I Churn, Madman is Absolute illlti Hailing Uncle Paranoia the I ill] \nlc ('alc. 50 (ill King Slrcct. 55‘ lb“ Upin L‘ This I\ ('hurn'x la\I cwr abl} \nppnrtctl b} tcllnu SL‘Ullhh llHl\L'llli\\

I American Routes (iriiiitl ()lc ()pr}. l’aislc) Rnail In”. 43‘) 5 “)(i ' i‘ll‘lll M iii lllL'llli‘L'hl ('nuntr}

I Bon Jovi Tribute I‘lnurbnn SIII'I'I. lllhfiI-nigc Strccl. 5530141 "pin L5

it I 3 5” \inh dinncri ‘lributc In the \lmillllll rnckin' piindlcx

I The Tremors .\1c('huil|\. -lll High Strcct. 553 3| ‘5 ‘ipin l'r'cc Rinlhiii'n'hluc»

I Black McSabbath \iilt'hl'llL'}\. ~12 Jainaita Slim-I. 3-13 85M (i illpin l-rcc 'lrilftilc In ()//_\ \ lnI.

I Bad Obsession \llit‘Snl‘lc)\. 42 Jamaica Strccl. 3-13 H55] ‘) 5Uplll. l‘rcc. ("nu-ix band.

I Open Stage 'l'lic Hull Hal. “til \Vilittllalltk Rntnl. 5H1 I53“ 4 Nplll i'l'L'C \Vcckl) \L'\\lUll lni‘ lnt'al lllll\l(l;lll\.

I The Counterfeit Clash the Hall Bar. lhfl \Vnntllantlx Rnail. 5M I53”. ‘lpin. i‘l‘L‘c. (Ilaxh and Uth'I' (nu‘l‘x.

I Live Music Saniticl [)nu‘x, (i7 "I \lthdlllL‘ Rnatl. 4330107. XVIIHH. l'ru‘. I The Zulu Open Mic Brnnxuick (.L'HQH‘\. 3 W SIIIIL‘thhIIH SII'L‘L‘I. 573N010. 4 7pm. l'iu'. \Vcckl} npcn mic night lnr intixicianx and cnlcrtaincrx nl all hl'L'Cti\.


OFeeder, Turin Brakes, Snow Patrol, Longview and Dogs Die in Hot Cars ('ni‘n liu‘hangc. Xv“ Markcl Rnatl. (inrgic. 4-H 3437’. (rpm. l'rcc hut tickctcd. Bcat lllh \[lIlII\UI\ a bill nl rnt‘k anil indic \\ ith a similar lineup In Ihc \llllllllllllt'tlllx (ilasgnn cwnt hut \HIh \Vclxh ruck glilllh l'ccdci‘ taking Inp \pnt. 'l'ickclx lni‘ lhh Part} in Ihc Dark cicnt can hc pickcd up at lncal ()3 \lttl‘k‘N. h} lngging nn In \Iitubcat lfltu‘nin iii If} tuning in In Bcat Illh lnr dclallx.

OYessa de Paso, Mountain Men Anonymous, My Legendary Girlfriend, the 55’s, Calvin and the Aphrodisiacs (‘alcdnnian ltit‘kpackcrx. 3 ()uccrixlcrr) Slit-cl. 430 7334. (Mllpnt. £5. l‘unilraixci' Ini' th‘ Bcltanc Sock-I} featuring th‘ crcain nl lncal Ialcnl. plus a It“ l)J~ Iphntn ll) rcquircd lnr Ch”) I.

I The Wannadies 'I‘hc Liquid Rnnin. W Victoria Sli'cct. 335 3504. 7pm. L"). Scc Hi I‘).

I Lee Paterson, Stealer and Miyagi \Vhixtlchinkicx 4 (i Snth Bridgc. 557 51M. (\plll. liunk rock from Stcalcr \HIh Innrc nl' Ihc \anic lrnni .\ii_\agi.


