Music rock 8 pop IIsIIngs

Rock 8- Pop listings continued

Thursday 2


I Elbow anII Longview Queen Margaret I‘IIInn. 33 l'nnc-NI} (i.lI\It'II\. H‘) 078.1. 7' illprn L Ill. ()wr talc-II InIIIc' llll\L'l.II\lIl\I\ lInIn \Ianchwlcr uIIII \llmltlll lrnIn a mu ItanII applyng lnr a \IllllIltl' |)H\IIIHII

I Thursday 'I III- (iarajgc'. tun Sauclnc'hall SII‘c'c'I. H3 lI3ll. " illprn £8.50. ()xc'r l-lx \IInu. I'.\ll'c'llltt (lllllllc’I lrnIn Nu“ Jc'rxc} \HIII a c'nnxcrc-nlrnnx .‘lIIIIllIIL‘ In Innr'rng anII IIIc' l'L'\[)Itll\lI\lIlllC\ nl hum}: Ill a I'nc‘k hand \thrc'x IIIc lnn In IIIaI

I Senser, Calcium and RPM 3;: (In-IIIIIII 'I'IIc- (ial'agc' l. .190 Sanclnc'hall SIIu-I. ISA H I I. {H

I Skinnyman King: 'IIII'x \Vah \Vah Hill. 373:: SI \‘Inc'c'nI SII'ch. 331 53“) K. illprn. LN. Sac [H'L‘Ht‘u lnI‘ lIlL‘ Inndnn ham-II \l( ‘.

I Boo Hewerdine 'I'hc IInuunnII Illll. .\IanI Slim-I. I|n\\\\nncl. nc‘aI JHIIII\IHIIL‘. lll5ll5 "NH I l‘). H. “Iplll, L'X. I'Itl'lllL‘l'I) nnc- IIaIl nl the Bible IIIIc- .\'c\\ nr ()III chIanIc'nI. \w \kIllltlt'l',l.;lIltII10“ Ik‘llc‘l' knrmn ax Izdcll Rc‘aIIc'I‘\ \nngurlnng partner.

I The Ducks Nicc'n'Slc'a/s. .l3l SaIIc‘IIIc'IIaII Slit-cl. 3 H Uni—7. 0pm. Sac“ I'l'l I‘).

I Japan 4, the Camel Pimps, Echo 20, AOAS and Pen 15 Inc (’alhnuxc. I5 I'nInn SII'c‘c'I. 343 (until). 7.3llprn. (-1.50. ()xcr' Hx \hn“. I’unk IlllL‘ up nl a pop and \kalc [k‘l'\llll\lltll. I Hill City Blues SIIIIIIn ()nc'. (il'It\\L'llUl‘ IInIc'I. (Il'It\\c‘llUl' 'I'c'I'I'ac'c' Inll Iiy'c'x RnaII). MI 05”». ‘lprn. I'I'c‘c‘.

I Poor Old Ben I‘lc‘alhc'c'nc. 5 (‘I'cxxxwll Inna. 334 (I770. Xplll. I'I‘c‘c'. Laidhack background \nllllII\,

I The Vagabonds 'l‘IIc- Swim.

\Iiickuc'II \Ilc‘c‘l. <3: \(“I ‘Iprn I'lc‘L‘ I’npnIaI u*\c'l\

I Jam Session SanInc'I I)n\\

(i- “I \III1\II.IIC RILIII. ~13 ; III”—

.\ illprn I'Icc' IImIc'II It} InIIc'pc'IIIIcncc I Live MUSiC IcIlal ()\II.I. >13 ()Iagn |.anc'. ‘5" 453-3 \prn In Iw pnnlIrrnuI I Live "05“: I.U.ltIk'tI. I IIIIIIII I.ItIIle_'U. ‘l-l \\c'\I chc'nl Slrc‘c'l lllpnI [ I ILI IIII tInnI I \M'c‘kI} \IIl'\\\.l\L' HI IHc'aI .II‘ll\l\

