Art llSllllgS

Edinburgh Galleries continued


I25 Dali} Road. ()2; 22 ii Hail} lllani hpni

Elizabeth Cope l Hill I H l‘) Scp Ilbci \cu paintingx b_\ liixli .u'tixl

l li/abctli (’opc


"5 7‘) ('unibcrland Sliccl. 55" [02” \loii l'll lHain “PM. Sat Illani ~1pni End of an Era: A Private Eye

1 mil \\cd 21 Scp llic ( )pcti (iallcr) tclcbialcx [\xo dccadcx ol c\liibitionx prior In llitnlllj.‘ ltl tic“ plt'llllxt‘x lll ()clobci. \\ ltli o\ci All) \xoikx t'lltixg'll lriim thc xtudio collcctionx ol gallci) ailixtx St't‘ [llt'\ ICU.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY t\\.-\Sl’Si l’aliiolliall Sliidiox. oll .lS llanulton l’lacc. 225 12H" Hail}

noun (ipni

Animal (ish) Sal 2”. Still 2|. Sat 2" t\ Sun 2S Scp I'll l(l()ct. .\'c\x \mikx b} .lo_\cc (iunnt ‘airiix and Jacqui lliggx \xliicli ic\ca| lhcii low and rcxpcct lor llic animal and bird kingdom,


i lllllitlax Sll'ct‘l. .550 (L107. lth Sal noon (\Plll.

East West l'ntil l'ri HM. Rcccnl \xalcicolourx b} :\ndrc\\ Bioun.


l’alacc ()l lltll}l‘tititllltill\t'. 55b 5 Hill. l)ail_\ t).3ll;iiii (rpm.

Faberge l'ntil Sun 12 ()ct. H i£2 Hi; laiiiil} tickct I ll); undcr 5x lrcc. 'l'hc ncul} opcncd ()uccn‘x (iallct') pi'cxcntx an c\hibition ol o\cr Kill) picccx draxx n lroiii thc Rtl};ll (‘ollcction ol \\t\l'l\\ b_\ ('ail l-abcrgc. llic grcatcxt Riixxian icucllcr and goldxinitli ol lhc Iatc Will and call} 2lltli ccnturicx. l'abci'gc rc\ ixcd traditional lcchniqucx ol cnaniclling. llltllllctiltilll'cd gultl tlcctil'ulltitl gllltl lhc uxc ol cancd xciiii-pi'ccioux hardxtoncx. bringing tlicni togcthcr in liix oun uniquc \l} lt‘.


(llt'l'lx Slrcct. (iliS 2lll‘). Moll Sat

Illani 5.3(lpni.

One Day l'ntil .\lon 2‘) Scp. .‘\ll c\hibition ol Iitliographx and \modcutx b} Karcii (‘hanibcix


lb lhiiitlax Slrccl. 55b 222S. .\lon l‘ri 10.30am 5.31lpiiiLSat ltlani Jpni. Mixed Gallery Artists t'nul Inc An Scp. \ nu\cd cxliibilion introducing nc“ gallcr} artixl :\lc\andcr Robb HA

i( ilaxgo“ i l),-\S.


.12 Victoria Strccl. ~17" 3255. Hail} ltHllain “pin.

Contemporary Artists l'nul Hi 24 ()ct. Sct up b} .Iaxon Rcdnian. lidinburgli‘x ncxx cxt gallcr} opcnx “llll a changing xclcction ol \iorkx b) tip-and- coining local artixtx including work b} iic\\l) graduach xtudcntx lroin lidinburgh ('ollcgc til .-\l’l. 'lillt‘ \llim lt‘alul‘cx \uil'l‘x in ini\cd iiicdia. paintingx. drauingx. artixtx' bookx. photograph} and icxxcllcr},


l5 Rutland Squarc. 22‘) 75-15, .\lou liri 0am 5pm tuccpt local bank holiday). From Sketch to Sculpture l'ntil Hi 24 (M. .-\n cxhibitiou ol dra“ ingx lroin thc Scottixh .-\rchitcclx' l’apcrx l’rcwruflion l’roicct “hich lookx at how xculpturc pla)x an intcgral i‘olc II] a building.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Imcrlcith llouxc. lnwrlcith RU“. 552 "I‘l. l)ail_\ ltlain 5.30pm.

