Comedy listings

[3B Scotland


BIO Scotland IlMtBS WI! lo [M WNW 0' 8 MW 330 1 SKOICII snow starring some 0| amour:

COMO! Icons.


Jami Immrullcaooamn.

lam "mum! mmwuau. mu tame. sonata rm.

usuc "mars ana Ilcnous sumi.

SOBEElIIGS: 181’. Ill] and 3|“! actatm 2003 "am 7.15 lllll a $13an 'I‘. use Scotland. [noon locum Drive. Glosoow 812 806. Intention: 0141 338 2772 “It tickets.


Wednesday 24 continued


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglc‘uh. l'(i(‘ llurlilmg. chlrc'u Slum-l. 05"“ 7‘” ll7ll7 Nl5prn {l3 Sac Thu 35

The ‘LhL' Stillltl. 55‘ \VUUt“.llltl\

Road. llK-‘ll (will) 0055 Upm {7 1U” Irhh nnrlhxlcr Kcnn Him-x. Sand) \t'lMiIl tin

HIl\ Huh-r [Ulll Vladimir \lc‘luuxh


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonjglc'urx. ()Hllll (1-incm (irccnxnlc‘ l’lrn‘c. 03707 370707, .\'. illpni. {l5 Sac Hm I5

The Stand lhc Stand. 5 York Plan". 558 737:. ‘lpm. {7 (UH. l' 1mm Hint/nu pi'cxcrilcr Jo Jo Snulh. \th John (illln’L. Simon \lc'Kinnc} and .\l(' Slimn \lnl'l'hnll.


Friday Evening Comedy Klub l‘nncrxil) ()l l’uhlc} Sludcnt l'nion. Sloric Slrccl. ill-ll H-l‘) ~l IN). 7pm. U 'l‘hc Rcwrcnil ()hdtlth Slcppcnuollc Ill and .loc llccnun gucxl. Sludcnlx onl}.


5.7 Jeremy Hardy (inlc'l) ’l‘hcun-c. ('urrn'k Slrccl. 0| 2‘): (il III}. 5'. 5UP!" £l3.5lli Scc 'l‘hu 25.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlc'urx. l'(i(‘ Budding. chlrcxx Sin-ct, 0370 7&7 l)7ll7_ .‘x’il5pin. U3. Sec Thu 35‘

The Stand lhc Sluml. iii \Vooillumk Road. 0870 (run (illfifi, 0pm. £3. Sac in In Madcap Comedy Club Siuic Bur. HS llollund Slrccl. 0-1692“). 0.30pm. £5 it‘ll. ('ruig ('rookxlon ltllllx llU\l Bill} llonlwrx.



Phil McIntyre Entertainments proudly present


2393 Starring Rik Moyall and Ade Edmondson Friday 3rd October EXTRA DATE ADDED!

Saturday 4th October

72 THE LIST '8 Son—303131114


Box Office: 0870 040 4000


Jongleurs Comedy Club ,lHIllec'llh. ()nnu (icnlu'. (ircc'nxnlc I’Ligrg ll.\"ll~ .\~lI~ll-‘ .\ zlip”) {I5 \k-g 'I’hu :5

The Stand lhc Stand. 5 \ork l’l.icc. 55h 73—: ‘lpin L.\ \u' I ll In but John Rmx rcplacc'x Simon \1\ kninc}

Sunday 28


:3 Big Word Performance Poetry Slam Iron Ihmlica hi lrongalc. 55.‘ 43h“ 5pm L31 it il l5 \|.unnicr\ llllL‘ up lor hoxl~ \nil.i (io\.in .nnl Rachcl Jul} Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service l'hc Stand. iii \\Hl't“.llltl\ anL u.\“u nun muss .\ top”. 111114: Sand} \clxon l.tt\L‘\ .i pop .il lllll\lc‘.ll pruna «lonnm \nil} Sn .tl\H gut-xix


Bruce’s Sunday Social Fund lhc Stand. 5 York l’l.iu'. 553 7373 5 ml‘ln H it'h _\lu~n‘.i| \‘Ulllk‘illJll HIl\ liJllu‘l luxullincx. \\ Ilh ,lolin lx’oxx .nnl 1hr “rah-ill} \ n‘loux hoxl Ilium“ Hm llll

Monday 29


The Zulu Live Music Bash l’hc

Stand. iii \Mioillunih Roml. “NW” N)” 0055, (xillpnl. £3.50 l'Hllllllelll} Illll\l\' and council} gulhcring.


