Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

The Adventures of Robin Hood «ti 0.... (Michael ('urtil. IS. Wihi l'.t'tol l-|}nn. ()llHd l)e llaxilland. Baxtl Rathboiie lttlmin Sparkling. ()xear-xtinnmg exertement ax l'l}l1ll and hix merr) rrren light the L'\tl prinee and the u. reked Rathbone to help the poor and eapture the hand ot the tart l)e lla\ Illitlltl. l’eerlexx \“tiltl-pld) and an inteetioux xenxe ot high Spll'tlx. (i( ll. (i/rngrm.

American Pie: The Wedding r lSr (chxe l))lart. l'S. lellit Jaxoll litggx ‘Huriiri. The third tilm in the :tnreru mi I'ie xer‘iex. Jim and \liehelle are getting married xo the) are going to lia\ e a blou out ueddrrig that nohod) ix going to torget (intr'm/ Ir'lr'uu'.

Analyze That r ISi O llluttiltl Ramix. IS. 200% Robert De \ii'o. Bill} (T) xtal. l.ixa Kudro“, lllllllltt \Vrth itx mxpired pairing ol l)e .\'rro'x neurotie mobxter and ('r} xtal'x xuburban xhrink. l‘)‘)‘)'x Arm/\Ie 'I‘IiM \xax 'I'Ire Sop/mint pla)ed tor laughx. The next tilm piekx tip \Hlll l)e .\'iro’x Malia boxx xut'terrng a iiermiix breakdmtn rn Sing Sing. The l-lil releaxex him into the euxtod} ol hix tormer px)ehotheraprxt uho'x eharged \Hllt deterritining whether the mobxter'x taking it. When Ami/ire 'I'lii'x eame out. itx ximilarit} to The .S'upmnm did it no dixeredrt. 'l'hix time around. \I. hen l)e .\'iro'x not»xo \\ ixe guy getx a job ax a eonxultant on a mob- themed TV xeriex. the de\ iee onl} draxu attention to how poor the neu mm ie Ix. Ster ('e/irim. Ifrlr‘nhurgli.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire «ti

0. (Kirk \Vixe. (iat') 'l‘rouxdale. l‘S. Ztltll i \'oieex ot' Michael J lio\. Jamex (iariier. John .\lahone,\, 06mm. The baxie premixe ol' l)t\tlL') ’x latext. the dixeoxer} ot the loxt. rriytlneal ernprre ot’ Atlantix. ix a xeenario with xoooo mueh xeope tor iiiagie and enehantinent. it xhould be llilptixxthlc to tail. But it ix realixed \xith all the \ ixual and imaginatix e panaehe ot' a iaded xtr‘eet artixt. Furthermore. it xorel_\ laekx an e}ebt‘o\\~ ar‘ehing. puprl-narroxx trig. gloriouxl) earieattired \ illain. Sririilarl}. .\lilo. the geek) hero (\oleetl b) l'io\) Ix dclietettl ol charm and arouxex little x}iiip;itli}. .-\x l)ixne) \ raixon d'etre ix the good/bad diehotoiii). it xeemx not onl_\ \tax the empire loxt. but xo \\;t\ a grand tipptii'lllltll). Noth I'alrIi/irujeli xlrh (‘e/tlre. lat/inhm'eli. O Belleville Rendez-Vous t 12A) 0... tS}l\';tln (‘homet. l‘ranee. 3003) 80min. DlllllllllllVL‘. elub-t'ooted Madame Sou/a preparex her orphaned grandxon ('hampion to be a \mrld-beating ()L‘lhl. She persona”) xupen ixex hix ar‘duoux training regime. But during the mountain xtage ol the Tour de France, (‘hampion ix kidnapped b} black-xiiited men from the l‘reneh .\tat'ra and \x'hrxked aeroxx the .-\tlantre to the eit_\ ot~ Belle\ ille. lt'x up to grann} and (‘hainpion'x belmed dog Bruno to pertorm a daring rexeue. although the) ean rel) on axxixtanee from the elderl} Belle\ ille Sixterx. a xong-and-danee trio \\ ho onee performed \t‘rth Fred Axtaire. Rather xpeeral kook)‘ cartoon from France. that Sltti\\x [)ian‘)‘ the door to real tnxpiralioti. .Sr‘lc'r‘lt'r/ release.

Best of errorball 2003 1 Hr t\’;iroiiix. 2003) 75min. Pick of the muxre tilrnx from the mix and promox teatured at thix )ear'x Edinburgh International Film l’extnal. Txm “ordx: cutting edge. Filmhume. lz'duiburgh.

