Theatre events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after Theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to anna®, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

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\\ '\ \\ llL‘Clx ll.tll .t\\\‘\\. \\ \ \ \\ llt‘t‘lxlldll .iucw \xith tl\\l\l.lll\\'. l’ l’.tll.ll1_‘.'l.l\lllllk'\. \\ l~ \il.t[‘lk'tl lltllt‘ll \l


35 i Arg) lL' Slit-ct. 5(i5 “B i. |\\'( '. \\'.'\| Paper l'ntil l‘ll l‘) Sup N. lllpm. £5 tUi. ln 'lcnxion ictui'nx \\llll ll\ tollou up to .\li\\h'd ax part ot ,\it‘hc\ liw' ‘Unsex me Here’ l'nnl l'll It) Sup 7 l5pin «Wed 1". 5. lllpmi. U) l till, Sk'w l,onciag.’in\ onc \xoman \ltim ahout amhition, l’ait ol -\u'hc\ l.l'\\" King Dom Com 'l'hu Ix Sat 3n Sci». 7pm lllttl IN. 5. illpmi. £5 lUi. llHivrtcnxion 'l‘hcatic'x takc on my tlt'lllll Hl lltx'hlt'ttilllt'gk'lttl.l1l\l\ l’l'L‘\lC). l’ai't ot Archm luc'

Play, Footfalls and Not l the 23 Sup Sat-10d. 8pm. U lLFli. .-\nd} .'\l'll()ltl tlll'L‘L'l\ thtcc \hort play h} Samucl lit't‘kclt. icatui'mg pcrloi‘manu'x h} l’aulmc (ioldxmilh. \ltiii'cann lx'cll} and Stcphcn (lulu. Sec pm 1c“.


'l5llL' ()ltl ('ltL‘L‘xvnlat‘kL‘l. I5 I‘) \\';tll\ Slim-t. 553 3 ltll. |\\'(‘. \\‘.-\|

Lip Service l'ntil lhu |.\' Sup

8 lllpm. l-iu', 'l'lic (ila\go\\ chci'toi') 'l‘ht'atrt' ('ompan} (lUC\ improx ixation m lllL' \t_\ lc ol '“how l.llk‘ I\ ll .v\n'\\\a'\'. I’ul‘l of [In .lli'n'litui! ('1'I\ I'l'\/llll/.


4o \Vallau'“ cll Quadrant. 553 033-1. |\\'( ‘. \\'.\|

Salt 0’ the Earth Sat 3i) Sup. 7.30pm. £3 t£| i l'i'om ()8-15 Ulli5tll. little John \L‘c. “I'llCI' and pci'toi'nici'. \ingx \ongx ax a ti'axclling llllll\ll'L‘l. taking Inm troin thc Saltmai‘kct to Southern Spain.


ll‘) (iot'lxtk Sll'L‘Cl. 43‘) 0033. ll). ll. 'lmll. \\'('. \\'.r\|

The Four “wins t'nnl Sat II Oct (not Sun/Mont. “.Rtlpm (Sat mat 3pm). [l3 (L31). Argcntmcan pla_\\\i'ight ('opi'x horrific and lllltll'lttth pla} ahout luo \ctx iii t\\ in\ one at \walth} and \ll‘l‘illlt'llk'kl. thc Ullk‘t' poor and tlg'l‘altgcd. Wide Sargasso Sea l‘niil Sat 1 1 ()ct. 'l'uc Sat “fillpiii iSat mat 3pm). {l3 H34 l. lllL‘ L‘at'l} lll'c ol' lltL‘ llt'\l .\lt\ Rochmtcr l'l‘ottl ('ltat‘lollc llt‘ottlL"\./t1/u‘ Iii'rc’. ax imagincd in tho nowl h} Jcan Rh} \. charting her hit “tilt .\ll' Rochmtci' in the \Vot lnditw and coming hack to lingland. \xhci'c \hc hccamc thc int'amoth “mad “oman in ihc :iiiic'.

Venice Preserved ‘l‘hu Ix Scp Sat II Oct inot Sat .\loni. ‘l'uc Sal "fillpm (Sat mat Rpmi. £13 1134). A no“ production ot' 'l‘homax ()ma) \ \urprixingl) contcmporar) Jacohcan pla} about No lite-long t'i'icndx \\ ho plot thc dounlall ot' a (it) rulcd h} a corrupt \cnatc. Scc pm ic“.


Duku Road. (‘ainhuxlang M! will. [\\'('. \\‘.-\|

Frankie and Johnny lhu 13 Sup. 7.30pm. £3. Rapturc 'l‘hcati‘c pi'cwntx thc |o\ c \tor) madc tamoxix h} the tilm \tarring \lichcllc l’t'cil'l'cr and .-\l l’acmo about tuo Ioncl) \Ulll\ \\ ho tind lo\ 0 in the Big Apple.

Nelfth Night Dominic Hill's production is an entertaining and thoughtful start for the new artistic director's team at Dundee Hep. Surrealistic and contemporary. this production hoasts strong penormances and a splendid set. Dundee Rep. until Sat 20 Sep. then touring.

Scottish Ballet Ashley Page's first outing With Scotland's national troupe looks set to create a stir of interest. A i_)rogramm(-2 Willi a strongly modern feel might be just the tonic for the ailing company. Festival Theatre. Edinburgh. Thu 25—Sat 27 Sep; Tramway. Glasgow. Thu 2-Sat 4 Oct.

Julius Caesar DaVId Mark Thomson's first production at the Lyceum represents an adventurous. and quite political. start for the company. Both thriller and political play. the piece represents both an entertainment and a challenge to its audience. Roya/ Lyceum Theatre. Edinburgh, Fri 79 Sop-Sat 78 Oct.


‘) l'niwrxit) Awnuc. 331) 5533. Ill. \\'(‘. \\}\l

Monster 'l'hu IS Sat 30 Scp. Titlpni. [3.50 U). Ago |I+. \'i\ihlc l-iutions 'l‘hcatrc ('oinpaii_\ 'x mm pla} l'or )oung adultx \xhn‘h tcllx the \tor} ot a tccnagcr on trial for murder.


3‘)" Bath Strcct. 3-10 I l I l. Ill. \\‘(‘. \\';\l The Graduate l'niil Sat 20 Sup. ".Btlpm i\\'cd & Sat mat 3.3tlpmi.

93' ‘33“. Mike Nicholx' tilm maxtcrpiccc. I’lur (inn/tutti: comm to thc \tagc \\ 1th (il}lll\ Barhci' in thc i'olc ot~ thc llllitllittlh .\lr\ Rohitixott \\ ho \cducu a _\oung (UllL‘gL‘ graduate.

Boogie Nights Mon 22 Sat 2" Scp. “.Rllpin; in & Sat (rpm & ‘lpm.

L") £335”. (ict )iiiii' dancing \how on pcoplc. li'oouii' Stu/m ix hack \\ ith a \cngcancc. So gct )our atrm and plattormx at thc rcad} ax _\ou prcparc to dance in thc ;tl\lC\. You ha\ 0 been named.

listings Theatre


50m ANNIVERSARY PRODUCTION smmPaul Rtev (Chet/vi” 7779 Fat 3”” Gem) Directed by Andy “m”

. meg-dies .Lk BodtNowm014156510230'0'1m@www' OD


:79?) 3 . Scottish earcnes 0 Ms Com.

"1 ’50:,- k C .‘. 1 THE LIST 83
