Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

Activities And Fun

Drama for Kids Sui 3H .& Sui 2‘ Sup. £5. (‘('.i\. ‘50 Suuchichull Sti'cct. ‘53 .1000. \Vt-t-kl} (Iiuiiiu \xiii'kxhiipx iiii (i ll )t'tii‘ llItIS.

Pottery Workshops Sui 20 A; Sui 27 Sup. Illlllll (rpm. LS'f', l‘llt'\\lll'I\\ Studio. “it i)&lIIIUll\lt' Slit't‘l. H3 i733, :\f._'L'\ 4i. I’uiiit ptilx or haw u go till iIIC piittcik \ihccl in thcxc \\L'L'I\I_\ \ktlIhSIlth\ liii' chiIiIi'i-n.

Shapes and Shadows Sui 3b .\ Sui 37 Sup. Ill Iluiu & llum noon. {l3 Iliinti'riuii :\rl (Bulk-r). l'niwi‘xit} (lI (iluxggim. H3 IIIIIhi'uiI Sli‘i't'l. 33ft 54H. {\‘L'L'S 3 5 (K 5 7. .»\ Iiltli'-\\ L'L'Ix t‘tilll'w iil' Suturilu) iIi'uinu \Hll'IsSIIllpS us part iil \Vliixtlcr 3003 iL'\il\&lI.

Cartoon Workshop Sun :3 Sop. iiiiiiii 3pm. [3. ('('.v\. 350 Suiichichull Slt’i't‘l. ‘53 490“. (‘i’t'tilc ll (ttl‘liiiiii L‘harut‘icr and u \Illll'l \toi'} uan we it t‘tilllt‘ I0 IlIt',

Family Day Sun 3S Sup. lpm. £4 (for \xiirkxhiipxi. IIiinti-riun Art (iullt-r}. l'iiiwrxil} iil (iluxgim. S3 IIiIIhcuiI Strcct. “(I 543 l. A tlu} ol' luiiiil} ilt'll\lllt'\ li'uluring \xiii‘kxhiips in urt uiiiI printmaking and im- liltiSlL‘ in IIlL' gullci'}. I’ui't iii \Vhixtlcr 3003.

Monday Madness Mon :9 Scp.

Ilium Lil IIimti-riun Art (iuIIi'i'). I‘lilu‘lSll} l'i (illngiM. H3 iilIIiiL'.itI \llt'cl. Itii 5-1:] Art and craft ut'tn IIIL'\ us purl «it the \Vhixtlcr 3H0i (L'IL‘I‘rJIll'Ih


Misteeq “til 34 Scp. " iftpm {In ‘H (‘ui‘ling :\(;ltIL‘Ill} (iluxgim. I3| I.:._'Illlf_'ll|ll Sliu't. “VII "I 3llllll, .\'ii ugc IL'\IIIL'IIUII on IIIIS \Iltl“, ’I‘hc tIL'IljJIIIIlII. llllt'l‘lllltfit‘l'SlilI end of the [K gurugi' \(L'IIL' It thew girls' Inc + I.iiuil ilPPL'JIJIIt'L' \xux itllHIllllf.‘ to go h}. tht'} haw Illll IllllL'S thc iiutiiiul t‘IltlIISllld .llltI \tugc pi'cxciit'i- of their (Itllll' t'iiiitciiipiminim Iilt' Siiguhuhi'x

Theatre & Dance

Monster 'I'hii IS Sui 3H Scp. " illpm £3.50 to. (ilIllItll'L‘IllIKiI3. ‘) l'iini-i'xit} .i\\ cnuc. 33” 5533, Apex I |+. \'i\thi' l'ii‘tionx 'I‘hcuti'c ("iimpuin \ he“ plu} iiii )iiiiiig iltIllIIS Much thI\ the xiiir} of .i iccnugci‘ on trial liir iiiuriIi'i'.

