Art 'ISTII If,

Gallery of Modern Art continued

Self Portrait UK I IIIII \Im I“ \u‘. \ IIIlllllI'.‘ t'\IIlI‘IIlHll It'.lllIIIlI‘,' \cII I‘I‘III.III\ II} {lymph Hum .iII lk'flltllh -»I III: I IIIIK'II Kuwlnm \‘.IIH IIHII\ [mil Ill :IIc lI.IlII‘II.II \.lIIIII.lI‘._'Il. \I {I /‘m!z../.’ / /\. HImnIxI-II In \Iulm I‘IIII[anlIIchIHII'.|.III1('II.IIIIII‘I 2‘ my \.IIIHII.II I’nIlI.iII (MIL-I} .IlllI IIIc \le (hunt II ml I llL'IJIIII


II “Linn < {Hpm

Anne Anderson, Margaretann Bennett and Alastair Thomson

I “III \Iun .‘U My \ IIm-c [wiwn \Iinu nl Innnlmw


I-Ih \\L'\l I<k'_‘,'\‘lll \llk't'l. III"; \Iun \.II ‘I “Lilli * zIIIHII

Summer Exhibition I “III Inc ‘II My \IIIIII'III IIIlIhII [Mlllllllt‘ .iml «Irmmv 1m IIIIIIII_‘.' \\IIII\\ In I .iIIIIc}. I i‘lp‘lhvlll. (Emir. \\.IIIIIU\‘._ IuIm Iluuxlun .Ill\I \It’l .IlltIlIlll \IIInc


I.‘ I\'U\\' \Ilu'l. {If \I:.\

Scottish Screen Archives l nnl IIlll .“ \I'p .\\I\III\II \In'n upcm le .ut'lmcx \\ III] .I \clct'linn ml \IlII\ on .m lllIIll\lll.lI IIIk'IIIL'

Unseen: Stills from the Set of Young Adam I'll .Th Scp III I“ (III IIIJI k .IIIII \xlulc IlIlll \IlII\ Imm IIIc \cl ul IIIc I.lIk'\I I.\\.lll \Id ileum IIIlll. Inn/:3 .Ii/lll’l l.lI\k'lI II} plmlngmpllci. \cII I).I\III\I‘II U: '


I} I\ .W kin): \Ilccl. “.7 (VIII Iuc XIII * Illpm

Hitch S.” .‘.H Scp S.” .\ \m Illc IIIIIII In .I win-x HI IIICIIICII mlnlulmnx In which Ill\llk'\I .llll\l\ \'n||.II\uI.IIc \\llII (i\'l’ lll.l\l\'l I‘lllllt'H In [mlllnlim nI \‘(IIIIUIICII I‘lll|l\ mspmwl In lhc IlIlll\ uI .\IIIuI|IIl\‘|1\'m'I\ '- '.

Ashley Cook: Process or Progress? SJI 3” Sup SJI N \m \L'\\ pnnlx l\_\ (il.i\;:u\\ Ixixnl ;Illl\l \\IlIt"\ ("wok Imlmmy \\UII\ IIIJIIC iIllllllj.‘ .I In'cnl \ lel In /.it‘.ilu'.i\ lll \Icuux

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM Imp IIHUI. III ()xlmmc Slit-cl. “I II": Inc .\'.|I uunn *pm

Independent Studios Group Show I'IIIII I II In My ()wi III Illll\l\ Likc [Mill III IIII\ gymup \lnm luilullng: lllIIIlllMlIUll on with .llll\I .mII \IK‘I.III\ Ull Iulmc pinup plulct‘lx

Apocalyse Now and Then \Iun 3*) Scp S.” I (M \ IIIl\k'\I \Inm nI \\UII\ l\_\ Illcmlan ||c\\Ic. “1” Hull .mII I).m \IIIIcI \f

GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART IIIc \I.l\'I\llIlU\II (I.|IICI_\. IIW Ix’cnIIcu Sllccl. iii-IN)” Mun I-n III.Im 5pm. Sal IILnn 3pm

Glasgow Print Studio Gallery

The Yes No Quality of LlfL‘

88 THE LIST :l-


Film stills from the set of Young Adam by Neil Davidson on show at Glasgow School of Art

