cnmplelel)’ l‘nrgntf he added. making me feel like Stallnne'x. ;\ hit muddled. I hear him Innking arnund Inr a landline number in his dairy. explaining that he's st;t_\lttg with l'riendx hetween hnusex and dnesn’t knnw the number. I express sympath} and he replies: ‘\\'ell. new \‘ixtas bring new hnri/nnx.‘ And that rather sums tip the hig .-\merican ex—pat. Ma}he it was hix peacelttl nature nnt the threat nl l‘nI‘ee that allnwed him In wnrk with MeDnnagh. But there are \nine hig quextinnx In ask ahnut this pla}.

Perhaps the nutxtanding nne is ahnut terrnrixm. The central character is nnt the nnl_\' militia man in the pla).

and his mnrnnic \‘inlettce is clearly the reehannelling nl

p\_\chnsi.\ intn pnlitical dngma. line in spring 200].

when the pla_\ was first perl'nrmed. hut haxn't nur

attitude tn terrnrism changed since the September that lnllnwed it'.’

We might see the penple whn have led the itxstttlll on the West as many things. but the idea that the} are simpl) dal't headhangers wnuld he dismixxed h} all but the undiscerning. Sn dan the play \eem dated in Ilii\ respect'.’ Milam dnesn‘t reall_\ answer thix. httt hax .xnmething interesting In say ahnut it. '.\'nhnd} 'x hrnught up that pnint with me hel'nre.‘ he admits. \nmew hat \tirpi'isingl}. ‘l knnw there were snme cnncernx ahnut mming it intn the West Iind alter 9/] I. But I've alwa}\ argued that it was a way nt' bringing penple thrnugh these hnn‘nrs. and they cnme nut nt' the nther side in a newer. greener place at the end. The characters. and

hnpcl‘ull) the audience. learn \nmething. I'xe maintained all alnng that the \ ittuex expnuxed in the plat} are \er}. \'ei'_\ simple. I nnee cnmpared it In \'nltaire'\ ('um/I't/I'. althnugh .\lartin Ihnught that was crap.’

The ttxttal patient I‘nrhearance l'rnm .\Icl)nnagh leads me directl} tn axk ahnut the man w hn ga\e new meaning In the term ‘charm nI'Iensne‘. l)id wnrking with him make the play mnre dillicult tn prnduce'.’ ‘I dnn’t think \n.‘ he replies cagil}. ‘\\'c need Martins nut there \tirring thing\ up. l’enple reall} were \cared til the pla_\. but he made penple quextinn why the} were afraid (II it. In the pla_\. .\Iartin bring up. \et‘_\ sneakil). intensel} pnlitical l\\ltc\. Snme penple claim that he‘s glih ahnut them. but he'\ nut.‘

But then there are qllc\llttlt\ ahntit the pla}\ relentlexx. hlnndthirxt} \inlence. ‘()ne III the thing\ we llI\I\IL‘tl nn with all the hlnnd and the guns and the nnixex. wax that it had a purpme. lt'x nnt like llnll_\wnnd. where there\ a hlnndleaxt. then e\‘er_\nne walks nI'I' intn the \unxet. I’enple ennxtantl} ha\ e In lnnk at the cnmcqtlettcex nI‘ \ inlence.‘

.-\nd hnw dn audiences rexpnnd'.’ ‘Well. In} mnther came hack the nut twn nights alter she \aw it. I didn't knnw what \he‘d think. but she'd prett} much memnrixed the pla} w hen \he went hnme In \Vaxhiiigtnn \tate. She e\ en \a} \ "leek" nnw.‘

The Lieutenant of lnishmore is at Theatre Royal, Glasgow, Tue 14-Sat 18 Oct.


\ i I y I v 2 Brian Donaldson R Broadcasting - ban I‘ ~\~\{ ' 'I'I.. . l‘ ' It \ I 1.} " ' ' I I Ht i" . N 3’ ' I I I“ o '

Give Ireland Back to the Irish Iiv’wtt' "v

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L/ "Q ’J’,‘ THE LIST 13