Showcase: Glasgow East

S1111‘1‘.1.l\1'11'151111' 12111.. I .1llj_'11111l1 l<1vu11 (11.11111111731' 11111111111- 1113111111111 (1'

11111111111:1113:111N111113111 g11 151111 1L5511111-11111'1111111\11111 111.111\1\1l11\-. Sui.'S11111\ 1111111111j1x1

(11111111 \1’ S111111-111 L 1 511

American Pie: The Wedding 1 151

1135.1111. 31111. 135. 5311. 511. “‘5.


Blackball1l51 3111. «1111

Calendar Giris113\1 11.11111. 3 <11. 51111.

" <11. 1111111

Camp1lj\1 111111111. 1111. "111 FreddyvsJason1lM " <5. 11511 Hollywood Homicide 1 1: \1 "1111. *1 55 Jeepers Creepers 21151 11 55.1111. 335.155. “55. 111.15

Lara Croit Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi Lite113.\1 111111.1111. 1115. 1111. 5 111. 111111

The Lizzie McGuire Movie1l 1 13115.

3.311. .1111. The Man who Sued God 1 I51 I I 15.1111. 2.115. 11.5. ".115. 0.35

Piglet’s Big Movie1l'1 |1 111.1111. I 15 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Peari113.\1 11.15.1111. 315. 1.15. .515. "1.5.1515. 11115.

Rugrats GOWlId1l 1 11 11111111. | 511.

1.111. 5.111

Sin Eater1151 13:11. 3.15. 5111. “111.


Spy Kids 30: Game Over 11 1 1111511111. 1.111. 1.15. 5.211

Tearsotthe Sun1i51 11.311.1111. 3115. 1.15. ".35. 111.111.

Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machines 1121\1 111111.11”. I 111. .115. ".1111. 11.111.

11111)/\Y 11.1 1111111i3111'\‘1/;: American Pie: The Wedding 1 151 111111): 113511111. 31111. 1135. ".311. ‘135,

Mm Luv 1'11 1\ Sui: 11.55. Calendar Gir151 IJ.\1

Hall): 11111111. 2.111. 5.1111. "111. 111.1111. .-\1\11|ui1'1'1'11\ Sui: 131111111.

The Italian Job1l_‘.v\1

111111}: 1151111111. 1315. 3.1111. 3.115. 1.511. 5.15. ".15. 7-15. ‘1-15. 111.311. .r\|\111:11c1"1‘11\ Sui: 13.311ulll.

Jeepers Creepersz1l51

11ull_\: 11.55.1111. 335. 155. “.55.


.1\|\111uic1'1'11\ Sui: 13.55.1111.

Lara Croit Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi Ltie112.-\1

111111}: “.311. 111.111.

The Lizzie McGuire Movie 11 1

111111}: 13.115. 3.311. 1111,

The Man who Sued God1151

114111}: 115511111. 3111. 155. “.115. 0.2.5.

.1\1\11|uic1'1'1 1k Sui: 11.511.

Piglet’s Big Movie 111

111111}: 11 “Mm. 115.

Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Peari113.\1

1)ul|_\: 11.1511111. 315. 3.15. 515. 77.15.1515. 11115.

.-\1\11|ui1' 1‘11 1\ Suit 11.15.

Rugrats Go Wild 111

11.111}: 1151111111. 1311. 5 ‘11. 5.111. Sin Eater 1 1.51

111111}: “.1111. ‘1311.

.\1\111uic1'1'11\ Sui: 1111111113411.

Spy Kids 30: Game Over 11‘ 1

Dull): 11.115.1111. 1.111. 515. 5 311. Tearsotthe Sun 1 151

111111): 1131111111. 3.115. 1-15. 5.35. 111.115. Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machines 113,v\1

1111111: ".35. 111.115.

.>\|\111uic 1'11 1\ Sui: 13.-111.1111, Underworld 1 151

111111): 1111111111. 11111111. 1411. 3.111. 4.211. 5.311. “.111, 3.1111. 11,511.

.-\|~11 1:111‘ 111 1\ Sui: 11.1111. 13 511.1111.

FRIDAY .11 111111181)» .‘

1’1‘11gl‘ullllllc llkcl) 111111' \llllilul 1111111' 111m 111ll\ \\ c011. 1’1111111‘ 1113311 41143-1 1111‘ 11L‘1;111\;illil111111‘5.

