\kllIL‘ll t'\pllll'c\ lllc pl‘llu'\\c\ ill tlhplti} iii an art gullcr} through lllc iiictining ot :i hi‘ick

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l’iiiu'i‘xit} ot lztliiihtiigh. South lii‘itlgc. ()50 23“). Mon Stil Ill.iiii 5pm; Sun 2 5pm,

Frances Walker in lo Scp Sui I .\'o\, .\ iicu \L'l'lt'\ ol lllit“ lllj_'\ .iiitl ptiiiitiiigx c\ploi'iiig lhc Scollixh |;iiitl\c;ipc and island» I‘ll ‘3: VII. Marianne Created l'l'l 2!» Sq» Sat 1 .\'o\. .\'t*\\ uork in llic lllllllll rooiii li'oiii (iltixgou \ Su itchxpticc co loiiiitlcr. \ltiiitiiiiic (iicntctl. M

Sl l( )Vv’


Vi l)tilltltt\ Sticct. 55h (iVili, \ltitl l'l'l Ilgiiii (ipiii; Slit lithium (ipiii, Jean Feeney l'iilil Sill Ill Sci». Oil paintings ol Scolluiitl .‘lllll llail},

Tom Shanks and Norma Hansell Stil 27 Scp Stit I 1 ()cl. Rcccnl ptllllllllf.’\.


l‘lll' :i tlcttiilctl iliiici'ur} cull ill 3| 52‘) Will/KhHZ.

Jack Cunningham - Brooching the Subject limit In it) I)“. the award \xiiining 'l'i'nxclliiig (i;illci'_\ \clx oil on .'I iicu tour ol Scollgiiitl lctitui‘ilig llic \xork ol icucllci'. .liick ('uniiinghiuii. .lillt' \lltm complth gt \L‘l'lt‘x ol 3“ hroochcx lllt‘ttlt‘ ll'lllll louiul ohicclx. \ciiii-prccioiix \toncx tiiul \ihcr guitl caich oiic ix :i iiiiiiititui'c L’Hlllpll\lllllll \}iiihoh\iiig pt‘l'Sllllltl iiicmoi‘icx. i‘cltitioiixhipx tintl \llll'lL‘\. 'l‘hc gtillcr)

\\ Ill hc \topping oll lll Slictlgiiitl 1le (k In Scpi .‘lllll lhcii lloiiii}i'igg lligh Sti'ccl (2 ()cl l.


(’tilc Bur. lll (’tinihi'itlgc Slrccl. 323 5383. l);iil_\ Ilium iiiitliiighl. Donna McGlynn l'nul Sui Ix ()cl. RL‘L‘L‘lll \Hil'k.


ll Mortonligill (iillk‘. (r72 3345.

Mon l'i‘i lllttlll (ipiii; Stit & Sun

noon 5pm.

Quint - Essence l'niil Sun It) ()cl. .'\ll mhihition highlighting lllc “(wk of ll):\( }( )S contciiipoi'ur) glil\\. it llk'tll kilii-hiixctl glihx \Illlllll \ct up h} lngc l’;lllk'L‘l\ Scc Shopping.


In South Fort Strccl. 478 78“). Mon Stit lltllll ll.~l5piii; Sun LYN) ll.45piii.

Reuben Paris l'tilil Sun I2 ()cl. l’hotogrtiphx h} Rcuhcn l’nris.


J l)untl;i\ Slrcct. 558 0544/5. .\loii l-‘ri llllllll (rpm; Sill lltuii ~lpiii.

A Scottish Panorama l'nnl Sat 20 Scp. :\ rurc collcclion ol' \tilirictil pl'lllh cii‘cti I70” and i'cccnl \lorkx h} Joxcph .\l;i\\\c|l Stuart.

Mixed Show Mon 22 Scp .\loii I.‘~ ()Cl. .-\ \L‘lL‘clioll of Scottish \porting. iiiilittir} and ltintlxcgipc [ltllllllllgx

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions.


