
MUUI UN Cl ASSN} THE BIRTHDAY PARTY Tron Theatre, Fri 19 & Sat 20 Sep

If you’re having the experience of seeing a succession of ghastly, shady figures scuttling about protecting their interest, and in doing so, revealing ugly motives, you might be in the public gallery of the Hutton enquiry. It not, you’ll be in the audience of Guy Hollands’ production of The Birthday

Party for TAG.

This production emphasises the seedier side of Harold Pinter’s seaside boarding house world. In Pinter’s first full-length play, Stanley is a failed pianist who shares space with an old couple, and finds the house invaded by two mysterious figures, possibly from his past, who interrogate and intimidate him to the point of psychological collapse. But sometimes these figures are seen as pitiable. Hollands feels less sympathy.

‘l‘ve tried to get away from that thing about it all taking place in Stanley’s head. I think, actually that he’s an extremely unpleasant man, obviously weak, and very nasty to people who are weaker than him. Actually, none of the characters have anything to recommend themselves; it‘s sickening and dark and sordid and unpleasant.’

It all sounds pretty bleak, then. Perhaps because it is. But isn’t there a redeeming thing about humans' needs for each other? ‘Well, there’s a lot about sexuality in the play. which I think a lot of people haven’t picked up on. The play is dripping with it. When Stanley breaks down during the actual birthday party, he grabs Lulu, throws her down on the table, and starts molesting her. It's an extremely odd thing to do, to say the least. There‘s a sexual obsessive thing to Stanley, while there’s an absence of sexuality in some of the other characters. It's all quite sordid.’

It doesn't sound like a recommendation, I know, but unravelling the complex puzzle that is this play might well be an intriguing night of

theatre. (Steve Cramer)

I Horror on the Streets ‘l‘ounxi Inl‘orinalion ('cnlrc. (icoi'gc Squarc. 28" 8402. 0pm. [7. Scc \\'cd I".

A Fictional Guide to Scotland \‘cnuc lhc. Mcrchanl (’il}. 0"} 3450345. 2 9pm. taco .\'c\\ pic“ ()pcnlnk pi'cxcnlx its aniliolog) ol SL'UIIHII Writing \\ ilh i'catlingx and signingx.

I Late Night Festival Club 'l‘ron 'l'hcalrc. h.“ ’I‘rongalc. 552 42h".

lllpm lam. £3. Ik‘xlihil cluh ilti\IL‘d h} .\Iichac| Marta and \pccial gucslx Fraxcr Spicrs. Sim c \immo and comcdian Kcara Murphy

Friday 19 . _-


I Jilli Blackwood: The Joy of Living ('ollinx (iallcr). tum-mi} ol‘ Strathclylc. 22 Richmond Strccl. 5-18 2558. SCL‘ \Vt‘d 1,".

I Superficial or Inherent Sircci l.c\cl. 20 King Slrccl. 552 215i, Scc

\\'ctl l“, I There and Back Il'oiigalc

Slll\h(‘\. IX .-\|hlnll SII‘L‘L‘I. 5.5: 3-523. SCL'

\VL‘d I“.

I Universal Print Show VI i’i‘olccl .'\i\l|ll_\. ('cnli‘c l‘oi' chlopmcnlal .'\l'l\. 18 Albion Slrccl. 552 3322. SL‘L‘ \Vt‘d I“.

Scottish Artists ’l‘racc} .\lc.\‘cc l‘inc .-\r1. 4" l’arnic Sli'ccl. 552 502".

I lam 5pm. ['IL‘C. SL‘L‘ \VL‘d l“.


I Palm Court Trio Hulchcxons' Hall. I58 Ingram Sli'ccl. 552 8301.

1 2pm. £4. .\lu\ic from Ihc 30s and 4()\ from \chtlmurnc .\lu\ic.

I Lord Lennie & Prince Vallah Maxxill. 25 Parnic Slrccl. 552 "990. Spin. l5rcc. .-\ chancc lo hcar \Ulllc i'arc old 45x hcing pla} Cd.

I The Scooby Snacks ()‘Ncill‘t. 7i. Albion 8!. 5520822. 8.30an I-i'cc. .-\ mi\cd up hag ol- co\ crx l'roni lhc (ills lo lhc *illx.

Merchant City Festival



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Merchant City Festival 2003

Wednesday 17th September 9pm Big Vern and the Shootth -. :1 .: .‘W ‘i .17” 't"i"-, Tickets 5310 for performance plus $12.95 for a two course meal or $15.95 for 3 courses

Thursday 18th September 8:30 - 10:30pm

The Might Caledonian Mambo Orchestra

Dinner served. (5an balconies, drinks only on the courtyard Friday 19th September and Saturday 20th September

From 6pm till late (free)

Natalie James

Acoustic Love 5i" ,-'.l':i . {’1‘


..« f ,' '3 T‘Ud'jlif‘i

1/2/1432 a Hype, Pill“ '? ‘Liiii 'l

Dinner served on our balconies, drinks only on the courtyard

Sunday 2lst September 9pm Scottish Youth Jazz Orchestra

Dinner served on our balconies, drinks only on the courtyard

Please contact Metropolitan on Metropolltan, Merchant Square, 0141 553 I488 tor turther Information Candlerlggs, Glang and booldng enquiries 61 NP

'. "~ ‘32:, 2 , ', THE LIST 97