ln'fé. a“,

.‘xoll as; free coaxial: (il‘fl l: iarm: classes. Comm/Mm. I :l/rliH/iyi. HI 1280;).

Hands up for Trad llll: inaugural (,‘Vlfl‘l ()9 what ill-z: organisers how: to iii,- the annual Scots; l oll< Mam: /\.'.£I"lf;, llanrl‘; up ‘or lrad. has a " all! 9’ gram; arx'l smashes 3er «law; Ill} lo Alas: air lvlaclliiisl‘ and NH: Black Rosc- (:(fllKll‘ Hand. arrrl performances from. [Ital Shepherd. Bank 0* Illf: Mom and others. Undo/2'}; Ila/l. I'd/ribu/g/r. 8a? lf)’ .‘


I Aly Bain 8: Phil Cunningham Rollicx llallx. Kingdom ( 'cnlic. “1503 ol l llll hpni, LII IL‘) L’Illi \cclii 5


I Guy Heath 'l lil- l{o_\al (Mk. I lnlirlnar} Sliccl. 55“ 307), 5pm L3 'l'hc \ingcr/xonguiilci who can by doun and dirt}. Iallciuh or gcnllc and l‘ihlL‘illl) ;Il1}llllll_‘_' ax lhc mood lakcx hnn.

0 Candela! ('ouunplm lloiinci l} ('luh Ja\al. (‘oinincrcial Sliccl. l.cIlli. 555 5033. Ilem Iain LII ('uhan numc/dancc cluh launchcw \kllll Inc lllll\l( lroin ()inar l’ucnlc. ('uhan

\ ll)lllll\l hcading up Ralccx (illllilllllx gucxl (‘uhan [fix and piolcxxional ('uhan dancc couplc. I’licu' .\ll procccdx go lH\\;II'll\ a cicalnc arlx ccnlrc In Old lla\ana and pricc includcw lrcc cocklail and dancc clam ‘) lllpin.


I Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham (ialcl) 'lhcalrc. ('arriclx Slrccl. (H.393 (\l IZZZ. 7.30pm. U I lL'llli. Scc l'l'l 5.