Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

Activities And Fun

Drama for Kids Siil (i «k Sill l5 Scp. t5, ('(‘.4\. i5H Suucliicliiill Sli'ccl. 353 .l‘)lii) \Vcckl} ili'uiiiu \xiii‘kxliiipx liii' (i- ll )t'ui (ll(l\.

Pottery Workshops Sui (i .& Sui I3 Sup. iiimii (min. {5+ l'ii'twuii'kS Sliiiliii. 55d l);lllliillSli' SII’L'L‘I. H3 3H31‘..'\:_'C\ -l+. l’uiiil puiS (ll' liuw ii gm Hll lllL' Imllt‘l'S “llu‘l In lllL'SL‘ \\ L'L'lxl} \iiii'kSliiipx lni' L‘lllltll't'll.

Shapes and Shadows Sui (i it Sui liScp. Iil lliiiii & lliiiii nimii. U3, lluiilci'iuii .i\l’l (inllci). l'iiiwi'Sil) (ll (ilgngim. N3 llllllii'nil Sli'ci'l. 550 .543]. .u\g_'cS 3 .5 «k 5 '7. .\ liiiii'wxcck L'lllll'St' iii Sgiliii‘ilii} ili'uiiiu \Klll‘kSllilpS .iS piii'l iil llic \\'liiSl|L'i‘ 30H} lcxlngil,

M‘KliililAl ADVl Niiiiii ART


CBBC Sunday Sun ' Scp.

nimn 3pm. l-‘i'cc hill iickclcd ('(‘.-\. ‘5” Siiuchicliiill Slrccl. 353 401M :\:._'L'\

‘) l3. llli(' cliililicn‘S cliunncl ('lili(~ pi‘cScnlS lhc SC\Clilll in u ScricS «it innnlhl) cwnlx liir cliilili‘cn liikiiig on UN 50/50 gumc \hli“.

Festival of Youth Football Sun " Scp. llllllll. l‘i'u‘. SciilSliiiin Sliiilium. Duncx l)i'i\c. SuilSlnuii. USN) .144 444” Tim ('|;i_\iiini‘cS iiiiii'k lllL' kick nil in lllL‘ llL'“ .\'l"l. ScuSiin \\Illl ii \iii‘icl} iil t‘lllllllplllIIShIPS culiiiinuling iii .i St'iillixli Yiiiilh lucklc lcugiic iiiulcli~iip l‘L'luu'll (1)th \IilllL'} HMS le llllil \Ul‘lll l.;iii;irkSliii‘c RlllllS. (Kill Scull (‘iiiipci iiii ()l-ll 333 53”“ INT llliil‘c tlt'l.lll\. Junior Great Scottish Run Sim Scp. ‘);iiii. (iluSgim (irccn. (lit-cutbkc Slrccl. 387 4433. (ilgngim 'S iiiiiiuiil 3 kilniiicli'c mud l'ilL‘t‘ liii' ‘) I,~ _\c;ii' iililS. \x\\\\.i'iiii.;|;ngii\\.gii\.iil.

Children’s Tours of Sanctuary Sui l3 Scp. | luiii lpiii. l-i'cc. (lllllt‘l’) ()l Miiilci'n :\i‘l. ()iiccn Slit-cl. 33‘) WW».

Spcciull} ilcSigncd lniiiS liii' cliilili’cii iil lllL'

Suncluui'} L‘\llll\ll|0ll \iliich liiiikS iii

King's Theatre, Edinburgh, Sat 13-Sat 20 Sep, then touring


.v if“

icSpniiSt'S In .iS_\liiiii l\\il‘\'\ luiiiS l.1S'. ‘5

Funky Hats Workshop Sun 1.: Sci‘. [100“ 3pm :1 ('(~ \, ‘5“ Suii.lii.-li \liccl. :.53 4"!“ lluw .: .ii iiiuk hul iii lliiS \l’t'dll'x‘t' \wikSlini‘

Theatre <3 Dance

The Witch, the Wizard and Little Red Riding Hood \ul h \‘p. 3pm 1-1 '1‘ 5th \‘ulliSl‘ \l.iSl\ .\ l’iii‘ix'l [licuiic

('ciilic. \ lH liultuiii'S \\\'llll‘t', kt‘l‘-lll\l.ll\'.