I Live MUSiC IIlc' I :III \ch' (NIIC. 5“ (Ill Km; XIII-cl. 55‘ In“ "pm 1‘ I.lllL' up In Iw c'nnl'nnIc'II

I Live Music \ic'(‘IIIII|I\. -llt IIIle SIIc'c'I. 553 3| ‘5 “pm Irc'c' \c'u hand llljJIlI. Irnc up In In" cnnlIrrnuI

I Live Music 'IIIIIIc-Iltny l.\‘l Ilsrcx RnaII. 4“) ‘Illh ‘lprn I'lL'k' \c‘nnxllc‘ \UIIII(I\


I Man of the Hour, Battalion of Flies, Funnelweb and STD Swain 3-I. 34 3h ( ‘allnn RnaII. .553 V55 3.30pm, .\InI'c' Iran} Inc'k lrnnI /,c-aInn\ - Slum Village IIlc' IiItllfJH ( .IIlI‘. IInI_\I‘nnII RII. ‘lprn ianr L'Ilt IL5 alIc'I I3. ill», I)c‘II‘nII\ SIIIIII \Illapc' IIIaIk IIlL' It'llllt‘llllljJ nl lIlL' Iinngn ( 'lnh aI II\ nc‘u \llc'. Spitlllullc'ullx, pl'nglc'\\l\c'. II)I\\.II'II IIIInkIng Inp Inn) Man rappers ItaaIIn and Ii IlIttlljJHIIc' pInIIIIc‘c'I Ia} Ik‘c mhn hax [\I'UIIIICCII IIlC IIIuN HI ‘I l'lIk'. DC In SIIIII anII Ihc' |’II;IIc'_\IIc-I. ()n \Iaggc' III I Ipln Iappr'nu \\IIIl \IIppnI'I lInIn Incal L'UIIk't‘IHc' l.I\c Sciences and HI \krllx lr'nrn Sc‘r’alc‘lt'x Isle} and RIcIIIc' RUIIIUIIL‘ alnngxnlc' Izl Sc'gnncln‘x I).IRL'II(\.

I Ten Miles Tall, Elbrook Court, the Angel Conversations anII Lynx Jenkins ('atc Rn}aI Iil\ll'tt liar, I7 \Vc‘fl Rc'glflt‘l' SII‘L'L'I. .55" ~I—‘I3. 57.30pm. U. .\Inr'c' lllIIlL‘ and I‘nc‘k lI'nIII ('aI pr‘c‘xcnnng \nln ;Il'll\l I._\n\ .lc'nkIm' l'n'xl ncI‘lnI'Inanc'c‘.



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"THE meat was All. ABOUT “0 MARIA“ A Hill MlGllTY VOICE"

(huaqu Daily Herald


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Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 18

G asgow

I Jim McQuat Quartet It.” I6. Buchanan IInIc'I. I\5 IiIIcI1.IIl.III\IIc'\'I. H3 ".‘.\-1 5pm I luv I)l\\'l\t‘ |a// \I'c.IIl\I It'.l\i\I1I\ Ilnatlcl \KlIIl an .I\\\'lIlllCllI nI Ia// \\\ll1j.'Illllc'\

I Lynne O’Neill Trio \II I lI‘. I I I Ilnpc' SIIc'c-I. 3‘1\ («‘15 \pIn L3 I snnc ().\L‘III Ic'aIIx IIll\ IIIn \Injsrny lira/Ilran Illllt'\ .IIItI |.l// \IanIIanlx

I Late Night Piano Bar ('nnnrlnan. I‘ll IanaIn SIM-cl. 553 Hill ‘lnrn IIc'c .Inxh \Inrganplasxlratlrnnnal\I1n\\ IllIlL'\ I’aII nl \Ic‘lc‘IlallI (n) I'cxnxal