(11111111 \'-L'11111'.1’1111;'111\151151111'551)1111\.

11111.\\"111111 11111.111.11\\"1111:11(’(’

1111111111:11111\\“111111 11.115 1L 5 "5 111-1111.- 5111111 ('111111(1\1'S111111-111

American Pie: The Wedding i 51 1135.1111. 31111. 1 35. 5 311. 5 511. ‘1 55. 111115

Blackball1l51 1115

Calendar Girls 13 \1 11111111. _‘ :11. 51111. " 111 1111111

Camp1l_‘\1 1111. "111

Citizen Verdict 151 11 511.1111. 3 15.

-1 .111. "1111. 11311

Hollywood Homicide I: \1 " :11. *1 55 Jeepers Creepers 21151 || 55.1111.

3 35.155. 55. 11115

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle at Wed: \1 1111111111. 115. 1511. ~111.

The Lizzie McGuire Movie 11 1 1.‘ 115.

2 311. 11 15

The Man who Sued God 1 151 11 511.1111. 3.111. 1 111. ".115. 1135

Piglet’s Big Movie1l 1 13115. 3115 Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Peari1 13 \1 11 15.1111. 315. 115. 515. " 11115 Rugrats Go Wild1l 1 1| 111.1111. I 111 Sin Eater1151 13:11. 3-15. 5111. 11111.5.

Spy Kids 30: Game Mad 1 11 115.1111.

Tears oi the Sun 1 I51 11 311.1111. 3.115. 11.15. “35. 111.111

Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machines 113.\1 1111111111. | 511. 1.15. ".1111.

11 111.


; 1311 125W] ':.‘ 71111138111511. ." American Pie: The Wedding 1 151 11.111}: 11 35.1111. 3.1111. -135. 5 311. ‘155.

.r\|\111ui1'1'111\ Sui: 11,55.

Buiialo Soldiers 1 151

111111): 11.511.1111. 3111. 1111. ".55. 9.5.5.

.\|\11luic1'111\ Sui: 13.15.1111. Calendar Girls 1 HM

111111)‘ 11111111. 3.111. 5.1111. .111. 111.1111. .\l\11 1.111‘ 111 1\‘ Sui: 13. 51111111.

The Italian Job 1 HM

11:111\: 1151111111. 1315. 3.1111. 3.15. 1.1112 51.5. "1.5. “.15. 11.1.5. 111.311. .\1\11 1.111: 1'11 & Sui: 1331111111. Jeepers Creepers 21151

111111): 1.55. ".55. 111,15.

.\1\111ui1' 1'1'11\ Sui: 13. 15:1111.

Lara Croit Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi Liie1ll.\1

11ul|_\: 11111111111. 1,15. -1.35. The Lizzie McGuire Movi 111 111111): 1|.-15uill. 3.311. 155. The Man who Sued God 1 151

111111}: “.1111, 11.3.5.

.\|\111.111‘ 1'11 1\ Sui: 11.511.

Piglet’s Big Movie 111

111111}: 13.115. 3115.

Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 1 12.v\1

111111}: 1115:1111. 3.15. 5.15. ".15. x15. 111.15,

.\1\111.111' l'li1\ Sui. 11.1.5. Rugrats Go Wild1i'1

11.111}: 11.111ulll. 1.111

Spy Kids 30: Game Over1i'1 11.111}: 11.05.1111. 1 111. 5.15. 5.15.

Tears oi the Sun 1 151

111111}: 1,-1.5. ".35. 111.111. Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machines 113.\1

11.111}: ".1111. 11511.

\1x111uic 1'11 1\ Sui: 13.111.1111, Underworld 1 151

1)ull\: 111111.1111. 11111111. 1111. 3.111. .1311. 5.311. ".111. 5.1111. 11.511. .\1\11|uic1~111\ Sui' 11.1111. 13 511.1111 White Oleander 1 12.\1

11.111\: 11.115.1111. 155. 1111. "115. 11,111.

\lx11 1.111‘ 1'11 1\ Sui: 13.311.1111.