‘W hli\5 lulkiii; llcuilS i‘iii‘i‘i-iS icllS iii.-

Lllt'l‘l Illllthl<kitll<ltllllylll‘|‘\1\\lll‘l\\‘llll‘

\lSll(il.ll1ll} Siiiilli lliul lS iiiiiil ll.illl\‘SlS llic \\ iltli gclS iii the \\.i} ('niiic .lllil liiiif Ulll \Sllul liuppi-iiS in ilic lililc l.lSSl\' James Campbell Sui ii \cp. lpm {ii i‘; ii (‘ili/ciiS‘ lllt‘Jllt'. ll" ( iuiliulS Slici'l. 43" ("'33 llt'\ll liiiiii lllS l lll‘._‘.,'\‘ i‘iiii. iiinic \llllk'Jl \lllllL'\ .llltl \uiiinl} liuiii llic Sluiid up t'i‘lllt‘illdll llll kiilS Snow White and the One Dwarf and the Pigs and the Troll Sui I § Scp. 3pm til it i 50' Si'iilliSli \luSk .\ l’iippi'l l'liculic (‘t'iiliiz .\ lH liuliuiicS .\\L‘llllt'. Ki'lnnilulc. ii" (\IS5 \\ill ilic iluSluiill} lluil (‘lllt't'll \icuw llk'l \\ l\ kiwi Spcll nu'i Siiim \\ llllL' l‘l \\i|l \llt' lw


Where did the magic 90?

Back in the mists of time King Arthur lived with his Knights of the Round Table and the fair Guinivere. Britain lay covered in forest and hundreds of little kingdoms fought each other for honour and power. There was a lady and a lake and a sword in a stone and the most handsome and brave knight of all, Sir Lancelot. We know these things like we know that Eve bit into the apple; legends that in some vague way shape our idea of an ancient mythology,

but details are hazy.

‘There's a kind of folk knowledge of the Arthur stories but when you start piecing it together it’s very contradictory,’ says Andy Cannon of Wee Stories, whose latest large-scale project explores the many stories surrounding Arthur. ‘The three of us who are doing it have different opinions. We’re trying to show not just

historically what happened but the political story. The big thing that Arthur represented was “King of Kings" and he

unified all the petty kingdoms so that peace could eventually reign. It’s very hard not to get caught up in the romance of it all, particularly with the Pre-Raphaelite depictions; it's quite camp and there's a lot of strutting about. There’s such a romantic, ideal beauty about it all. But it’s also brutal.’ In the way that Ridley Scott's Gladiator embodied all the big themes with blood, sweat and more sweat, Wee Stories is going large, encompassing not only the different stories but the various ways of telling them, from the prancing Pre-Raphaelites to the weighty Thomas Moore. Projections of visual representations will be cast upon

the background and hundreds of books will be stacked up in their many versions. ‘The projections work two ways,’

notes Cannon. ‘We use them as a backdrop and there are some musical sections where we’re hoping to put together a small resume and reflections of the art. What I really want to get over is that it‘s a folk story and that it

belongs to everybody.’

Knights sitting round the table - an early model of democracy - is reflected in Wee Stories' egalitarian telling of their tales, but their fragility is never far away. ‘The final battle is so brutal that you really want to hold onto the tragedy and the waste of it all. Some versions of the story are actually called the death of Arthur. And the whole point of the story is how did this magic thing go wrong?’ he says. How indeed; come and find out. (Ruth Hedges)

s: i‘.:.\‘ Kids

\lchutcii "‘_\ 1h; llxiuit‘ \iukuxuii: i.‘\.'.:iS .23?

Monster liri. 1S Sui M \‘j‘. liipzi: 1:5" U‘ (iiI::iw!.‘3i:Il(iI3."l:11‘..'iSi:\ \xctiiii'. 1;" 5533 \:.'S it. \ iSii‘Ic li.’.:uiiS l?‘..'.:'.i.' (‘nitzpuziu \ l1.‘\\ ;‘1.;\ Tu:

iiiiizig; .ziliillS ‘.\l‘ NUS 13:; Sli‘f\ u! u

l i.1‘I\ lS

:\\-l\‘-L\I|‘-1tzluzlll‘l llllll\l\l


Art from the Bus 1 mil Siii: " \ci‘. licc (l \. 1‘.“\.£lltlllt'll.1il\lli't‘i ‘5. 1‘“ "l \‘u {\llll‘ll‘ii‘i‘: vi .liiiiliciiS .iituml.

iii‘ulcii uS i‘.lll ml lli.‘ (il.llll l‘iwiliiiiinin ll!.l:_‘lt.1ill1}\lt‘l§ li‘lllS :ii (11.:Sz‘n\\ illllllii' ilii' \lillllllt'l liiiliilun


,>\i‘li*.i’i.i‘:t; Ami F i."

Life and Times of Mary, Queen of Scots \iiii l l \‘p. l.‘ 15pm. 1 15pm .\

1 15pm licc \liiSi‘iiiii l H \ulluiiil,

( ll.lllll‘\’lS \lii‘cl. 3 1' 131" Val \\ ()iiccii ml \tul'x .uiiliil.iiiii_ \l.ii\ lii'uinii MM .1” .ll‘l‘li‘llllxi‘ l iliiiliiiiyli Sluiic lll.iS«‘ll .iS llit'} It'll lli.’ luli' wl llii' ill lulcil \iulliSii \IllCt'll

Hie-aim (“i Dillii‘i?

Bye Bye Birdie l lllll Sui Si-p.