Red Raw lllc' Stand. 5 York Plan: 55.\ 7373. X. illpm. L'I. l'.lj_'lll ncu conic-ll} lgnnhx arc \hcphc'nlcil through lllc‘ll roulincw h} hoxl (ir'ncnic 'l'honirix unil c‘loxcr' .lurlic'x l'cr‘guxon.

Tuesday 30


Freshers’ Comedy Night lhc l’lcgixuncc. (ill lllc‘ l’lmxunu'. (x50 0W5 Big: :llltl c‘lcwr ('lll'h .‘\(ltll\llll. ulnnguilc‘ lltl'c‘t‘—lllllc‘\ l’cn'ici' nonnncr Hun Antopolxki. \\0l'l\ li'cxhc‘rul out an") mullcr \\ ilh \omc‘ ccrchrul upplnuuonx. l‘rcwhcrx onl}.

Edinburgh Sitters Benefit Night The Stand. 5 York Plan: 558 7273. ‘lpni. to (Hi. 'l'hc Slunil roll\ out lhc' I'Ctl carpal Ill ginl ol lllh local chum}.

Wednesday 1


Bruce Morton Presents Ilit- \mml. 555\\\N\cll‘|ll\l\ Klimt ll\ 'il (\tll' (“‘55 "pm to H5» l’cnn‘r nouuncc liiinc l\ l‘.lth \\llll up .nnl tonnnfx Lilt‘lll int linliuz' \rnh lx‘cnlr ,lohn \ld illllli‘\\. Luna lciyuxon innl \JlltllJ lolinxlon

l :linburgh

Great Britain Explained Ilii~ \nnii. 5 \ork I’an. 55,\ 7.‘ llcn (licch (‘olin lx‘.unonc .llltl ('olui \irripwii lll\\'\llf.‘.ll\‘ ulm'x g'lCJl .ihoul

The Comedy Cave \ltllul l ilmnl» \nlilii \liu'l. 55h \fi-l.‘ " 10pm 1| loilnn'hlh uviln'ih \ lul\ hoxlcil l\\ ( llll\ (Inc, lhc tonn'il} \.l\t.lll.lll. iiuil lc‘.llllllll‘_' \hmp \lllllk\ .nnl hiyh um calori-

Thursday 2


Craic @ the Radisson l\'.nllxxon \ \\ lloli‘l. illl \1;'_\li'\liccl,_‘lll Hi1

\ illpni llcc \cc Ihu .‘5

Jongleurs Comedy Club lollz'lx'lllx l (i(' Hulliluig'. lx‘cnln'u \ui‘i‘l. H5 '0 ‘\' 070' N 15pm to (.Ulllk'tl} pct-m lx‘oz'ci \lonkhouw inuoilucm l Linkn' llo\ lc. ('.iil.nll.iu \'H|ll\'tll.lll (Lily (flunplwll .inil (‘urlix \\.ilkci

The Thursday Show llii- \iml, 1H \\|Hl\'l_llltl\ |\’H.|il_ ll.\5'll fillll (\II55 ‘llinl 2h iL5I lx’cxnlcnl conier lx’.i_\iuond \lcrnnx [now lhc \\.i} lor l’cun'r noiuun'c I’.nioi .llltl .lohn Rim