42 High Sti‘cct. 52‘) JIJZ. .\loii Sal Illuiii 5pm.

Scraps! l'ntil Stil 37 Scp. An c\hihilion ot‘ picturc \crupx collcctctl h} chiltlrcn and titlultx in liui'opc l'oi' o\ cr 200 )ctii‘s.


.\'c\\h;i\ cii llzirhour. 551 -ll(»5. l);ii|) noon 4.45pm.

A Tribute to Fishermen l'nui \Vcd 3| l)cc. .»\n mhihilioii l'ocuxing on

thc \xoi‘king h\c\ ol ll\llL'llll.tll. lctitui'ing ccitiiiiic .iiitl tc\tilc \lL'\l:_'ll\ t'l't'illL‘ll h} \lllllt'lll\ lioiii Victoria l’i'iiiitir} School and lztlinhuigh‘s ‘lcllot‘tl (‘iillcgc


I (‘hgiinhcix Sticct. 345-331” \loii \Jl lllt'llll 5pm l'luc Spirit. Sun noon 5pm l'lvk'k'

Millennium Clock ,\ cliniicc lo \ 1m Rll\\l;lll lllL‘ClltllllL'Jl \culploi l'tlu.iitl llcrxutlxk} \ iiiillcniiiuiii clock. ti kinclit \ctilplurc. iiic.i\uriiig iiiiic lllL‘li'L'\ high Mao: Arts for the Masses 1950—76 l'iitil Sun 4 \pi Still-1 l'hc llll'lllullllll ol ('oiiiiiiuiiixt (‘liiiLi I\ brought to lilc through ;i primlc collcction ol lll;l\lCl‘[‘lL'\'L‘\ llltlllt‘ hctm-cii l‘)5ll I‘)'7(i_ .icqtiii'ctl tluring illltl lllllllt‘tllillt‘l} tiltci tlic ('ulluigil Rc\olutioii

Picture of a Nation - A Record of Life in Modern Scotland l'nul Sun 28 Scp, .-\ lllélllll' iicu photograph} gmzii‘tl orguniwtl h} lhc Scolxiiiiui :iiid thc Ntiliontil .\lll\L‘lllll\ oi Scotland, which docuniciih through pliologi'upllx contcinpoi‘ur} liic lll Scotland and lL‘illlll'C\ thc “inning Cllll'} ol .luhc :\tl;iiii\.


l.;ul_\ Stuir‘x llUll\L‘. lull} Stank (low. 520-1901. .\lon Sui Ilium 5pm.

In the Heart of the Wilderness l'ntil Stil Ill Scp. .'\ll c\hihition c\ploriiig lhc lilc tiiul \xork ol Johii .\ltiii‘. thc lcllci'- \\l'llL‘l'. pocl. \lot'}lcllci‘ tuitl \L‘lt‘lllhl giiitl looking git lhc inllucncc ol \\l'llL‘l\ likc liurnx illlll Sir \Vtillcr Scott on lll\ uork.


\‘ixuul chcui‘ch (‘ciitrc. l)uiitlcc ('ontciiipoi'ur) .'\l'l\. I53 \clhcrgtilc.

“I 382 34800“. ’l'uc Sun

I |.3l):iiii 7.30pm.

0 Breathing Space Sat -7 Scp Sun ll) ()cl. .'\n c\hihilioii charting lhc conccption lllltl coiiiplclion ol' i'ciiou llL‘ll lll'L’llllL‘L‘l. l‘i‘uiik (iL‘lll‘) \ .\l;iggic\ (‘cnli'c in l)lllltlL‘L‘. (ichi') l\ lk‘\l knouii tor thc (itiggcnhciiii .\lll\Cllltl in liilhtio and thix ix hix lll'\l building in lhc l'K, 'l'hc c\hihilion l'ctitui'cx \kctclicx. plum and tirchilcclurtil lllllllL'l\ tintl tuo lllllh \\lllCll cllttt'l lllc collxll’llcliolt ol lllL‘ L'Cllll‘c, :\ \pccitill} coiiiiiiixxionctl llllll. lit/nu Spur-c. h) tii‘tixt Stiruh \Vootl. ticcoiiiptinicx llic \lltm :intl C\ploi'c\ lhc l‘t‘llllllllhlllp lictuccn tirchitccturc tintl lllllcxx SCL‘ l‘L'llllll'L' ttlltl llllllxl: Nl V‘.’

