THE HIDDEN GARDENS 'lraitixxa'x. 25 Albert l)rixe. 08-35 “065‘”. Tue Strit I0arn Spin

The Hidden Gardens Scotlattd'x tirxl \aitcttiarx garden dedicated to peace created itt collahorattoti xx itlt ttxa ttt'gttllhttllttli. Iandxcape atcltrtectx (‘it'x l)e\rgn ('ooperatrxc. the local comrnurtttx arid a team oI .‘tl'ilSIS 'li'artxtortttmg a derelict tlitllhlt‘ltii \tte adiotiirng 'li'atitxxa}. the gardeitx etiltlpt'l\e a corttettiplatrxe garden xx tlh dedicated artxxot‘kx.


l'pper ('oltttthoun Street. IIL‘IL‘IISl‘lII’gII. (illio (t7W00. l)atl_x | it) 5,30pitt. Ux iHi.

Best and Be Thankful t'nul I-rt RI Oct. A \clectiort ol Itti'ntttire hx contettiporar'x desrgiierx xxol‘klltg in Britain iiicltidirtg lzrika Douglax. Rtitli Ingram. 'l'onx Jackxott. Nina Moellcr'. l)axid Saitiuelx arid l’eter 'loaig,

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Helltthtithltill Park. It) l)ttrrthreck Road. 353 4773. Hail) I0am 5pm. £3.50 (£2.50i.

Aileen Bannatyne t'nul Inc 30 Sep. ()il painting.“ and draxx mgx in charcoal ol itixented laridxcapex h_x .-\ileen

Batinatx rte.


t'ttixerxitx .-\xerttie. 330-122I. Mon Sat 0,30am 5pm.

Lord Kelvin: A Life in Science l'ntil Wed 3| l)ec. An exhibition of the \eientilic IIISII‘IIIIICIIIS. tll\elillt)ll\ and pateittx theti hx (ilaxgoxx '\ tamoti\ prolexxor of ph_x \IL'\. William 'l‘homxori. The Fine Art of Porcelain l'ntil Thu ‘1 Sep. An exhibition ol pieces front the (ilaxgoxx l’ottcr‘) oxxtted hx J and M l’er'xon Bell. xxhoxe tea \Ch xx ere att ahxolute muxt-haxe iii their hex dax tISJI It)! I i.

The Passionate Collector: George Rae’s Fossils 'I‘hu I I

Sep Sat 20 Dec. An exhibition of ('reot‘:—'e Rae's lthxllS. art amateur L'tiihllSitlSl xx ho collected foxxilx throughout hix lite arid became It i'exearch tent)“ at the lltttiterian Muxetrm.


lliglt Street. SS“) 3|5l. 'l'iie Sat

l0am 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. Free. Artists Astray t'niit Sun 26 ()ct. .\ dI\pI;I_\ til xxol'kx on paper depicting exotic landxcapex h) \tlt'IUth artixtx. Fresh l'ntil Strii 2o ()ct. Recent additionx lo the collection.


(ilaxgoxx (ireert. 55-10223. Mon 'l‘liu & Sat 10am 5pm; l-‘ri & Stirt llatit 5pm. Joan Eardley: Paintings and Drawings l-‘ri I2 Sep Sun Iu .\'ux. l’aintingx arid draxx ingx h_x Joan liardlex. draxxn front the (':\(‘\ perrtiatiettt collection. The \election lettittl'e\ her fatttiliar por'traitx of (ilaxgoxx children. lattd and \eaxcapex inxpired h_x the tixhirig x illage of ('atterline xxliere \he lix ed iii later life. NEW Sl-IOW,


.\Ill\elllti ()f lidtication. 225 Scotlattd Street. 2S7 0500. Mon ’l'hll ck Sat l0atu»5prti; l"ri ck Sun I lain 5pm. Macmillan Cancer Relief Art Show l'ntil Sun [-1 Sep. The anttual Macttiillan art .xhoxx featuring xxork bx both professional atid amateur artixtx to help raise moire} for Cancer Relief.


2 Castle Street. 553 2557. Mon- 'l'htr c& Sat l0attt—5piti: l‘ri ck Sun I laiti ~5pm. Faithfully Yours t'ntil Thu 30 ()ct. .-\ photography exhibition documenting different aspect\ ot‘ religious exprexxion found in arid around (iltixgoxx.

