\ur'rnuntlrng \Vhtxtlcr'K nhxcxxrnn urth harrnnnrnm rntcr'rnrx \uth a \Vhrxtlcr' llhl‘llt‘tl tahlcau. Scc llrllrxt. l’url u/

H /r/\I/r'r 3’”th

Robert Stewart And Colleagues - Posters l'nrrl Sat I \m r.r\tr‘rum (iallcr') l. in accnrnpan} thc Stcxxart r'ctr'nxpcctnc. a \clcctrnn nl rrrnmatnc pnxtcr‘ (it'\l_‘.!ll\ h} Rnhct't ~\'tc\\ar‘t arrtl hrx cnllcagucx.

Castle Toward Exhibition l'nul Sat l3 Scp. Annual mhrhrtrnn of \xnr'k ll’t‘lll thc (’a\t|c 'l'rmar‘tl \urnmcr art cnur'xc nrganrxctl h_\ (llaxgrm \chonlx.

JOHN GREEN FINE ART 183 Bath Str'cct. 333 I‘M]. Mort l'r'r lfl..lllarrr 5pm; Sat lll..¥llarrr lprrr.

Mixed Exhibition l‘ntrl 'l'uc 3U Sop.

.\ \clcctrnrr of 19th. lllth ccntur) and contemporary patntrngx.


9 I l (ionr'gc Strccl. 553 302-3.

Mon Sat 9am 5pm.

St Andrews I and II l'ntrl lth 3t) Scp. 'l‘un ncu \rgrtctl. lrrnrtctl C(llllt‘ll pr'rntx h) (irllran .\1cl)nrtaltl.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'nru'l'xrl} nl‘ ( ilaxgtm. N: llrllhcatl Str'cct. 3.“) 5-1.”. \lttlt Sat

0.30am 5pm; Sun ISM) -l..§llprrt. l-nr' mor'c rnlnrrnatrnn \cc

\\ \\ \\.\\lttxllct'llllHymn

Anna Whistler - A Life l'ntrl Sat

4 ()ct. \thtlch painting of hrx rnothcr'.

.lrnurgt'nrt'nt rrr (in’t um] [flirt A .\'u / l\ cnmplcrncntctl h} a \pcctal c\hrhrtrnn hawtl on pr'i:\ rnuxly unpuhlrxhctl utr'r‘cxpnntlcncc and ar‘chnc rnatcr‘tal. rmcalrng lhc lrlc hchrntl thc rcnntc ttltagc. ’rr/‘I «it lt/llU/r'l’ IIHIJ'.

Beauty and the Butterfly: Whistler’s Depictions of Women l'nril Sat 4 ()cl. Pam-Ix.


A retrospective show of work by textile artist Jilli Blackwood is at the Collins Gallery

ctchrrrgx arrtl Irthngraplrx Illlhll'dlt‘ \Vhrxtlcr'x (lk'Plk‘lltlll\ nl munch. locuxrng on chrlrlhnotl. adulthood and lhc nltl agc. ’uI'I u/ ll'lrlxl/i'r' 31””. Copper into Gold: Whistler and 19th Century Printmaking l'nltl “ml 31 Du: 'l'hrx mhrhrtrnn pr‘cxcrrtx clchrngx arrtl lrtlrngr'aphx h} \Vhtxtlcr antl hrx ctmtcrnpnrar'rt'x. hrghhghttng hrx achtcu‘rttcnh :|\ one nl' thc gr'catcxt ar'lrxt pr‘rntrnalxcrx of all ltrttc. I’rrr'l u] ll'lrnI/r'r SHIN. ln Grey and Black l'nrrl Sat -1 ()L'l. \Vhtxtlcr'x lttllltilh parntrng nl hrx lllUlllL‘l'. .lrr'ungr'nrr'nl Ill (irrw um/ lilmA \ir / cotttcx tn (il;l\j.'tl\\ for thc tir'xt trrnc lll mcr‘ 5U )L'ar’x. on loan from thc Muwc tl‘()r‘\a'\ Ill Park. It!” (1/HillHI/t'rjtllli 1890s Women l‘ntrl Wed 24 I)cc. Dcptctrnnx ol \xnrncn h} \Vhrxtlcr'K contcrnptrr‘ar‘rcx llcar‘tlxlc}. Mackrntoxh. ('at'lnx Sclmahc and nthcr'x lll\[\ll'L‘(l h} lantax}. rrnagtnatrnn antl \_\rnhnlr\rn. ’irr't n/ ll'lrIU/t'r .‘UUJ'. Whistler and Scotland l'nul Sat .1 ()ct. lltrx ultrhrtrnn c\plnr‘c\ \\'|rr\t|cr'\ po\\ct'lttl tntlucncc nn thc Scottish art “Ulltl tlur'rng hrx Irtctrrrtc. tcatur'rng thc (llaxgnu Bo} ptlllllt‘l‘x. tlcalcr‘x and collct‘tnr‘x and rncltrtlcx unr'kx h} l-..\ “alto”. .larncx (iuthr‘rc. (Ecnr'gc Hour} and ('harltw chnrc \lacklntnxh. ’trrt u! ll'lrrxllt'r SUM". The Whistler Collection ‘l‘hc lltrntcr'ran\ lntct‘nalrnnall} rrnpnrtant \\'hr\t|cr' (‘nllcctrnrr r\ on \ tcxx rn no“ kll\[‘lél'\\ lcattrrrng .\'tl oil painting» huntlrcdx nl tlra“ rngx and “atcr'cnlnur‘x and m cr lfltlll etchings and llthogr’aplh. ’rrr‘l u] ll llH/lt'l‘ SUN}. Whistle-Stop Tours luv 9 w ‘l‘uc Ir» Scp. Iprn. Hall-hour hrghlrght tnurx of thc lluntcrran‘x \Vhrxtlcr' tll\[‘l;l_\\. ’url n/ ll‘lrrxt/t'r It’ll}.

