Glasgow Fridays continued

I Subscience .1! Huh m

lllpm ‘am L< l3 Sup \lonlhl} lllk' u\ua| l‘lk't'l‘\ and haw rumhhngx llom Ilium-1} «\tcllcnl \lll‘\klk.ll\k' lom \. ('low and llk'\ .m- lhc \ound lL'llt'l|\l\ ax [WI

I Sub Tropical al (‘uha \om-

‘I Winn 3am l'lu- \lollllll}. \uh uolntal killlllllllk'\ yaxlmg Pk'.lll\ l‘k'llllk' \u lllt' al Ilux \L'\\lHll Ill lhc \lcrthanl (‘n_\ llll l’k'ilkllk'\ l\ )our man

I Tidy al lhc Shank

lH illpm i “lam L‘ ‘2.“ \M‘ckl) lhal mlu'liolh I ll lcchng Iakc hold ol )oil \kllllt' l).l lain llanlon l.ll\\'\ control ill lllk' dam C llHHl

I Tiger Tiger at llgcl ‘I lka'l.

llpnl iam \\t'L'l\l_\. 'l lll\ hugcl) popular hal. duh and l\'\l.|lll'.llll gom \xlld allcl houix \kllll a \clm'llon ol (Ullllllt‘lt'lill dant'c and Rrkll loi all lllll\k' \lunnmg l.ltllk‘\ and umnk} huh I Tronicsole and Tracktion Sessions al \l.\S llpm iam L' IL<l “CURB l<t'\ltlk'lll\ .\la\ll and (‘hlh llgllll\ \pmnmg al llll\ git-a! limp} houw pail)

I Unity Reggae al Soundhaux Ill. illpm ~lam. L'" «(5). 5 Sup. \lonlhl}, 'l'hlx nughl) Icggac and duh pail} H'llllll\ allcl a hug! lualux. and lhal (an only l‘t' a good [lung '1 llL' l'nll) lx’cggac It'\ltlt‘lll\ arc m lhc plat'c. along \\llll Kit-ran and lllk' .\h \It‘ol lll&l\\l\L' lle‘lxlllj.‘ ll m lllL' l‘dl'. l:\pct‘l lood hclorc nndmghl.

I Urban al lhc 'l'unncl. llpm 3am. [5 lfil. \VL'L'lxl}. .'\ll RtKIl \L‘\\Ioll courlvx} ol l’aul .\".lic al llll\ ncul} Iclaunt‘hcd. clawlc (il;|\go\\ \L'llllL‘.

I Vacuum al lllt‘ l{|\cI\1dc('luh. \hdmghl 3am. [5 L3. laclct'llt' lunk and danu' h‘om .-\l\crdccn\ Kla .'\ura a\ null ax Inc clct‘uo lunk lrom ('hunk

Glasgow Saturdays


I Bachanal al Soundhaux \ml dalv llk‘.

I Bailamos al l|a\ana. Upm 2am. l'l‘cc. \Vt'cld}. I).l Kt‘llll I) hnngx )ou a world \i'lct‘llont \al\‘a. Rik”. l.allll t'harl ;l\‘llUll and “halcwr clw mm C\ 'xou.

I Base at lhc lunncl. lllfillpm 3am. L'“ 1L5». \Vcckl}. ('hnx and Marlin llcxkclh. along \\ uh ('hl‘lx llamx and .-\l Kk‘lll. \\ caw a ling lahnc ol lunk} houw and Rtkll al \lilchcll l.anc\ llllk'\l danu' t‘mporluin

I Bebado al RI\L‘l\lle (‘lulx \L'u dalc llk‘.

I Bedlam al ()uccn Margarcl l‘nion. \L‘\l dillL‘ "K".

I Bennet’s al anclk.

ll.3()pm Ram. 15. \Vcckl}. l-ccl lhc goddamn l'unk ax Shaun and .'\nnlc gnc lhc llcnncl‘x [‘ill'l} povc maul) “ha! lhc_\ “ant: communal danu' mde \nlh a \clct‘llon ol "Ux, Mix and ‘NR llll\.