I The Fusion Experience Blacklrrarx. In “C” SIIc'c'I. 553 5‘l31 IllpIn I'Ic'c' \cu (Ilaxgnn I‘.I\CtI IIIIk'k' pIc'c'c .Ic‘III |.I// lIInk I‘IIIItI lc'aIInInjg

Ra} InnnII Ilarrrx nn IIaInnInnII nrpan. Slc'll .\Ic‘( ‘IIIskc'_\ nn ha“ and .Iannc' ('IIIIII' nn IIllllll\ I’aII nl \ik‘I\'II.lIII ('II} I \'\Il\.II


I SaySamba! (‘aI‘aIc'I \HIIJHC. {(1 V5 Illan SIIc'c'I. 33” (II "(I {I IUI ('nrnc' .lllII \IMkI' )nIn IaII lc'aIIII‘Ix \klIIl IIlC c'\nI\c'IanI ~1ll \Ill‘llf.‘ I1IIInIIIIIjJII\arnhaScImnl nc'rc'nxxrnn pinup \[lk'c'lJIhllljJ III .IllIIlCllIlc' lIl}IIllll\ lInIn ItIa/Il'x carnnal c'nllnrc

0 David Berkman and Trio AAB IIc'nI} 'x .la// ("c-Ilar. N \Inrnxnn Slim-I. to“ 53”” 5 illpln {It .\ InaInI nus c'nlI.II\nI.IIInII Inrnpx Ing'I'IIII'I \IIIc'IIc‘an Inanrxl I).I\ III Itc-IanaII \uIII IIII' Ic‘annc‘l.I\IIc' 'IIIn .\ \Il I:\ncc'I gunk}. nncnIrw and (\PIUIJIHI} no“ |.I// lInnI IInx pnII-III c'nnIhInaIInn


I Clyde Rhythm Jazz Quartet \c‘u Douglas I’ark. ('aII/nu \wnnc. IIIINN 330“); .\ I Illlll. I'It't' IIIC II.IIIIIIIUII .III/l (IIIII\'\ \H'CkI} \c'\\IUll IIlal \\k'IL'HIIlc'\ yucxl lllll\lc‘l.lll\

Friday 19


I The Fusion Experience 'I he IIIIIIIII l HIIIIch‘. ‘l-l \\L'\I Rcycnl Sheet. ‘5‘ III“. 5 5pm. I'Ic'c'. Sc'c' IIIII IN.

I Late Night Piano Bar (’nIthIan. I‘ll Ingram SIIc'c'I. 553 lllll. ‘lprn. I‘Icc, SCL' III“ I3

I Brian Morley Quartet IiIackIllah. In Hell Sllc'c'l. 553 593.1 ‘J. Winn I'Ic‘c SII.II;_'III aIIcaII Ia// pla_\cII nn \a\. kc'}I\naIII\. In“ .lllII III‘Innx I’aII nl \Ic‘I'c'IIaIII (‘II_\ I‘L'\Il\.II.

I Brian Molley Quartet’I\Ill.Il\. In “C” Slim-I. 553 5‘l3~l Iltpin Inc You”; \.l\II|lIlUlll\I \Inllc'} IlIlllI\ IIll\ lnInxnnIc


I David Berkman Trio IICIII} \ _I.l// (l‘lIaI. I\ \InIIIwn SIIc'c'I. In" 53””

N. Illprn Us ('nnIc-nIpnI‘ar'} |.I// and an HIIjfllMI Iakc nn \nnIc clamrc‘ Inc-Inn It} (IL‘I\Il\\lll anII IzlllnggInn lInnI IIH\ c'\c‘c'|lc'nl \c'n \nrk I‘.I\C(I [‘ldllhI

Saturday 20


I George McGowan and his Orchestra \Ic'Ic‘IIaIIIK (‘nIIIc'L IN JnIIn SII‘c'c'I. 553 Will. 3. :ll 5. iIIPlll I'I'c'c. I)I'IInnnc'I _\Ic‘( innan IL'.llI\ In\ In; hand \\IIII gnc'xl \Uc‘.IIl\I\