Lunchtime Lectures in 5 x In I: \cp l l -1<prn L.‘ \ “ltlk' r'artgrng \crrcx of rlluxtralctl lccturcx on

\\ hrxllcr rclatctl thcrncx in! wt

ll luv/i r 3"";

Ten at One Talks \M-tl In a \Vctl 1” \cp lprn Icn rrrrnutc talk\ on \clcctctl \xnrkx trnrn tltc lluntcr‘ran\ \\ lthtlcr tlhplats in! wt lllrrxt/i'r jut):


IX krng \trcct. “3 3‘1” 'luc Sal noon lrprn

Moving Dust \ng I % Sat 3‘ St-p Photograph}. rnr\ctl rnctlra and rrNallatrnrr cnrrrhrnc tn thrx collaboration hctnccn Kat Hilton and Rhona \\.rt'\\ rtl‘ \\ hrt’h ltutk\ at pcr'xpcctrn-\ of thc crt) N? St l" i.'.


ISN Hath \trcct. zll lllhll \lnn 'lhu lltmtt lam. hr \‘at lltltlll lam Shape of Things l'nrrl \Vctl j-l St-p lhc Shapc nt lhrngx l\ a \cr'rcx nl mhrhrtronx hrghlrghtrng thc unrk nt r'cu'rrt gratlualcx .rtltl \llltlt'lll\ at (ilaxgmx \‘hmrl nl \I't. Sand} \Vnntl .llltl l llltl.l (lr't-rg \llr\\\ \xnr'k trntrl \Vcd I” St'[‘ l1\llr\\\t‘tl l‘} KJlt‘ Rttht'l‘lvtll

r | I .‘l \‘cpr


l I \lrtt'ht‘ll l anc. Ifl (H03. .\lnn. \Mal Sat lll illarn *pm; 'l'ttc

Ilarn ‘prrr; Sun noon 5pm. U th'flpl. Anna Maria Antczack l'ntil Sun l-l Scp. .\ tlrxpla} nl .-\nna Marta .\nlt‘/at'k\ larcxt cnrxct tlcxrgn “hich ha\c hccn rnxprrctl h_\ llnrncr'K

()r/\ \ \t'\.

Mobile Cinema l'ntrl Sun 14 St'p. (ilaxgrm l‘£l\t'tl tlcsrgncrx .lcrkr haw cr‘catctl a rrtnhrlc crncrrla \xhrt‘h hax hccn tnur'rng \ rllagcx throughout the [K and no“ \lnpx off at thc llL'lllllHllH' tor a \crrcx ot lllm and \rtlco \cr'ccrrrngx rnt'lutlrng I'll/lll't' Hullu‘ h} l-rrrnrxh lllrnrnakcr \lrka 'l'aanrla

Summer Highlights l'ntil Sun 2] Scp. .r\n t‘\lltl\rllr'lt xhrmcaung thc talcntx nl young pcnplc rrt (ilaxgmx “htt attt-ntlctl tlrgrtal \\Ht'l\\llttp\ at tho l.l_‘_'lllllHll\t‘

