In our regular column, a team of

myster artists give their {not/g 7!}; on the current art sage/re.


When they asked me tor ttl‘, thoughts on tlte currant tart scene I was a bit perplexed. Wltrclt one? wondered. there are many. From hooligans to Sunday bakers to hard—headed misery louts (like me) to Racket Fiinksters who seertt to oo/e good cookery at the drop of a hat.

And stick to the point. demanded the editor.

'Do you want me to rant?’ I asked. I'll give you a rant! Lock me up for long enough iit this one room SIIKJIO/ bedroom livrng rooitt/storeroom/ciipboartl and ask me to construct x-years worth of produce and then when it arrives rrt your gallery demand eight invoices before bothering to pay that glorious pittance to sate my evrl bank manager who tracks me iit my sleep wrth searing ltot nipple clamps constructed front the bones of children (I exaggerate). And who tlte blinking sugar is that trikking designer who keeps hacking my images up to fit her lkea notion of cool. WHAT! You want me to change the photo because it doesn't fit!

Then there are the admin workers who gather round when you're stood in the gallery arranging work. ‘Why not put it there? How about over there? It'd look nicer in a frame. don‘t you thrnk’?‘ Artist walks into lavatory artd smacks head repeatedly on mirror. before re- eitterging wrth patience-oran- angel smile.

Ooh. ooh, have you heard the one about the Scottish Arts Council grant that got Judged by a curator's assistant who lives in Cambridge and awarded to an artist who also lives to England? Never really gets a laugh that one. And who cares about national identity anyway?

But I love it. It is sanity and peace that enables art to be produced. no matter how challenging the actual work may be. to see. hear, or feel.

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art©, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


i(t.1\\loodi.ttld\ Road. “3 “USN \Iiltt I ll Illaitr 5pm; Sat Illaiir I3 illpiii

Mixed Exhibition t'nril I'll it ()el .\ \hov. ot \Hil'k It} regular pallet} .tlll\l\ ineltidiiig: Helen M 'l'iii‘itei. lad Iltintei. Marion ’I'hoiitmn. Robert I'.f_':._'llllt'lt. .loe Kearne} and man} olileh


253 Argue Street. II‘HII HI: Miro l).tli_\ Illain lllpiit; Stiit itooii lllprrt.

Just Some Things I Want to Show You I ntrl Sun 5 ()et. She I.ouera3_'ran. “hit I\ taking: part iit tlte .-\re|te\ l.i\e' textual \xtth Iter pieee

‘l 'ir\e\ iiie Herr". ple\elll\ a eolleetion ol llll;l;.'C\ that inloritr Iter work a\ a pei't'oruier,


l‘) l’ar‘ure Street. 55.‘ "7“). Mon Sal noon 5pm.

New Paintings By Bryan Evans l‘ntil In In Sep. 'l‘he arttxt I'L‘\l\ll\ \ttllle oI tlte [text-lined \tihieetx tor \xltieh lie I\ \o \xell krtoxiit,

Todd Garner t'nrtl Hi In Sep. .-\rt e\hrhrtiort ot atinoxpherie p;tlltllli§_‘\ etokiug the glaiitotir' ol' the art deeo period ti'oiii Largx to (‘alitornta


IZ‘) Bath Street. (Filo 23332 i.

Suite Art l'rtttl Thu 2 ()et, .\ \eriex ol tortittghtl} e\|trhitiort\ \himine the \tork ol’ tip-attd-eoiiting ttl'll\l\ \\ rth art opening: e\er} l‘rrda) trout (tput. I‘rank In arid Rll\\L'iJ Ailken \IIU“ work until IS Sep t‘olloti ed It) I’atriek Burke i 1‘) Sep 2 ()et I.


185a Bath Street. 322 283”. Tue Sat Illaut 5.30pm.

Alexander Miller l‘niil the St) Sep. Noxtalgie tiguratn e “orb It} .r\le\ander .\li||er.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART 154 I‘Jiflhxuood Street. 553-1027.

Mon liri 0.30am 5.3llprii; Sat

Illant lpirt.

Water Paper Stone t'nirl 't'ue 3t) Sep. Reeent \Hllel‘L'UiUlll'\ It} John Ia} lor. paper‘uorkx it} Jaeki I’arr} arid tie“ eer'antiex h} Judith (iilrttour. Alexandra Knubley and Anne Penman Sweet l'ntil Inc St) Sep. .\'e\\ paiittingx iit itti\ed media It} .-\|e\andra Klillhie} aitd .-\nne l’enrttarr Stieet.