I Alone at Last - Tommy Smith (ilaxgnu (LIIIIc'III'aI. ('axllc' SIIc‘c‘l. 5.53 XI‘IN \pnI {5 SIcIIaI Sc'nIIrxh \IIMIPIIIIHHI and tan lllll\|c‘l.lll 'InnInI} SnnIII pc'r'lnnnx Ill\ ~pcc'lall} cicalcd

\.I\I‘I‘III‘II\‘ I‘Inx c'IchInnch IIILI\I\ InI IIlc‘ c Illlic Ilc'\ anII caIIIcIIIalx nI \\\'IIJII\i I.IIIIIUIlj3II IIc‘ II.I\ pcIInInIc'II II III Ints nI \I‘Ilct‘II II.tII\ .I\ “(III I‘aII nI \Icrc‘IIanI In} I I‘\II\.II

I Scottish Guitar Quartet I‘I' \. 1<n\.rncInc-II.III \III'I'I. ‘53 ~1‘Illll \Inn

L In ILM IIlt' \IIIJIICI Illl\c‘lI .I no“ \llllk‘ \I‘llII‘I‘\\’\I I\_\ \iJIu‘IIII \Iac'l allanc' \\IIII .l Innnnhxrnn lInIn IIIc‘ \cItIIhIl \ll\ ('nnncrl. ll\lllj.' IIII'II nan I l.llllc'\\I\II\ _~:InI.n\ and IIIC Ix’nIanII \ (i M \erIII IIIC I‘JIIti \\ III aIw pla} an acnanIc \c'I nn IIIc' IllIlllhIlL I IanIc'xxnIk lll\Illllllc‘llI\ \c'c pane]

I Late Night Piano Bar ('nIInIIIIan. I‘ll Ingram \IIc'c'I. 55.‘ Illll "Inn Itcc Ilu'lnlc I Hum 15 .Illc'I\\aIII\ «UH .Ia// .IIIli ca\_\ leIc'nInj.‘ lllll\lc' lInIn Kart} liacc'} Il‘IIlHKCti It} l).| I’aIII Ix’c'a lll IIII' c'lnh I’aII nl \II'Ic‘IIanI ('Ils I c'\Il\.lI

I Late Night Piano Bar ('nIInIIIIan. I‘ll IIIj.'I.InI \III'I'I. 55.‘ IIHI ‘Il‘lll IIc'I' \c'c' III“ I.\

I Lorna McLeod Quartet IiIJc'kIlth. In Hell \III'I'I. 553 5"31

‘l Winn Ilc‘k' I nrna \i\I and and IIc'I \|ll.llI\'I [\Ias a mu nl \I.III\I.II\I\ .lIltI IIlL‘ll nun \‘Hllll‘INlIlUlh I’aII nl \II'Ic'IIanI (II) I I‘\Il\.II


I Toto’s Jazz Quartet Hans \ Hal. I\’.IlIIIHI[‘Il I’I.l\ t'. 3 i" XIII” i ill (rpm I'Ic'c' \njclc' King: IUIII\ IIll\ lnnk} tlll.lIlt‘I In prnx IIIc' IIIc' \nc'alx

I Ailsa McReary III'III} \ .I.I// (‘I'IlaL N \InIIIwn \IIc'cI. MW 53”“

N Winn L5 Innng' ('anaIIIan \Ingzcr \IngIng.‘ a \‘ItlllllIc'lx‘ l.IllL‘\' than will InIInIaIc- I‘.lII.ltI\ In In: \Ilnu Innux .\c‘c‘nIIIIIlj..' In lIlc‘ / l4 rung \r H \_ \III' \I.I_\\ |ll\I IIIc IIIIIII \IIII' nl lncallI} lpn\\lIII_\ nnI \\Ilt'|l \IIc- l\ running up my \Ianx. IIInIIpIII