GraphicalHouse: Everything in Moderation l‘nrul Sun 5 ()cl. l'\arnrnc _\nur' lrlr'xtflc Ill lhtx mhrhrtrun pl'r'\'."llr,'rl h) tlcxrgn cortxultancy. (lraphrt'alllntrw. h} filling rn lhc \t'll axwxxrncnt form and tlrxplayng rt \\llll rht- Ullt'\ that haw alr'catl) hccn cornplctctl

Memory and Movement: New Housing for People with Dementia l'nrrl Sun In ()L‘l. .»\ protect tlnt'urncntrng a pr'opnxal lnr tic“ \uppnrtctl llUll\lll}J lnr' pcnplc with tlcrncntra h} (‘hr'rx Stcnart .~\rchrtcct\. l'hc mhrhrtrnn tcattlr'c\ \ l\ll;Il \trmuli. cnlnur' ]t\}t'lrrrltrgy and layout \xhrch allnux \ l\|lt\l\ tn mpcrrcncc \nrttc nl thc \tllk‘tlll\t'lrtll\ actrnrrx and \‘(tll\L't|llt‘ll\'t‘\ ul wrncnnc \\ rth tlcrncntra.

Discover Japan H: 5 Tue 30 Scp. .r\n mhrhttrnn nl .lapancw graphic tlcxrgn lcattrr'rng mcr 7” cornmcr‘ctal pnxtcr'x cr‘catcd rlur'rrrg thc Ullx. Sec prmrcxx antl lllllhl NE W SHOW The Picture Editor Awards 2003 ’l’uc ‘) \lnn l5 Scp. .-\n mhrhrtrnrr nl thc L'ntrrcx tn llll\ )car\ l’rcttrrc lztlrtnr' -\\\artl\ \xlrrch recognises antl t‘t‘\\;tt'tl\ thc hcxt Ill photographic lour‘tralmn. Nl W SHOW


Station Road. \lrlngauc. 578 8847. ’l‘uc Sat Illarn lprn & 3 5pm. Artists’ Lunch: East Meets West l'nrrl 'l'hu IX Scp. l’arntrngx and prrntx h} Scuttrxh caxt coax! hawtl tll'll\l\ lr'nrn l-rtc. llunrlcc. Angtrx and thc .\lcar‘rt\ rnclutlrng \xnrkx h} Barbara Rnhcr'txnn. Hrll ('arlcrthcad. Dau \ort \lurra}. Ruth Walker and Allan “L‘H‘l'ltlgt‘.

lrstlngs Art

Monica Bonvicini Through Installatron. sculpture and frlrn_ rnternatronally renowned Monrca Bonvrcrnr challenges tradrtronal concepts of our relatronshrp to archrtecture and the hurlt envrronrnent. The shows rncludes newly cornmrsSroned preces and recent w0rks such as BEDT/MESSOUAHE. See prevrew. Tramway. Glasgow. I ll 72 Sep—Sun 19 Oct.

Richard Wright The work of chhard Wrrght rs short-lrved and Srte-speCIfrc. and here he creates new wall drawrngs rn hrs frrst show rn Scotland srnce 1999. See prevrew, Modem Institute. Glasgow, Fri 72 Sep—Frr 77 Oct.

Claire Barclay: Ideal Pursuits A major solo show for Venrce Brennale exhrbrtrng artrst. Clarre Barclay. Revealrng a fascinatron wrth and mastery of materials. she creates new sculptures which respond to the archrtecture of the gallery spaces. Dundee Contemporary Arts. Dundee, until Sun 72 Oct.

Kenny Hunter: Feedback Loop Hunter reveals hrs latest commrssoned sculpture for the CCA. a large-scale. glass reinforced plastrc frgure of a Japanese teenager. CCA. Glasgow, Sat 73 Sep—Sun 4 Jan.

Boyle Family The frrst retrospective devoted to the BOyie Famrly. spannrng therr entrre career. From assemblages and trrppy films from the 60s to the large-scale hyper-realrstrc reproductrons of the earth's surface. mrss rt at yOur perrl. National Gallery of Modern Art. Edinburgh, until 9 Nov.

Green Margarine Art and desrgn collectrve. Lapland. create an rnstallation of works respondrng to the mythology surroundrng Whrstler's obsessron wrth harmonious Interrors. Glasgow School of Art. Glasgow. until Fri 26 Sep.

Helen Frankenthaler The first Scottish showing of parntrngs on paper by the lnfluentral Amerrcan artist. Helen Frankenthaler. See review. Royal Scottish Academy Bur/ding, Edinburgh, until 26 Oct.

4—18 Sep 2003 THE LIST 87