" ‘Upiii, \ui .‘ lllpiii .\ :l'j‘lll ('liiiitli llill llii'ulic. iKi \lniiiiii;'Siilc lx’nuil. 33" ‘l i l" \lll\l\.ll iii'ilniiiiul lit lulliiuii \wiilli \ilS .\ \lll\l\.llS ( ‘niiiiiuiiu

The Happy Gang's Party in the Sun! lliii 1 Hill |.\ Sci» .‘ liliiiii Ui Ilii' l’lcuSuiii c (‘uiiiliuiii Ml Ilii' l’lcuSuii. in 55“ 055" llii' i'n‘i [‘Ul‘lll.” i'iilciluiiii‘iS icliiiii ll‘l wiiii- Siiiiiiiii'i lll.l\lllk'\\ \uiiiiiiiiiij: iii llii' Sllll. Iii-Min: lliiuiijxli llii' iiiiijgli‘ .lllll lukiiij; Ill llii' iu} S ull \\lllli‘ Singing. nl miiiSi'

Arthur \ul li \ul 3“ \cp. lilli \i'ji "jiiii, l-llli Sci» ipiii. l"lli Sop [Kill My llluiii i\ lpiii t.\ W Kiiiu'x llii'ulii'. 3 l (\t'll Slim-l. 53" NH"! \ii l.lllll\'tl t liililii‘ii'x llit'ulic t'iiiiipuii} \\i'i' Sluiii'x lt'|l\ llli‘ vim Sliii} ul iii} lii'in kiiiz' \illiiii \i-i' pm 1c“

Carousel lllt‘ ii» .Sui :ii Si-p. " \\t'tl i\ Sui 3 illiiiii i\ 3 iiliiiii

L5 3” L313” l’l.l}llilllSi'. l\ (Ili't‘llSlilt‘ I’l.l\\'. “5—.” Ni“ V131 Riijjt'l \llil IluiiiiiiciSli'iii'S lllllSltJl ulmiil lilll}, \Slli‘. .illi'i lii'iiig: killi'il iii .i l‘.illl\ ll'l‘l‘k'l}. lt'llllllS lii \'.lllll li‘ \t'k'h Hill llIS il.lll_‘_'llli‘l



Crater Makers l lllll llli' W Sup. i_.‘ (ii «(I 35! l<ii}.i| ()liSt'Huliii} \ lSllHl (‘ciiliii lllugkluiil Ilill. Nib .S-lH-l llllil lllll llii liiilli .ll‘i'lll mini-ix, \i llllk‘SS llii' l‘lllll ml u t‘iiiiicl .llltl ll.lllilli‘ li'.ll iiiclcniilt-S lll Hill ('iuli'i \l.ll\t'l\ i-\liiliilinii

Outside the Cities

ACIiVilies Aiiil Fiiii

Children’s Craft Classes Sui i. Si-p. 3 -lpiii H [\k'l SL‘SSlilll l’uiSli'} \ilS('.-iilii'. \t'“ \lli'i‘l. l’dlSlt'}. \\—‘ llllll \\k't.l»l_\ (lull t'luSSi'S liii ii ll _\t'ui lll\l\ t'\j‘lilllll‘_' ill.l\\lll‘_'. j‘.llllllllf_‘. tlu} llliiilt'lllll}: .lllil

lt'“ t'llt'l} MIAMI)“: (“lllllt' lH \L'ltKlt'tl \ l.lSS\‘S iii ull iiiiic liiiiikiii; t'SSciiliul

Falls of Clyde Watch Group Sui Si'p. liluiii lpiii MW in lllt‘llll‘L'lS ml lllk' St‘iillixli \\ ilillili~ 'liiiSI l'ullS ()l (lulu \uliiic Rk'\L'l\L‘. \\ lllllllt' ("i-illii'. \L'\'- l,.ili.ill\. U|555 (iii53li3 \_‘_'t'5 5 ll \liiiillil} t'liililicii'x \\.ll\ll pinup lculiiiiiij: .i \uiicl} iil lllll .l\l|\lllt'\ .lllil j.‘.llll\'S Siiili .lS pond-dipping. iiiiiii-licuSlx .llltl “Ullklldlltl \iulkS Blinking L'SSL'lllMl Natural and Man Made Sui Sup.

l ii) i. Wpiii £3 l)iiiiilcu (iillli'lllj‘ifldl) :\llS. \ClllL‘ljJ.llL'. Hilliilt‘t'. “l :53 ‘Hi‘Nliil \fgcx " l3 ('it'ulc llllt'lL'Sllllj.’ .ii‘lxwi'kS liniii .i l.illj_'i' ul iiiulcriulS iiit'liiiliii; pluSlit. pluiilS. lii.iiii .iiiil (.il'illhmlil


Telling Tales Sui l i \cp. ll.illl. [hinder ch 'lu} Stiiiuic. l)iiiiilcc. “I ‘53 3315‘” .\lciiihciS nl llic Hllllle'L' ch ciiiiipuii} lcll lulcS llltl .ziiil iicii in lxltlS .igcil .5 i\