Utter Nonsense Sui 3i) St-p. 3pm. tit iiifilli. Scottiin Maxi. tk I’iippct ‘I‘hcuti'c (’cnti'c. S Ill I‘lulcuri't'x Awniu‘. Kclxinilulc. 33‘) MRS. I‘lluchout Iht'uti‘c i‘ciurn \SIIIl more luntuxlicul chililxplu} from 'I'iim 'Ium Tinker and IQIILN iii l)iiiig_'ic thc Dangerous Duck. IIoi'ucc thc IiillltIStllllC Slug unil Supci‘ Supci Sct'i'i't Stiir} “IIII IIS tixuul concoction iii puppets. unimution. lllllSIL‘. film uiiiI Slttl‘HL'IIlllgl. Disney on Ice luv 23 Sun 23 Scp. 'I'uc. \VCtI tk Ihu 7.30pm; I-ii 4pm tk Spin; Sui noon. 3.45pm «k 7.30pm; Sun Iluiii & 3.45pm. L‘lllfill £37. Iii'uchcuil Ari-nu. Kings Inch Roud. RCIIII'L‘“. SSS H-ll. .-\


itiugigul ice-huxctl \Ii\‘\\ t‘L'ICI‘ldIllig llNl )L'JIS iii Dunc} \ t'llt‘IlJllIlll}; II‘it‘lllL‘llI\ Poppy’s Pop-Up Tales and Other Stories Sui 2‘ St-p. 2pm 1-: «Li Siii Stiillixh Musk & I’tipi‘ct I'hcuti‘c ('ciitic. .\ Ill Iiulturti'x \wnuc. Kchtiiilulc. “‘l tiIS,< (icnllc \inr}th|in;_'. \lllglllg .lIhI puppetr} \HIII iiiigiiiul huiiiI-t'iuitt'il piiipx muiIc iiiim lclt. pupci uiiil i'inhririilt'i}


Activmes And Fun

James IV and the Death of a Dream Sui 3H .\ Sui 3" Sup. II.llll. iiiiiiii. :[lllli\ ipm Hit.3 {635i IuIiiihuigh (Xixllc. Roin \Iili'. 33595-16 I.i\in;_' Ilhlttl} pit-xt-iitutiiiii It'd h) Klll}: .Lliilk" I\. who ict'ullx thc munch of INS puluci' .llltI IIIS I‘IiiiiiI} iICJIIl till lIiC iIt'ItIS Hi I IHtIiIL‘ll Saturday Art Club Sui Ill ik Sui 2“ Sup. IIum iiiiiin; I‘ll 3 iflpm, {Jtl it'llli I)L'.lll (itiIIt‘l'). iii IiL‘IItil'tI RUJKI.(‘:~1(\3IIH I'iitii \wck iIiun mg .llItI puiiiliiig t'UlII'\L' iiii I'.ll\ ii‘iiiiiiicntul Sculpture IL'tI h} .ii‘tixl .liiliuiiu (Liptw \turtiiig: Sui 3“ Booking; L‘SSt'llIlllI I‘ll'SI \L'\\IUII liil .lgL‘S 5 tiri ugi'x .\ I I

An Hysterical History of Scotland Sim 3| Sup. I3 limit. I “pm tk i-ISiim I'i‘i'c \Iiixciim of Scotland. ('humhci'x Strci't. 3-1" 431‘) .‘\\‘Il‘l'\ Shiiiiugh Price and .'\I;ill \lt‘IIiigh lulu“ §iiii on u \\Ill\IIt' Stop tour of thc Iiighx uniI itl\\\ UI St'iitluiiil'x Ill\lt\l').

Theatre & Dance

Carousel l'iitil Sui 3f) Scp. 7.3llpm; \Vcd tk Sui 3.30pm tk 3.30pm. {7.50 £34.50. I’Iu}hou\c. IS 33 (irccnxidc Place. “37” 0063434. Riigcr And IIumiiicrxti'in'x llllhlt'ilI about Bill}. \\ ho l'L‘llll‘llS to cui‘th

3. \ct'iiiiil

uitcr hciiig killed in u iiihhcr). to suck out IIIS tIuiighlt‘i

Lifeboat In I" Sup. Illum .\ "pm {5. I.lllllI_\ ticket {IS Iii'uniiin Iliuiti'i'.

