I The Listening Room II11' HI111' \1111II1II111iy1‘. ‘V {I I l ‘I11111 \‘1‘ Huh .‘111'::\.II1.-H11\.-1 Ix’c1'1c'1111111.11.- Wednesday ‘l

BIA/CI.3\[11H.1I\l1ucl.ZJ‘IVI‘U \[1111 __ I'1111I1111.‘\ 1.:Ics1 jg.1:.1-.'1‘ I111;1.'11;.\ .1121: 81-1-8111] 3] I Acoustica1 .1I1.111"1\11II.111.'. W1 ‘\ (I..'.1:1\1/.'.11.'.1\.1j_'111'31 11:11:13 1111‘11.‘ \ 1 35:23 I Stuart Clarke \\ I11xlI1'I1111k11‘x 1 I1 “1.111 Hum. 33” (1171 1‘111111 I11'1‘ 1111k .11111I111I111111\I.111.I1.'\1c: '1" Sage Francis, Boom Bip .1"..f S11111I1II111Ig1'. “H *I H “[1111 \l111I1-111 1x11I1111l.11_\ 11111111I111111111x1111.-\111 \‘1‘ I End of the Month Club I31" Buck 65 \-t Ir1\ 4.1),]hm;11.1“1u1111111111gl11 I1.1111III1.1 \I11113: I l1I1 \111.-( .11.: ‘1' (1" k1:1_—_' \11.~.-1. “; Ix'.-"f:.“.1. \T'.‘.". 1"1 h 111 :11 \g“ :11 \511 I11“ "31111 L; II1.'.1111111.1§\\I111I 1'1 .1 I Converge, Nine .1121: Beecher Monday Tuesday |)1111111111'1 |11'111_-,'I111\11111111I.11.'1II11 1I1.‘ Iva: I..'.K \\.13: \\.:E: II;.: f \t \ :z1..-:1: \I1'.1/\ .‘I.’.111111I1I11'II\111:'\I.111I1\11.k \f'.'.~t ‘.‘ “I I \\( I l l I II GIEISQOV/ GIZISQO‘vV \I1'11.'1I11' I11 11 \1111111x11'1x11I '1It.‘ II1'1'1111 I Steve James I111? l‘:.‘.1'1:.' \ :.1111:.111 I Them or Us, Screaming I Craig David .1111! Michelle ('1111.-.1111\.1111111111-11R.-.-.1'\111;-.111 11.1: lt11r‘;'.1'..' “i :711‘ \;‘:‘. ~.\ ~11 About Nothing, MIA .11111 Versity Lawson ('.11|111j_: \1.11I1'111}. III I \1‘1'111111‘111. 1111 \\I11.I1 11c \11111I1I1111.11? \.11;;\‘.:. '1....'~711I}. :1111:\7:11:1 tins \11siz11 ’II11' I ‘lh \1111' ('.1I1'. 5H (1H K111; \111'1'1. I _-_'|111l1111 \111-1'1. IN”; “I” “""I “\V' 1111111111111~11I 5.11.1: 21.1111 .1511 .11111i...:\ i“ H1“ 311111 H II.111I11111'111111k11111‘ "TI II" III “111111 133*“ \11 .11'1‘ I Cafe Carioca |.I1.11()\11.1. 1.‘ r: lungs ::: -.'..:'..1: '1.111111.1111I up 11'sl111111111.I111I11111I1'1 I!1\111I11‘ “1.15311 I .1111: “m 1*}: \11111 t I ",.11:1I1111:: I Steve Arvey \l111l111()111'. .11’1'1111111.11111'1I I1} .111.11I11|1 | \s1'\ s1111I \11111sl1. H1.1/1|1.111\1111111I\ I Hondo MacLean, Jonny (iIH\\L‘IIHI lllllk'i. (illI\\\'IIlII lt'lidkk' IHII IIUIII iiIk' IHH \IIIIH‘III UIK'IJIHI \UH‘UIIUI I Phil’s seSSion I |\:‘1' H1‘.1'1I1.1 ,‘ i.