Robert Stewart: Design 1946-95 I‘nlll XIII I \m I\I.II‘I\Inlm|I (I;IIICI} I, Ix’ulwrl Slmmil 111.1} 1101 Iw .l I;IllllIl.Il numc hul Ilium; IIIc 5M. hllx .Iml ‘llx. IIL' um .m InllucnImI (chlpncl .iml hauling: t‘IIllt‘JllUllilIhL .\ t'nIlIL'IIIpmJI} 0| IIIt‘Icnnc I);I}. ~\lmmIl “In Ilcml HI l‘lllllt‘II Ik'\IIIC\ .Il (iI.I\;'H\\ School HI .\H .l\ \wll ;l\ IllliIlllf,‘ Innc In (It‘\l:.'ll Im I.II\'II_\. \IUIII. .\u\lm chl .IIIKI IIIC I'IIIIIluufgh lupi‘xlr). \\HII\lll_‘_‘ Ill IIIc mmlmmx nl I\'\IIIt'\. \'\'lilllll\'\. gmplnt' Ilcxlgn .ImI Iupcxli'}.

Robert Stewart And Colleagues - Posters l‘nIII Sal I \m I.\ll’llllll (Lilla) I. lo .it't‘mnpun} IIIc Slcuun I‘x‘lliixlk‘t‘llu'. .I \L'It‘t‘llull HI IIIIIH\‘|II\L' pmlcr (Ik'\l:_fll\ h} Ix’ulwi'l Slum“ illllI Ill\ cullmpucx

Green Margarine l‘nnl In In Scp. ('mnmlxxmiml h} (iluxggmx Schqu ol .\ll. in! mid IIL'\I:._‘II yolk-(Inc. Inpluml. t‘lt‘.llt‘\ .m lll\l.lII;lllUll “Inch I'Cxpnmlx In Ihc nl_\lhulug_'_\ \III'I'uumImg \VIIIxIIcIN

20 September - 8 November 2003 Hitch

Ashley Cook Process or Progress?

ulhcmun \\llIl Imnnnmnux Inlcnnlx \HlIl .l \\ Ill\lICl III\IIIIC\I l.lI‘I\'.lll \w l\'\ 1c“ f.apothecary Inc I: Scp MI II (M I\i'\\l‘t‘l} (Lilli-I)» .Imnnc I.III mplmm IIIC Im- HI nun t'lnllnny nmlclml \\llIllll lhc I.l\IllHll IlliIll\ll_\ IIImuyII Incl nun :_'.lllllCIIl IIC\I:.'II\. \IIC Innlo .II lIlt‘ (lulllh‘ (IC\I“_'II plow“ Hum IIIC unggm uI IIIIL'IC\I. gunman t'unxllut'lmn .llIII lhc IIlI.II plmlut'l. ' '


I.\_‘ ILIIII SIIn'I. I“ I‘NI \lun I'll Illillum 5pm. 8'.“ III “Mm Ipm Mixed Exhibition l IIIII In H (M '\ \clu'lmn HI I‘IIII. :IIIII \‘cmuu .llItI \‘Hlllt‘lllpill.ll'_\ [mulling


‘I (icing-Slicer“:31)le \IUII \III ‘LIm 5pm,

St Andrews I and II I nnl 'luc 4H Sop I‘m» llk'\\. \Iggnul. Inmlul mlmun [Hme h} (illlmn \It'l)un.iIII

Angela Hewitt \M-II I In 1I (m

\c\\ \\.IIL'I(HIUIII\

:3 HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY I’Imcml} uI (ilmgmx. 5: IIIIIIImII Sllt‘t'l. 1‘” 5-1 :I \IHII 5.11 ‘) “Mm 5pm. Sun I3 “I -l iHpm I'Hl mow IIIIUI'IIIJIIUII \u' \x \\ \\,\\III\IIUI_‘IIIH yum Anna Whistler - A Life I nnl 8.11 .1 ()t'I. \\ Inxllci‘x [\IlllllllfJ HI Ill\ IIII'IIIL'I'. Ina/13¢ 1m III In (Um Imi/ [Hm I \u / l\ uunplcnlcnlcd II} .1 \Pt‘x'IJI C\IIII‘IIII|11 Imqu on pm mml} unpuhllxlml corruptmilcnt'c .imI .uglmal nmlclml. Immlmg IIIc IIIL' I‘CIIIIIII IIIC mung mmgc. Scc IIlIlel in! u! II/mI/i/ jun: Beauty and the Butterfly: Whistler’s Depictions of Women I’IIIII Sal ‘1 ()t‘I I’mIch. «It'lnngx .xml Illhngmplh lIIlI\Il.II\‘ \\ Inxllci'x tlcplt‘lmns ul unmcn. loaning on t‘IIIIIIIIUHII. .ItIlIIIIIINNI .lIIkI IIIC «‘le .l_‘..'C ’IHI u/ H 111m} I JUN."