I «Inn-II \\‘.i_\. \ilISSt‘II‘lllgIl. Ni.‘ 334” .-\ii lihl‘ll'lll; plu} huwd on the truc \It‘l\ \‘i int» gllIS \xhii \ur\i\ctl I" tcrrilung. hourx iii the \xutcr. clinging to un upturned Iifchiiut. .lIIL'l their \Illp \\;t\ It‘l‘l‘t‘tIiiciI .-\ (.JIIIL'I’IIIC \VIIL‘L'IS I’iiitliit‘iiiin Rt'k't‘lillllt‘llkit‘ti it” tith‘S 8+ The Chrysalids l‘liu 25 k in 3b St-p. I .illpm tk ~pm {I North IiiIiiihuigh .-\rt\ ('cntrc. Iii I’cim} \wII (hurt. il.‘ 3|5I I)l';llll;lll\.llltlll of John \\}iiilli.iiii'~ t'hiItIicn howl wt in .i PUSI-Illlt‘It‘Jl holiii‘uiixt \m‘ict) “ht-rt genetic mutation INS lit‘\IIU_\ t'ti lIii‘ C.ll1Ii .-\§_'L‘\ I I+ Monster [hit 35 Sup. 3. itlpm L". lumil} tit‘kt't {IS Bruntiin IIICJII‘C. I.uil_\\\cll Wu}. .\ill\\t‘Ii\lll'j_‘II. 665 334” Ago I l+. Sec (iluxgim.

Molly Whuppie \Vctl l i'l'l Hli‘l. \Vcil I 30pm. 'l'hti Ill iflum & I illpm. I-i‘i Illiium {I North Iziliiihuigh .'\ll\ ('cntic. Iii I’cnn} xii-II ('iiurt. ‘15 3H! “11' Sliti’lL‘S pt‘t'wltlS iht' litIL‘ til Mull} “Ii” L‘lllIlill'Ixx on u fantastic and mugii‘ul uilxcnttii'c to find that [IllligS ui‘c niit ulna.“ “hut the) \t'cm


Crater Makers l'iiiil ‘l'iit- .tll Scp. £3.60 (LI-SM. Rinul ()I‘SL‘I'MIIUI'} Visitor (\‘tili't‘. Iillit‘kiiii‘il IIIII. (ibh’ HJlH. I‘illltI out the truth ubiitit mini-l\. u IIllt'SS IIlt' birth of UIIL' and handle icul lllL‘IL‘UllIL‘S iii our (‘rutcr Mukcrx L'\hihitiiiii.

Books Fat Controller - Thomas Story Library Sui 3” Sup. I I.3lluni & 3pm


Put on your wellies, zip up your coat and get stuck into autumn’s golden charms. Words: Ruth Hedges

There's just something about it. That slight nip in the air, the way the lowering sun catches the leaves as they turn from green to yellow to orange, the freshness that sends little excited shivers right through. Perhaps like no other season, the first signs of autumn stir deep, nostalgic pangs. Time to get foraging in woodlands, up trees, peering at strange mushrooms and chucking sticks into streams. Glasgow and Edinburgh have no shortage of spaces in which to get lost and enjoy the sweet, decaying smells of summer before it gets rainy and horrible and all the leaves turn to mush. So here are our suggestions for revelling in a spot of autumnal antics.


Bellahouston Park This is a great park in the Southside (I()‘.’Cilllg 169 acres With formal gardens. a walled garden and Rennie Macliitosh's House for an Art Lover. And if that all sounds a bit bor-ring, there's always the dry ski slope good for practiSing moves in preparation for Winters trip in St Moritz. OK. so good for bombing down like a mad thing.

