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From Clooney to Connery and aliens to vampires. we send you on an unmissable journey through the season‘s films.

\a. my ':: Mark Robertson & Paul Dale

0 0 Do you want to go to the movies? K I I I B I I on must be... I

The quiet life suits UMA THURMAN. Then old buddy Quentin Tarantino goes and spoils it all by calling her up to play an icon with bloody vengeance in her heart.

\r‘\./()l(l53. Brian Donaldson & Kate Midland/IFA

Do you want to see a seriously epic movie filled with manic kung fu fighting sequences that defy gravity and logic . . . again?

titre ntvr‘. till mt li'ia t‘a'ir‘ar' ES. Uma T'tw“ a"

titty. Tltlt; .'.t

'ttMatia tilt” ta “rial nit wtar‘arkr'xr Li"!

hit ll‘. brittle"; ar llw the" t‘. ‘u‘. .'\-‘L .l' .l'Hl nta'fwt shouting at us. 8‘ .lgvt int ,tf‘if» ‘.i ‘t- .t" iwfti'tw : ":

hatik and 'n‘. tJroTtie' .'.as; :;h. («.i'tl. "w "a: "en-t "‘e im- °.". it ‘.'.'af; hug“ for hourf;

Seems; that all that time (llllvt‘tt'ltlil :'1 t \r‘trwtat‘ 2".i1.: l,_ gtole'it ()ue'ttrn lararttrno flicks, i5, tinall; 'illlllil‘r) tit? liie'e“. ti" 1 I'vxr Tlltllt'lttll.'.'t:l1(?£ttAttltrlli(HOEtitllt‘ffitw'htUJ'ltf‘.‘. Y'l,‘,‘,ii‘i vine may: the relutttant xamp; the llllt‘ titztlrlew, bar/pier at home sat" nappies; than on set wrth :lrre<:tort;. the teen {llil’tllxl} ttilftt'rl l”. .i

father who was the first unrester'ier to he rrdaineil an a .lietan

monk and a mother who had l)lt,“.:lttlf;l‘. l‘eell ltlillll‘f'l ti ‘i'n tlt,

lean, and war; a model iposmhl‘. .airipit;h turned truth;illwiatriut

Uma gr up wrth hiotheri; (:alled (Sanden. [letghe'i and Miriam

Do you want the we", what if your manic kung fu movie and played 8&M garries; With her Barbies ipotuuhl, untrue enrire cast to be hera|ds the |ong-awaited return from We also knoz'r that she had a (llf;{li}l't)llf; earl, rriarruige to ( 3a.“. decked out in cinema’s most nerdy director (no, not ()ldman and made her early name with an we tftlltllltltl sunglasses for no Spielberg)? And it pays slick homage to performance alongtude John Malko\.i<;h, Mi(:helle l’tertfer and (ilervi apparent reason . . . Bruce Lee with star Uma Thurman sporting a Close lll [)t'trigerouf; 1 (1/80/13. VVllllO Slit? ma\. llt’l‘.(.' mp; Tifit‘tl one :t again? dapper yellow traCRSUit and samurai sword? the reasons; why little girls have dolls. her more prominei‘t role. have instead lll\.'()|V(}(l heing dressing up. in rubber for [he Avengws and in a gaudy green ali in-one attair ‘.‘.’Illl lluth red ear‘, for Batman a Rob/r7 we'll come to the yello'n' tracksurt Shortly.

But there's another Uma Thurman (:oming through loud and clear: She's; the woman called upon by Quentin larantrno when he

Willllf) to make a moVIe that dominates; the eineina year While

The Matrix: Revolutions i/tndi' 6} Iain l"./a(:/iowsl</. USA Keanu Reeves. OK the") how about we do Gladiator on a bloody Bel/utter huge boat the"?

Reservoir Dogs; Spoke to a new generation of <;rirne liutft; and f3l(lk()f$ who thought it hilarious tor a goon to chop off a lump ot lug laureate fishhurne, Carrie-Anne ,Vioss. tit/tortiea Wm“; gimmmg to 81mm“; Wheer luv/p I'm/(m mmmhg, h.:, masterpiece. And slap hang in llf) centre If, lJma lllllrlllillt, giving The second part of what is has‘iealh one yen long :teguel. Neo. Morpheus and Tllllll‘,’ eontinue to battle the maehihet; at; the\ tn, to invade /ron. Whereas i'luiatr'ixg' He/ot'tded auras; all ahout lite iaeeordrng to these press notes here: Revolutions; addresses; death. Po taced hut unmissable (tomrt: hook 8(Tl’fl from those (tram, \"Vil(‘ll()‘.‘.’f§kl brothers. No more after this though. hoys. Can‘t Von go haek to ir‘aking lesbian thrillers? iOut / Nov

John Travolta his most memorable (ltlllCllltl partner T.!ll’,‘.: ()lv.:a Net'xton John shoe-horned herself into those hlark Spandex treat. OK. the sleek Jack/e Brown does it for otherx, hut the tillllllll/l‘r’l. Sl)l£ll.'.'llllg, lewd. episodic epie from lfN-i Ullltrl‘, rankt, af, Tarantino's; finest two and a half hours.

Kill Bil/ is; also a mamrrioth affair, but at the minute“,. larantino felt that one Sitting u'rould hamper the B rnoae feel he was trying to l)!‘()j(}(ii. and might give hit; film a self important/,- it didn't .nlarrant

So. rather than edit the whole thing he opted to uplrt it doxxn the

The Master and Commander

:Pefe' ‘.'./e'. USA Hit/sue," Crone. Pat/t" Betta'tl'

S'“l) tuirgeor‘ Stephe" Matiirrn uBettanyi and naw captain Jack Aubre, Crone sail out to see the richness; and strangeness; ::' life o" the far side of the ‘.-.'orid. against the backdrop r>‘ Nar‘oiee'ix; ‘.‘.’ars. ‘.'.’err's first film since 1998's The . it"s has; been (llf3litl88(3(l in some auarfe's as; itiii'f: "tin-f: Than Gadator on the high seas rearnes at" the ff‘:l"f:;"_. '.'.'her‘. Crone is your leading manr Stilt \‘u'er an nstlnztfi‘fi. gifted director and the film covers a histon that has rare been awestrgated on the big sCreen. tOUl 28 No.

18 THE LIST 2—1603! 23x15