Julian Schnabel: Paintings, Sculpture and Photographs l'nul Sun 20 ()ct ilmcrlcith llouxci. .'\lllL‘l'lL‘;lll artixl and lilinniakcr ili’uu/uiui. lit-Inn

92 THE LIST 'r 8-3:- ) 0.".

Night lit/[\l Julian Schnabcl liax liix lirxt xolo xhtm in Scotland xincc lhc Stlx. lt lcattircx painliiigx on larpaulin. cuxtoniixcd xurlboardx and Iargc xcalc l’olaroidx ol lunixcll . hix dogx and liix laniil}.

Charmain Pollock - Papermaking Sat 2" Scp Sun 0 ,\'o\ tli\hibition llalli. ('liarinain l’ollock c\plorcx tlic landxcapc ol both rural and urban ccnlral bclt Scotland. collccting inatcrialx and in\ cxligating lotiiid obicclx \\ ilhiii hcr papcrniaking. 'l‘lux c\hibilion \\ ill incorporatc \\t)l‘h\llt)|3\ and dcnionxtrationx. NE \.'.' Si l( )\.'.’


‘) llill Squarc. 52,“ INN). .\lon l-‘ri

lllain ~lpni; Sat Illain lpm. Audubon in Edinburgh l‘nul .\lon 2‘) Scp. .'\n mhibition locuxing on thc Inc and “ink ol' John .lanicx Audubon “hoxc lainoux publication ol' lil'c-xi/c pi'intx. [fin/i u/ .lmt'ruu and ilx companion ()rIu'I/m/ugit'u/ lfiugm/i/n. \xax xtai‘tcd in lidinburgh lS2h “ith thc liclp ol' local cngrax cr \Villiain lloinc Linux and Surgconx' llall niuxcuni conxcnator \Villiani .\lac( iillix ra).

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landingx (iallcr'). llll) I’rinccx Slrcct. 225 l5()l. Mon l‘ri l()ain (xpni.

The Competition l'nul Hi 3] ()cl. Spcciall} coininixxioncd ‘bchind thc xccncx‘ photographx ol' rcccnt R( )Sl. .-\nnua| .\luxic ('oinpctition linalx b} pliotojournalixi Richard Smith.


’l‘hc \Ititllltl. O24 (i2lll). :\tl\;lllcc booking t)S7(l *)()(i 3770. Sun \Vcd lllani ()plll‘. 'l‘hu Sat lllani Spni. Monet: The Seine and the Sea - Vétheuil and Normandy 1878-1883 t'niil Sun 30 ()ct. £3.50 (£5.50); lamil} tickct L'le tundcr 12x l-I'L‘L‘l. 'l‘hc t'cxlnt‘ctl and rcl'ut‘bixhcd Ro}a| Scottixh .-\cadcni_\ rcopcnx in grand xt_\ lc \\ ith thix inajor c\hibition ol' around 0” paintingx b} thc l‘rcnch iiiipi'cxxionixt ('laudc .\lonct. ()rganixcd b} thc National (iallcr_\ ol Scotland. it ix lhc lirxt cxhibition to c\aininc thc pcriod IS‘S ISSR \xhcn .\lonct \\ ax at thc [‘L‘ulx Ul' lllx cul’L‘L'l'. 'l‘hc xllti\\ lcaturcx rural xccncx ol' VCIhcuil. including hix lainoux group ol camaxcx ol' thc icc l‘locx on tlic Scinc which


Blue Shed by John Gardiner Crawtord on show at the Scottish Gallery

prcligurcd Iiix |il_\ paintingxi and xcaxcapcx ol thc Normand} coaxl, llanging alongxidc .\loncl‘x \xorlxx ix a xniall xclcction ol paintingx dcdicatcd to l-rcnch landxcapc paintcrx \\lltilll Moncl adinircd including ('ainillc ('arot. (iuxtax c ('ourbct and (‘liai'lcx l'i‘ancoix l)aubigri}.

A Pleasing Prospect: A History of the Mound and its Building l'ntil Sun 20 ()ct. :\n cxhibition l'ocuxing on tlic hixtor} ol thc xitc on \xhich thc National (i;lllt‘l'_\ ol' Scotland and itx xixtcr building. tlic ncu l_\ rcl'urbixhcd Ro}al Scotlixh :\cadcni}. \\ crc built in thc Illltl Nth ccntur}.

Helen Frankenthaler: Paintings on Paper (1949-2002) l'ntil Sun 2h ()ct. £5 (£3.5(li1undcr l2x l’rcc tlnlo: 225 (i(i7l l. 'l‘hc lit'xl CH‘I‘ Scottixh xlitm Itlg ol o\ ci‘ 4() paintingx on papcr b} thc inl'lucntial :\nicrican artixt. llclcn l"rankcnthalcr. \\ ho canic into proiiiincncc in thc 50x l’or hcr xtaincd tccliniquc paintingx.