Focus l‘ntil The fill Sep. ('oitteittporar) jeweller} ineluding \torkx It} Bettina Starke. Leigh l5otherrnghant. l.i|ian Iillwii arid K;tiiil'}tt .\Iarehhank.

Gareth Mason Sat the fill Sep. Ne“ eei‘aittiex.

THE BRICK SPACE GALLERY One World Sltop. lllll By‘ex Road. 35" 1507'. .\Ion Sat lllant .5..‘~llpiit. Jewels of Textile Art l'ntil in 3| ()et. (i|;t\:_'o\\ '\ Iil‘\l littll‘ trade galler} opeth \xith an e\ItlI\lllUlt ol Shooua Cittlih tltgtde h) the Klthtt people (\I' [he Detnoeratre Reptrhlie ot' ('ongo. The eut- prle eloth\ are plain “men It} men and then embroidered It} women and are L‘illhldel'ed h} the Kuha people to he the true .IL‘\\ei\ ot' their te\tile art.

THE BRIGGAIT 141 Bridgegate. 4n: 5(I2l). Glasgow Sculpture Studios Sat Iii

& Sun .‘I Sep Illaiii -1r‘itt ()peii d.n at (il.r\;_'o\\ \tilptiiie \Illtil«‘\

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY Ill King Street. 5< i ii“ 11 lire Sat

II illaiit Ilpitt

Eastern Promise l riiil ill liter \ group \hoxk ot \tork I‘} .tlll\l\ troiti laxteru I iriope teattiiiiie pallillllflx dta\\ lllf,‘\ and eeiaiirre \


‘5” Satiehiehall Street, ‘5: l‘lllll

ltie \\ed \\ Iii Sun llaiii hpiii. IItii |Iartt Spin

Lee Bul: The Monster Show l lllli Suit 3S \ep lIte lll\l e\hiI\rtioti ot uoik tn Seotlaiid It} Korean .tlil\l I ee Iliil \xho e\ploie\ the human bod} and teeltitolog'} in a \ellk‘\ ot \}i‘i\lj_‘ \etlipillle\ lIte e\elii\i\el) tertiale \_\I‘i‘lj_'\ \Illk‘Slli'lh ltie.t\ arid ideoloeiw iit\ol\ed in the

eteallittl ill \teieot_\pe\ H

0 Kenny Hunter: Feedback Loop l'ittil Sun-1 J.tll llte tiit\ei|iii;; ot Kenn} Iltriitet'x \tllllllll\\lillte\i \ellipllllt' IHI tire (I. \ .t \lllfJie. large \\.l|k' Ilt‘llle til it .lapauexe teenager “Hill the \lreetx HI II.ll;t|lli\l iii Inigo. a repiexeiitatixe ol the e\tiaoidirtar} \tieet ta\hroii ot that area See iillilSl

Kenny Hunter in Conversation with John Calcutt lhti :5 Sep fiplll Seiilptor Kenn} lltirttei di\eu\\e\ ill\

(‘( '.\ etllltllll\\lttli. I! l illurik loo/r \\ ith John (‘aleutt


l’itixer\rt_\ ol Stiathehde. 33 Riehinoiid Street. 51S 355K, .\iou I'll Illairi 5pm. Sat rtoon -lpiit.

Jilli Blackwood: The Joy of Living l'ntil Sat l I ()et .\ inatot \olo \ilit\\ HI \\ttt'i\ eelehtalttrf.‘ the 3” )e.” eai‘eei' ot te\ti|e .tlll\l Jillr lilaekuood ()xei' ~Ill \xorkx are on til\pi.l_\ l.tllf._'lllfJ trout \xall it;tll_‘_‘tll_‘_'\ and eeiaiitiex to art to near elothrng artd digital!) printed Iai‘l’lex .'\ \et‘ie\ HI edtreattotiai \iorkxltotu aeeoiitpaii} the \iltt\\ (‘oittatt galler) lot more detailx.


iqiS \Vefl Regent Street. :3I (t ‘5‘”

.\Ion Sat Warn 5 .illpitr.