Edinburgh Galleries


‘5 Bread Street. 4" 45:5 \lttti I'II llattt 5pm. Sat llaitt 4pm Communiques from the Ghost House l'nttl Sat J ()ct l’aiittmgx hx (iaxiti I)J \\tl\ort Irottt I‘NS 200“


(x I)tlliti.t\ Street. 55" 4050 Mon I‘ll l0am (rpm; Sat llatti 2pm. Scottish Paintings Mott .\ line in Sep ()Il\ aitd xxatei‘coloitix hx Sc'iiilhh at'lt\t\ datittg Irotii lS’tNi W50


W Home Street. 22S Jl-tl Connections l‘nttl \\ cd 2~1 Sep lalettoi Macleod tll'tt\\\ IIISPII'JIIUII Irom placcx \ltL'h a\ Shetland. l._xon. HI'IISSCIS and Barcelona III lilt\ hodx ot xxork.


2 Market Street. 52‘) .W‘H. Mott Sat l0am 5pm.

Jon Schueler: To the North t'nul Sat 27 Sep. 'l'lte Iirxt ex er HI'IIISII rett‘o‘Decttxe ot the xxor'k of .-\itterrcart painter Jon Sclttteler t Win 1092 i. a eoiiteiiiporarx ofJackxon l’ollock and Mark Rotltko. ('ur'ated hx Richard lttglehx ol the lnglehx (ialler‘) in axxoelatton xxttlt the (‘itx :\rt ('entr'e'x lart ()‘Rioi'dart. the exhibition I'eatttrex ox er 50 xxor‘kx lrottt Iil\ ahxtract e\pt'e\\lttill\l paintingx created irt .\'exx York iii the 50x to his more familiar xxor'kx haxed oit the Iandxcape hetxxeen Mallaig and the Me of Sk}e. made after hix relocation to Scotland iii I970.

One of the Boys: Joseph Crawhall and the Glasgow Boys l'ritil Sat 27 Sep. The (‘:\("\ latext aetttiixitiori. I’t'e/m/tl [Mime h) Joxeph (‘raxx hall forrtix the centrepiece of thix e\hihitiott of xxork h} one of the kex itieittherx of the (ilmgoxx School.

Shoxx ing alottgxide ('t'axxlia||\ pillllltligx are xxorkx h} hix L‘ttIIlL‘IIIpot‘at’tL‘\ including (iitthrie. \Valtort. Melx ille and llent'x.

Airside: Contemporary Portraits l'rtttl Sat 27 Sep. Large-\cale photographic portraitx ol xxoitien xx ho are innoxatorx in their xarioux profexxionx It} Jane Bt'ettle.

Portraits and Landscape from the Collection t‘ntil Sat 27 Sep. .\ SL‘IL‘CllUII of \xork\ front the (’it) ot liditthtrrgh'x collection of Scottixh art including xxot'kx h) Mc‘l‘aggat't. l5ei‘guxxon. Dottihxxaite aitd (iilliex.


22 2S (‘oekhur'tt Street. 220 I2u0.

'l’ue Sitii llartt 5pm.

David Sherry I'IIlll Still 7 Sep. .-\ Stilt) exhibition for performance aitd x idco artixt l)ax id Sherrx. xx ho xx ax \ltortlixted for thix xc‘;tr"x Beek'x l‘ttturex axxard. Sending up \ocial conx etitiori arid the litith‘tlSIL'Ill axpectx of the human condition. the \hoxx featurex Serial I’xx't‘lm Inlt'l‘t'tt'it't’t' Ill xx hleh Sherr) attetidx joh ittterx iexx \ pretending to he a genuine applicant. IAST CHANCE TO SFF

Their Nightmares are our Dreams Sat l5 Sep Stiii l2 ()ct. l)r‘ \'ix ien M l.acouiure ctrratex an e\hihition of xxorkx from the collection of S} Ix ie Mercotirie. NEW SHOV‘J.

Steve Duval Sat l3 Sep Sun II Oct. .\'exx “ink in the project room from Stexe l)uxal.


4] l)uitda\ Street. 557 456‘). Mon l-ri

l0.30am—530pitt; Sat I0.30am 5pm.

Caroline Bailey t‘nttl Wed 24 Sep. Floral studiex and x iexxx of Italian and Spaniin citiex bx (‘aroline Bailey


at Marie (‘urie House. 2‘) Alhanx Street. 478 7050. Dail} l0attt~5pm.

Back to Back they Faced Each Other l'ntil Sat (i Sep. .-\ \hoxx of next paitttiiigx bx Benet llatighron.


