Edinburgh Galleries continued


‘3 \handu l\ k l’l.uc. 33* ‘Ii‘l

\lon \M-d .\ lll ‘Lnn < Nipni. lIIc

W Wain * “Irwin. lhu ‘Lnn “pm. \at

" “pin. \IIII ll Main < Uipni

After Image at Habitat l nul \II 3" \cp \\ pail oi llIc \ilci lnIagc t".ll|l\liliill.iillit'lillllillalLL'i.\lllil}l1 (.Illk i. :f( Iii/It‘ll \t'lit'\ oi photogiaplh IN on dixpia} \cc I Innniaikct (Lillct)


.‘Ia lllllltl.l\ \ticct. *VI fihl \lon lii ll.tii| opin. \al I” Wain Allilil

Leonid Kudryavtsev (1922-): Retrospective Exhibition MI

(I \at .‘_" \cp \ lt'ili\\|‘t'cii\t‘ c\|IIiIItIon oi noik h} l kiannan .til|\l i could Klitli).t\i\t'\ lt'.liill|il;' ll‘.‘ili.tii\t‘. \lill |Iic and Ianduapc “Ulla iioin illc RH\ to thc picxcntda} H '


(I('ailion It'lltht'. §§(I ilil inc Sal IiIanI RpnI

Craigie Aitchison l’nni Sai l \ ch. \\ Ilh .I i .nch \painnng o\cl 5H _\c.u\. ldIIIlIIIIglI iIoIn .tili\l ('Ialgic \Itchixon \I‘.o\\\ ncu noikx In illl\ lll\l \hou Ill lhc cit} ioI iii Manx l|1cc\hIlIItIon icaluicx ii Icccnl paintingx I.III;'In;_' iioIn \llll lIic\ to t liit'lli\lt|li\ and .l \t‘llt'\ oi hand panilcd clchingx ' "

Ilix‘I'Ii/ll / )l i


IN l|o\\c Sticcl. 325 3335‘ Mon Sat

9. Wain (IpnI; Sun noon ipin. Electric Light - The Top 50 l'nul Sat (I Scp. Inhouxc'x icxlnal c\inhition icalincx a collcctiou oi iii lighting Iconx iIonI tlIc ttun ol lhc I‘lth ccntui} to thc I‘lt'\k'lll titt}.


()0 ( 'IIInthland Strcct. 558 U873.

.\lon l'll iiianI (IpnI; Sat liiani ~ipIII. European Masterprints l'nul Sat Iii Scp .\II c\hIiIItIon oi [H'llli\ h} inuiopcan lll;t\it't'\ Including I’Icrrc iionuard. lican .\l;til\\t'. Joan Miro. licn \lcholxon. \Iclot I’axnIot'c. l’ahio I’Icaxxo and ,\nIoIII 'l'apicx.


(I5 1 hc Shoic. l.cith. 55* 5255. 'l‘uc l'ri ilanI Spin; Sat IIaIII -lpnI. Encounters .\ion 3 Sat 3o St-p .\ \olo c\|IIhItIon oi ncu paintingx h}

l)a\ Id .\laitnI icaturIng iiguratnc \illtllt'\ \cl againxt clipcapcx. Ni Si i(


:5 liondon Road. (YURI-l “HUI-l.

'l'uc Sun‘iani opni.

Love Ugly l'ntII .\ion l5 Scp l’anItngx h) i’ctcr .\iann c\piorIng thcnicx oi io\ c. angxt and thc gi‘otqutic.


l)cpaitnicnt oi \lt'llllt‘ciilit‘. l’nncrxit} oi lidnihurgh. 3U ( ‘hanIiIch Slrcct. (fit) 23-13. .\ion l'l'l liianI -ipIII.

Urban Cartographies l'nul in to Oct. .\n c\iIIl\ttIon locuxnig on proicctx Illuxti‘atcd III \iark i)oi'rI.In and ,\drIan ll.t\\ kct .\ hook llt'llxj I 'I/IIIII (ill’lt'flltl/Jllt’L


N" liI‘oIIghton Strcct. 558 NHS. “at Sat noon opin.

Mixed Show l'nul 'l'uc 3o Scp. .\ changing \clcction oi \Iork h} Iiith ccntur} ttl'ihix including \\ork\ h} .~\Iitll't‘\\ ~\ltlckt‘li/it‘. SitWCII llIItItl. :\l;tli l)a\ ic. l’hilip Rccwx. .\lIchacl (’I'allx. |)a\ Id (’ook and \Vilhani (icar.


llciiord Road. (II-i oloo Irccordcd Iniorniation .33 Slow. .\ion \\'cd «k

i-‘ri Sun Iiiain SpnIfi’hu itiani "pin. 0 Boyle Famin i'ntil Sun u _\'m. {4 (Lil; lllltlt‘i' l3\ i'l't‘t‘. 'l'liL‘ lit‘\i L'\L'l' t't‘il'tkpct'ilu‘ t‘\lill‘lil0li Hi ilit‘ \HIt'k Hi.