‘ Truant, One .1111I Phantom Iiyvx R11.11I1. {-II (1*II1 lI11111 I'11'1' ('1111' 11111111111111:s1111I1111111'111I1‘1 \II.I11-II1' \\11111Ii.1111I\I{11.11I. ‘hl I“'(1 “11111 I11'1' Riffage II1.'( .11I111t1\.2 ‘1‘ l 1111111 \111x'1. lhc \I11111I.1) I1l111-\ \x1lI1s111111' l..1\\\1111 \1'1' [1.13:1' |_‘\ \M‘ckl) 1.1111 .‘ '1\ 11111111 ' “111111 2(11f\11111I111111 111.1 \I11111I.‘1} I1l111'x I Andrew WK .1111I Winnebago I Live Music ll1-.111\1.-111~. I" A I Acoustic Jam \11‘1"11'.\I1'.1/_\. -I_‘I Deal ll11' ( '.1II11111\1'. Ii l 1111111 \111'1'1. \k11\111§: \111-1'1J1‘.‘ MN" \11111 law I Peri, Stone Cold Rumours, 8.1111'I111'I111II 5111-11. ‘4‘ W1“ “[1111 MW _‘-I.\ (1111 1(1 “111111 L\ ()\1'1 | is \I111u I .111II1.11I>. I1.11k;'11111111I x1111111I\ Roulette .1111I Nine Miles High S1\1I1I1111I11I.1_\ [1.111) I111 lI11'.11’1111\l11‘ 1.1111 lI11~ l).11k111'\\.111111-411-11I11I1.1\1-.I11.1111-1I \1..- 11 \I.-.1.r\ 2.‘E \111. I11.111.1II \11.1.-1, \Vllh 11 Ilcc 1|1111k .1x “111-1111\1' I111 1111111 l|11~ k1111\\111_1: .111-11.1 1111 k.1111I11-111\ [ (“III )UI'UII 1; * W11 ' \11111 1'. \I1.~:11.111\.-1111I.111 [1.11‘l1c111nl1lx \l.1I1\1'\ I111! 1I1.1l \\1Il 1111l1I1'l1‘1 [he 1'3 Sage Francis, Boom Bip .1111I 1..1111111\ \I1.11I.~\ I Open Mic I11|lll1| [111111212 ‘H \\1-\l 1I1'111c11l1‘1I \111111111 \\ k..1111.111\1111|1l111 Buck 65 |I11~ \1'11111'. I ' .‘l ('.1II1111 I Open Stage II1." II.1I1 II.11, 1111' Regen! Slu'cl. *5 i (1“; lI11111 111-1' 1llI1.11I11‘111.1I\1‘\| 1.1111(i.1ll.1_-:I11-1 I1111k I\’11.11I.*v W"; " “111111 1I11 [111111- I11II \\1111.II.1111I\ I\'11.11I, ‘111 '1‘.“ \11111 I1.-1' .-\1‘1111\l11'11111x11‘.[1111'11}.cl1' I1kc.1 I11I11'111.11111_1_' \I111I1 111 {ml} 1'\11~II1'111.1111I1111111\.1l1\1' \1111I1 \\.'.II\ \.-\~11111I1~1 1111.1111111s111.111\ I Open Mic (‘I111.~11I.111- II11-1.111;.. I The Immortal Lee County \1111-11..111I1111I11111.1111\1\ 111111.111- [\i‘l‘llll Silk‘t'l. (Ii: 5005 l'lL‘L' liIHIt'tI Killers, the Hornets .llhI It'jJIIIJI \ l\lIHI\ I11 IIIt'M‘ \I111I1'\ IIII\ l\ i ‘1 1"” WUMIIw I1_\ szllu'l'. I111'1111‘1l} \111'.1I1\l \\11I1.\\I1I1111 Marshan \11'11'11‘SI1'.1/'\. III lI11'11 111x! l11111'.1\.111111l1-I11'.11II1111‘1 \.1§.'1‘ I Fleamarket Funk1'.1I1.11.-1\11I1.1111-_ l..111c. S.1111'|111‘I1.1IISIM-cl. “1 “'1‘” 011111 I'1.1111'1\' I1111111' \111111 Him 111 1111' 1111I11‘ 1h §\ [H.111 \111-1-1 _‘.