Hellxttd Road. 03-1 03”“ Itecx‘tdetl intormatton Ii2 220m \loit “cd I\ I'll Stiti 10am 5pm. Ihtl l0aiii "pm One Hundred Great Photographs: A Collection by Bruce Bernard I‘nul Sun Scp L350 t {2 50». under l2x tree toittt .ttllllt\\ltttl xx ttli \\ trittted \Ic'lithHI I‘ltilii the tillage oI \lattlxn Monroe and (Luke ( ial‘le on the xet oI llu .l/rx/irx to \ltiltatttmartd \It preparing lot a tight. (hit Hum/It t/ (in at l’lioloertt/t/tx httngx together l00 oI tltc moxt ttnIotgettal‘lc photogtaplix oi tlte laxt txxo centitiicx I'he [‘lcltltr‘\ xx etc \clectcd hx the late Bruce Bernard. otic ot the gr'eatext IIL‘\\\lt.iltt‘t ptcttrie t'tIlIUIS HI hl\ generation. .I\ patl iii a CHIIIIIIISSIHII tor the .tlll\l arid collector .lame\ Moore» 1.50%? yr *f-"x’ E '


Winifred Nicholson in Scotland l'ntrl Sim Sep L5 50 W250i; tinder |2x Iiee tottit tltitllISSIHIl xx rtlt ( )ne lltiitdred ( iieat l’hotographx. She‘x hext kttoxxti Iot her Iloxx cr‘ pattttmgx. arid llII\ e\hthttion loethex on the ltle and xxot’k ol \Vinitt'ed Nicholxon t IS‘H I‘tSl t. the ()\toi‘d horn Itl'ilSl attd xx iIe ot Bert Nicholxon. 'l‘he Iirxt e\hrhttion ot her xxork to he held In Scotland tor ox et 20 )Cttl'S. the I? parntrtigx produced iii the llighlandx and \Vextertt lxlex retlcct her IU\C I'tll' Scotlattd.

Demarco Focus l: Demarco in the 19603 l'ntil Stiti 2S Sep 'l'he llt'\l in a \erie\ ol three tilSIiltt} \ dr'axxing on material Ir‘otti the Demarco .-\rchtxe arid lik‘tlSlllg‘ on the ttl'llSI. etttreprerteur attd curator. Richard l)ctnarco'\ acttx itiex iii the ()Ii\.


lSa l)ttttda\ Street. 557 5227. Mon Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Festival Exhibition t'ni'il Sat u Sep. ('oaxtttl \cctte\ in oil and xxatei'eolottr hx Sheila Macleod and landscape\. cit) \capex arid maritime pairttittgx hx l’eter‘ Knox. September Exhibition Mutt S Sat 27 Sep. l’aiittingx h_x l’am ('ar'tcr arid Jonathon \Vheeler.


ll (iaxtield Square. 55S 7| l0.

\Ved Sat llattt opm.

Katja Strunz l'titil Sat 27 Sep. .\ tirxt major \olo \hoxx in the [K tor (ierman artixt Katia Str'ttttl. Implied h} lllllllltitllISIII arid more \pectticallx. Rohert Smithxoti'x xxall t'elieI\ of o3 (x5. \hc cr'eatex intriguing xxa|| haxed \culptttre\ xx hich dtte to their angled Iormx cart he \eert arid c\perienced itt tilllt‘l't'lll xxax \.



I.tttlt'l\ltitl l’lace. 22l (x000. l)ailx

l0am 5pm.

Black Box l'titil Sttii 7 Sep. l'r‘cc. In collaboration xx itlt the lidrrihttt'gh international l'ilm l‘extixal. l-.('.-\ pr‘exentx itixtallatiott \xtit‘k\ h_x Iixe international!) i'enoxxncd III'IISIS. ’l‘tirner l’r‘i/e nominee lxaac Jtilren [il'exelllS I’urttt/txt' ()HIt’I'lH a \ettti» atttohittgraphical piece \et oti txxo letltidx. St Lucia attd Britain iii the l‘)(t0\. Jane and l,oui\e \thxon \hoxx. (ittmmu. a ttIlIIIISL‘t‘CL‘II lli\ltlll;tllt)n that focttsex on institutional architecture atid itx pliohiax. ltaliati artixt l‘rancexco \e/lolt'x 'I'lrt' Iiml n/ the [Ill/"(III lint (' and Malerie Marder \hoxx \ R('\l. xx Itich depictx humans in the fleeting \tate of deep. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


20a Dutidth Street. 557 5002. Mon I'll llam 5pm; Sat ltlattt lpm. Festival II l'ntil Sat l3 Sep. Paintingx h_x gallerx tit‘tlxh including Joan Renton. Brenda l.ettaghan. llttgh Mclnt_xr'e. Sheila Macmillan atid Norman Maclean.

list "as Art

EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS I: l ittott Sheet. 55“ 21‘" lttc Sat ltlatn opttt

Fresh: Contemporary British Artists in Print t nut \al I t Scp lot the l’ttittittaketx‘ l extrxal \lit\\x_ a \clcctton oI l‘lllll\ ltx contentpotatx Hillhlt \Ilt\l\ lltc line up lilc ill\I\'\ \xotk\ hx (‘lattc Baic la_x_( lIIISIIIIx‘ Botlaitd. \laititt Boxce. lake .\ lltnox ('ltapittan. liannen IIII\I, \Ill\ll lxapoot.( lltl\ t )Itli. lolxx I’atetxon. Rn“ Stttc latt, liax ttl Slittglex arid Richard \\ tight ~' ' '