‘3 ‘lplu 1145'

l dinhurgh

Jongleurs Comedy Club .Ionplcim ()nnu (‘cnuu (in'cnxnli' I’Lni', UN '0‘ qulh’ll" X illpm L55 \‘Hllhll \Ulllt'tllJll Slu \\ ho ' inlioiluu'x Lin \loonx l).i\nl ll.nlin§:h.ini and (Lin: Hill

The Thursday Show Ilii- \l.nnl. i York Plan: 553 “I”: ‘lpin to l L5! Scollixh council} Lillicr lig'urv lliuu- \lollon lic'mllincx. \\llll (inn-un- lllHlll.i\ local imlgc .l.nuc\ l curlixori, Iohn \1\'(llllllllk'\\.lll\l hml \umn \lHlll\iill


Rhona Cameron \lJclx’Hl‘cll. l'lll\cl\|l'\ HI SllllllLLfi lllr‘hh ~1(l(l(l(l(l Rpm Ll I it‘ll llll\ oulxpokcn \luxxcllmn'h l.l\\ pow luck to lht' llooi on .i n.iIIon.il loui

l ‘v"" I'l-l i «All I, l .c‘i;’_,_‘v I‘M l (‘Ilililll lla- :(Ernfsf;r;'rx.r;":;r>i':f;',"f' »-.‘,-' z ,' « A'hv ' x' ' ' v r .. ‘.'.’ll'l t".(:::"..:lr.':" arm/"3 z‘: 'giw’r': ""‘;' ' r~‘ r; "; . . heiflogxai‘iri‘xh‘w 7."."(l"’}{;£:. ";':l:"-:‘ ‘-' "45”: ' ' "K i I, '* ISIl l‘.(}!(?£llifj" :‘r'r‘n f"(,- "r ry‘: ’) ‘l'f/ m ' : ' i "7 I. ' ll<l.(:(:.(:rl‘(l71€:. wt," all»: Wm '{ I ' ' ;' ' 1': " l(HUGHf)illill().‘.‘:"1!(t' } swim ' r ' ,' i ' "r i all Awfirlfiétl‘ and (insomnia: ':'-'.-gi"‘~'.~': '3': ' . 2 ::1-',-’ I(}<l-.(: a [union “fish,” .'.' HM: $3.. ~,-, 1" ~ ' i: .' _: (1-:1 .1 ~ lowering, ‘U.'.{:(l'lfl fish! . '. ,SHJ,‘ "r‘ ' z ' r l“ ' ,x I. ' . l" VVY‘ ,c‘ror '\ onfl- ,- y"\r‘ "V O 77* 7"! ( , - ‘4' ‘1 :4!“ 'v {,1 r " Dd’klltjfb (l-Hi’: iii”: /,./.’)(A', r ','(.'/,I " 5/ ' / . ' n 'f” . ' I: .h<;i,.:f,»<. .aumx "(:r'a. :4-,",.'.-.-: ~ ~ . ' ' ., , ~ llOOfétl‘ll’Lfll‘f;'lf}’ éz' :‘;’, 'I'r ' ’z " :, z I]. ' ("V‘Kéa 21!? e‘: {A "‘éi’l zi'”: "-’:.‘:' :‘z' '9 " ' "" -' ’v " " ' ,3 ' Susanngf"<:t';ii‘i':Tat 8"". '."-’;'I,- S’, ‘,'.'5. :K , "4.124),. .' / 'ozaiisanrl'i’na. aw T"::°. T "éin "7"” - -' ' " ":' ' unusual "‘€2T"';/:f; 2m,- t/:"‘ O." 0" “1:” t » 'T~’:"° latrtixmnm, "rt’yrlftrl' :, .rz-sz I : -:.(,‘.: ' . ;: DOW: fz‘ {il‘r o',\',\0:‘(.; ,‘~:io,.'\: or ,t “\M) Q] ‘,\,;;‘ o, ,Jé:o:l I. o ,‘1, I , . o, p, 0 o , . , c, I/;x:«: .«~ i' < ' :