I Mountaineers King 'I‘iii\ \Vali \Vah Hut. 373a SI Vinccnt Sum. 33] 537‘). 8.30pm. £5. liuicalhc clcctrnnica \\ Hit a ps} clicdclic pnp I'ccl l'rnni lillx Irin \xhn are shut”) In I‘clcaxc their debut album .tlmn ('vnruri;

I Mortiis, Suspera and Pointless Creation Barfl}. 3N) (‘l_\ilc Sircci. 0870 007 (NW). 8pm. £8. ()wr-Hx \hU“. Scandinmian industrial gnth inctal llliltillL‘\\ l'i'nni Ihc prmthcticall) L‘nhunccd Mnl‘lilx.

I Kory Clarke Ihc lien). 43 (‘htlc Place-13‘) Hill). Spin. ill). (‘larkc ix Ihc \ingcr \\ ith Inst ['8 angst nthal cnmhn Warrior Soul. huI he hax alw cnllahni'atul with 1)] Shaun“ and (tilt guitarist Bill} Dull) in rcccnl )carx.

I Mountain Men Anonymous, Aether Flux and Hex Thc Ulh .\‘nic (life. 50 (it) King Strcct. 55.z ltfih‘. 3pm. £3. :\I‘Icrnnnn nl' cxpcrimcntal \Illlllti\ t'caturing Mountain .\lcn .-\nnn_\innu\‘

\\ all nt~ instrumental nnixc. Ihc h}PllU[lC \nundxcarfcx nl' Acthcr HM and Ihc grinding industrial squall nl Hm.

I Wow Kate, Single Point of Light and Multiplies 'l‘lic l5”) Nou- ('aIc. 50 (it) King Strcct. 553 lhfix. 9pm. £3. Second Iriplc hill in a Ila) at th‘ .\'nIc In mark the end nt‘ Ihc Merchant (‘it_\ lk‘sthal.

Party in the Dark A real bargain here. Kosheen. Turin Brakes. longview and Speedway (picturedl play Glasgow: Feeder. Turin Brakes. Snow Patrol. Longview and Dogs Die in Hot Cars play Edinburgh. brought together iii a live showcase stylee. See Surface Noise for details on how to get tickets. Carling Acaderiiv Glasgow and Corn Exchange. Edinburgh. Sat 20 Sep.

Yessa de Paso, Mountain Men Anonymous, Calvin, My Legendary Girlfriend, the 55’s, and The Aphrodisiacs Cracking line—up of multifarious shades of indie rock pop in aid of the Beltane Sooety. C(i/GdO/l/a/l Backpackers. Edinburgh. Sat 90 Sep.

Frank Black Charles Kittredge

Thompson lll. Black Francis. Frank Black whichever name you callr him. the former PiXies man is still a quality draw and his

countrified solo tricks are cunning

as ever. See preview. Liar/id Room. Edinburgh. Fri 26 88;); Garage. Glasgow. Sun 29 Sep.

The Rapture, Fat Truckers and The Boggs I know I feels like they've been here a million times in the last few months but again the Rapture prove essential. not only because of their bad selves but they come with Sheffield's finest. the Fat Truckers. and the Boggs in tow. OMU. Glasgow. Sat 27 Sep.

Live in Leith MTV might be calling in November but in this night at the COmmplex proves there's good muSic eminating from Leith already. Hip hop crew FOuntainbridge Collective go head to head With indie ianglers Nine Miles High and retro rock kids Super 8. Coriiriip/ex. Edinburgh. Sat 27 Sep.

Sage Francis, Boom Bip and Buck 65 Head melting hip hop from this trio of lords from the US rap underground. With each pulling the genre in a different direction. It may be uncompromismg stuff. but it's not so far from the fat chunks that litter the Top 40. Venue. Edinburgh Tue 30 Sep; Glasgow School ofArt. Wed 7 Oct.

rock 8 mp lismgs Music

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[32 (Downsmms i THE GARAGE)


Eliza Carthy


.i/IN EE Ll __.


(Downstairs id The Garage)

"'1 3-9:» .> 32'. (AK: THE LIST 47