‘H '11 "1 I I11111 R1111 I The Zulu Live Music Bash 1 I11“ U15“ 1 I11' |11'.11Il1111*1\ t'11111I11111*1I1‘Il.1 1111111\1‘1I. 111111'1111'111x1'1I\111111-1x11I I1.-.- \1-1' \\1‘1I .‘2 81.1111]. Hi \\'11111Il;1111I\ R11.11l. (INTII (1IIII |1I11c\.1111l|11111k 1111111'I11111111lc1111'lI1-1'l l)11I1_\.1\ ;._'11'.1l |.1111I1'I.1\I1I1.1[1}11l} \1.1II1 (1055, (1. “"1111. L' * 5H. I'111l111;:l1l|_\ 11111x11‘ I Kinesis, the Boxer Rebellion, II1111111 “111's \\.11|11'1I1.1111I\\.11111'1I1 I (Ilkl'k :1111l (111111-11) 3:;1II11-1'1113.‘ 111.11111'1113: II11' Ilkcs Oceansize .1111I Lo-fi Radio K111): 1'11-1‘1111111y.1.1111I('.111.11I.1\ |I111I (1*\ 1x I The Proclaimers I.1|I.11k [1111.11 11I I;111\\';1II;1L'1‘. I).1\c |)111I_\ .1111I I11I1I11‘ 'I'11l'x \\.1|1\\.II1 Ilul. 3”3.1\1\1111'1‘111 .1lx11k1111xx11.1\1|11' II1111111} \11'\\.11111l II.1II. \\1'\1 II111I1'1-\111'111.HI K‘Z *HM‘H .\Ic(i1111‘c.lh1'R111Ic111\.1111|lI11'.\I.111 Shed. _‘_‘| 53") 3111111“ ()\c1 1% |1111I111|1' \II111.111.1111'sx1'1111.1l111;'|1l “111111 |I11'1111:'I111 l’1111I.111111-1\ 111111111111' .1\111Ic1\1111 Illucx II11111I. \I111\\ ‘lI1111xl111y 111111111 I K 1.1I1111111I 11111 1I11-11 1-\11-11\1\1' \.11111~I1111111 11I.1\111:' \.1111111\ \I1.11I1‘\ K1111‘s1xl1.1\1'I1c1‘11 I Band Showcase \\ |11\II1-I1111I\11'\. 111.111-11.1I1111111lI11‘11 111-x1. .1lI111111/1'111w Edlnbtlrgh l1k1‘111‘1l[11.11111111; .\l.11111'Sl11-1‘l v1 (1S11l1ll1 H111Iy1'. 4*" <I I I ‘II1111 \1'1' [1111.11.'.'.1111I11I1I I11111 \11111111111-11.1111111111's

I Open Mic \\'I11\lch1111k1c\. -I (1 I’1‘1'.11'I11'1\ I111 lI11‘11 1‘11111111111111‘111 .1111I luv 3‘ x111I1.1\ I111 (1111111.1 Ilv 1‘11“ \I111'x1'


To advertise your gigs in I“ I'll! I'llllll

i I. Presents V U . I Sun 12 Oct Queen's Hall Q 8.11- ’1" I/ 550 3060 Isl number 1 gametes. Wéwsv

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Music featured on ‘Alias’ _ _ _ 7_ _ 019nm ~"/."/IC :1“qu memom'cl‘ofk,’

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Thurs l3 Nov The Queen's Hall

in“: MARY AUTHIER IIIIIEBSEII 11114 Nov @1110 H1" We .. u... A ~ . um. ,. JAY FARRAR 8‘ Band Lee Pattersor Belgranns: 30th November Support r

Peter Bruntnell Band Milk 25111111111,- Ton: J/Hu-r! f‘

.'_§i.I/.r,u~r‘. 12001 2

Sat 29 Nov The Pleasance Bar

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Mad about music Out every two weeks