'33 [V13 .51, 'rfoii‘Sle‘l". 1’1'11g1'ull1111c11111'1} 1111‘L‘\ 1111111‘ 1110\111115 111111.. 1’111111c 11141 .\1\"11113111.11 11111115 .11111 111110,

UCI Clydebank: Glasgow

(11111:1(1'p11111u1(111111:('11111‘11ull11. 11\"1111111_‘11111:1)1 :5 11111.1 111111-11.“- 5111111 (111111 L 5 35 \111111 \11111 1111111 111'11111‘ 511111 L 5 351 (1\1’ L 5 1111. S111111'lli\ L1”5

American Pie: The Wedding 1 151 :1 111. 11.15. *1 111

Biackball1l51 ‘1 111 Calendar Giris11:\1 :15. Camp11: \1-1311

Freddy vs Jason 1 1151 ‘1-15 The Italian Job11:\1 =111.11I11.*11111 JeepersCreepersZ1I51“1111:1111 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi Liie1l: \1.1111.11_511

The Lizzie McGuire Movie 11 1 3 .15. 51111 {11

Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl112\1 31111. 5 l5. .5 =11 Sin Eater1l51 3 211. .1511. 15. 11.111 Spy Kids 30: Game Over 11 1 .1 1111 Tears oi the Sun1151 1.111. 11.111. 11311 Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machines 113.\111311. .\ 511

111111. 5115

1 IDS" ‘_‘ 1’1111‘1811/1‘ ."

American Pie: The Wedding 1 151 11.111} 11111. 11.511. 11.111. \1511111111111L'L' Sui 1\ S1111 1111 Calendar Girls 1 I_‘.\1

Hull} 5.1111. (11111. S511

\lw 111.111111'1‘ Sui 1\ S1111 13 15 Camp 1 13.\1

111111}. 1111.

.\1x11 111:111111'1‘ Sui 1k S1111: 1 2.1111.

Full Frontal 1 131

Sun: 11111.

1111‘: ~1111.

The Italian Job 1 13.\1 111111}: 1.1.5. (1.311. 11.1111. .-\1\11 llluilllcc Sui & S1111: 13.111 Jeepers Creepers 21151

111111}: ".311. ‘1-111.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi Liie1 13.v\1

l)ull_\: 3.-111. 5.111111111'1'111'1. :\1\11111111111CL' Sui 1k S1111: 11.-111ulll. The Lizzie McGuire Movie 111

Dull}: 1311. (1.111.

.-\1\11llluilllcc Sui 1k S1111: 11.111111111. 3.111.

The Man who Sued God 1 151

111111}: ~1.1)11111111S11111. ",1111111111'1'111‘1. 1) {11

Piglet’s Big Movie 111

\11111111‘1‘ Sui 1k S1111: 11111111111. Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl 1 12.\1

1111111: 2311. 5,311. .5411.

.-\1x11 1111111111'1' Sui 1k S1111: 1111111111. Rugrats Go Wild 11'1

\11111111‘1‘ Sui 1k S1111: 11111111. 1511.

Sin Eater1l51

11:111}: 5.115.

Spy Kids 30: Game Over 111

111111}: 3,511,

.-\1\11 111:111111‘1‘ Sui 1k S1111: 1151111111. 1.411.

Tears oithe Sun 1 151

1111 .\11111. \\1'111\ 11111: S311.

1111‘: ‘115.

Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machines 113.v\1

111111}: (1.111. S511.

Underworid1 151

11:11]}: 3.311. (1.311. ‘1311. .’\1\11111111111L'L‘ Sui 1\ Sun: 13.411.

1 RIDAY J11 1111115181»?! 11 1’1'11gl‘ullllnc 11111-1} 111111- \111111111‘1111111'

111'“ 11111\ \\ cck. 1’1111111-111S'H1111 111311111 1111' 11L'14i11\1i1111 111nm,


UGC Parkhead: Glasgow

111C 1:111:12 i).11'1\11L';iil. 111-11 5511433. 111111 .11111('(‘11111111111:_' 11S"111555 1111111111.] s\111111 L4 511. ('111111' Lz 5111\11111 11111: L3.5111 S11111c111 L5 5111\11111 11111. L3.5111 ("1111L‘cw11111 L5 511 1.111111} 11111-1 L131111 \11 11(110151‘1‘1111L'ill111112 L:

D»<1\10<\\J",‘1 '

American Pie: The Wedding 1 151 11 1.5. .\ 45

115111.155 Film

Calendar Giris11:\- 11 511.1111. 11111.