90 THE LIST '- :9:


lio}|c l‘anIil) aka .\i;uk Bo} Ic. llt\ \xiic Joan iiillx and lhcir childrcn Schaxtian and (icorgia \panning thcir cntirc Cttt‘t‘t‘l'. 'l'llt‘} :tl't' I‘L'\l ktitmtt iol' lhcn' highl} rcalixtic l't‘pl'titlllt‘ilulix oi thc carth\ \uriacc. and thc \uhicctx arc \clcctcd at random h} iht'o\\ ing dartx Into a map oi lhc “holc “orld I't'onI dcxct'lx to chnolition \itcx tIIc_\ rcproducc and In\ cxtigatc thc \uriacc oi diilcrcnt iL‘l't'uilh. SL‘L‘ lllili\l.

Photography’s Legacy: Vuillard, Bonnard and the Kodak .\lon .\' Scp. l2.»l5plli. .'\rt llixitil‘ittli Bclinda ‘l‘hoinxon c\anIinc\ thc lcgac} photograph) ha\ unprinch upon thc hixior} oi ml.

After Hours 'l‘hu I l Scp. opin. l'rcc. .\ curator‘x tour oi Bo} ic i‘ainil} mhihition with Patrick lilliot.


‘I'llC Mound. (II-l (I200 it't‘t‘ot'tlt‘tl iIIl'oruIation 333 33am. .\lon \Vcd & l’ri Sun 10am 5pm; 'I‘hu liiani 7pm. Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) l'ntil Sun 5 ()ct. 'i'IIc ill'xi in a who oi'tiixp1a}\ highlighting important group\ oi~ \xorkx i'roIn thc gallct') \ Print Room. 'l'hc minhition lik‘thcx tIti ilit‘ “(Ills til tItiL‘ (Ill liloxi inilucntiai pi‘lliililttlu‘lN oi thc l.\'th ccntur}. (iioxanni Battixla l’irancxi. “ho crcatcd o\ cr Itiilil ctchingx oi topographical. iniaginar} and ornanIcntal \uhicctx in RonIc.

After Hours ‘l‘hu l I Scp. (Ipni. l‘rcc .\iu\ic ironI around thc \xorld \\ ilh thc Rtltl\;tltil\t't‘ ('oIIIpan} oi Singcrx.

The Vale of Dedham by John Constable l‘ri i2 Scp. ill-15pm. (‘hrixtophcr Bakcr ironI thc National (iallcrim ol' Scotland gixcx a talk on ('onxtahlc\ landxcapc.


(iL‘Ut'gL‘ lV lil‘ldgt‘. 230 453 l. \ltlli Sat liiaui 5pm; Sun 3 5pm.

Wish you Were Here!: Travellers’ Tales from Scotland 1540—1960 l‘nIIl HI 3] ()ct. .'\n c\hihition mamining thc changing iacc ol‘ Scotland through thc c} cx oi' \ txiiot'x to thc countr}. i'caturing trax cl notcx ironI thc itIth ccntur} to honic niox icx oi' thc l‘liiilx.

Sunny Blunts by Toby Paterson as part of Fresh at Edinburgh Printmakers


(‘Illt't‘ll Sll‘t't‘l. (Ill (Ililii t I’t‘ciil'tlt‘tl Iniorniation ‘33 33am. .\ion \\'cd «k l'l'l Sun liianI Spinfl'hu iiiain “pin. (Inc.

High Society: The Life and Art of Sir Francis Grant (1803-78) l'ntil Sun I-l Scp. Ll tilt; unch le ircc. .-\n c\hihition cclclirating thc hiccnlcnar} oi thc hn'th oi Sir I-rancix (hunt. a lcading \ocicl} portrait paIntcr oi thc Victorian art \\oi‘|d. icaturing painting\ on loan ironI prnatc collccliollx. \lxcichhoolu. pliologl'dplh and dl'a\\ ingx.

Scotland’s Dream Team t'nul Sun 3| Scp. lidinhurgh»ha\cd iil'il\i \lttl'k I..'\Il\till t‘t'lt'l‘l'ultN Sk‘illlillltl.\ grcatcxl i'oolhall lit'l'Ut‘\ lli litlx \cricx oi t\\c|\c L'Ullillil\\ltilit‘tl ncu portrth including Hill} .\ic.\'cI|. .lnn Haucr. |)cni\ l.a\\. .Iock Stcin and Kcnn} i)algh\h.