I Paul Towndrow and Friends Ilc'cr ('alc'. (.llIHIIL'Ilflf3'M 553 0M5 3pm I'lc't‘ .\InIIc'In Ia// \IIIIHI.II(I\ and HIl;'lll.II\ lrnIn IIIc pun nl 3‘1 scar nIII aIIn \.I\H[\Il0lll\l IU\\II\IIU\\

I Blues Sunday I,.Illllt'\ Iial. I-l King SIIc'c'I. 553 "l3; 3 ~1pIn I'II'I' Rc'unlar IlL'\\ I‘Illt'\ \c'\\lnn lI-aIInIn}: Rm I)nc' .IIIII IIIC ('nnprc'uannn

I Perdido IlIIIIIIa. I‘13a SI \ IIIL'L'llI SIH‘CI. 3i; 33I3 -I flplll I‘IL‘C \IarnxlIc‘anI IaIIn |.I// anII \nc'alx.

I Campbell Considine and Stuart Harrison \\a\} ()'('nnnnr'\_ -1»i\\i'\l(ic'uljjc' SIII‘L'I. iS-i 5 I 5-1 ti (rpm I'Ic'c', \nc'aIN anII pIaIIN ('aIIIphc-II ('nIIxIIIInc [‘c'lIHlllh Ia// \IarIIIaIle \xIIII I‘;I\\I\l SIIIaI‘I II.’Illl\Itll

. Kesha (IJIL‘ (-U\\.I\'IlHI\. I<ll\\l.lll (’IIIIIIIaI (‘c'nIch Ill King: Slrc'cl. 55‘

II“ N X {llprn 2.5 IN: \IL‘L'I (Illk IgInIaI I. “In: I’nnnnIaIm l\ InInII and In :\II.I\ I\In|InI pc'rlnrrn a rim nl I<ll\\lllll. 2);“). Ia// and Kla/Inc-r lnlk nIINc' I’aII nl \Ic'rc'hanl (n) I‘cxlnal

I Scottish Youth Jazz Orchestra \Ic'lc'IIanI Squaw. lIlL' ('nIIII_\aIII. “I 3* .\II\lUll SII'L'I‘I. ‘lprn I‘Ic'c' 'InInIn) SnIIIII'x Ulc‘Ilk‘\Il.l I\ made up nl IaIc-IIIcII I5 )caI nIII Sc‘nlnxh Ia/l lllll\lc‘l.‘lll\ I’arI nl \it‘lt'IIIIllI ('II) I'c'xlnal

I Late Night Piano Bar ('nIInIIIIan. I‘ll Ingram SIIc'c'I. 553 I Illl, 9pm I'Ic'c. Su- ‘I hn In

I Graeme Scott Trio IiIac‘klI‘IaM. m “C” SII‘L'L‘I. .553 593-1 ‘) illplll. I‘l‘L'L‘ Inning lellIIIlhl Sc'nll l\ InnIc-II nn bass and III'nnh lnr a III/I \L'ICL'IlHll I’aI'I nl \lc'Ic'IIanI ('II} I'c‘xlnaI


I Jazz Afternoon Ulnlnm. it ('axlIL‘ Slit-cl. 44" 5‘33 I Jprn I‘lc‘c' \Irkc- Rngxc‘rx. Susan II;Illlllll_L‘ and Hand I’aIrIc'k nn plann plus _‘_'llc'\l\ III II]I\ ncu “Cc-kl} r'c-xrdc-nc)

I Toto’s Jazz Trio 'l he (inll ‘laxcrn. I)nkc SII'c-c-I. lnrh. 3 ill -l. Winn I‘ruc. 'I'Inx Innc II'x Jnnrn} (iIInInrc Innnnj: 'InIn lnr \nc'al Inc-Ind}