Blackball (15) .0. (Mel Smith. l'K. 2003) Paul Ka). Johnn} Vegax. .-\|iee livanx. Vinee Vaughn. Jamex (‘ronm ell. 96min. (‘lit‘l‘ Starkey (Kil}Cl ix a bo\\ ling geriitrx from the \\ rong xide ot' Torqua). llix heart ix .xet on reprexenting hix eountr} againxt the world-rent)“ ned bo“ ling ehainpx. but he’x a maverick \\ ho ret'uxex to eont‘orm to the

pompoux rulex laid doun b_\ the goxermng old togrex Amerreari xport agent Rrek Sehxxart/ IVinee Vaughanr inakex Starke} hix pet [‘rt'IL'Ll. intent on tranxtormriig him into a \torlduide phenomenon Standard xport eomed} moxie tormtrla that xueetl} lampoonx the \.l\ll(lll\ eorimratixatrori ot xport It )ou ean xee paxt Kate'x drxlrkeable eharaeterixation Vaughan. \egax and ('rorrm ell prot rde amuxmg relret (1'4 Iii In! Ill ll il\(

El Bonaerense I IS: Il’ablo 'lrapero. .-\rgentina'( ‘hrle 'l'ranee\etherlaridx. Itmli Jorge Roman. \limi .'\rdu. l)arro l a}. \‘ietor llugo(‘arrr/o. llugo \nganu/lr. (iraeiaira ('hiionr 105mm /apa ix a loekxmith in a quiet little ttmri near Itiieiiox .-\Itt'x l‘Jltxltthx 1x xltm x0 l’olaeo. llte ouiier ot the xhop. xendx him on a iob that L‘ollxlxlx Hl Utk‘ttlltg‘ .t \illk‘ at all tillie‘t' lllt' rie\t da}. /,apa ix irrrprixoned tor being r‘exponxible ot robbing the plaee liitrrgumg .-\rgenlinean drama that hax been eoiripared to both Jarmuxeh'x Dunn In [AIM and Aleiandro (ion/ale/ li‘iarrrtu'x .lntun \ l’i‘l'l'rn (’(K. Ri'll/I'r'ii SHIT]. (ilthgrm. l'l/III/trtllu’. Ia/m/rure/r.

The Boy David Story r I’m .0

l.’\lL'\ .\le('all. 1K. 20”“! “Smut. You are hound to ha\ e read about the bo) l)a\ id'x touehmg xtor} ol dixtigurement in the iungle and reeox er) .riid reeonxtruetion at the handx ot Seoltixli plaxtre xurgeon laii Jaekxon lt'x a tttmlng xtor} that hax been rendered here into a pale xketeh \le(‘a|l xtarted tilming thix hack in the earl) 8th and he hax pieked tip \arroux auardx tor ll along the “at. But impinged liberal girilt and “hitting l)ougra_\ Seott narration do not a einema doeumeritar} rrrake. I '(i( ' li’i n/u u ,Sll‘i't’l. (r/uu'rm.

The Brave Don’t Cry ll)(it rt’hilrp l.eaeoek. l‘K. 1953i John (iregxon. \leg Buehanan. Andre“ Keir. l‘ulton .\laeka_\ ‘Jtlmm. 'l‘\\o )ear‘x alter the Knm‘kthrioeh mine drxaxter. John (irierxon'x (iroup i produetron \L‘nlttt'e [mix together lltlx xt'tllt doeuriientar} about a tietional pit eollapxe. Dr‘aumg t'r‘om the aeting talent ot

('ilaxgou 'x (‘iti/erix' 'l‘heatre. it ix art emotional!) eompellmg drama that celebratex the \aluex ot' Seotlaiid'x \\or'kirrg- elaxx eomrnunrtrex. (il’lfi (iluxgmi. Bringing Up Baby mm 0000. tllrmard llaxth. l'S. I‘Hh'i (Err) (irant. Katharine Hepburn. ('harlex Rugglex. 102mm. Ian} gal Hepburn eauxex trrnrd loolog} prol'exxor (hunt to loxe a \aluable tlllltixttllr bone and mixla} a pet leopard “Illllll the eourxe ot' one xerenball e\ ening. .-\reliet}pal 30x eral) eomed} \\tlli one outlaiidixhl) liilarroux xeene t'olloxtmg another \\ itliiii the progrexxion ot an unerrmgl) logieal narratne. Both xtarx at their eharixmatie bext. ('tmreu. [admiring/i. Buffalo Soldiers r tSr 0000 t( ir'egor' Jordon. (iermany’l‘S/l ‘K. loot l 03min. .\ eool mo\ ie \Hlll a eool eaxt and a great xouridtraek. The Berlin “all ix ahout to tall. and in a [S baxe in \Vext (iL‘t'ttldlt) a mixtit xoldier rJoaquin l’hoemu polixhex hix \lere b} da} and eookx tip eraek eoeame b} night to xell on the blaek market. A xeathrrig and amuxiiig portrain ot' the [S militar} a la Three Kings. Show me ('rnemir. ’«mlr \. l’rrrxln.