I Boogie Wonderland al lam}. Ilpm 3am. L“ ([5). \Vgckl}. lhg night 01 illu‘o lUI' llll‘\L‘ “ho llle' lllL‘ll l‘oo/L‘ chcap and thou lunc~ hulk}. Sualghl Inn and )ou knou uhal lhal\ likc. _\'a|l.

OBoutique Soundsystem Tour al the .M‘chu. lllfillpm 3am. (I: 1U”). 13 Scponl}. 'l'\\oma\\1\c ll;llllL‘\ \pin lhc luncx al lhix pull} h'om th‘ ling llcal lloullquc. ’l‘hc crcdlhihl} ol holh aclx l‘le'll. and .-\ud1o Bull». l\ wcurc. and w l\ lhc prohahlhl} ol _\our hax mg a l‘allk‘l' fun night out [or l/II\ i/ulc' un/\ ..'l-I.I\I‘((1I'(/ hull/(IN :(‘I hull [)I‘Iu' ('IIII‘\ lu‘lnn‘ nm/mg/H. .X'r'r'

[’I'r'l It'll.

I Break Yourself al Liquid Loungc. \cu dalc UK.

I Budda al Bndda. l lpm 3am {llkt \VCCH). Rt‘lullllt‘lk‘tl \cnuc hack on track “llh dclailx \ull llk‘.

I Caledonia Soul al \Voodxldc Sik‘l‘dl. NC“ \l‘dlt‘ ll‘t‘.

76 THE LIST -1 'r‘ 53-:

Audio Bullys

r. it

\H, .


The Arches, Glasgow, Sat 13 Sep

The Arches continues is value-for-money club night drive with a date featuring not one zeitgeist-defining collective, but two. Audio Bullys DJ alongside the legends that are UNKLE and James Lavelle at a party designed to draw a crowd spanning a wide mix of demographics. Skate kids, house heads, ska fans, hip hop devotees and electronica experts will all be enticed by the double headed monster topping the bill.

Both collectives have albums to push. With Never, Never, Land, UNKLE's attempting to forge a name as an artist, separate from DJ Shadow, Mo Wax and the numerous others from his past. The Bullys are fronting Ego War, which has united the style mags and music weeklies in adoration. These aren‘t live sets with both collectives demonstrating their DJ skills. But as Lavelle explains, sometimes it‘s preferable to the gig format: ‘You’re very detached from the crowd when you play a gig, because you go to your dressing room, wait for half an hour, go downstairs, play a gig, walk off stage. Then when you go back downstairs 45 minutes later everybody's gone. If you play a club you’ll be in there for probably an hour before, chilling, meeting the people, checking out the crowd. After you’ve played a set you finish and tend to hang about for the rest of the night, getting into it.‘

There will be plenty of atmosphere to soak up on the night, in a place where ‘getting into it‘ has never been a

problem. (Johnny Regan)

I Casa ill :\\l l.ll‘. \C\l tlgllL' UK.

I Chakra at Soundhaux. \ml dalc ll‘t‘.

I Club Cuba! al (‘uha Nol‘lc.

0pm 2am. l‘rcc. “ct-kl}. (lot In lout‘h \\llll _\Ulll' |.alln \pll'll al l|n\ (lav) mghl ol dancc. 'l'hc lincxl l.alino hcalx arc \upphcd h} Duncan. l'ai‘ah and Shannon \lakc \uu' )ou arrnc call} lo guaranlu' gnu}.

I Club 69 al (‘luh (N. _\'c\l datc llk‘. OColours al lhc :\It'hc\. lllpm .‘am. (In. o Sch \lonlhl}. (‘olouu gcl logclhcl \\nh lhc lunk) houw lahcl Suhhmlnal onc more lung lo hrmg yin ll.n'l'_\ Romcro along \\ ilh dccp lrancc gin) l-crr} (‘orxlcn and Kid Viciou» .\l.l\\l\c lllglll Ul ddllt'c lol' onc and all. Sn pm lr'H.