St l()\.‘.’.

Building Maggie’s Centre Dundee Sun 28 Scp. l Itini. Stcphcn ('o}nc. Muggic‘ ('cnti‘c l)untlcc \ilc iiitinzigcr and l)ougl;i\ Rcitl ot' JillllL‘\ l" Stcphcn. :\rclulcct\ and Interior l)c\igncr\ (ll\Cll\\ hou the} hclpcd lurii (ichi') \ tlrtm lllg\ ol \ltiggic‘x ('cnlrc into rcgilil}.


I53 Nclhci'gtitc. 0| 383 90990“.

'l‘uc \Vcd. Sat & Sun l(l_.illlllll 5.3(lpm; 'l‘hu & l‘ri 10.30am 8pm.

0 Claire Barclay: Ideal Pursuits l‘nlil Sun II Oct. A llL‘\\ group ot \culpturtil \xoi‘kx l'C\pUlllllllg to thc tii‘chilcclurc ol' thc gtillci'} \PilL‘L‘\ ill l)(':\ h} (‘lturc ligii‘cltt}. \\ ho l\ curi‘cnll} rcprcxcnting Scotland til the \cnicc Bicnntilc. Shouii iii lhrcc \PtlL‘C\. lhc \xorkx girc it l'uxion ot lcnttith c \lructurcx. \culplurc. L‘l'ttll and tlL'\l:_‘ll \\lllL'll sli'ikcx u hillilllL‘C lk‘l\\cL‘ll lhc hund-rnudc tintl lhc IllilL'lllllL‘-lllll\llL‘tl. Scc rcx icu :iiitl llllll\l. Talks on the Work of Claire Barclay Sul 27 Scp. 2pm. lnloi‘iuul discuxxionx about the ('ltiirc litirclti} mhihition “till gtillcr} ~ltilt.

Malcolm J Thomson Photographs l'mil Mon 2‘) Scp tl’rini (hillci') I. Contact prints \llll“ ing liintlxciipc thlilll\ h} Dundcc-hgixctl photographer Malcolm J Thomson.

Andrew Weatherhead l lllll \tlll In ( )\t i( mg: I My l\\o \llill‘l \cu \xoik h} \iitlicu \\c.itlicihc.itl lll\l‘llc'\l h} thc l)llllllilt'\ ,iiitl (i.il|o\\.i_\ l.lll\l\\.ll‘\'

Be Yourself! lliu :5 \cp h illpiii L1 5lllLII \ oiic ott \\lt'\'lllll_‘_‘ .uitl l‘lc\L'lll.tllHll ol lic \ouixcll. .i \xoik l‘.l\t'll on thc toiiccpl ol tlot monk h} .l.iiiiiic Suck

Breathing Space: Towards an Aesthetic of Cancer Care i ll :0 Scp \ii iiilcitlixcipliiiai} \_\lll|‘ll\llllll c\.iiiiiiiiiig c\i\tiiig .lllll piopoxctl .\l.iggic\ ('ciitic\ \\llll gticxh l Link (ichi). th‘llJltl \luiph}. /.ih.i ll.ithtl. l).i\ itl l’.igc .iiitl (‘h.ii|c\ latch

Artist Talk Landscape of Illness Sat 3“ Scp 2pm .\lll\l S.ii.ili \Vootl gi\c\ .iii lllll\ll.llL'll talk on ho“ lllllk‘\\ l\ icpicxciitctl in ciiiciim


,-\|lici'l Stltituc. (ll ‘83 '1 L‘llS-l \loii .\.it “hillillll 5pm; Sun I: ill him. lllll lithium ."piii.