Cabinet Paintings l'niil lut- tti .Sep (‘ahinet paintiitgx It} met 5“ well ixltimtt itl'll\l\ tneltidiu}: JUer IIeruiart. I’hilip Ree\e\. ('ar'lo RH\\I. I.}\ IIulhell. \\ ill Maelean. Denise l'iridla}. .\nnette ludeai aitd Sttrai't I)utlin


5“ “led George Street. “3 5.5.5] .\Ioit Sat Illain 5,5”le

Back in the Centre of Things l'ntiI Sat 2" Sep. \eu tietriatixe aitd eorttreal paiirtiiigx It) Joan Sorirei\ iIle Sam Skelton l‘iitil Sat 2“ Sep \ \ittall \eleetion ot painting»

FULL CIRCLE GALLERY Saltotrn lattie. ll Rlllihell Street. ‘5" NW). \Ion in «k Sun I: in 5 illpiri. Sat Haiti 5. illpitr,

I Lesley Main l'ntil Sun A Sep \ev. paintrngx

Alexandra Gardner Sun 35

SCP \Ve‘ti 2‘) ()el. \Uitt \htl\\ HI “CV. patttltttgx.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART Queen Street. 3.“) I‘Nh .\Ion ll Itti «k Sat lllartt 5pm; I‘l'l Sun llaiit 5pm Sanctuary l'nttl .\lon 3‘) Sep 'laelxlirie l\\lle\ ol lttittran righh and their altttxe. tht\tttaiot’e\lttl\1troit\ht'tttgxlogellter the “mix ot o\ei ill eoitteitipor'ar') .ll'll\l\ l)e\eloped iii partnerxhip \\ itlt .-\llllle\l} International aitd the Seottrxh Rettigee ('otineil. the e\illi‘llltill e\ploie\ \llhleeh \lleil ax toi‘eed ittigratton. iil\pi.ieeltlellt. torture. iitttti'e'\~iirrt. identit} and eoneeptx ot horite .'\l'll\l\ tneItrde .-\rttltoit) (iortttle). Bill Viola. Mark \\alltn;:ei. I.tllll\e Bourgeois. Shirru .\'e\hat. Roxx Strtelaii' aitd Kenn} Hunter.

Breathing Space

:ri {I ,I, ‘r 'r

"‘r Ii\ . t '

ii\' " l u 'H i til i" i'.‘ T't' t i' ' 2 Hit: t " . "'

it‘ll ~‘ti‘i i i' i ) ' i' . (Io/rm t r i' .' (:()')L"”':l" 'it'", 35"“, .I.‘ I, 1'”. \(‘eif . ’1' \(;';I". f“ 4“ ' I 5‘ '

Whistler 2003 r .' tortitatht tn saw T? w' enigiiiatii r\"‘.éz'. .:"l "l :' James M' Ne'li ,f M it'a'lililil‘il) the “inter. ." niost trri'rmltt pii'ilirwt, fir/g rrgyeri'tw.’ iii" -. .r' : ;"‘r\.l » NH 1", ’)l‘ i'ttil: itw'". f' v: l,':. or d'()isa, 'l‘ i)£t'l‘, (Ea/lea. {Nair}. Raf-1 ()ct.

Richard Wright '

Richard \'~.":gi‘.t is sit r't :

[Lt/n‘l " 1" fl"

{ilth site mpewt’a. I'l'I '

(il€:(tii;r‘)'lr:‘.‘. .'.'lil l'.i...' l hisliis’.slugger?) we r llrtr’r i'.';' rt» l"u:‘.' r3: (Elasfjr a"? l' r' “i '

Kenny Hunter: Feedback Loop I liiiitw rue/ix 't‘ (I(,‘illll'llf}flifr'ltt’i .‘;,t .rr' (XL/N :t létllll: sure. tan. l€3lllll)ll,‘:’I plas‘n .. Japanese tehria rm « .r (SJ/{rsgosh infill ’; n: .5 ,l y

Boyle Family I' .' ' i'etrospectig'e trek/‘45; , Boyle i ai'iil,. stern r’; " ~,'l entire career. It feat m, assemblages and wry, front the ill/s. arvt flu,- Ire/tr: scale hyper real;',l' reproductions of tie -’:rr'*'i", surface. Miss it at tr ;2‘;l;l flat/emf (Lat/er, c.‘ ll/llll’l‘rfli fa r, Edinburgh, until Sun ’l i' 11.,

Claire Barclay: Ideal

Pursuits A l'igug' lam, 6,}, VUIIICL‘BIUIIMI‘;‘;/tii{,1tt't(}my} Cialfl: l-iarclay. Heygtlitir} :3

fascination .‘Jitt‘ are: r'iasfei, ,. rttaterials. she creates rte: sculptures ‘.'.’I‘:l{,l‘ respond to the arctute‘flure of ti .e ’taiira, SIJEKL‘S. SM: {Cg/I‘LL". [I‘lllrfflQ Corrterrtporary Arts. [)undec: until Sun 72 Oct.