Bugs 30 ll?! (\llkc .SlL‘L'. liK. :llllil 40mm. Dame Judi l)ene|i nar'ratex thix giant xereen 31) tilm \threh toeuxex on the lite qelex ot a pra} mg mantix and a butter”) trom their birth to their lllL‘\ itable dermxe in the trop'eal raintorextx ol' Southeaxt .-\xt.i. [MAX (i/memi.

Calendar Girls r l:.-\t 0.0 t.\'ige| (’ole. l‘K. 2003i Helen Mirren. Julie Walter‘x. ('elia lmrie. ltth‘nim. 'l‘hix teelgood eonied} drama ix baxed on the true xtor} ot a group ol‘ bored middle-aged \xomen trom a xmall Yorkxhire \ illage \x ho all poxed nude tor a \Vomen’x lrixtitute ('alendar baek in 100‘) in order to rarxe tundx tor the loeal hoxpital. ('u/endur (ii/'l\ ix the xe\ed up \erxion ot ex entx that happened in the l)alex. ('ole. \\ ho had pre\ iouxl} dabbled \xrth middle~aged “omen xaga in Strung (Irate. once again pro\ ex he'x adept \\ ith thix material. partietilarl) \\ hen he eeritrex the tilm on the relationxhrpx that (‘hrrx tMirreni hax \tith her lattttl) and bext

triend. \\ ltl\‘\\ er \nnre t\\altetxl (u m m/

It /r u'\(

Camp r t.‘\: oooo tlodd (itall. t x. ZtNHr Daniel I etterle. Joanna (‘liiltoaL Robin de Jexux. Ste\en (‘uttx. \ lllk e Rimoldi. 'littari) 'la_\lor. Saxha \llen. .\lana x\llt‘tt. .-\ima Kendriek. l)ori l)r\orr I l-lrmn ()r [In Kit/x Irom (rm lam. \ri tipdate ot the re\ue xt} Ie tilmmakriig tliat'x popped up interrnrtteritl_\ in etneriia. ('unrp xeorex tor itx trexh arr xetting. xome ltt'\\ tangled xe\ual orieritatiorix and a xleu ot \xell elioxen xlio\\xtopiu'rx. all delnered \\llll guxto b} a trexh taeed \.l\l 'l he plot ax it ix eoiieeinx itxell \klllt tailed llroadxxa} xongtuiler‘ Bert llan|e_\ t|)r\orii redrxeo\eimg taith in hrrrixelt and hix lllil\l\ ratter )eatx ot xlrppriig rrito the bottle and obxeurrt) t through lirx brittle iriteraetron \\Illl the talented. tebiile xtudentx at (‘amp ()\ation. ’l'liix ix ot eouixe merel) a nail to hang a garixh emematre hunting on lye eatehmgl) good. elean tun (it It: ml n It (Ht Le Cercle Rouge r I.xi 00000 tlean l’reri‘e .\lel\ille. l'ianee Ital). l‘)"tii l Wimin .'\l.tlll l)elon. Andie llounrl. \Nex \lontand. l‘r‘aneoix l’errei l5” mrrix reut to I”: rnirixr ('laxxie \lelnlle l’arixiaii gangxter mo\ re. reputed!) baxed on .loliri Huxtorix' .tx/n'ru/r .luneli. In a xeriex ot elaborate \ rgneltex. ll ehartx the deeline and exeiitual abandonment ot an ethieal eode among

xe\ er‘al groupx ot undemorld eharaelerx. through a xtor‘_\ retol\ ing around .I daring |e\\el robber} m the eentre ot the eit} (it/nut. lairnlrme/r.

Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin it’( it 00.

(Riehard Sehiekel. l‘S. :llllit lI~mrrr Sehrekel‘x detimtn e doeurrientar} on the little tramp ix a muxt tor lanx and

next eomerx to the geriiux ot ('haplin alike lt ix. ho“ e\ er. \er_\ long and it doex get bogged down in period tiller and repetition at \arroux porritx Still \xoitli eheekrrtg out though (i/ I. (i/rrxgrm

Cinemania il’( it C... t.-\tigela (’hr'rxtilreb and Stephen Kriaek. (iet‘tliati). :llll:l .Sllllltll 'l'lirx doeuriientai} otterx a unique mxight into the |r\ex ot tixe xe\erel} obxexxed tilm buttx. l1aeh protagomxt hax a xtgttaltttc olixcxxn e eotttptllxtu' eharaeterrxtre. meludrng one lellou \xho ix on a 'no tibre' diet in order not to \xaxte \alttable eiiiema trriie in the too I (it

Rt [NH 3'. .Sll’t (I, (i/t£\L’Ili‘.

