

Crazy beautiful


Utilisos "who but the bathroom sink


Beauty isn’t just skin deep, according to Glasgow-based fashion designer Jeanne Tan. Maureen Ellis

onathan Saundcrx leadx the field ol' (ilttxgim School of .-\rt graduatex when it coincx to current laxhioti l'a\our. Hix collection at thi\ )car'x London l‘axhion \Veek hleu criticx. hu_\crx and photogi'apherx axia} \xith itx hold. )ct intricate. tcchnicolour printx and daringl} l‘eminine dcxignx. (‘iting hix inxpirationx ax modernixt \axareh. lixcher'x monochrome and The .\loominx. Saunderx elexatcd hix collection. and xtatux. to xomething innoxatne. c\citing and xpccial. llix ix a hard act to lolloxi. hut one \xhich .leanne Tan ix xtealthil) tracking. The 25-}car-old Singapore-horn

dcxigncr ix xtudying lot a PhD at (ilaxgon School of

:\rt. l.ike Saundcrx. the maxx ol‘ media intcrext xurrounding her unique hod) ol \xork helicx her tender )Ni‘x.

You could xa} inxpiration l'or 'liam‘x innoVation xtcmmed lrom peat. Yex. that cotnhuxtihlc muck. 'I‘an tixed l‘innixh lahric kultatuiwe ta mi\turc ol‘ wool and pcati in her linal collection at .\'e\\caxtle l'niVerxit). \xhcre xhc later graduated with a lirxt claxx honourx. ’l‘ranxlcrring to (ilaxgim tor the art .xchool‘x practice- haxcd PhD in 'l'c\ti|ex. xhc hcgan incorporating other l‘oi‘mx ol non-clothing materialx into laxhion dexign.

lnxpiration thix time around \\ ax to he lotind in the bathroom cahinct. ‘l \\ ax interextcd in \tomen'x conflicting relationxhip hetneen their uxe ol heaut}


pi'oductx and their \ixual identity explainx 'l'an. 'llou \HHIIL‘II like to gi\e the imprexxion that they ha\c not exerted an} el'l‘ort \xhcn reall) the} have xpent hourx getting ready'

'liin hax utilixcd c\er_\thing \LIVL‘ the bathroom xink hair clipx. tnulti-coloured loolahx. hair handx. inuxlin. lace maxkx and tinted hairxpra) to create the xc\‘en ctiuture—dexigned outlitx uhich make upjQrz/irit/ir-t'u/ji' tl' l'oi' lcmalc. apothccar} rcllecting the axxorted productxi. But don‘t c\pcct to xce the linixhcd productx alone that'x a iitzlior no—no ax liar ax 'l‘an ix concerned. “The poitit that I'm tr} ing to xhai‘e \\ ith the puhlic ix there i.x a rexearch procexx that helpx to dcline and refine the linal product in l'axhion dexign. l'axhion dexignerx don't juxt cotnc in one da_\ and decide to tnake a prett} drexx. ’l‘hcre ix a x_\'xlcmalic pl‘UL‘L‘W.‘gfiu/mI/It't'tll't aimx to de- m} xtil'_\ that procexx h} charting the rexearch procedure.

.-\ cuxtomixed caxual clothing line lahelled .-\ntoincttc raixcd 'l‘an‘x profile before her lirxt degree had even linixhed. Stocked h) 'l‘opxhop. it \\;tx unaxhamcdl} lemininc. much like her current “Mk ‘I think it ix in a uoman. it ix hormonal to make Ulll‘\L‘i\'C\ attt'aclch. litid a partner and proct'catc. lnxtcad of looking at it in a dixmixxixe \xa}. |’\ e choxen to cclchrate it.'


f.apothecary is at Glasgow School of Art until Sat 11 Oct.


With the dark nights drawmg in and an undeniable chill in the air. it's time to seek Out some fresh ideas to make

remote control cars

I Danbar lnternational’s

Micros. stunt-vehicles. trucks

I Portable heated eyelash curlers For the diva who has altriost

I Acupressure eye massager If SAD starts to get you down. this massager

Snacks, Dualit style

the coming months more bearable. If you thought the Ideal Home Show was all douhle-glzmng displays and chint‘z'y furniture. then think again. It has oodles of unttStial items to whet yOtir retail appetite.

and boats are perfect tor livening tip a once dull |l\."lllg

I Toastabag Simply put your sandivich. fish fingers or waffles into the heat- reSistant. reusable Dag and pop it into a standard toaster to create an instant snack.

from Shakti Chakra can gently soothe away eye strain and headaches.

I be Maniss ladies’ clothing Get five minutes extra kip ‘.‘i/liil tops and

Crinkle fabric which never needs ironing. A godsend.

dresses made from a speCiaI

evecything. SB Promotions; Curl-on-the-move gizmos can turn dowdy into (lax/ling in a flash.

I 5500, Glasgow, Fri 10-Sun 19 Oct. See Glasgow Life for daily times. £7 (£5). Call 0870 120 7020 for tickets.

108 THE LIST .