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VHV‘J'HTlJ‘rY"/"'1£:'v,‘r (1"!) "til-Vivi ' .'.',"' " ' 2 ' H I R' IN RISE OF EVIL ' J to o u o . (1'll!3)'(ff'.ttf"-t:li'tfI'V") .i'/."""',".t'_i£".."d" '!'(:2' I, ' I". ."" p ; . . . Channel4,Sat4&11 Oct,9pm 0.. '(;\,(} \)y."-;/'-//I' ., I: "’k‘. . to "7 i, l. «' tl. V 1‘ ' '.'."' :' .' 5mmtantrum}?fr _: :_.' rw. EMT . :_. r

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I."/-\: 9K”, ‘\ f... \ ,, MAGICK tompm-tii) ..|ll‘..‘(7 Channe'4 Sunsoct 3mm: orgxmtit: Nazism-i: 10pm ...

and lengthy indulgence

41:; llle ()litllltill l)|(?(j(? of lllllfiKI. It '.'.'<>rks; (l treat. '.'./!lil lzm Hurt mmpl; stunning; (it; a". zl‘.'vl\\‘.';1!(i, tortured and ()llIIl(3l\ believable Beethm'w‘. Anti tit? gets UXCUHUHI support from lm Piggmt Sm'tit. Anton l (Efifitfl. Claire Skinner

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and Jack [Xxxw‘port A when! f"-:: ftflt

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CHIMt DRAMA H‘ v P up“ WM“ H,

SPARKLING , if " ~" ,

_l.,t .>-_,.t, (wt/Wilt”. ,t ,t ,_. .,_,i.i(,, .d,

Scottish, Sun 5 Oct. Etna: "wan". 3‘ l‘ '\:t;?‘l‘g;l‘t:; "w;- gyavrtm A cursory flick through Britain’s zillions of trashy channels reveals a slew of 9pm .g. than: B ant :; mytlwg; (2".(r :; ;:v "mime: M: m: increasingly weird programmes devoted to the world’s most evil man ever

it Tis :3: : tor waxy" " 3:" "t; (yep, Adolf‘s still officially numero uno, despite strong recent challenges). In Nltkit‘l". :;t>plu::ttuittx: c‘ the t: :?'(“(r:it» '~ " . the past few months, we’ve had Hitler and the Occult, Was Hitler Gay?, and ptiiltft‘, and t‘.’ imi- :ivta'v‘us: :* 1?:1 °g v 1"}; now Channel 4 viewers are being treated to a glossy two-part drama with a rmktt- the wand of UK? M '3: tatxu‘rtttin- Nita“ mi " ' a-u nice, uncontroversial title that five would be proud of. *\él<13ltéiC-'T'If‘>ilt> t'tv '11:;3 '11:? 3" w ,:";:t"t;' The Rise of Evil features Robert Carlyle in the title role, still reigning x . lui‘l " a supreme as the current king of screen psychos, having already played :;t‘-'Hv‘.'.f‘git .-.hir~*:;:t:tt! r‘ Linww -1 {i'::‘."é" him; f: ,:: Begbie, Albie from Cracker and a Bond villain. Rather predictably, Carlyle tTOlYlptltlSOli, And that's; Mags t'" " My“ C;':"‘e:';': sic“. plays the beady-eyed Flihrer as an intense, humourless little runt of an aw»,- [Jc'xa‘ :w; :g‘:"‘-’r '. ,. Austrian, whose high-pitched anti-Semitic German nationalism strikes major t: "2'. chords with the disgruntled masses following Germany's humiliating defeat 1:th ';:,.'"’: t t'» at the end of the First World War. Typically, Bobby's appearance and ‘. . gestures are uncannily close to the real thing, particularly in the lavish a- "e; no»: 9.71:1" recreations of Hitler’s most notorious speeches and rallies. '3: ::-:,« :a .gi. : z Overall, this is polished biopic-by-numbers, with some copycat Cabaret tum”: t'w- :1: ' sequences thrown in as the fascist boot boys stomp all over their ,-;.-:‘- . :;-. , ‘~:,- -',- r; .:t opposition. As the Fiihrer‘s traumatic childhood is glossed over in a speedy t;;;: t,‘ 1'»: opening-reel montage. there's little real insight into how Hitler’s hate-fuelled "‘.-;‘::;’. g;.:=.t_ ' m1: " 7. politics were forged. What’s intriguing, though, is the drama’s depiction of i?";7,.gl"‘ t'na how the iconic Hitler image was created by a skilled spin doctor in the Keith rumif guz'. Joseph/Alastair Campbell mould, thus rendering NAZI plc all the more p9,“) J, ""st: "-:.- seductive to the German people. (Allan Radcliffe)

‘.'.".(‘Lili=’"‘.l‘. SUN"? f“ 3'1”! ‘31 " fill .‘ux “'

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