5 511 \ 111

The ltalian Job 1.‘ \1 1155.1111. 1 :11. 111111. \ .111

JeepersCree 211515.15

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi Lite 112 \1 111111111. 11111

The Lizzie McGuire Movie 11 1 111.15.1111. 11111. 115. 5.111

The Man who Sued God1151 111 511.1111. 1115. 1111. 5 511. .\_‘11

Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl11:\1 111 111.1111. 1 =11. 1 15.

Tears oi the Sun 151 11.15.1111. .‘ .15.


American Pie: The Wedding 1 151

11.111} 1115. S15

Calendar Giris 1 I.‘. \1

11.111) 11511.1111. ;1111. 5 511. 5111 TheltaiianJob1I:\1

11.111} 11 55.1111. 5 ‘11. 111111. S111 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi Lite 113 \1

11.111} 11 111.1111. 11111

The Lizzie McGuire Movie 11

11.111} 111-15.1111. 11111. 515. 5.111

The ManwhoSued God1i51

11.1111 1:11. 5 511 5311

\1\11 111.111111'1' \\ 1'1111.1}x 1115111111. 1 115 Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse oi the Black Pearl 13.-\1

11.111) 111 111.1111. I :11. .1115. .\1111 Spy Kids 30: Game Over1i 1

.\luillic1' Sui 1k S1111 11 115.1111. 1 111 Tearsotthe Sun1l51

11.1111 1:11


11111} 11 11111111. 3 111. 5-111. S511

1:5i11/5\‘1’/ 1/i' 1111115311/511/

1’111g1ullllllc 11111-1} 111111'\111111.ll 1111111- [il‘fl Ii1ll\ \\ cck 1’1111111'11S5‘111 5.55 I {(11111 11L'111115111111 111111'5 .\1'\\ 111111511111‘ 1111111111 1111 1'11 311S1'p


Ned Kelly 1 151

Once Upon a Time in Mexico 1 1.51 Young Adam 1 131

UGC Renirew Street: Glasgow

5 chil'cil Sil'u'i. 111111.11111 ('(‘ 11111111111}: 11x“111111”11"x11 .-\111111 111511 ('111111/S11111cllix L3 5111\11111 111111. L 1 511 1111 S11111 (‘11111'1‘xxl1111x L1 511 11111111} 111111 L13. l'.;il'1_\ 111111:1111111xx11111x111'11111‘ 13.1111 L5 K111\('11111: L1 511 l'1111111111-11 (11111: L‘1 W 111-1 1111111111

1111511511111 "1

American Pie: The Wedding 1 I51 11 11111111. 1111. .1311. 11.511. (1.111

Bellevlile Rendez-Vous 1 Hm I 1 11111111. 1.511, 1.111. 11.111. 5.111.

Blackball1151 .5 111. 3.311

Calendar Giri5112.-\1 11 1111:1111. 11 5511111 31111. 11111, 51111. 5 511. S1111. S411 Camp 1 13.-\1 11,-11111111. i 1111

Cinemanla 111111 1 111. 1-111

Citizen Verdict 1 151 11 51111111. 3 511. 5 111. x 111.

Cypher1151 ll 111.1111. 1.111. .1111. 11.111. 11 :11

The HardWord1lx1 11111111111. | 111. 11111. 11 111. 11 111

Hollywood Homicide 1 13.11 5 \11

The ltallan Job 1 13.1\1 11 41111111. 3 111. .5111. 3.111

JeepersCreepers21151 1151111111. 2111. 11111. 5.311. (1.1111. 11.1111

Lara Croit Tomb Raider: The Cradle oi Lite 113;\1 11.11111111. 3.111.

The Man who Sued God 1 I51 11 51111111. 2411

Pirates oi the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Peari113.t\1 11151111111. 3.1111. 5 411.

11.1111. Sin Eater1l51 11.111ulll. 1411. 4111. (1111. 11.311. Spirited Away1l’(11 11 11111111. 2311. 5111. 3.1111.

Swimming Pool1151 .1311.

Tears oithe Sun1151 11 11111111. 3111.

5.311. H.211.

Terminator 3: Rise oi the Machines 1 13.11 1131111111. 3311. 5.111. 15.1111

' 5", 1,101; :/ [13' 1 ‘1