I Concept Theory al \‘ang. \cxi dalc llk‘.

OCOOK DJ at .\la\\it. 0pm nudmghl. £5. \Vcckl}. from (u Sop. Tho I\ a grcal carl} club ulca. hand on the l‘l'L‘llll‘C that l)J\ gel load\ ol ll‘cc Iood. and can make the odd mcal 'l‘hc} pla} Ihcn' lunk}

lt‘L‘ol'd\. lllL‘} («Mk )0“ lllL' loud. and )oll um laugh _\our hcad oil and cnlo} lhc

\\ lIUlC C\]‘Cl'lL‘llt‘L‘. ()H (i SUP \\ C ll;l\L' Spark) lrom lhc Suh (‘luh hnngmg ux ‘l)u‘p llouw Spark} and (‘hlpx i\\'ilh lhpxn‘ look out lrom llau‘l‘x hamhurgcrx.

Donn-mox [‘l//;l\ and a \mallcrmg ol olhcr

:_'d\ll\‘llllllllt' 1)] cicauonx Ill (Ullllll; \wclo

I Cube Class at ('uhc. llpm 3am 2;"

“45 l. \VL‘L‘H}. ()ld-u'hool houw t‘l;l\\lt\ and up-lo—dalc dlllllcllh arc lhc ordcr ol Ihc da} al llll\ paukcd Sal nlghlcl'. lhankx lo main room man .\lau lc l'unk ln Ihc hack l).\l(i win-x up Rtkli,

I Death Disco at lllL' .-\rchc\. \c\l dalc 3U SUP.

I Divine al (ilmgou School ol .-\I‘I Hlo\\ll\l;lll\|. lllpm 3am UHL'S Hi; {3.5” USA \ludcnh. \VCL’kl). 'l‘llh clubbing lll\lllllllllll play ho\l lo And} Smith ol l’orlhhcad on (3 Sep. .-\ clavlc night. and a grcal gucxl. \o a Iinc propmiuon all round.

I The Edge ill lhc lidgc (’oalbridgc. llpm 3am. £5. \Vccld}. (iordon .\hllcr and Paul Rca um can't hclp nuxhchm mg

al llll\ mng t‘clchralmg all lhal l\ dchauchcd and Inn Hau- a holn~ \ulh lhcm

I Elektrik Sweat al lilat'klnalx

.\'c\i dalc llk‘.

I Eskrima al (ilaxgou School ol :\Il lllpm 3am C IN UH. \Vcckl} Rolling l'L'\ltlL‘lll\ Jonmc \Vllkcx. BIN}. ’lu 11th. and \larun IRuh-A-lmhi pla} onu- a month \ch ncu up illltl-L'HlllllljJ I)J\ 'lom and ('low. Brundan. l'cln. and Hill} Lari) pla}lllg oll-Ihclu-alunpalh lllll\lL' lrom lhc gcnrcx ol houw. L‘lu'uo. Iu'hno. and L'lL'k'll'lllllk'il.

I Freeform al Barll}, lllpm iam. l‘rcc hclorc llpm. £5 «£4» allur, \Vcckl}, 'l'llL‘ \Villl hl'ollEL‘l'x pl'Cu’lH )Hll \Hlll an cult-cup mnlurc ol t‘lihflt wul. lunk. ()Ux hcal mum and Latin lunw. will a \clccuon ol hug hillcrx lhrou n In You arc

Jth ax hkcl} lo hcar ohxcurc Latino

\oodoo and dark lal/ ax Michacl Jackson or JElllle Brim n.

I Funktifeyeno a! Q Bar.

llpm 3am. £5 «Hi, () Scp. A mm mng ol' lillh} lunk. \“L'Cl \nlll and an}!hmg