I Dill/libltz‘Ck Road, 427 05:38.

Wit/w. seeg/asgow. corn



Glasgow Botanical Gardens As With Edinburgh's Botanical gardens the ones in Glasgow's West End are an eternal haven. They are particularly rich at this time of year as they go down to the wooded banks of the gorged River Kelvin, linking up With the walkway (picturedl. But if the autumn chill is a little too much, you can always take refuge in the orchid-filled glass houses and forget all about this Outdoorsy seasonal Iark.

I Great Western Road. 334 2422.

wmv. seeg/asgow. com

Strathclyde Country Park One of Scotland's biggest parks. Strathclyde offers many. many acres of mixed parkland and woodlands in the Clyde Valley. There's a full ranger semice which leads woodland trails every two weeks (the next one is Sun 21 Sep). so you can learn to tell your Giant Puffballs

from your Wrinkled Thimble Caps. Metiiitain bikes are also available for those beyond stabilisers.

I Hamilton Road, 0 I698 266 755.

www. north/an. gov. uk

Linn Park Big. old. spreading trees bear their golden leaves and the River Cart Winds through the park. spanned by the oldest cast iron bridge in Glasgow. Kingfishers dart about With shots of turgiioise and waterfalls crash down. . but you can skip all that: there's an excellent play park right oppoSite the horseys.

I Sims/rill Road, 637 I 747, wwwg/


Dalkeith Country Park Just out of town in the old Village of Dalkeith. this park is a good one fOr getting right among the crackling autumn leaves. Within its anCient woodland lies a fantastic adventure playground With death Slides. high wooden bridges. rope ciimbing frames and Just abOut everything you need to feel like a daredeVil Jungle advrmtiirer SWlitglng among the high branches. Down on the ground you can spot deer roaming about and watch as the river Esk rushes your sticks downstream.

I Da/keith COL/ntry Park. 654 7666.

mvw. dalkeithcountrypark. com

Water of Leith, Stockbridge to Dean Village Although the Water of Leith stretches a winding c0urse from the Pentlands right through Edinburgh. the most accessible. spectaCuIar and manageable Chunk lies between Stockbridge and the Dean Gallery. Going down by the bridge on Dean Terrace yOu're enclosed under a canopy of trees with the river running beneath and lots of things to explore along the way. A faded neoclassical statue suddenly appears round a bend. St Bernard's Well Crops up in Dean Village. a narrow bridge takes you precan0iisly over the rl‘.'€i next to the trothing Weir. but if feet start to drag. there's the incentive of a little refreShment at either the Dean 0r Modern Art Gallery where the path almost magically emerges.

I Visitor Centre. 455 7367. UAW/V.M'BiQfOflG/i/iOFQ.ilk

Royal Botanical Gardens Amazing at any time of the year. autumn brings its own speCial charms to these gardens. Trees bearing an infinite array of differently col0ured leaves. squmels souirreling away their nuts and ducks in need of a few extra crusts. But if you're still after some extra entertainment. the Botanics lpictured; proVide a full programme that involves storytelling and an afternoon of Halloween games (Fri 31 Oct t~3prni including bobbing for apples. face painting and a Wizards and Witches workshop.

I Iriver/eith How, 552 7 7 7 7, wwwrbgeorguk

River Almond Walkway Culminating in Cramond. the river of Almond is a real trail away from the City. You can feel like quite an explorer walking along the cliff top leading through the gorge up into woodland areas. Some bits get guite haw. so hold on tight. Oak. beech and sycamore trees prowde the necessary frUits for conkers and helicopter Wings. and Within all the undergrowth are loads of nice fungi, including the excellently named lawyer's Wig. Back at the m0uth of the river in Cramond there are swans to be fed. and a cafe in which to warm up cold hands and toes.

I River A/mond Walkway, Cramond, off Oueensferry Road. ViSit

www. cecrangerservrce. demon. co. uk/ index. htm/ for more information

04 TH. LIST 18 Sep-2 Oct 2003