After Hours Hm -I Scp. (Iptn. l'rcc. l’oclt‘} l't';ltlillg\ on thc thcinc oi i'aciug thc l’ortran.

Terrain: Landscapes of the Great War l'i'l ll Scp Sun -i Jan, Photographing hatllciicldx oi thc \chtcrn l'I'ont \Incc WWI. an L‘\lill\lilitil oi mu 3” nnagcx h} lcadIng landxcupc photographcr. l’ctcr ('attrcll. Photography’s Legacy: the Changing Face of Portraiture \Vcd I7 Scp. I3.~15pIII. Sandra Kcinp i'l'otlI lhc Ro}al ('ollcgc oi .\t't gI\c\ a talk.

After Hours 'i'hu |.\’ Scp. (IpnI, l'rcc. ScotlIxh and Ziith ccntttt'} lllll\lc xx niI Katic ’l'argctt .-\danI\ thai‘p and \oIch,


31 St l.conard\ i.anc. (Io: loll.

.\ion Sat liiani 5pm; Sun noon 4pm. The Black Tent l'nlil Sun 7' Scp, .-\ \clling c\hihition oi iinc trihal

\\ Ctt\ lli:_'\ gttillt‘l'ctl tI\L't‘ lllL' l;t\i 2” )cat\ and Including oricntal rugx. kiitlth. \althagx. \addlchagx and hl‘aldx


135 Hair) Road. (‘23 3333. Hail} iiiani opin.

Elizabeth Cope t'nul in II) Scp Itth. .\'c\\ paintingx h} ll‘l\lt artN lili/ttlk‘ili (UPC.


"5 "U (‘Innhciland Slit-cl. 5*" it)?” \ion l'll Iiiain (Ipin; Sat Iliani -ipnI End of an Era: A Private Eye ~\Itli (I \\L‘tl ll SC". l'llt' ( )[lt'll ( i.tllt'l_\ t‘t‘lt'l‘tttit‘ i\\U tlk‘k'iltlt'\ Hi \'\lill‘|lliill\ prior to nIo\ mg to ncxx lilt'llli\t'\ Ill ()ctohci. \\ Ith (Ht'l it) \\Hlt\\ chmcn iionI thc \llltllti collcctionx oi gailci} aruxix. Ni tsi it )‘,',’

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY I\\'.\SI’SI i’atiiothail StudIm. oil 18 ilannlton I’Iacc. 325 1330.1);nl} llaIn opin,

Contextural l‘ntil 'luc lo Scp \ coilahotattx c c\|IIhItIon oi lt‘\illt'\ and inmach h} .lcnn) (iainci and \laicclo tlt‘ \lt‘lti.


(I lia\lct\ l’lacc. lctth \Vaik. <31 (HIM. Scotty & Kat l'ntIl Sun 7 \cp. \n c\hIhItIon cclchrating lcn )caix oi IInagcx ior thc ga} cluiI. .lo}.


l’alacc ( )i llol_\ roodhonxc. iVI § liiii Hail} ‘I. Wain hpni.

Faberge l'IItIl Sun II Oct U

IL'Z tiI; ialnii) tickct LIH. unch Rx it't't‘. lllk‘ llt'u l_\ Hpt'lit'tl (‘)llk'k'Il‘\ (iallct‘) prcwntx an c\hIiIIIIon oi oxcr .iiiil piccm draw n ironI ilIc l<o_\a| ('ollcction oi \\tIl'l\\ ii} ("all l-ahcigc. thc gi‘catcxt Rll\\l;ill chx cllci and goldxnnlh oi thc lalc i‘)t|I and 30th ccntur}. I'ahcrgc rc\ i\cd traditional tcchniqucx oi cnaniciling. Inullicolourcd gold dccoration and thc ti\c oi cancd \cnniprccioux hardxtoncx. hringing thcnI togcthcr III lil\ on n uniquc \t}lci


('lcrk Sti'cct. (who ZUI‘). .\ion Sat

Iiiani Shillpni.

One Day l'nlII Mon 3‘) Scp. .‘\n c\hIhItion oi lithograle and \xoodcutx h} Karcn (’hanihcix.


Jo l)unda\ Strcct. 55o 2333. .\lou I‘l'i liifiiiain 5.30pm; Sat Itiani 4pm. Mixed Gallery Artists Sui (I inc 3‘) Scp. .-\ nII\cd c\hIhItioII Introducing ncu gallcr} artixl .v\|c\andcr Rohh HA I(il;I\go\\ I I).'\S. Ni SHUK.