Citizen Verdict t 15: O. rl’hilippe ,\lartiiie/. l'K. ZHH‘H Jeri} Springer. .-\rmand .-\xxante. Ro} Seherder ‘LSrnm \lart) Roekman ISpringeri rx a t_\.t\'-llt tealtt} 'l‘\' produeer' “time new xlioxx in\ol\ ex erimmal eaxex tried I“ e on J \' with the promixe ot publre L’\C\llllttli 'l'hrrigx. hon e\ er. get eoiriplreated \\ hen a eaxh xtrapped l;i\\_\er Sam l’eterxon t.-\xx.tlllL'l ix lured into taking part 'l‘errible

index Film

attmg and a reall} imnee \\ ript make thix xorrrething ot an abxurdrxt drxaxter moxie Seheidei proelarrrrx at the end ot the tilm 'lt \xould hax e \xorked. but )0“ did ll \xrong l udreroux \. In It i! m [min Clerks 1M 0... IKL'HH Simth.l S. l‘l‘lii ltriari ( )'ll.rlloian. .Ielt .\nderxon. \l.rtll}ll ( ihrglrotti ‘Ntmrn .luxt “llt‘lt tori \xere xiek ot the \et} xight ot the mud ‘xlae ket'. along tattle ('lr Ik\ arid ;'t\ ex the “hole eorrirriere ralrxation ot the (ien .\ lllt'xl} lt' .t gtmtl llaltl ktek UP llit' l‘ae kxttlt' Km in Smith'x liilaiiouxl} totil dialogue pepx tip the euharrgex on lite. xe\ and e\er.\da'\ lr\ rug bet\\eeri bored eorixeriienee \ltltt‘ \‘ltt'x'k Ulll .txxlxlattl l).|lllL' .Itltl t‘tltl.tll_\ bored \ ideo xtore manager Randal (‘t t. (i/rngrm Confidence r 15: oooo t.J.tlllt'\ l‘ole}. l S. Itttlir ltduaid llrrrnx. Raehel \\eix/. \lorrix (‘liextmrL l’aul (iiamatti. l)uxtm llotlman ‘Vmin Jake \ig Illuinxi tindx hrmxelt and hix ereu iii debt to llottmari'x King Rather than pa} baek the \lt'dl}. px}ehotre King. the tee eool Vig makex him a dangeroux propoxrtiori. the} go into btixinexx together. \Hllt the mob boxx lundrng a tie“ eon that \xrll make ewryme more money than the) 'd dreamed ot |)rreetor .lamex l'ole) gi\ex the tilm a xmok} neo riorr xt}le xuited to the milieu .riid reriirnrxeent ot hix adaptation ot l)a\ id \lattielix pla). (i/i'ltzrtl'li (i/i It Rim \Itt' xtrpport. too. tiom the aluap \\\lt' l tux (iii/man ax a eorrupt eop. Robert l'orxter ax the man with the moire} and Mid} (iarera ax a goxermrient man with an old xeore lo xelllt' Mix all about eoltlitlettt t‘. x.i}x \‘rg at oiie porrit 'I hix tilrn'x got it in x \adex Sh I (i'ltllll\_ lalrIi/ruIe/r Crimson Gold « 13A 00000 IJalar l’anahi. Iran. Itttt‘r Hoxxaiii l'.tlt.ttlt'tl(llll. l’ouiarrg \akhael ‘Vrriin Set in modern da_\ 'lehraii. \kliat xtartx ax a bungled heixt ltlti\tt' tragmentx to tell the tale ot lltixxam Ilzrriadeddini. hix brother in lav. l’ourang t.\akhaelr and “hat leadx lluxxarn to a \JUSVJUJtlS m hix lite 'l‘lie eeritral burglar} ot a iexxel xtore ix a eoiieert uxed b} miter .-\bbax Kiaroxtairii to hoodumk. \xliile he highlightx the Iaek ot eornpaxxion he belie\ ex runx throirgli the urban ehaox ot hix eit} lzlegiae and tragieall} tutile. llllx ix a xtern lexxoii in the inexitabilrt} ot the rexrrrgenee ot elaxx \tar. \xlierexer )ou In e See t't‘\ rev. (i/ I. (Hr/tum:

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'1: 8-1:, '/ ’1’} 27.31115 LIST 27