The Beatles in Dundee l'niil Sun 28 Scp. .\ collcclioii ol pliologitiphx lioiii tlic l)(‘ l'hoiiixoii tii‘clincx tuitl llllll loottigc lo iii.iik llic -ll)lh lllllll\L‘l'\;ll_\ ol llic lit-.illcx |‘l;l}lllj_‘ in l)uiitlcc.

Ode to the North Wind l'nnl \Vctl 3| l)cc. .r\n c\hihilioii highlighting lhtmlcc'x collcclioii ol 20th cciilur} oil paintings .iloiigxitlc cliaiiiging thxpltrn ol \\;ilcicoloui\ .lllll \xoi'lw oii impci.

Revealed - Ten Years of Collecting l'iitil Sun ~l .l;lll. s\ll lll\lf_‘lll into what thc .\IL‘.\l;tllll\ (i;i|lci'ic\ hmc hccii collccliiig loi thc pzixl tcii _\c;ir\, llighlightx iiiclutlc :irchzicologicul iiiutci‘iiil tiiicui'thctl iii l)uiitlcc\ High Sli'cct. ll iiiotlcl ol llic i‘ccoi'tl-hi‘cuking \t‘llllltlllk'\. thc .\l;ii;i llllll .\lci'cur_\ till llci'ck Rohci'txoii'x hcqucxt oi c\olic hullci’l‘licx,



\\C\l llk'lltlk'l‘UIl \\}lltl. lll :5.‘ .‘_‘§:\: \lou .\.it likiiii -li\iii. \iiti ll.iiii -lpiii Paintings and Etchings of Charles GL Phillips l lllll \tiii " \o\ l'.iiiitiiig\ .iiitl clchiiigx lip ('li.iilc\ (il l’hillilu l IMH I" 1 ll ol l.iiiiou\ lltiiitlcc l.iiitliii.iik\ l‘.l\l .iiitl picxciil

Outside the Cities

East I otltitiri


\lt'litoii. ill ‘05 >5IL‘5h l).ii|}

iiooil 5pm it ll‘\k'\l llllll

Wendy Sutherland Sun _‘.\

SUP \\ t‘tl ()cl \ \l‘ll‘ \lln“ l‘l ll\'\\ paintings

Blair Thomson \tm .?.\ \cp \\t-tl 3: ()cl \ \olo \llll\\ ol tic“ [‘.tllll|llf_'\ l‘} (il.l\f,'\l\\ \x'llillll ill \ll t‘l.t\lll.ll\‘. lil.iii llllllllMtll



(\iilixlc lx’o.itl. lllo‘lx l.‘o.‘li

.\loii Sal ‘l “Lilli 5pm. Sun

iiooii 5pm

Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition l iilil Sun II \cp ()ulxlniuliiig c\hil\itioii ol llic licxl lltlllll'tll lll\llll_\ [iliologinplix lioiii .ill oxci thc “Ullll lx’uii l\_\ llic IlliC \Viltllilc iii.ig.i/iuc. “(i .lllll l oiitloiik Natural lll\ltll_\ \ltixcutii


‘5 'l‘hc Stirling .\ic;itlc. HPHh .17") lol 'l‘uc Sal l|;iiii 5pm.

Dogboyz l‘iitil Stil ~l ()cl \c\\ \xoik it) (illhgllu Inixctl .llll\l\ I).i\ lll \Vixhtii't tllltl Stunit (iuitlcii.

a Scottish Arts Council


to apply.

Further information: www.5cottisharts.org.uk

the arts for Scotland.

Creative Scotland Awards 2004

Scotland's most prestigious awards to artists are transforming Scotland's artistic landscape and enhancing Scotland's reputation for artistic

Ten awards of £30,000 each are available to individual artists with a major record of achievement to experiment and create an imaginative project.

Artists who live in Scotland and work in the fields of crafts, dance, digital media, drama, theatre, literature, all forms of music, visual arts, and artists working with photography, film and video are invited

Closing date for applications is: 24 October 2003

Help Desk: 0845 603 6000 (local rate)

The Scottish Arts Council champions and sustains

.7 ’x.‘ THE LIST 93