New Associates l‘nul Sun 1*) ()cl. £5 (£3.5(li; undci‘ l2x lrcc ilnlo: 225 (lo—7| l. .-\ group xhim ol nc“ \xorltx b} rcccntl} clcctcd axxociatc incinbcrx ol thc Ro}al Scoliixh .-\cadcni) including Joc I’an. (iarcth l-ixhcr. Malcolm l‘l'uxt'l' and John .\ \lackcchnic.

The RSA and its Heritage l‘nul Sun 20 ()ct tlnlo: 225 ()(i7l i. In thc ncu I} rcxtorcd RSA building. an c\hibition looking at Ihc aclix ilicx and acliicwmcntx ol' llic Ro}a| Scotllxli :\cadclii_\ o\ cr thc laxl 17S )carx.


l0 lltmc Strcct. 225 20“). Mon Sat lllain 5.3(lpni; Sun b} appointincnl. Antique and Contemporary Eastern Carpets lidinbtirgh'x

nc“ cxt liaxtcrn rug and carpcl gallcr}. xct up b} Brian .\lacl)ona|d. lcaturcx a linc xclcction ol contcniporar) rug art from thc liaxt ax \\ cll ax antiquc rugx and tribal bagx.


lb l)ulltl;ix Strch 553 l2”). .\lon l'it'i Illani ()pm; Sat lllulll 4pm.

John Gardiner Crawford l‘nul \Vcd l (M. l’aintingx b} John (iarditicr (‘rau lord.

Nicola Henley l'ntil \Vctl I (M. Largc-xcalc abxlt‘act lL'\lllC\ b} Nicola llcnlc}.

Takeshi Yasuda Showcase l'ntil \\'cd l (M. l'.\picxxi\c and third \cxxclx b} niaxtci ccianucixt. lakcxlu Yaxttda.


at ('I‘cclcrx chlatiianl. i llunlci Stpiaic. 22H 4-H",

John Hunt l'iilil .\lon 2‘) Scp (M on glaxx and camax including \\t|ll\ lioiii llic l'ixhncxx and l.andlubbci xciicx


.5 (‘iiclilon'x ('loxc. (‘anongato 55" .TSW .\lon l'ri Illani (ipin. Sat noon -lpni The Hirta Portfolio Sal 3H St-p Sal I \m. l:\|iibilion ol a hand niadc lnnitcd cdition portlolio ol pot-tr) and clcliingx b) “lllL‘l' Hill Duncan and artixl Suxan \Vilxon. nixpn'cd b) llic lilc and lnxloi} ol thc inain St Kilda ixland.


5S Ralclillc 'l'crracc. Ni" I‘Nih \lon l'll ‘lain bpni‘. Sat Illain 5pm

Sale of Work l'nul ‘l’hu Ix x’t-p Salt- ol contcnipoiai} ait \xork b} \aiioux

Mixed Show In Jo St-p Sal I I (it: .\'c\\ \xork b} local artixtx including .'\ll\tlll x\tlltl|ii. llclcn Jtickxiiii. Rnlia l cc. Kcll} Slcxxart and l'.\\an Spniat


23 (‘ockburn SHch. 622 (Still Hail} llani (ipni i'l‘hu Illl ‘lpnii

Festival Times l‘nul Sal Sn Scp Sllllx I'L‘Upcnx allcr a pcltntl til

rcdc\ clopnicnt \\llll itx nc\\ xcaxon ol c\hibitionx and xpccial participator} cxcntx. l’irxt up ix tlic .-\iclubald ('anipbcll and llarlc} \VS Photograph} MIN 2”“ lcaturing llic work ol thc “inning ailixl. Martin Bo} cc. and llic othci li\c linalixtx (‘laudinc Hart/cl. l.uc} l.c\cnc. :\lc\andcr and Suxan .\larix and Janicx 'l'hornhill.

Stills Shorts Sat 2” Scp. i i. illpni l’hotographcr Robin (iillandcrx dixcuxxcx lhc uork ol thc xhortlixlcd artixlx ol thc Archibald (‘anipbcll and llailc} Award


3i l.lxlllt)l'c (-I‘L'\L'L'Ill. l’;il‘xiitl\ (irccn. (ill) 3344.

Steve Duval l'nul in :4 ()cl. l:dinburgli-lchd artixl Slc\c l)u\a| ix nc\t up in ioin thc 'l'ag 'lcain szpcrnncnt. Mark Hutchinson l'nul l-ri 2h Scp. .\ hunioroux uork b} ~\lark llutchinxon