('oidotpliirtc Roatl Ht‘tl ‘1 Math ".tlll optn L" t H L5t. I.ttttt|_x tit kct thlL,‘~15tl

Life 1 tittl Sun .‘,| Sep I’.tItIlIII;‘\ and dtaxx lle.‘\ ot the /oo tttltal‘ttaittx l\_x .tlll\l iri lx‘Sltit'llx'x' llollx Sittpltce


SS l othtatt Road. 22" 5" i.‘ Eleanor Adair t nut Sat .‘ \c'p \ collection oI l‘.tIlIlIIl_‘.‘\ and draxx Illt'S


|2~l .\lotttittg\tde Road. H'".\.\l

ltlx‘ Sat ‘) Warn 5 “it‘ll!

A Diary in Paint 1 nut Sal u Sep ()ttgtital patttttngx atid \tgned lilllll\ Ixx Scottrxlt attrxt l leattoi \I\( ioxxatt Pith xxoth hx other \clectcd .itlt\l\


~15 \larket Silk't'l. :.‘R 3 5S; \Ittll “Hi llattt (xptn. l'liu Sat llattt 0 ;0pm. Stiii noon 5pm

After Image I nut Sat ."‘ Sep ("tir'ated ltx (ileitii Scott \\ right ot |.otidon\ \ rctoi ia Miro ( ialletx. Int I Imttet liilitg\ togetltet the xxotk oI Iotit \cmtnal photogiaplieix xxlio all the photograpltx arid tlteti ttxx ii lxodiex to e\plore Ieinale tdetttitx \ectlttig no introduction. ( 'mdx Sherman \llit\\\ xxoi'kx Irorn lict l‘ntitled i‘lllll Seitcx. llr\torx l’otttaitx. l'.t\hiori and .\la\k\ \L'I'It'\. ‘I-Ilt'lk' .tlt‘ UH‘I 3H \\tilk\ l\_\ I'i'ancexca \Voodtttati. xx ho cotitittitted \tlIL'Ith‘ at the age oI .‘.l Site lelt ltehtitd a legacx oI hauntinng heaiitttitl pltotogi‘aplix rtt xxltrclt \he lt'xltlt'x'\ ltet hodx to an altnoxt lll\I_‘._‘llIllc.IIIl hltit .-\na .\lendieta. xxlio alw died iii ttagu cttcttitixtancex. piodticed lm Iil/ Ill/II Iruitx/r/mrlx t I‘)"2i xxliicli are on til\|)itt} along xxttlt a Super .S Itlttt

()t um li’ml ilttx/t. .-\ttd ltnallx. Simrxn (itll e\p|ote\ cttlttttal identitx l\ l)(I/(IIH. a \ct'tex oI 25S \ttapxltotx ol

ltx tiig ioottt ltllt'tIHIS atid \tet-itt/Iou xxliicli l\ al\o on \hoxx at llahttat \ee lrxting.

Simryn Gill Artist’s Talk Sat u Sep. 2pm l’hotogiapher Stnttxn (itll grxex a totit aitd tll\\‘tl\\x'\ her xxotk iii the .I/li’l lmttet' \‘\illlilllttll.

Modern Scottish Poets Talk and Readings 'I hit IS Sep (rpm L5 it I .50i. Rohitt \larxack. director ot the Scotti\h l’oetix lunar} and l)oiothx \It'XItllgttI. L'tllitil til .l/Ht/t‘l/I .St HHIx/l llium'n I’Il(’[\ tII\t‘ll\\ the xxoik ol Scotttxh letttale poet»


Mia Raehttt‘n l’lacc. H5 200* Mott Sat 10am 550pm; Sun 12 i0 -i.5llplll. Jewellery of the World 8. Draped in Dreams l’nul Sat I I Sep. .\ collectiort oI international \li\L'l texx eller_x including a locth oti \UIIIL' oI l’oland'x hext tiL‘\lj_'lIL‘l'\ arid lL'\lliL‘S arid \haxx l\ Ironi :\\I;t.


(iallerx & Shop. 77 “Width Street. 556 .il5‘). Mon l'rt l0aitt 0pm; Sat

l0am 5pm.

Abstract Autumn Exhibition In 5 Sep Thu 2 ()ct. :\l\\lt';iei arid landxcape based xxoi‘k h} l’eter (Britten. Brian llall. Altxon Auldio. Malcoliti Boxx iitait. laxa R} n Johartrtixseit artd Victoria Stexxat't. Tl? Si 402’.’

',-'-: .1 t THE LIST 89