Copper into Gold: Whistler and 19th Century Printmaking l nnl \\k'll .‘I Ikx IIIl\ \‘\IllI‘lllUll l‘lx'u'llh vltlnng'x .IIIII IllIlUj.'l.l|‘Il\ In \\ IlhlICl JIIII Ill\ t'nnIcInlmI.”1m. III:'IIII;'IIIIII;' III\ .itlucwnwnlx in mm- nl IIII‘ 13mith .Illl\l pnnlnmkcu nl .zII Inn;- I'm: HI Ilimzhr jut/C

In Grey and Black I nnl x.” HM \\III\IIc1\ Lunwm [‘.Illlllllf_' 01 Im Inullm.

IIIII/ Iii'mi \u / pnmcx In ( iI.i\j_'n‘.‘. luI III’\' 11le IIIIIL' Ill mm 4” tons. on 1mm IIHIII IIIk‘ \qun‘ II'I hm lll I’.III\ 1.»: m um: I I jun:

18905 Women I IIIII \\C(I 31 Du I)t‘l‘I\IlI‘ll\ uI unmcn I») \\ Imllcl'x tnnlclnpuliulm limhlxlt‘}. \IdtItllIlIMII. (IiIIm \Imiilw illIKI «Illmx Ill\]‘llk'\I h} I.lIII.l\'\{ Illl.lf,'lllillll'll .III\I \_\lllI‘HIl\llI In: uI ll Una} I jun \'

Whistler and Scotland I nlII \II I (III IIIl\ (\IIII‘IIIIIII C\|‘II'IK'\ \\I11\III'I\ puucilul InIIImm- «in thy \u‘llhll .ul \WIIII \Illllllf,‘ Inx IlIt‘IlllIt' IL'JIIIIIIIL' IIII' (ilmguv. limp. IImIch .llIkI tulln Inn .IIIII IntIIIIIIn; \‘.UII\\ I\_\ I \ \\.illnn. .I.IIIIL'\ (inllmc.(iw1;c IIk'III} .imI ( ‘ImIIL-x Rcmm' \Imkmlmll I'm: m II/mI/I; 3’1""

The Whistler Collection Ihc Hunk-[Link IIIIt'IIIJllI‘lIIIII} Impulmnl

\\ IINIcI ('uIIthInn l\ on ‘-IC‘-‘- III llt'\‘. \II\[‘III}\ [mummy \II UII p.iIIIlIIIj.'\. IIIIIIIIIL'\I\ uI Ilmv. lllj..'\ .mII ‘.‘..Ilt'lulllllll\ .mII nu‘l IIIINI culling .inII IIIIIHleapIh 'm.’ ll r'uxffi I 3”” "

Whistle-Stop Tours Im' 3% .\ Int~ W \cp Ipm II.III hum Illf_'I1Il_‘_'IIl [Huh uI IIIc Ilunlcnim's \\ IIhIIcI Illxpla} \ I’m! III

II {Hm} I 3”” "

Ten at One Talks \M-II :4 \cp 1pm 'Icn ImnuIc I.III\ nn \clctlcll xwlkx Hum Ihc Hunk-Hank \\ III\IIL'I Ilhpliu lln! «II

II l'Il\!I’i I 3"” "

Influence to Icon 8.11 3" \cp

I I I‘m“ \lI IIIlI\Il\IIL'\I Immu- IIIw\II;_uxIIIIf.' \\ IIMIcIK pnIImH HI III\ HIHIIICI lull/13¢ rm If.’ m (in . and [Hm I \n / \HIII \\III\IICI \tIIuIIII [)1 \l.iI;_‘.iIcI I \I.I\I)IIII.II\I

\III.'II;'¢H1IH.' .’I.‘ (m

’(HI (I! III/\ffll Jul".